George Washington & Susan Fletcher

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Return to Garvin County Family Pictures
Submitted by Bernita Young

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This is my great, great grandmother & grandfather,
George Washington Fletcher and wife, Susan B. Guerin with their four youngest daughters: 
Nancy McKee, Susan Maddox, Leona Emberlin, and Clara Emberlin. 
This photo is believed to have been taken around 1900 before the girls had married.
Both G.W. & Susan are buried in the Katie Cemetery near Elmore City.  
She died in 1910 & he died in 1919.  
I'm not sure exactly when they settled in the Garvin County area.
I do know that they were already in Indian Territory by 1901 because he applied for a
Choctaw Indian roll # for himself & his family at that time.
Have not found out why yet, but for some reason they were rejected  (MCR4514).

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