Sims Family Pictures
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Kenneth, Emily, Hattie, Alice and Leslie Sims.
Taken About 1927


George Tyler Sims - 1900 - age 19.
Son of Catherine (Barker) Sims and Robert Sims.
Husband of Emily Farmer Sims.



Catherine Dolly Barker Sims, mother of George Tyler Sims.
Children pictured are her grandchildren, Bruce Sims, son of Theter
 and Bessie Armstrong, daughter of Lottie.


Emily Farmer Sims.
Daughter of Elizabeth (Sebastian) and Simpson Farmer.
Wife of George Tyler Sims.
 Mother of Hattie, Kenneth, Leslie, Nellie, Alice and Jack Sims.
This photo taken about 1900.


Submitted by Luann Ragan Elmore





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