1893 Chickasaw Enterprise
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Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Indian Territory, Saturday Nov. 11, 1893, Vol 17
"For Pauls Valley, Law and Order First, Foremost and Always"

Robberson Items

To the Editor Chickasaw Enterprise
Robberson, I.T., Nov 5, 1893 - I will write you a few items from  our quiet little village.  The weather is fine and people are getting cotton ready for market much earlier than expected but many will hold till they are forced to sell.  We had a big frost last night which will make cotton open very fast, and it the weather remains favorable the cotton crop will all be baled by Christmas.  Rivores and Sons are getting on nicely with their new gin at this place.  W.F. Robberson is making better collections this faall than he did last year, and trade seems to be on the boom.   U.S. Court at Ardmore has claimed the attention of most of our bous of late and I notice some of them raise a terrible kick but Uncle Sam said go and they went.  Some sickness but none fatal so gar as known.   W.M. Donaldson, one of Mr. Robberson's clerks is congined to his room, but is not serious. Our noted physician   and surgeon,  J.B. Morgan was called Thursday to amputate the arm of a son of a Mr. Froman, of Elk, I.T..  Two small boys of the above gentlemen were playing whit a gun in the absence of their parents and one of the boys shot the other through the arm near the elbow  which necessitated amputation.  Our Notary Public is looking down his nose because he is not vested with the power to tie the martimonial know when the young folks come to him and ask to be married.  They say Jim Rennie will perform the ceremony, and Tripp talks of marrying the next couple and laying it on to Rennis.   Success to the Enterprise under the new management.  Observer.

National Hotel, C.J. Whitenhurst, Proprietor, Pauls Valley, I..T., first class accommodation.  Headquarters for commercial men in the Indian Territory

City Hotel, C.S. Hamm Prop, We have just taken charge of the City Hotel and it is our intention to keep a first class house. A share of public patronage solicited.

New Boarding House, First-class private boarding in the R.A. Sneed dwelling.  Mrs. T.S. Ventress

Chickasaw EnterPrise, Pauls Valley, Indian Territory, Thursday, July 7, 1894
"For Pauls Valley, Law and Order First, Foremost and Always"

Published every Thursday by the Pauls Valley Publishing Company, Pauls Valley, Indian Territory, Entered at state postoffice at Pauls Valley as second class matter. Subscriptions $1.00 per year.

Sewing machines at cost at Sneed's store

The Enterprise office is crowded with job work this week.

Dr. T.C. Branum and Miss Jennie Auten went to White Bead Sunday

It is stated on good authority that Mr. Cyrus Deem was orator of the day at White Bead on last Sunday.

For Sale:  That neat dwelling at present occupied by Lawyer Hewlett near the Howell gin in Pauls Valley, Price $350.00 half cash, Apply at Enterprise

W.S. Clayton and J.S. Deering returned last Friday from Ft. Sill where they went after some horses.

The children are all requested to be present next Sunday afternoon to have their parts arranged for children's day.

Sanders Hamm and T .M. Berry visited the picnic at White Bead last Sunday and report a glorious time.

The Church of Christ will have communion services on next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. at the open house.  all are cordially invited to attend. Newton Field, Elder

To the great joy of our young society people Miss Cora Deem returned last Friday from Arbuckle where hse has been visiting for several weeks.

Miss Mary Klingsmith passed through town last Saturday on her way to her home at Noble from Arbuckle where she has been teaching a school during the past winter and spring.

Next Sunday Rev MacMinn will give an account of the Territorial Christian Endeaver Convention at Guthrie, Oklahoma, where he was in attendance the past week, as one of the 200 delegates.

Ice, Ice, Ice!  Fresh and cool.  A car load of ice has just been received by E.D. sneed, at the cyclous store.

Dr. O.O. Berry and J.D. Imboden, our popular bank cashier, went over to White Bead Sunday to attend the school  picnic.  They report a splendid time and they say they had plenty to eat and lots to spare.

"Sliver Threads Among the Gold", a sign that your hair needs invigerating. Beggs Hair Renewer promises a healthy growth of hair, prevents its falling out or turning gray. Sold and guaranteed by Miller & Berry.

Drink Hokey Pokey at Tom Wards. Tom Ward has the sole agency for Hokey Pokey.

Col. R.A.Sneed was in Gainsville Sunday.

L.R. Roberson of ARdmore were here Monday.

Mrs. W.L. Robinson is on the sick list this week.

L.T. Joens made a flying trip to Sherman this week.

W.L. Robinson went to Wynnewood on business Monday.

Miss Daisy Woods is visiting Miss Vina Hull at White Bead.

Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, contains no ammonia or alum.

M.A. Moore of Wayne, was shaking hands with old friends here Saturday.

Miss Mary Klingesmith was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.M. Prater, Saturday and Sunday.

C.S. Hamm has settled down to business now with the firm of Tom Martin.

The meetings at the opera house closed Tuesday night.  Eld Biggs going to Berwyn to fill an appointment there.

W.L. Abbott and family arrived from Weatherford, Texas last Friday and will make Pauls Valley their future home.

All who have wheat to sell will do well by bringing samples to Harris and Abbott several days before you thrash so that they can get you the highest market price for all you have to sell.

It is said there is nothing new under the sun but there is a new firm in Pauls Valley and they have a find line, new harness, saddles, and furniture with prices to meet the times and will buy your wheat and oats at the top of the market.  Come and see us.  Harris and Abbott.

Mrs. Gay, mother of John Stevenson, called on us this week and asked us to correct the charges made by the Purcell Topic in it's last issue against them for the supposed murder of Jack Sheban(?).  The only statement necessary, we deem it, is to state that the grand jury at Paris failed to find any indictment against them and allowed Mrs. Gay and James Stevenson to return home free from any suspicion of the charges.   It seems now that all the talk that was prevelent here two weeks ago was rumor and not founded on facts at all.

Death of Judge Carter

It is with much regret that we chornical the death of Judge R.W. Carter of Ardmore, which occured at Dallas on last Tuesday.  While this news was not unexpected, it cast a gloom of sadness over his large circle of admiring friends who had known and loved him as a trite man and an upright Indian Citizen.  When death came he was attended by his loving wife, his devoted son, Charlie and his brother Jeff Carter, who had been summoned to his bedside as soon as his malady assumed a malignant form.  The deceased was about sixty years of age and for many years and been a prominent factor in national affairs on behalf of his people.  His advice was ever sought in council when questions of moment were to be passed upon and almost continously for the past twenty-five years he has been honored with immportant official positions.    He was buried in Ardmore on Thursday with Masonic honors.  The Chickasaw people have lost on his death one of their most trusted leaders and we extend our heartfeld sympathies to the bereaved family.

E.F. Comegys, Jr., Resident Dentist,  Solicits your patronage.   Office with Dr. Berry.  Pauls Valley, Indian Territory.

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