1904 Chicasaw Enterprise
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Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Jan 7, 1904
Marriage Licenses
Following is the list of marriage licenses issued by Clerk Wootton since Christmas
A.B. Havvis - May Sims
J.W. Jackson - Maggie Harris
Esan Duly - Nora Boren
E.A. Ravestraw - Della Dutton
Arthur Dutton - Mary Boyd
W.H. Henley - Essie Dobbins
C.L. Hopkins - Nellie McGrady
J.D. Perry - Martha Blackburn
G.W. Byford - Maud Owens
J.W. Kyes - Alberta Stanley
Clarence Coles - Rose Knapp
F.L. Charles - Ida Penn
W.A. Knight - Ollie Shores
W.E. Mullins - Nellie Keltner
Jos. B. Judd - Cora Tower
J.P. Cook - Annie Cox
They are Separate Clubs Now
Mrs. Michael Coulan, president of the Federation of Women's Clubs of the Indian Territory, has been notified by the officers of the national federation that the Indian territory organization will be recognized. The separation from the Oklahoma federation is thus made complete. The Indian territory clubs had been members of the Oklahoma organization a long time, but at a recent meeting at Ardmore the territory club formed a separate federation. This was opposed in the convention and also before the national board by the Oklahoma Clubs. Mrs. Conlan was one of the workers for separation and was made president of the Territory federation. She is a Choctaw Indian.
Local News
Cost Sale now on at Texas Furniture Co.
G.C. Bennett of Byars, was here this week.
Joe Burch was over from Wanette Sunday.
J.E. Gibbons was here from Purcell this week.
C.S. Grimes was here from Lindsay Tuesday.
Girls this is leap year. Have you picked him out?
George Coil was here from Maysville Tuesday.
B.G. Martin, og Dixie, was in the city this week.
Marshall Diggs was in the city from Lindsay Tuesday.
C.B. Sipes, of Wynnewood was in the city Sunday.
Joe M. London was in the city from Ardmore Saturday.
One of A.F. Pratts little firls is quite sick with pneumonia.
Claud Weaver was in the city from Oklahoma City Saturday.
H. McMurty is in the city this week, registered at the Hamlton.
Miss Taylor was here from Ardmore visiting friends this week.
W.B. Cheatham was in the city from Lindsay the first of the week.
Y.E. Taylor, Esq. refree of bankruptcy is holding a continuous session of his court.
Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. "FORCE" a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden but sustains, floruishes, invigorates.
Melvin Cornish, a prominent attorney of South McAlester, was in the city this week.
"Just across the street." Who? Chas. Worley with the finest line of candies ever brought to Pauls Valley.
T.L. Perryman, Albert Plaster, and Jos. Plaster were in the future county seat this week.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Jan 14, 1904
The National Bank of Commerce, Captial $95,000.00, Pauls Valley, IND. TER.
We Respectfully Solicit Your Business. Customers will receive careful and
courteous attention, irrespective of the size of their accounts. W.J. Long,
President, J.T. Hill, Vice President, Asa E. Ramsey, Cashier
Directors: W.J. Long, J.t. Hill, C.R. Walterhouse, P.N. Kerr, S.B. Kimberlin
Patterson - Worley
The marriage of Mr. Jas. Patterson and Mis sGertie Worley, sister of our popular merchant, Chas. F. Worley, was solemnized at the residence of Mr. Worley Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Reaves of the Baptist church. A umber of friends and relations of the popular young couple were present at the ceremony, and immediately afterward accompanied them to the station where they afternoon train carried them on their wedding trip to Galveston. The bride, who is the charming and popular sister of Chas. Worley, was handsomely gowned idn white silk crepe de chine with a veil of white tuile. She carried a beautiful boquet of fridal flowers and looked very charming. The groom was attired in the conventional black. The popularity of the contracting parties was amply attested by the array of wedding presents and the congratulations offered both at the homne and at the station. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson will reside in this city, where the former has a lucrative position with Barack & Co.. The ENTERPRISE joins with the many friends of the young couple in wishing them a long and happy life.
School Board Organized
At a meeting of the school board last week, the first meeting since the new directors were elected, a great deal of business was transacted. W.T. Hightower was elected president of the board and Dr. J.A. Young, secretary. The following committes were then chosen: Teachers, Salaries, Text Books, etc., - J.A. Young, J.W. Latimer, T.S. Ventress. Rules, grievences, etc., - J.M. Osborn, J. A. Roady, and J.A. Young. Rinance Claims, Accounts, etc., - J.A. Roady, G.G. Terry, and J.W. Latimer. School Buildings, Fixtures, etc., - G.G. Terry, J.W. Latimer, and T.S. Ventress.
Local News
New spring ginghams at the Lion Store.
Art S. Hamly was in Lindsay Saturday
New line of Queen Quality shoes at the Lion Store.
City Marshal Chas. Campbell was here from Purdy this week.
Queen Quality - the best $3.00 shoe made, at the Lion Store.
J.J. Ewiug has accepted a situation with a mercantile firm in Lindsay.
Box candies - the swellest line ever brought to the city at Worley's.
Jas. E. Webb has accepted a situation as stenographer with Blanton & Andrews at Ada.
Spring goods are arriving daily at the Lion Store.
For hardware implements, vehicles, etc, see John B. Alexander, successor to Ventress & Alexander.
Deputy J.N. Jackson has moved his family from Caddo to Pauls Valley.
John Elliot is in Ardmore this week.
C.S. Hamm and wife are in Tishomingo this week.
T.D. Wagner was in from Bradley Monday.
J.T. Blanton is in Ardmore on business.
A.F. Pyeatt was in Wynnewood on a business trip Monday.
Mrs. Bus Mays, of Maysville, was here visiting relatives this week.
Miss Frankie Dayton, of Lindsay, visited friends here this week.
A.H. Stephens was at home several days this week.
W.M. McCarty was in from Tussy this week.
We save you from 10 to 25 percent on embroideries and laces. H. Blank & Co..'s Department Store.
Chas Worley, W.M. Freeman, W.L. Sullivan, and Dr. Branum are attending a meeting of the 32nd Degree Masons at Guthrie this week.
The choir of the Presbyterian church will meet tomorrow evening at the home of J.W. Gibson.
The Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Branum Friday evening at 8 p.m.. All are welcome.
The Prayer Meeting of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Dr. L.L. Barnes, on Pine St., Wednesday evening. All come.
Remember Hamly all the day long.
Ed Burch was in the city this week.
New spring ginghams at the Lion Store.
Dr. Morrow was in the city this week.
Bring the baby to Hamly and see the result.
J.B. Gasoway was in the city from Paoli this week.
New line of Queen Quality shoes at the Lion Store.
J.P. Gibson was here from Elmore Saturday night.
Monday, Jan. 25th, is the last day of Hamly's free gift.
G.F. Riley was in the city from Paoli this week.
The Biggest hit of the season is Hamly's lovely free gift.
A.J. Hemstreet, of the Santa Fe, was here this week.
Don't wait until the last day to get your photos - come now.
Chas Smith will move on a farm near Paoli this week.
W.M. Freeman made a business trip up the road Saturday.
Box candies - the swellest line ever brought to the city at Worley's.
Riley Bandy was down from Lexington the first of the week.
Look for Tom Thumb and Party in "Dad & Baldy's" window.
W.A. erwin, of McKinney, Texas, was in the city this week
Hamley's big rush is on - time is drawing near - keep him in mind.
T.D. Wagner was here from Lindsay Tuesday and Wednesday.
You have only to see Hamly's new work, to fall in love with them.
W.C. Van Hoozier and Dee McFarland attended a ball at Marietta last Friday evening.
The Valley News has quit business and the plant was shipped to Oklahoma City this week.
Save money on tinware, notions, jewelry, etc., by patronizing the Nickel Cash Store.
E.P. Baker requests the parties who borrowed his plow and post auger to please return them at once.
Miss Fannie Blanton, of Oklahoma City, has accepted a position as stenographer in the law office of J.T. Blanton.
C.F. Dayton, the blacksmith, has moved his family to Lindsay and now lives at home and boards at the same place - Lindsay News.
M.J. Garlick, representing the Great Western Type Foundry, was here from Kansas City this week, shipping out a part of the News office.
New line of toile du nord ginghams; the latest patterns for spring, just received at the Lion Store.
"Just across the street!" Who Chas. Worley with the finest line of candies ever brought to Pauls Valley.
A.W. Smith, of the firm of Smith & Ward, of Erin Springs, has deserted his wife and children, taking with him all the money that belonged to the firm.
Wanted - 15 wood choppers to chop wood within 3 miles of Pauls Valley. Apply to Moman Pruiett.
Have you attended the big cost sale that McLemore is making on groceries? You can't afford to miss it.
The South McAlester Republican Club elected the following officers for the ensuing year: W. R. Harris, president; R.E. Campbell, vice president; R.S. Gates, secretary; Dr. A. Griffith, F.H. Kellogg, J.H. Wilkins and John Whetsel, executive committee.
My stock of Moon Bros. ' buggies, hardware, implements, stoves, etc,. is complete at all times and I invite the inspection of purchasers. John B. Alexander.
The first legal execution in Vinita will take place January 15. George Shelton, colored, who convicted of rape at Pryor Creek, will be the principal. Shelton says that he has made his peace with his Maker and is not worrying over the event.
Irregular bowel movements lead to chronic constipation, Prickley Ash Bitters is a reliable system regulator; cures permanently.
Bread and cakes, fruits, and candies, cigars, etc. See C.F. Worley for the best. New brick building, across teh street from old stand.
B.M. Barker, manager of the Texas Furniture Co., has sold his stock of furniture, sewing machines, pianos, etc., to A.C. Conner, and has returned to his home in San Antonio. Mr. Conner has moved the entire stock into his building on McClure Avenue.
The best coffees in town - the Diamond brand - may be found at the Nickel Store. Prices 15 to 35 cents per pound. Eight pounds fo the 15 cent kind for $1.00.
Wanted - Two bright, active young men can secure positions with us at once. Must be sober, energetic and attentive to business. Patterson Feather Co.
The Presbyterian church gives a very cordial invitation to everybody not identified with any other church , to attend their services. Services each Sunday morning and evening, Sabbath school at 10 a.m. and prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J.S. Root, Pastor.
The Pauls Valley Electric Co. is making some costly improvements. A new engine and another alternator and exciter for 600 lights have been ordered and are now on the road. The building has also been repaired and other needed improvements made.
Rev. Reaves & Mesdames C.W. Brooks and J.M. Osborn are attending the Sunday School Institute in Sulphur this week.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Jan 21, 1904
The Plan for Statehood
The republic members of house are practically to a unit in favor of the ultimate union of the two territories. They propose now to join Oklahoma and the Creek and Seminole nations. This would give Oklahoma a population of over 800,000. It would also preclude the possibility of the creation of another state out of the Indian Territory. It is then proposed to extend the boundary line of the state of Oklahoma around the Indian Territory, and to hold teh Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations as Indian reservations. When the agreement with these three nations expires by limitation in 1906, it is proposed to insert in the bill a mandatory provision whereby the president is to add these three Indian reservations to Oklahoma, as a part of the state, by presidential proclamation. In the meantime the plan outlined contemplaes giving to the Indian Territory a delegate in congress. When the state of Oklahoma is created, which will include the Creek and Seminole nations, then the delegate is to be elected from the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations.
W.N. Agnew, of Pauls Valley, and Miss Pearl Gray were married last Thursday at the home of the bride near McGee, Rev. P.A. Smith officiating. Friends present were Rev. P.A. Smith, of McGee, Mr. Agnew, father of the groom, and George Agnew of Pauls Valley, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew of Byars, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Allen, of Wynnewood, Mrs. Dr. Shi and Miss Reid of Byars, John Byrd, of Wanette, Dr. Johnson and Fred Freeman, of Johnson. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gray and is an accomplished young lady. The groom is the well known cotton buyer. Both he and his charming bride have a host of friends who wish them all the happiness on life's uneven waves.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Feb 11, 1904
Will Meet at Pauls Valley
Republican Chickasaw Convention Convenes March 12th. At a meeting of the Repbulican central committee for the Chickasaw nation held at Wynnewood, Tuesday, it was decided to hold the Chickasaw Convention here on March 12th. Pauls Valley was represented at the meeting by Albert Rennie in behalf of the Commercial Club, J.T. Jones, as Mayor, and H.M. Carr, S. H. Wooton, and O.S. Wilson in behalf of the Republican Club. J.M. Dorchester and Roscoe Fleming, members of the Central Committee, were also present from this city. After a hot fight between Ardmore, Chickasha and Pauls Valley, the latter town won. The Committee endorsed Pliny Soper for National Committeman; C.G. Keen, of Wynnewood and C.E. Morris of Ryan, were endorsed as delegates to National Convention at Chicago.
Marriage Licenses
Issued from the U.S. Clerk's office since our last issue:
Jas. Jones - Mrs. M.A. Wilson
S.L. Carter - Mable Hopkins
John Martin - Lovie Avery
R.A. Estes - M.M. Cameron
W.E. Owens - Lovie Griffin
T.J. Head - Mattie Harley
A.W. Winford - Cammie Wise
Preslie B. Cole
Preslie B. Cole, popular City Attorney, was in Davis yesterday on legal business. Mr. Cole, while making an excellent record as City Attorney, is also building up a splendid civil practice. He has made no statements yet as to whether or not he will run for re-election to his present office, but should he decide to do so, he has many friends here who would take pleasure in helping to rolel up a majority for him.
Bank Burglarized
Bout seventeen hundred dollars secured from Ravia institution. Ravia, IT, Feb 9. - The ank of Commerce at this place was burglarized last night and about $1900 in money taken. The safe was blown open with nitroglycerine and the vault and fixtures are in a perfect state of wreckage. The safe and part of the vault was blown into the street. Jake Wilson heard the explosion and repaired to the scene, but was promptly marched back home by a robber guard who stood duty in the street while his comrades went through the wreckage and secured the money. There is no clue as to who the robbers are.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Feb 25, 1904
Correspondence - Byars
Byars is on a boom.
Mrs. S.J. Fisher, of Pauls Valley, visited her son, J.B. Fisher, last week.
Gillott & Reid have bought the Byars Bros. interest in the bank.
Dr. Shi has sold his ten-room residence to Mr. Gillott.
Mrs. Reid left last week for a trip to Mexico.
Correspondence - Foster
There is some sickness in our community, mostly la grippe.
The weather is quite changable of late - sometimes summer, sometimes winter.
Farmers are taking advantage of the good weather and are preparing for a crop. Quite a lot of ground has already been broken.
Farmers are anticipating a large crop this year, especially of cotton. The acreage will be considerably increased, we fear to the disadvantage of the farmers themselves.
A New Depot and Express Office
We learn from a semi-official source that Pauls Valley is soon to have a new passenger depot and that the present one is to be remodeled and used as a freight depot. Teh facts could not be obtained but rumor in this case seems to have considerable fact mixed up with it. As to the Wells Fargo express office, there seems to be no doubt. The agent. A.M. Prater, received a list of the material to be used in it's construction from the head offices Tuesday, with a request that he submit it to the local dealers for bids. While all this is good news, we are expecting something better soon.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Mar 3, 1904
Correspondence - Robberson
We are having a lot of sickness in this neifhborhood at present, mostly pneumonia. W.F. Scruggs, who has been very sick for the past week, is improving.
John Harris, brother of Frank Harris, has lately moved from Illinois and will make his home here.
From the talk of the farmers, there is foing to be a large cotton crop planted here this year.
L.R. Cook has moved his stock of goods from Wallville to this place. That makes three general merchandise stores for Robberson. We welcome such men as Mr. Cook among us.
Mr. Herndon and wife are visiting friends at Elk this week.
Our school is progressing finely under the management of Prof. Hervy. They have about sixty pupils enrolled.
Cliff Winters has just returned from a trip to Tishomingo where he went to file on his allotment.
Mr. Ireland, our general balcksmith, seems to be pretty busy just now.
There is talk of a telephone from here to Tussy. That will put us in connection with both the Santa Fe and Rock Island.
W.F. Robberson is moving to Duncan. He has lived at this place for 15 years; we regret to lose such men.
There is a opening here now for a good physician.
J.R. Wilson, of Lindsay, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C.E. Moreland.
Mssrs. Hudson & Reenes have bought the gin at this place.
Earl Butts, of Wynnewood, was out here on business the first of the week.
Feb 25. Rustling Bill
United States Court
For April term United States District court to be held at Pauls Valley, Southern
District, I.T., commencing April 18, 1904
Monday, April 25
J.B. Morgan, agg'd assault; E.M.Satterfield, malicious mischief; E.M. Satterfiedl,
ass't to kill; Jas. A. Young, weapon; George Berry, weapon; Pleas Allen, resist'g officer;
John W. Hall, agg'd ass't; Lou Green, Cr. appeal; Ed L. English, Cr. appeal; Lon Tracy,
Cr. appeal; J.W. Owens, weapon; Mack Pyles, dis peace; Mack Pyles, weapon; Mack Pyles, mal
mischief; Walcie Vaughn, weapon; James McCan, dis rel worship; Hal Owens, weapon; H.W.
Pyle, G.B.Rose, J.F. Scales, conspiracy; C laude Fox, larceny; J. W. Sykes, inter female
under 16 years; Dave Bruton, larceny; J.W. MOrehad, murder; E.D. Starr, murder.
Tuesday, April 26
Izora Alexander, murder; F.B. Tyree, murder; Dan Dannar, Alex Matlock, murder; Dan Danner,
Alex Matlock, Jim Castlebury, Henry Dannar, John Hanna, Green Cudd, Wn Cudd, robbery; B.F.
Driggers, Tom McCarty, murder.
Wednesday, April 27
Bus Blocker, selling liquor ( 6 counts); J.M. Ellert, intro liquor; W.H. Phillips, sell
liquor; Bill Womach, sell liquor; C.M. Wolford, intro liquor; L.L. Wilson, intro liquor.
Thursday, April 28
Ulysses B. Rogers, embezzlement; Dock Chester, larceny; Adam Looner, larceny;, Allen
Lumar, larceny; Ord Mashores, larceny; John Fisher, embezzlement.
Friday, April 29
Calvin Meeks, larceny; Henry Wallis, larceny; George W. Brown, George Long, larceny; Cap
Carson, Henry Carson, larceny.
Monday, May 1
John Garvin, John Hall, larceny; John W. Hall, disp mort prop; John Garvin, rem mortg
prop; John Williams, larceny; Ed Smith, larceny and rec.
Tuesday, May 2
Zack Follis, larceny; Elmore Johnson, larceny, 3 counts; Hugh Hogue, robbery; John
Tidwell, Charles McKeracher, larceny; Columbus Glisby, larceny.
Wednesday, May 3
O.C. Tiers, larceny; Bobert Brown, larceny and rec; Robert Cox, Terrall A. Dunn, larceny;
Andrew Lanham, larceny; Ben B. Lindsay, asst to kill.
Thursday, May 4
Charley Thomas, utt forged inst; Ed Bruner, inter female under 16; J.H. Dover, asst to
kill; Jim Summers, asst to kill; Jim Summers, _____; Ed Smith, asst to kill; Lawrence
Love, asst to killl; Jake Fisher, H. Fisher, as't to kill; Will Washington, asst to kill;
W.R. Lee, asst to kill; Jim Johnson, Bud Johnson, asst to kill.
Friday, May 5
P.C.A. Allen, E. Kemp, false pretense; G.T. Oliver, false pretense; P.C. Allen, false
pretnese; Wirt Randolph, Joe Garrett, Bob Garrett, arson; John A. Dodd, dis mtg prop; W.H.
Huckalby, Jr., dis mtg prop; J.H. McCurley, dis mtg prop; Robert Harper, asst to rape;
C.D. Conn, rem mtg prop; Will Browning, adultery; Tilford Jackson, S.H. Lampkin, Bete
Brown, W.G Bell, Frank Teel, et al, Jim Head, Bill Guthrie.
Chickasaw Enterprise,Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Mar 10, 1904
Paoli News
A south bound freight train left the track at this place Sunday morning. Ten cars were totally wrecked but no one was injured.
We are all glad to see E.F. Williams and family back again.
The wind blew several houses from their foundations last Wednesday night.
Quite a number of young folks enjoyed themselves at a social last Saturday night which was given by Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCremmens. They all report a good time.
George Agnew, of Pauls Valley , was here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Camp are visiting relatives this week.
Antioch News
Last Friday night some Rush Creek toughs led this place a lively life until about 4 o'clock in the morning. They seemed to have plenty of booze.
The measles are spreading in this neighborhood.
Farmers report the ground getting dry.
Miss Fannie Dean, of Texas, a niece of John Dean, is teaching school at this place.
A new Bachelor's Hall has been started on teh Williams hollow. This makes the second at this place.
Rev. Rosch will preach at teh Antioch school house next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. Everybody invited. Come early.
Joe Dean, of this place, and Miss Ada Watson, of Maysville, were married last Sunday, the 6th. Ye reporter was left out and hasn't been able to learn the particulars.
Mrs. Henry Burnett, of Maysville, was visiting friends last week.
S.L. Williams and his brother, of Purcell, were in town last week on business.
Foster News
Some corn will be planted this week; some garden seeds and potatoes have been planted.
The spring like weather a few days ago caused vegitation to start up but the recent cold winds have set everything back. It is also feared that the fruit crop is killed as peach and plum trees were almost in full bloom.
The young folks enjoyed a leap year party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges last Friday evening.
Miss Duckie Bass has returned home from Rush Springs where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will Bailey.
Quite a romance took place in this community last Tuesday night. The parties concerned were Lee Eggleston and Miss Erna Hale. While the family of J.G. Hale were sweetly slumbering and the full moon shining brightly to light their pathway, Mr. Lee came along leading a horse with a side-saddle. Miss Erna stole silently away from the house and rode away with the gallant knight to Pauls Valley where they procurred a license and were married the next day (Wednesday) by Rev. A.B. Hughes. Both parties are well known here and have many friends. We wish them a pleasant walk along life's journey.
J.B. Shelton is building a new residence.
John Hodge and John Alexander went to Fort Worth to attend the Stockmen's Convention this week.
J.R. Blundell went to Pauls Valley today.
A.J. Foster returned to Pauls Valley today.
March 6. Sara Astvelt
Marriage Licenses
Issued from the U.S. Clerk's office since our last issue:
T.H. Hunt - Anna Johnson
Oscar Sweeney - Carrie Dillard
H.S. Birdwell - Annie Love
J.E. Carpenter - Lula Sellers
E.L. Eggleston - Lula Erna Hale
Jno C. Fox - Breatrice Thompson
A.J. Jarnett - Cora Abernathy
Joseph Dean - Ada Watson
Chas Thompson - May Bell Fox
W.F. Hill - Della Light
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Mar 17, 1904
Correspondence - Purdy
Our town is improving fast.
F.M. Carr has built a nice residence and moved to town.
Dr. Connell, of Lindsay, has put in a nice stock of drugs in the Dr. Morrow building.
H.C. Hovis & Bro.. J. Bradley and W.J. Mitchell & Bro. are supplying the farmers this season on fall time.
The ground is very dry and the gardens and corn alreadyd planted is doing no good. There will be a large acreage of cotton planted this year.
Mr. Bunch died here Friday night. He was buried Saturday.
The Spaulding Buggy Co. has been working this country the past week. We notice several new buggies in town.
F.M. Carr gave a dance last week. Teh young people report a nice time.
There is some talk of a new hotel soon going up in town. This is something badly needed.
Our blacksmith, R.H. Abels, is doing a good business. He also handles alaine of farming implements.
E.F. Vann & Graham are doing a nice business.
There was a mass meeting held at the school house last Saturday night for the purpose of taking steps to open roads east and west of Purdy. Wm. Harp was elected chairman and J.S. Garrison, secretary of the meeting. A committee consisting of F.M. Carr, J.T. Welch, T.M. Moore, J. Bradley, and H.A. Bell, were appointed to view out and locate said roads. As it is now, we are fenced off from Pauls Valley and other places.
Every business man in Purdy should take the ENTERPRISE - it will be to his interest.
Correspondence - Foster
We are having some dry windy weather, not very favorable to planting.
Health of our community is very good.
Oats that have been sown are up and looking fine. The acreage is considerably larger than has been for several years.
The new post office - Royal - five miles west, has been granted with A.B. Hughes as postmaster as soon as the necessary bond is tilled. Supplies will be forwarded from this office and will be added to the list supplied from Pauls Valley.
Claude Pearce returned last week from an extended visit to his parents in Greensboro, N.C..
Sam Gibson died Sunday night with tuberculosis after an extended illness. He began to grow worse some ten days ago.
Prof. Wiggin's show will be here Friday Night.
Marriage Licenses
Licenses from the U.S. Clerk's Office since last issue:
B.F. Easley - Maggie Tarpin
G.W. Hanley - Mollie Jennings
G.R. Gilliland - Eva Cottingham
Joe Slaven - Nora Morris
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Mar 31, 1904
Town Officials
Mayor - J.T. Jones
Recorder - C.P. Bruce
Treasurer - Chas F . Worley
Aldermen - J.B. Thompson, Jno. A. Roady, O.W. Patchell, J.W. Guinn, E.M. Moore
Lindsay News
T.D. Wagner and R.R. Carmack left for the east on a business trip Wednesday morning.
Rev McGarvey, of Pauls Valley, will preach at the Episcopal Chapel the last Sunday in each month in the future.
At least thirty stone foundations are contracted for on Main street, and will be built during the next thirty days. Some Lindsay lot owners think property here will be scheduled and appraised within sixty days.
A Mr. Parks, who lives about three miles west of Bradley lost a horse in attempting to cross the new bridge west of town last Sunday. He laid a temporary floor over which he attempted to lead his horses one at a time. One of the animals fell through and hurt itself so badly that it died the next day.
The First National Bank has made arrangements for the self-identification of it's customers who wish to attend the World's Fair at St. Louis. An identification card that goes from this bank to the National Bank of Commerce, of St. Louis, will enable a Lindsay man to cash any draft he may carry. As this will save carrying a large sum of money it will be a great convenience to Lindsay people who wish to visit the fair. You can get your draft cashed whether you know anybody in St. Louis or not.
Jury List
The following is a list of the Grand and Petit Jurors and Alternates for the
District Court which convenes here on April 18:
GRAND JURORS: Thos O'Dell, Pauls Valley; L. Sallee, Hennepin; J.C. Looney, Hennepin; T.P. Howell, Davis; J.S. Butler, Davis; Ike Adler, Davis; Roy Oakes, Sulphur; Wn. Guy, Sulphur; C.W. Edwards, Pauls Valley; W.M. Nation, Elmore; ohn Latimer, Pauls Valley; J.W. Gaylord, Johnson; J.G .Siler, Byars; Silas Burch, Katie; James Patterson, Lindsay; W.D. Gibson, Pauls Valley
ALTERNATES; J.W. Pyburn, Purdy; Jas. Wolfe, Wynnewood; M. Bales, Palmer; Nathan Pyles, Byars;; W.T. Hightower, Pauls Valley; J.T. Bennett, Elmore
PETIT JURORS: D.W. Korntz, Lindsay; R.Ross, Homer; W.T. Smith, Paoli; Jo Johnson, Johnson; W.F. Pinkerton, Paoli; Newt Butt, Paoli; B.M. Wallace, Lindsay, A.J. Reed, Lindsay; Jack Kohed, Erin Springs; J.R.Cook, Maysville; Tom Welch, Purdy; J.T. Harrell, Foster; M.L. Pickett, Foster: Jas. Morgan, Robberson; Ed Burch, Jr., Whitebead; Wm. Brady, Brady; A.J. Pickens, Elmore; E.S. Carpenter, Elmore; Tom Martin, Hennepin; William Smith, Johnson; Wm. Talley, Wynnewood; T.H. Slover, Davis; J.R. Greer, Davis; J.R. Manning, Palmer
ALTERNATES: Wm. Ross, Palmer; Andy M. Murray, Wynnewood; Chas Hilton, Sulphur; Wm. Club, McGee; J.S. McCoy, Chigley; W.H. Bottom, Pauls Valley; O.B. Wagner, Pauls Valley; A.B. Pratt, Maysville; J.H. Ivy, Whitebead; F.M. Skaggs, Sulphur; S.E. Neill, Story; B.F. Cornelius, Davis
ATTEST: C.M. Campbell, Clerk, By S.H. Wootton, Deputy
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, April 14, 1904
Correspondence - Foster
Rain began falling here in the early part of last night continuing for several houors. While the rain was not heavy, there will be enough work to keep the farmers busy for a while.
Mrs. J.H. Blundell has been visiting relatives at Rush Spring the past few days.
J.W. Alexander went to Ryan on business this week.
Several of our neighbors will attend the fine Stock Show and convention at Chickasha.
Mr. West brought in a bunch of cattle yesterday from Courtney Flat.
Grass is getting good and cattle are doing well.
Correspondence - Byars
Married - At the residence of brides father, J.D Linch to Miss Georgie Gibson, Sunday April 6. Rev. Smith officiated.
Mr. Newburn is moving over from Johnson with an engine.
Prof. Bandys School is well attended.
J.B. Fisher and his mother Sundayed in Oklahoma.
Messrs. Gillett and Cant have gone to Woodbine Kansas to bring their families. They will occupy the handsome new residence which will be complete when they arrive.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, April 14, 1904
Local News
Telford Jackson and Miss Elizabeth Perry were married at the Court house yesterday.
J.B. Thompson went up to Kansas City yesterday on business and will return tomorrow.
John Smith, a prosperoous farmer and stock man of Lindsay was in town Friday.
T.D. Wagner, president of the Bank of Lindsay, was here on business Monday.
Mrs. J.M. Dorchester went up to Purcell Tuesday afternoon to visit relatives.
J.H. Newbern, one of Byar's most extensive merchants, did business here Tuesday.
Judge Hinkle and S.T. Bledsoe came up from Ardmore this afternoon.
D.W. Sherrill was over to Wanette Monday on business, returning Tuesday.
Take things easy by resting in a hammock bought at the R.r. Smith Drug Co.
Prof. Frazier Hood, of Norman, lectured at the Presbyterian church last Sunday at 11 a.m..
A.V. Lindell and wife of Ardmore, came up Sunday. Mrs. Lindell is visiting here this week.
H.C. Bennett, cashier of the Bank of Byars, was over Sunday to visit the Chikasaw metropolis.
J.T. Winslow, of the popular Hampton Hotel, went down to Ardmore Tuesday afternoon on business.
T.E. Rice, of Lindsay, was transacting business and seeing sights in the Chickasaw metroplis Tuesday.
M.G. Smith and D.M. Newell, two leading business men of Wanette, were over between trains Tuesday.
The court of Judge Townsend to be held Monday next, will be a long one, looking at the number of cases, civil and criminal.
Rough Boggess returned from Kaufman, Texas, Tuesday where he had been to attend the marriage of his sister.
Mrs. A.H. Stephens and her mother, Mrs. Booth, went up to Purcell Tuesday afternoon to spend a few days visiting relatives.
J.B. Thompson went up to Purcell Tuesday afternoon to file a suit in the District Court. The suit is against a non-resident corporation and can be filed in any court in the Territory. The reason for filing it at Purcell is that the Pauls Valley docket is more than a year behind while at Purcell a hearing can be had soon.
J.T. Hill and E.M. Moore went over to Roff Monday afternoon where Mr. Hill and J.T. Jones have been geeding a large bunch of cattle. These cattle have been fattened on cotton0seed hulls and meal and were shipped to the St. Louis market Tuesday. Mr. Hill is going with them.
Mrs. H. Black has rented her residence and again taken charge of the Pearl Cottage. She was formerly proprietor of the Pearl, and invites her former patrons to call on her when in town.
J.P. Gibson, cashier of the Bank of Elmore, was in town Wednesday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Gibson is a pleasant gentleman and we were glad to form his acquaintance.
Alderman E.P. Baker went over to Shawnee Monday, returning Tuesday. He says Shawnee is a live town and growing very rapidly.
Division Supt. Robbins, of the B.C. & S..F., was in town a while yesterday. His car was taken out to Shawnee on the afternoon local. We have several good letters from our correspondents this week. They are all interesting and we hope they will come regularly.
We have only a few croquet sets left. Call and get one before they are all gone. R.B. Smith Drug Co.
Have not heard from our Whitebead correspondent in several weeks. Our subscribers miss those good letters.
Jim Mays has been appointed Deputy U.S. Marshal to succeed J.N. Jackson who was appointed City Marshall.
A full line of fine toilet soaps. It is time to clean up. R.B. Smith Drug Co.
Dr. F.B. Tyree, of Wynnewood, was among Tuesday's visitors to the city.
Wall paper! Wall paper! prices and designs to suite everybody. R.B. Smith Drug Co.
J.F. Wheeler, a Wynnewood lawyer, was here Tuesday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Bilby died at hte residence of Uncle, Jack Gardner, a few miles southeast of town, Tuesday of pnuemonia. Mrs. Bilby was about 43 years old, was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and leaves 4 children to fight life's battles without a mother's love and sympathy. She was a native of Tennessee but had been making her home at Mr. Gardners for about 4 years. Funeral Services were held at the grace in the new cemetery by Rev. W.A. Matney, pastor of the ME Church at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Honorable W.H. Hussey, Probate Judge in Lawton is a brother of the deceased and was down to attend the funeral.
Correspondence - Paoli
E.M. Hatcher has just returned from an extended visit to relatives at Corner, O.T., Ada, and Stonewall.
Jack Frost visited us Saturday night but no serious damage was done. Lots of corn is up but the frost wasn't heavy enough to damage it. All the fruit was killed some time ago.
Frank Somerville of Redville, Ark., was with us several days last week.
A City on a hill cannot be hid! So look out for Paoli. A new barber shop has been opened up by Frank Maples and is enjoying a splendid trade in it's youth. The business here for the past seven months has never been surpassed in the history of this town.
John McNeely made a business trip to Pauls Valley on Saturday.
Lee McCrimmons came in Sunday from Texas where he has been looking after business interests for several months.
Miss Nettie Spears of Whitebead was the guest of Misses Mollie and Teck Black Sunday.
Prof. L.e. Shrives of Belamy Mo. is the guest of his bro-in-law E.L. Williams this week.
Correspondence - Foster
Health of our community is fairly good.
Our merchants are complaining of trade being quiet since the showers. We suppose that farmers have something to do now and are staying at home.
Garden truck is not doing much good on account of cool weather. some report that the chinch bug is killing vegetation.
MIss May Morton of Hennepin bisited Mr & Mrs. Lester Masterson this week.
Rev Lane preached to a large congregation Sunday night.
R.S. Morse is attending Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. at Wagoner this week.
G.L. Ferris and family are visiting his parents at Lindsay this week.
Correspondence - Loco
A fine rain fell here last Monday night which made farmers feel much better. Some are resowing oats which were killed by the continued dry weather.
The vacancies caused by the men in the mines going out on a strike have all been filled and all the old miners notified to keep off mine grounds.
J.P. Gibbons of Ryan, was in town Sunday receiving several bunches of cattle for Stanford Brothers.
Wm. Newton and wife left Sunday for the Cherokee Nation to make their future home.
Miss Lillie Boyd, who has been sick for some time with pneumonia is slowly recovering.
Mrs. Allen Robberson of Dixie was shopping here Monday.
Quite a number of young people drove to Dixie Sunday afternoon. All report a good time.
A party in honor of Mrs. Wilson of Foster, was given at the home of Frank Hathaway Saturday night.
Next Sunday evening, Children's Day exercise wll be held at Dixie Church.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, April 14, 1904
Local News
C.E. Galt went over to Lindsay Friday on business.
Builder's hardware of all kinds at John B. Alexanders.
N.H. Byars was over from Byars Saturday.
100 Bales of good hay for sale. C.E. Galt.
T.P. and A.H. Shi were here from McGee Monday.
Ask your neighbors to subscribe for the Enterprise.
S.R. Fisher was in Ardmore over Sunday.
100 bales of good hay for sale. W.C. Galt.
United States Marshall Smith of Wynnewood was in town Friday.
Attorney Claude Weaver of Oklahoma City came down Friday afternoon on business.
Miss Lena Little of Lexington was here onver Sunday, the guest of Misses Goodpasture.
Mrs. Chas F. Worley and Miss Mattie Worley went to Purcell Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday with relatives.
Miss Allie Mathews returned home from Oklahoma City Sunday where she had been filling a position as stenographer for several weeks.
Station Agent R.R. Nelson returned Friday from Cleburne, Texas, where he had been to attent the Station Agent's Convention.
S.R. Macon, who is erecting one of the best gins here that was ever brought to this section, has our thanks for cash on subscription.
J.B. Harrell, of Oklahoma City, was here Saturday on business. Mr. Harrell was foreman of the Grand Jury that found indictments against Oklahoma City's boodling city officers last winter.
C.P. Bruuc's show window has caused considerable favorable comment this week. It was arranged by Joe Rames and shows more than ordinary tastes in this line. It contains baseball and fishing goods for all kinds, grades and prices.
Leaguers Entertained
The members of the Epworth Peague were treated to a most enjoyable time Tuesday evening at the residence of E.G. Hightower, with Miss Ellie Allen as hostess. A regular reading course was adopted which gives the experience of missionary life in Korea. Numerous games were indulged in - both amusing and instructive. Those present were - Mesdames Conger, Taylor, Robberson and Hightower; Misses Davis, Allen, Taylor, Kate, Lizzie and Nettie Goodpasture; Messers Grant, Davenport, nelson, Goodpasture and Rev Matney.
Death of an Infant
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Wofford died Tuesday evening at 6:30. Funeral services were conducted at the grave by the ladies of the Woodmen Circle yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. We extend sympathy to the bereaved parents.
Minstrel Entertainment
The ladies of the Episcopal church are arranging for a Minstrel to be given some time during the latter part of the month. Some of the most prominent persons in town will take part in it, and an extremely amusing time is expected.
Will Serve Refreshments
The Woodmen Circle will serve refreshments at the Garvin building Thursday afternoon and night, April 21, for the benefit of the Circle.
Special Meeting of Woodman Circle
Woodmen Circle will meet Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Lula Salmon, Guardian
Registered Poland-China boar, at service of $1.50 cash. Several registered pigs for sale. See C.E. Galt or C.P. Bruce.
Sam Williams of Purcell was among Saturday's visitors to the city.
Mrs. R.T. Jones and children returned home from Henderson, Texas, Saturday. They went down to attend the funeral of Mr. Jones father, Capt. Jones, and since that time have been visiting relatives there.
R.L. Freeman, one of the leading business men of Davis, transacted business here Monday. He is a brother of W.M. Freeman.
Marriage Licenses
S.M. White - Myrtle Mitchell
R.L. Tomlinson - Mary Tarplett
Wister Anderson - Carrie Williams
H.E. McKeema - Carrie Carlton
Ed Harris - Belle Hale
J.N. Sanders - Lizzie Dillard
Telford Jackson - Elizabeth Perry
A No. 44 Winchester rifle, somewhere between my residence on Rawhide land and the Hightower farm on Monday, April 11. Leave at this office or return to owner and get reward. J.L. Menefee, Pauls Valley
Roy Burke went ot Sulphur Monday afternoon and returned Tuesday, bringing his mother who will make her home here.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, April 28, 1904
Foster Correspondence
Health of our community is good at present.
We are having a cold north wind which is damageing crops of all kinds - and fruit also.
We had several showers last week, but not sufficient for making a good season in the ground.
A real sand storm blew Sunday evening.
Farmers are busy planting cotton this week. Some corn is being cultivated.
Garden ruck is not doing well on account of so much wind and cold night.
Major Pearce went to Pauls Valley yesterday. He goes from there to St. Louis to see the big show.
Bert Finch and wife returned Sunday from a trip to Ada.
Tom Harrell and M.L. Pickett, petit jurors, came home Saturday evening and returned Monday.
Several of the boys were summoned to appear before the grand jury this week.
Loco Correspondence
I.T. Price and brother, of Navajo, O.T., were in town calling on their friends yesterday.
A.G. Robberson of Dixie, visited friends here yesterday while en route to Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Hightower entertained the young people Friday night. all report a fine time.
Prof. O'Neal has begun building his new residence in the south part of town.
Quite a number of our local sports are making good use of the plover season and many a bird has fallen under their unerring aim.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory, May 5, 1904
We had a nice rain Thursday night, followed by a small shower Sunday morning. some hail fell but it was so light no damage was done.
Most of the cotton is planted and the early planters have a good stand up. Corn is doing well and lots of it has been plowed twice.
If you want all the news subscribe for the ENTERPRISE.
Miss Hattie Worley, of Whitebead, was the guest of the Mises Mollie and Texie Black Sunday.
Missed Edna, Maud and Lewis McCord of Lindsay, attended Children's Day services here last Sunday.
Miss Mary Ellison, c charming young lady of Civit, was the attractive guest of Miss Lena Maples Sunday.
Mr. Sanders, a popular young man of Pauls Valley, was in the city Sunday afternoon.
The ice cream supper Saturday night conducted by George Dillingham, for the D and K Relief fund, was well attended by a jolly crowd of boys and firls. Music was furnished by the string band.
Miss Ora Hanley, one of Lindsay's beautiful and accomplished daughters, is visiting her brother, Martin, this week.
Quite a crowd of would be bullies from Whitebead, came in Sunday afternoon to paint the town red, but only applied one coat when our nervy marshal has put a quietus to their little game. Two of them were arrested and put under bond to appear for trial this week. This is not the first attempt that has been made to run things over our marshal and the good people of the town and think extreme measures should be used to stop this disgraceful conduct.
Quite a large crowd attended Children's Day exercises last Sunday. The church was crowded and a good many had to remain on the ourside.
A city ordinance has been passed to keep all boys, under the age of 17, off the streets and alleys after 8 o'clock at night. The samll boys, heretfore, have been allowed to romp on the streets until it was their pleasure to go in, and very often were boisterous and into mischeif. It seem sto go very hard with them but their earnest plea, "The curfew does not ring tonight," is unheeded.
It is very encourageing for the old man to telel you that you are not wanted in the family but he didn't have any objections to your going with one of his girls
The new hardware store opened recently by Williams & Shives is doing a splendid business.
It you want to cool off while in town, cal at the ice cream parlor. Everything is nicely arranged and the cream and cake can't be excelled.
This section was blessed with a heavy rain last Saturday evening. It was sureley appreciated as it is the first ground soaker we have had since last October.
Mr. and Mrs. Huce Harmon are the happy parents of a new daughter who took up her abode with them on April 30th.
The Holiness people are holding a series of meetings this week which are being well attended by both saints and sinners.
Pursuant to the call of the chairman, J.P. Gibson, a speical meeting of the Democracy was held Saturday night for the purpose of endorsing a candidate for National Committeeman. After condiserable speech making by Judge J.B. Thompson and others. R.W. Dick, of Ardmore, was endorsed.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cochran, of Lindsay, spent several days with the family of Mr.Northcut this week.
Miss Minnie Northcut went up to Lindsay Tuesday to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. Cochran.
John Lewis, Jim Hamit, and serveral others, went up to near Bradley Sunday to be gone several days, hunting and fishing. Here's hopin', boys, for a good time and plenty of fish.
Morgan & Son's large hardware store is nearly ready for occupancy. This store will be a great convenience to this section as the farmers now have to go to the railroad for nearly all of their hardware.
This place is in need of another cotton gin as one gin cannot possibly handle the cotton crop of this section.
T.A. Popejoy sold out his crop and will start for the Creek country in a few days to look for a new location. We regret very much to see such men as Mr. Popejoy leave our community, but wish success in his new home.
Rev. Roach filled his regular appointment here Sunday.
Prof. Grisham, who taught the Foster School, has opened up a three month's term here.
Prof. Eggleston has gone to Pauls Valley to sepnd the summer.
Health is good in this community. Everybody seems to be busy since the big rain Saturday.
Crops are in fine condition, plenty of work for the farmers.
Cotton is most all planted and some is up to a good stand; corn is being cultivated; the ground is in fine condition.
Garden truck is growing; potatoes are doing fairly well; grass is getting good; stock water is plentiful and stock is doing well.
Mssrs. Finch and F ox took several fat hogs to Pauls Valley Tuesday.
J.W. Alexander and Dick Gibson went to Pauls Valley the first of the week.
George Stewart is in Ardmore this week.
Through the efforts of Misses Duckie Bass and Ruby Alexander, two large seinging lamps have been bought and placed in the church.
Rev. Lamarr came up from Wynnewood Saturday and preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening, and held the Second Quarterly conference Monday at 10 a.m.. The reports from the pastor and officers show the church to be in a very fair condition.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, May 12, 1904
Local News
J.W. Gibson is the ice man and does not need to be introduced.
F.K. Low returned from a two weeks trip to Texas points.
Wm. Odell of Foster, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday morning.
S. Newbert went up to Oklahoma City Monday afternoon on business.
Born to Henry Foster and wife, of this city, Saturday, May 7th, a girl.
Chickasaw Bottling Work's Soda water can't be beat. Try it. Phone 80
Rev. J.E. McGarvey went up Guthried Tuesday to be gone several days.
Peppo-Plfate, bottled by the Chickasaw Bottling Works, is a most delicious drink.
W.T. Wynn, a leading stock and ranchman of near Lindsay, was here a while Tuesday.
Jno. W. Croft, special examiner for the W.O.W. is here this week from Omaho.
Ed Taylor went over to Byars Tuesday afternoon returning yesterday.
Pianos - Two high grade pianos at half price. Chickasaw Furniture Co.
Miss Mary Byars returned to her home at Byars Tuesday afternoon after a short visit in the city.
J.H. Hybarger went out ot Tecumseh Tuesday afternoon on a few days business trip.
Several prisoners from the Ardmore jail were taken through on the afternoon train Monday to the penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth.
Try Wint Carter's ice for one month and be convinced that it has no superiors. Phone 80 with Sherrill Bros.
Several of Pauls Valley lawyers went up to Purcell Monday afternoon to attend court there this week.
Rev. W.D. Matthews went up to Oklahoma City Tuesday afternoon to attend the District conference at that place of which he is a member.
Rev. W.A. Matney went down to Davis yesterday afternoon to attend the District convention which convened at that place Wednesday night. He will remain over Sunday and there will be no preaching at the Methodist church either morning or evening.
S.R. Macon has just returned from Darlas(?) where he went to see the shipment of his new gin machinery. When this machinery is installed, Mr. Macon will have one of the most complete gin plants in the country.
Dr. W.C. High, one of Maysville's prominent physicians, will read the local news in the ENTERPRISE during the next year. The Doctor is a native Texan, and is, of course, a dyed in the wool Democrat.
L.C. Higgenbotham, the Maysville sawmill man, will keep posted on state and foreign news next year by reading the ENTERPRISE and the Commercial Appeal. He takes them at our regular clubbing rate.
Asa E. Ramsey, Cashier of the National Bank of Commerce, is attending the Banker's Association at Sulphur this week. He was appointed a member of the committe on resolutions.
J.W. Carter and wife returned yesterday from an extended visit to their old home at Bonham, Texas. Mr. Carter reports crops of all kinds looking very promising down in Texas this year.
T.H. Vaughn, the popular townsite agent at Maysville, subscribes for the ENTERPRISE this week.
J.B. Thompson and R.T. Jones went up to Purcell yesterday afternoon on legal business.
W.M. Waide and wife returned Monday from a visit to Mrs. Waide's parents at Wynnewood,
Gibson is here to sell ice. Give him a try.
W.M. Freeman returned yesterday from a trip to Tishomingo.
A Double Wedding
Four prominent young people married yesterday afternoon.
The residence of Uncle Tom Shannon, a mile and a half west from town, was the scene of a
happy wedding occasion yesterday, in which Bovell Maniss and Miss Katie Shannon, and Floyd
Morgan and Miss Mary Morse were united in marriage by Rev. J.K. Florence. These
young people are all highly respected and of the best families in the community. Mr.
Maniss is the son of Dr. and Mrs. W.J. Maniss and a young man with bright prospects.
His bride is the niece of Uncle Tom Shannon, with whom she has made her home for
years. She is intelligent, refined and a model young lady. Mr. Morgan is a
prosperous young planter from near Womack while Mrs. Morgan was reared near Pauls Valley,
having made her home with J.F. Myres and wife since a child. She is a popular young
lady and has many friends.
R.E. Braden returned this morning from Oklahoma City where he had been attending the Hardware, Implement and Vehicle Dealers Association of Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
Prof. H.D. Rives of Maysville becomes a reader of the ENTERPRISE this week. The Professor is teaching a very successful term at present and has been engaged for the ensuing year.
The Woman's Home Mission Society of the Methodist Church held their monthly business session last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Hybarger. Delegates were elected to attend the District Conference at Davis, May 12, 13, 14, and 15, and to the annual meeting of the Home Mission Society at Chickasha in June. The society was favored with a piano solo by Miss Eva Hybarger, also a vocal solo by little Miss Ruby Hybarger, which was greatly enjoyed by all present.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, May 26, 1904
Moonlight Picnic
Quite a large number of young people went out to Lasater's pasture, about 3 miles, last night and had the first moonlight picnic of the season. They were chaperoned by Mesdames H.D. Lee and A.S. Thompson, and the occasion was a most enjoyable one. After passing off several hours in games and other amusements, the lunch baskets were brought from their hiding and a most sumptuous repast was served. Those present were Messrs Agnew, Chipman, Calloway, Rains, Sullivan, Shumate, Bennett, Reaves, Davis, Van Hoozer, Nat Parham, Hagood Parham, Harris, Nelson, Kendall, Crandell. Misses, Mollie Matthews, Anna Matthews of Ardmore, Mahors, Conner, Kate Goodpasture, Nettie Goodpasture, Lovell, Mattie Matthews, Allie Matthews, Margaret Matthews, Cullum, McDonell, Ludy, Allen, Latemir, and Noble.
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceding May 31, 1904
A.C. Wagner - Kattie Bryant
E.E. Storie - Julia Jones
C.H. Quast - Nora Gay Carson
Wm. S. Riggs - Grace Russell
Aurthur Avy - Clyde McHenry
George Rendol - Bessie Cowley
Arch LeForce - Ollie Harris
C.P. Maggarty - Eva B. Smith
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, June 14, 1904
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceeding June 14, 1904
E.C. Howard - Frank Jones
W.S. Cobb - Anna A. Shreve
T.W. Haley - Minnie Reece
S.W. Hauls - M.B. Travis
W.E. Green - Annie Coker
G.C. Davis - Emma Sawyer
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, June 28, 1904
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceding June 28, 1904
R.H. Hence - Rosa Stephenson
S.D. Minnix - Maud Carrol
E.H. Yeary - Ruth McCanlis
F.J. Jackson - Mattie Burleson
W.T. Banks - Ella Pyles
E.K. Wickens - Bessie Peters
M.N. Sherrel - Bessie Schuyler
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, July 14, 1904
Local News
Fruit Jars, caps and rubbers. A.C. Wagner
Claude Davenport spent Sunday in Ardmore.
Pure Malt vinegar and boiled cider. A.C. Wagner
Fine line of table syrups at A.C. Wagner.
Ladies hats at half price. Mrs. Lizzie Smith
J.H. Wheeler of Wynnewood was here on business Tuesday.
Highest price paid for country produce. A.C. Wagner
H. Blank & Co. will save you from 10 to 25 per cent on all kinds of overalls and jumpers.
A fine line of Queensware and tinware at A.C. Wagners.
Mrs. James Watson and little granddaughter Sue Ventress went down to Ardmore Friday morning to see Mrs. Wilson, who is quite sick.
We are making a big reduction on all summer goods. The Lion Store.
Just received a shipment of men's hats in the latest styles. M.M. Gubin.
Queen Quality Sandals and Oxfords, black or tan at The Lion Store.
Harry S. Bradley of Muskogee who is connected with the Internal Revenue department was transacting business here Tuesday.
We are making closing out prices on laces and embroideries. The Lion Store.
Tom Murray is still suffering from a seriously wounded hand, the result of the game of ball between the Fats and Leans about two weeks ago.
If you brain won't work right and you miss the snap, vin and energy that was once yours, you should take Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses the system and invigorates both body and brain.
Miss Carr and little neice who have been visiting Mrs. W.M. Waide returned Saturday to their home in Wynnewood,
He eats hartily in the hottest weather who uses Prickly Ash Bitters. It keeps his stomach, liver and bowels in perfect order.
Mrs. O.B. Wofford has been very seriously ill this week but at the present is some better. Her life was despaired of the first of the week.
Moman Pruiett returned Tuesday morning from St. Louis where he had been attending the Fair and the big Convention. He was joined at Oklahoma City by Mrs. Pruiett who had been visiting her parents in western Oklahoma.
Prof J.M. Osborn and family left Tuesday afternoon for Troy, Illinois, for an extended visit to the former's parents and other relatives. Troy is only a few miles from St. Louis and connected with it by an electric railway so that the Professor and his family will spend considerable time at the Fair, going back and forth each day. They will return about Sept 1st.
Week hearts are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much or if you are subject to attack of indigestion the stomach expands - swells and puffs up against the heart. This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the resutl. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, taken the strain off the heart, cures indigestio and adds strength and health to every organ. At A.B. Smiths.
Correspondence - Klondike
The weather has been very favorable for the growing crops: both corn and cotton are fine.
An ice crean supper was given at the home of W.J. Catlin last Saturday night, which was largely attended. This supper was free to all and a nice time was had by those present.
Teh Rev. Thomas Nation passed through our town Sunday on his way to Pauls Valley, where he left for Mississippi.
Jesse Able of Lehigh, visited his mother last week and returned home Saturday night.
It is rumored that the Mexican boll weevil, though few in numbers, are in the cotton. This may not be true but unless teh cotton acreage is reduced they are sure to come.
Mrs. Ella Carpenter of McGee, was bisiting friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday.
Sandy and Rush Creeks teams met on the Pumpkin diamond and played a game Sunday afternoon. The score stood 8 to 21 in favor of Rush Creek. That was playing some.
The captain of teh Klondike team received a challenge from the Paoli team to play next Saturday afternoon. This will be accepted.
W.J. Collins and family attended the protracted meeting at Brady this week.
The Rev. Caves, a Baptist Missionary preacher passed through here Saturday night en route to Brady.
Correspondence - Foster
We are having real summer weather this week, which is fine for the crops; everything is doing well.
Everybody seems to be hustling getting ready for the big picnic; some stands are already on the ground and people are coming in getting ready for a big time.
Several of our neighbors went to Pauls Valley the first of the week.
Mr. Coppage has a very sick child.
Miss Della Brown is quite sick.
Several persons are reported as being sick but none are dangerous.
Mrs. Deveney of Eldorado, Kansas, is visiting her father, G.M. Stewart.
The pill that will fill the bill without a gripe. To cleanse the liver without a quiver. Take one a night. De Witt's Little Early Risers are small, easy to take, gentle in effect. Yes, so certain in results that all are pleased. For quick relief from billiousness, sick headache, jaundice, dizziness and all troubles arising from an inactive liver, Early Risers are unqualed. At A.B. Smiths.
Big Picnic at Paoli
Paoli is to have a big picnic and barbacu on August 10th at the grove just east of town. Among the attractions will be the best band to be obtained, vocal music and speaking. There will be a merry go round, dancing platform, fat man's race, climbing greased pole, and an interesting game of baseball. Then the people have promised every visitor as much dinner as he can eat of the very best to be had. Premiums will be awarded winners in all contests. Stand and other priveleges will be sold at Paoli on July 16 to the highest bidders.
Found - Four miles west of Pauls Valle, a pocket book containing money. Owner may have same by describing property and paying for this notice. C.C. Hepson.
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceding July 14, 1904
H.S. Shackleford - Ella B. Crossett
G.I. Kiser - Eula Brown
N.S. Emvatt - L.C. Moss
W.H. Bradbury - A.E. Smith
Wason Weaver - Cora Smith
Richard Smith - Onie Allen
J.A. McGinnis - Delia Newman
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, July 21, 1904
Kicked by a Mule
W.M. Plaster of Maysville fatally injured. Died at six this morning. He was a highly respected and popular gentleman - funeral this afternoon. Tuesday afternoon Wm. Plaster, a well to do farmer and stockman, was fatally kicked by a mule at his ranch near Maysville. Mr. Plaster had been running a mower in a field near his home and had driven his machine up to the house at dinner time leaving the team hitched to the mower and under the shade of a tree. After dinner he went out to feed his team and had just unhitched one trace and started to hang it over the hame when the mule lunged forward and kicked him in the breast with both feet. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and medical aid summoned. An examination revealed that he had eight ribs broken and that there was little hope for his recovery. He lingered in great pain until this morning at 6 o'clock when death came to his relief. The deceased was about 55 years of age and highly respected amont those who knew him. He leaves a widow and five children who have the sympathy of the entire community in this their dark hour of trouble.
The Byars Picnic
The Byars special picnic train left here this morning at about 8 o'clock carrying a large number of Pauls Valley people who are breaking away from business toils for a day of sport and pleasure. There were 59 round trip tickets sold this morning and will doubtless be more tomorrow. It is said the Byars people are sparing no money or pains to make the picnic a success.
Prises Awarded
Hightower & Kendall's guessing contest which closed last week resulted in the first prise of a $15.00 suit of clothes being awarded to Joe Farris; the $5.00 hat to I.A. Burris; the $5.00 boy's suit to H.B. Feathers; the $3.50 pair of shoes to Jim Hodges and the $2.50 pair of shoes to Joe Farris. The number of letters in the ad on which the guesses were made was 1126.
Two Good Games
One of the best games of ball played here this season was taht played between Pauls Valley and Wanette on Tuesday afternoon. The game was called at about 4 o'clock with Wanette at the bat. As is usually the case, Pauls Valley did its poorest playing in the first inning, allowing the visiting team to score twice. The home team scored once in the second, twice in the third, once in the fourth, twice in the seventh, and once in the eighth, while the visitors did not tland but one tally after the first, that being in the seventh. While the game was very interesting from the beginning, there were a number of errors made on both sides. A.M. Prater, manager of the home team, showed himself to be a manager worthy of the name. He kept things moving and allowed none of his men to argue with the umpire. Then C.P. Bruce, Captain, is the longest headed ball player in town. His knowledge of the rules saved the boys serveral scores. The visiting ream was a very gentlemanly set of boys, honest and fair and an honor to their town. They are good players and made our boys earn all they got. Owing to the fact that the Wanette boys could not get home until the afternoon train it was arranged to play another game yesterday morning. The game was called at about 9 o'clock and was played through without any wrangling and resulted in a score of 3 to 10 in favor of Pauls Valley.
A Narrow Escape
While a number of small boys were swinning in the river north of town yesterday, one about ten years of age whose name we failed to get, and who coul dnot swin, got into deep water and had already gone under serveral times when some of the older boys got to him just in time to get him out more dead than alive. He soon recovered and was able to go home. It always has been a hard matter for parents to keep boys from going swinning when they get ready, but from the number and size of the boys that are now found daily in the river, it will be no surprise to hear of some of them drowning at any time.
New Real Estate Firm
J.W. Carter yesterday purchased the interest of J.H. Hybarger in the Paul-Hybarger Real Estate firm and the business will be conducted in the future in the firm name of Paul & Carter.
Correspondence - Paoli
A Mr. Creger and Ida Burleson were married last Sunday as were also Leonard Yoacum and Dora Jackson.
G.F. Riley has a very sick girl - slow fever is the trouble.
Mrs. Klinglesmith is reported as being better.
Mrs. McDonald is still sick with the fever.
A brother and sister from Texas are visiting J.N. Bratton.
Farmers report corn as being badly damaged by the dry weather, but we think it must be chintz bugs.
The Methodist revivalist left for his home in Moral, O.T. Monday. Had lost of preaching but little effect.
Joe Camp shipped several cars of cattle Saturday.
Dr. Harris has returned to his home in Missouri.
The young postmaster says all the girls are about to go off and that is some of them don't propose he will: That's right, Postmaster, stay with'em!
Jake King comes to town quite often since Bealor left. Jake he's coming back and then you will have to quit.
Miss Ora Handle and her brother, Rufus, are down from Lindsay visiting their brother and friends.
The Wayne-Paoli baseball teams played the other day. The score stood 12 to 13 in favor fo Wayne.
Roy Moore pulled on of William Shrive's new buggies Sunday morning.
Correspondence - Foster
There is some sickness in the community.
W.H. Keltner and M.M. Picket were up to Pauls Valley the first of the week.
The weather is hot and getting dry.
Mayor Pearce and Jno B. Shelton went to Pauls Valley Tuesday.
The 14th annual barbeque and picnic had at this place on the 14th was a grand success. Four thousand people attended and all enjoyed themselves heartily. Eighteen Beeves were barbequed by an expert cook were as fine as could be. Old men who have been in the territory for many years, say they never attended as grand an occasion in the Territory.
Mrs. Will Bradshaw of Manqum, O.T., and her sister, Mrs. Jessie Neal of Decatur, Texas, are visiting friends and relatives here.
Miss Della Boone returned to Brandon, Texas, yesterday after a visit ot her parents. The Misses Carrie and Ruby Alexander accompanied her as far as Pauls Valley.
If you have no appetite for your meals something is wrong with your digestion, liver and bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters cleansess and strengthens the stomach, purifies the bowels, and creates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness.
Pauls Valley
Mrs. M.M. Rennie of Tishomingo is visiting her daughter, Mrs. U.S. Allender, this week.
Jno. W. Alexander and daughters, Misses Carrie and Rubie, were here Tuesday from Foster, and left for a visit to points in Texas.
Miss Lula Lokey went over to Byars Monday afternoon on a visit to her brother, W.E. Lokey.
Just received a new line of men's up to date hats at M.M. Gubins.
New Wall paper adds so much to the looks of your house and costs very little. Let Bruce show you some new designs.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, July 28, 1904
Will Move to Purcell
H.L. Martin returned Monday from Purcell where he has accepted a position as Superintendant of the Oil Mill at that place. Mr. Martin was for a year superintendant of the Water Works here and is a machine man of superior attainments. Mr. Martin is an excellent citizen and a gentleman in the truest sense and while we are glad he has secured a good position, we are sorry to see him leave the town. He will move his family to their new home this week.
Saturday afternoon in front of the Presbyterian parsonage, Rev. J.D. Boone officiating, Alvin Green to Miss Agnes Skaggs. Borh parties are from Davis.
Married Near Whitebead
Daugherty Hayden and Miss Nellie Hayden wre married at the residence of the bride's parents near Whitebead Sunday, Rev. Duncan McRuer officiating. Mr. Hyden is quite well known here, having been a clerk in the gorcery store of A.C. Wagner, and is quite well thought of by those who know him. They left Monday for Okemah where they will make their home.
The ENTERPRISE will begin moving today to the Garvin-Braden building on the corner of Paul Avenue and Willow street. ON account of this, the present issue is gotten out a day earlier, as it will take considerable time to take down our big press, and move it, and put together again. We hope to get out on time next week, but if we do not this will be our excuse. We would be glad for our friends to call when we get in our new quarters as the ENTERPRISE will then be housed in one of the nicest printing offices in the country. Come in and see us.
At the Globe Hotel, Wednesday noon, Rev. J.E. McGarvey officiating, J.M. McCan of Hennepin and Miss Bessie Popejoy of Katie.
Correspondence - Paoli
Health, with a few exceptions is good.
Mrs. Coffee Randolph is on the sick list this week.
Mrs. J.R. Scott is still sick with hemoerhage of the lungs. It is hoped that she may recover but her case is very doubtful.
Work has commenced on the new brick building; it is the first structure of its kind in town, is to be two stories high and will be as fine a building for its size as there is in the Territory.
Mrs. Bratton and children have returned from a visit in the Creek nation where they have been to see her father. She says that it is a fine country.
Several of our Paoli people went to Byars to the picnic and all report a royal good time.
Maysville and the Lone Star boys played a game of ball last Sunday and played about 4 innings when the game broke up in a fre for all fight, which looked for a short time as through some one would get hurt but it ended without any fatalities.
United States Marshal Webb stopped off in our city Saturday long enough to inspect some express and to use his hammer some. Some of the bous felt very badly to see him break those jugs, but the good people of Paoli invite Mr. Webb to come again. We would be glad to see him often.
Don't forget the picnic on August 10th. Everybody come.
Correspondence - Foster
Cloudy today with good prospects for rain. The local showers of last week failed to visit this community.
Some corn is being damaged by insects. Cotton is doing finely and will not need rain for several days.
A revival is being conducted here by H.A. Jones of Royal and W.M. Coggins of Ada.
M.S. Phillips is here from Sapulpa, the guest of Major Pearce.
Art S. Hanly is here finishing his photo work done at Totum and the Story picnic last week.
An effort is being made by our trustees to secure the benefit of the congressional appropriation to maintain free shcools for non-citizens of the Indian Territory.
Piles Upon Top of Piles
Piles upon piles of people have piles and De Witts Witch Hazel Salve cures them. For a 100 years, Witch Hazel has been recognized as a superior remedy but it remained for E.C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics in the form of a salve. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises, and piles. The high standing of this salve has caused it to be largely conterfited, accept only the genuine. Sold by R.B. Smith
Barber Shop for Sale
I have for sale a 2-chair shop, with first-class equipment, at a reasonable price. J.F. Lewis, Elmore, I.T.
Bruce can fit any size or shape opening with window glass for you.
Mrs. J.F. Hunter went down to Wynnewood Tuesday afternoon on a visit.
T.I. Hamm went out to his farm near Elk Tuesday afternoon to be gone a few days.
N.D. Duffield and wife left Tuesday afternoon for a two weeks sojourn at the World's Fair.
Judge Farman of Ardmore was here awhile Tuesday afternoon en route to Shawnee where he is to deliver an address to the Ex-Confederates today.
Santa Fe Excursions
Chicago, Ill. - Tickets on sale daily to Oct 1st; limited to Oct. 31. $28.15
Oklahoma City - Democratic Congressional Convention July 25-28, limited to July 29th, $2.20
Purcell, I.T. - Colored barbecue and picnic, August 4; limited to Aug 5, 90 cents
Boston, Mass - G.A.R. Encampment August 11 to 13, inclusive, limited to Aug 20th, with arrangement for limit extension to Sept 30, $41.00
Ardmore - Adrmore Anniversary, Aug 11 ot 13, inclusive; limited to July 30, $1.80
Ardmore - Annual picnic, K.of P., Aug 4 and 5 and 6; limited to Aug 8, $1.80
Paoli, I.T. - Barbecue and picnic, Aug 10, limited to return Aug 11th, 30 cents
Wynnewood, I.T. - Barbecue and picnic, Aug 4 and 5; limited for return Aug 5, 35 cents
Louisville, Ky - Biennial Conclave, K.of P., Aug 12 to 15; final limit Aug 31st. Round trip $28.20
St. Louis, Mo. - World's Fair; limit Dec 15 $27.30, limit 60 days $22.75, limit 15 days $19.00
San Francisco, Calif. - Triennial conclave, Knights Templar, and Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. Aug 15 to Sep 10, $45.00 round trip; final limit Oct 23, 1904
Fort Worth - State B.Y.P.U. Sunday school convention. Colored, Aug 22 and 23, limited to Aug 29 $6.00
Summer excursion rates to various points in the north and south at greatly reduced figures. For further particulars call on the undersigned who will be glad to advise fully in regard to rates, limits, etc. R.R. Nelson, Agent.
Working Day and Night
The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life pills. These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into enerby, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents at Kennedy * Baker.
Advertised Letters
List of letters advertised at the Pauls Valley Postoffice for the week ending July 25,
Beche, Mrs. T.H.
Cobb, Mrs. Nettie
Earnest, Will
Hildreth, Miss Vincie
Justice, Mattie C.
Lee, A.D.
Ray, Belle
Valley Drug Co.
Scott, Ira
Salinas, Gantelaria
Thompson, Dollie
Pitts, F.R.
Wylie, Ross
Young, J.M.
Parties calling for any of the above will please say 'advertised'. A charge of one
cent will be made for advertising same. J.M. Dorchester, P.M.
J.W. Gilbert was over from Byars yesterday.
Don't order your wall paper from Chicago until you have seen me and given me an opportunity. I will save you money. Bruce the Druggist.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, I.T., August 2, 1904
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceding Aug 2, 1904
G.W. Sprinkle - Ella Penny
A.M. Bird - Ella Poe
B.J. Fisher - Alice Petree
J.McReynolds - Maud Love
Jas Cockerham - Lula Hopkins
W.F. Wilkins - Aurv Griffth
T.S. Windham - Bulah Hendrix
J.W. Howard - Linnie Dennis
D.W. Beene - Lula Hill
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, I.T., September 22, 1904
Lindsay News From the News
Dr. E.E. Stevenson moved from here to Dibble the first of the week.
Contractor B .M. Wallace has secured the contract for the McArthur residence. It is to be one of the handsomest residences in town.
As near as can be learned by interviewing farmers, the cotton crop in the vicinity will make a fair yield. A number of big fields will yield about a half bale to the acre. Other fields will make about one-third bale, while a few will not make over a quarter of a bale to the acre. Many of the biggest planters have not picked much yet. Several will begin picking next week.
Mrs. Frank Ing, while visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe Eiliot, at Erin Springs, Tuesday night, was taken seriously ill with heart trouble. For a time her condition was considered dangerous but she was much better by Wednesday morning.
Dr. Freeman of Chickasha has filed suit against the town of Lindsay for the recovery of what he considers excessive charges for occupation tax. Dr. Freeman has an office in Chickasha and a branch office in this place, which he visits once every three weeks. The town classed him as a "traveling physician" and charged him $15.00 as occupation tax. He paid the fee under protest, and now brings suit to recover excess, the fee for resident physicians being on five dollars. Attorney Johnson has been employed by Dr. Freeman and the trial will be before Commissioner Payne, who holds court at this place Tuesday of next week.
Byars News From the Banner
Contractor C.H. Shap's stean shovel and crew of men arrived here last Saturday and will work across the river, widening some cuts.
Miss Burns from Washingtoh, Ter., is here visiting Dr. and Mrs. Burfield. Miss Burns arrived here several days ago and was taken sick with fever from which she has just recovered.
A.A. Patterson, a prosperous farmer living near McGee, was in Byars Tuesday with a load of cotton. He thinks cotton in his community will make about one-third of a bale per acre.
Mr. R.L. Goddard, who came here from California to attend a family reunion and to visit his brother-in-law, J.E. Flynt, who resides 3 miles east of town, left Monday to visit in Texas.
Favors Consolidating Bars of Two Territories
The recent consolidations of the bar associations of the Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory and thier declarations on doing so gives offense to one of your correspondents who writes a very remarkable paper. What of it? Have not these gentlemen the right to unite and to express their honest individual opinions, if they so desire? The same number of farmers, mechanics, and doctors, might have done the same.One who is not a member of either of these castigate bodies, and who has never been the attorney of a railroad or other corporation, can not see the least impropriety in their union, nor in any expression of opinion they might have uttered. If either or both of these bar associations said "The question of single statehood is settled and all further discussion is useless," it at least told the truth. The people, not the lawyers, have long ago settled that question. They know what they need and what they want, and they have never let an opportunity pass of declaring to the world that they wanted single statehood, and none other. It is not the bar association lawyers, nor the railroad attorneys doing the talking. But as a fact, of the 20 lawyers of Pauls Valley, this correspondent does not recall one who has attended the said meeting of consolidation nor one who is a railroad attorney, yet with a single exception, these 20 lawyers are for single statehood. Not one lawyer in twenty in the Indian Territory ever had a fee from a railroad company, yet nineteen out of every twenty is for single statehood. No Anglo Saxon people have reason to be ashamed of their lawyers. They have ever been among the moulders of sentiment and in the van of the hosts of progress and liberty. R. McMillian
I.N. Webb and family went out to Box, O.T. Saturday afternoon on a visit to Mr. Webb's brother, Dr. A.L. Webb and family. They returned Monday.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, I.T., September 29, 1904
Lindsay Items from the News
The new bridge across the river east of town is finished and is now ready for travel.
Marshal N.C. Lynch moved his family here from Norman Friday of last week. He has rented the Freeman property in the northeast part of town.
Work is progressing rapidly on the Goodwin elevator just north of the railroad. The new elevator will have a storage capacity of about 20,000 bushels and is the second good elevator to be built here this year.
The contract for carrying the mail between Lindsay and Purdy has been let to J.R. Wait of Doyle, and the service begins Monday, Sept 26. The mail will leave Purdy daily at 7:30 a.m., reaching Linday at 10 o'clock. Returning it will leave Lindsay at 11 o'clock, reaching Purdy at 1:30. A contract has also been let for daily mail between Purdy and Royal, a new post office south of Purdy.
Providence appears to be taking a hand at enforcing the dog law, lightning having the life of one dog at the home of Allen Sutterfield in a very peculiar manner Monday. During the rain a dog lay on the floor with its head under a chair on which Mrs. Sutterfield was sitting. Lightning atruck the house, tearing the screen from one door and killing the dog. Though Mrs. Sutterfield was between the door and the dog, she was only slightly shocked.
Claude Davenport, who has for several months been stenographer for J.B. Thompson, left this week for Galveston, where he goes to accept a similar position in the office of W.J. Pettibone, superintendent of the G.C. & S.F.. This is quite a promotion for Claude but it is not unworthily bestowed.
Frank Barnett acted as conductor on the Lindsay train Saturday, owing to conductor Granger being sick.
Byars Clippings from the Banner
S.R. Fisher has moved his stock of furniture to the Richards building south of Silers.
J.B. Fisher is having a well dug on his lot in the south part of town.
The Mississippi Choctaws of this place and the Choctaw Indians from near Atoka, wll play a game of Indain ball near Ada, Sept 28. A pachofa dance will take place on the night of the 27th. Other kinds of amusement will be furnished and a large crowd is expected.
Citizens of Pauls Valley have organized a company with a capital stock of $5,000 to prospect for oil, coal, gas, and artesian water. The stock was all subscribed by local captial and no doubt the enterprise will prove successful as Pauls Valley people usually go after things in a way that gets results.
Preslie B. Cole, Lawyer, Office upstairs in Weave Building, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Pruiett & McMillin, Moman Pruiett, R. McMillian, Lawyers, Office upstairs in Pruiett Building, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Weaver & Weaver, Claude Weaver, Green Weaver, Lawyers, Land Law and Civil Practice Only, Office - Weaver Brick, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Dr. J.A. Young, Physician and Surgeon, Office over Kennedy A. Baker's, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Branum & Callaway, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over National Bank of Commerce, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Dr. R.H. Salmon, Physican and Surgeon, Office of Kennedy A. Baker's, Phone 30, Residence North Chickasaw Street, Phone 70, Speciality - Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Stomach, and Urinary Organs, Pauls Valley, I.T.
W.J. Maniss, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Office Phone 118, Residence Phone 103, All calls answered promptly, day or night, Pauls Valley, I.T.
S.M. Conger, Dentist, Gold Crown and Bridge Work a Speciality. Office over J.T. Horne's Store
Dr. J.P. Markham, Physician and Surgeon, Office hours 9 to 1 a.m. - 2 to 6 p.m., Office over J.T. Hornes' Store.
Miss Walton, Teacher of Voice and Piano, Hours 9 to 12 a.m.; 1:30 to 5 p.m., Studio upstairs in Weaver Building, Pauls Valley, I.T.
Dr. Grays Sanitarium, a Private Institure for the care and treatment of patients for all non-contagious diseases. Pauls Valley Indian Territory. Open every Sunday afternoon for benefit of those who are not able to pay for medical service.
Correspondence - Antioch
Antioch, I.T., Sept 26. A week of rain, which has retarded the opening of the cotton. Health is good.
A daughter of Mr. Dickey died the 23rd. She was sick only a few hours. Death came unexpectedly. We extend our heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved family.
F.A. Grisham from Texas is visiting at this palce. He is not at Maysville teaching a singing school.
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols of Velma were visiting friends and relatives last week.
Mr. Clark has sold his crop to Perry & Grisham and has gone back to his natice country, Lampass, Texas.
Mr. Cable has been quite sick but is better now and able to be around.
Mr. Knight has moved to Mississippi and will buy a place.
It looks a little hard for we farmers to work and raise feed for the birds and while we are hard at work for "Mollie and the babies," people from other places come in with dogs and guns and kill the birds that we have raised..
Say, Mr. Editor do you like o'possum and potatoes? If os come out as the persimmons are about ready. We're coming right now, the Editor.
Correspondence - Klondike
Klondike, I.T., Sept 27 - Cotton pickers are now in full sway with bended backs and sore prayer bones. After several showers we have fair weather. The farmers are expecting a good yield of the fleecy staple.
Terry Bower, the little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Bower died 7:30 o'clock Saturday morning. The funeral services were conducted at Redbranch Cemetery by J.M. Easly Sunday afternoon 3:30. Mrs. G.A. Bower and Miss Jewel Bower, mother and sister of Mr. E.H. Bower are visiting him in his time of sorrow.
C.W. Anderson went to Maysville Saturday and returned Wednesday.
Sam Weatherford of Brady was in our berg Saturday.
Klondike farmers are going to Paoli with their cotton this season. Dig up Pauls Valley, dig up, you are losing territory.
Mr. A.B. Dennis and Miss Rena Isaac married Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Marriage Licenses
Following are the licenses issued for the week preceding Sept 25, 1904.
Jno. Farris - Lizzie Freeny
Wm. Gillin - Rosa Davidson
Sam Smith - Ida Luke
Jim Love - Minnie Copeland
Newt Dodd - Eva Dixon
M.C. Knight - Cora Hunt
T.W. Henry - Nettie Howze
Married - At the court house Monday afternoon by Clerk S.H. Wootton, T.W. Henry and Miss Nettie Howze both of Wynnewood.
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, I.T., November 10, 1904
Marriage Licenses
Licenses issued since November 1, 1904
R.E. Brewer - S.E. Estes
W.H. Stewart - Lula May White
F.M. Robinson - Bessie Joplin
J.R.C. Graham - May Baker
F. Franklin - Francis Williams
J.L. Raburn - Roxie Sigeby
C.M. Pickels - Susie Montgomery
W.E. Shumate - Lillian Cochran
Elonzo Tolbert - Ida Fuller
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