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The Benjamin Witten Family
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My name is Charles (Chuck) Witten. This is a photo of my great grandfather, his wife and their first son.
His name was Benjamin Franklin Witten, born 4 Mar 1868 died Sep 1921. Her name was Martha B
(Burleson) Witten, born 25 Dec 1873 died in 1917. Their son was William Homer Witten born 22 Dec 1894
died Apr 1976. Benjamin and Martha were both from Wynnewood, and were married on 24 Dec 1893 in the
INDIAN TERRITORY THIRD JUDICIAL DIVISION. They are buried together in Alfalfa cemetery,
Alfalfa Oklahoma in Caddo County. At this time I do not know where Homer is buried. The three of them
and another son are on the 1900 CHICKASAW NATION CENSUS, as Frank, Homer, Jessie and Rebecca
Whitten, as transcribed by Mary Turner Kinard.

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