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Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Chickasaw Nation, IT, Thursday, Oct 12, 1905
Marriage Licenses
W.G. Lively - Lula Moore
D.R. Williams - Ellen Hopkins
Thomas Wilson - Mary Davis
A.M. Jackson - Nina Gabbert
Charley Strickland - Cora McKruney
C.E. Self - Bertie Burks
Amos J. Justice - Lanie Sweat
Klondike News
Cotton is being gathered very rapidly in this section.
J.M. Pearson went to see his relatives last Sunday.
Jessie Able is on the sick list but is improving.
R.D. Carrol has sold out his farming tools and disposed of all of -----------and will return to his old home in south Arkansas. We are sorry to hear of his leaving as the country needs lots more entergetive farmers like him.
Married at Klondike Sunday at 12 o'clock Amos J. Justice to Miss Lanie Sweat. C.J. Dewberry officiated.
Frank Blankenship took a flying trip to Beaumont Texas last week to see his lady friend.
James Osteen has rented near Lindsay and will make that his home next year. People of this community regret to see him leave as he is a good neighbor and a progressive farmer.
Fred Blevins paid his lady a call Saturday evening. We wish him success.
Amos Justice has just completed his dwelling 1 mile north of town. It's a beauty, it has four rooms and a hall. He is going to five it a coat of Sherwin-Williams paint next week.
Will Justice passed through town Sunday and when he returned he had caught him a goose. In the round, J.H. Justice has bought the entire store and dwelling of W.J. Collins. Mr Collins is going to move out on the farm.
Some Seasonable Advice
It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay
in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Is is almost sure to be needed before
winter is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as
soon as a cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system, which can
only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so
altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it.
Local News
J.D. DeBord of Sulphur Springs Texas was here last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Maniss and family. He is a brother of C.R. DeBord, the gin mad at Paoli.
Chas. Bagg left Friday far a visit to his parents at Kirksville, Missouri. During his absence the office of city collector is being filled by Attorney J.D. Mitchell.
Hewlet Grant who has been in Southern Texas for more than a year for the benefit of his health writed to change his Enterprise from Leaky to Boern. We are glad to note that he is somewhat improved.
S.C. Fonville, of Okema, has accepted a position as salesman for W.C. Hoozer and began work Saturday. He comes highly recommended and we hope he will become a permanent resident of the town.
Chas H. Thomas returned Friday from Paris Tennessee where he had been called to the bedside of his father who died soon after his arrival. An obituary clipped from the home paper appears in this issue.
W.M. McCarty was in from Tussy Monday and dropped in to chat the Enterprise Editor. He informed us that he would soon leave for West Texas where he expects to make his home. He has been in failing health for a year and hopes to be benefited by the climatic change.
The following Masons went up to Guthrie Monday afternoon to witness - the conferring of the third degree on several candidates by the Guthrie lodge; S.D. Harris and F.C. Cook of Maysville, J.C. Hybarger, C.P, Bruce, Dr. Young, R.H. Carter, Zack Gardner, W.L. Sullivan, Dr. Conger and W.H. Paul.
Miss Jessie Hood who is visiting her cousin Mrs. W.L. Sullivan, paid the Enterprise the distinguished honor last week of sending it to her brother, H.S. Hood at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Mr. Hood has been in Port Elizabeth for several years and was there at the time of the Boer War. He is an employee of the city treasurers office.
Dr. Jno R. Callaway Jr. departed Saturday for S t. Louis where he goes to enter the College of Physicians and Surgeons. The doctor is one of our very best young men and that he will make one of the most prominent physicians of the country, there seems to be little doubt. He has already finished his third year in the Ft. Worth Medical college and will graduate from teh St. Louis school this year.
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