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Dr. Adolphus Pinckney Keever

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Dr.  Adolphus Pinckney Keever

Adolphus Keever was born to James and F. Catherine Goodson Keever in 1854 in North Carolina.  James was a well-known merchant, miller and farmer.

Dr. Keever took a literary course at Rutherford College in North Carolina and graduated from Jefferson Medical College at Phildelphia in 1882.

Dr. Keever first practiced medicine in North Carolina before moving to Dallas, TExas in 1888.  In 1901 he moved to Wynnewood, in 1902 to Erin Springs and in the later part of 1902 or early 1903 he moved to Lindsay, where he practiced until his death in 1923.

He married Mary Summey Warlick in 1886.  Their union produced 3 children, James Edwin Keever, Claude Bernard Leever and Kathleen Warlick Keever. Claude was an Air Force Major and died in 1954.  Kathleen marrked M.E. Hoig of Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Keever and his brother, Dr. J.H. Keever, were among the first physicians to locate in the Oak Cliff area west of Dallas and Dr. Keever was one of the first doctors in Garvin County.

He was a Methodist.




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