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Dr. John Kent Lindsey

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Dr.  John Kent Lindsey

John Lindsey was born to Thomas and Laura Estes Lindsey, March 21, 1868, in Kennedy, Fayette County, Alabama.  He was the third child in a family of eight children.  His brothers and sisters were William Monroe, Elizabeth, Newton Harvey, Thomas, Elbert, Elias, Dora and Albert.

John's childhood was spent at Fayette, where he attended school.  He graduated from Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1898, specializing in surgery.  After graduation he moved to Indian Gap, Texas before moving to Elmore  City to join his brother, Dr. N.H. Lindsey, in 1899.

In September of 1901, John returned to Alabama, where he married Jennie Anderson Hardy, the daughter of the Rev. Edwin C. and Sarah Jane Hardy of Birmingham.  They returned to Elmore City where Dr. Lindsey practiced medicine until his death January 15, 1929.

John and Jennie had five daughters: Sara Elizabeth, Virginia Frances, Laura Mae, Mary Ruth and Jennie Erlene.

Dr. helped establish the first public school in Elmore City.  He was a member of the First Baptist Church.  He helped organize the bank, owned part of the first telephone system, was owner of the Lindsey Drug Store and was active in establishing rural mail routes. He also helped establish the Crippled Childrens Hospital.

Dr. Lindsey was a 32nd degree Mason, a Shriner and a member of India Temple, Oklahoma City, an Odd Fellow, Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Modern Woodmen and a member of the Elks Club.


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