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Attention Confederates
At a meeting of Captain Shannons company Confederate Vetrans at Pauls
Valley March 2nd, 1909. Orders were issued that all Confederate Vetrans meet
at Pauls Valley on the 27th day of March, for the purpose of organizing and to
select a delegate to attend the Reunion at Memphis Tenn. We have now
enrolled names as follows:
T.L. Kendall, Col.
T.J. Shannon, Capt.
R.A. Carter, 1st Leut.
Jas Martin
B.L. Pharham
D.C. Wilson
L.C. Williams
R.J. Nichols
A.M. Davis
P.P. Patterson
Loel Sundall
A.S. Ralenberry
L.H. Wood
W.W. Hyden
W.J. Harris
Jeff Gebbert
D. Barr
M.W. Hays
T.L. Slakes
W. Laramore
W.H. Pyeatt
T.W. Best
L. A. W. Nichols
J.W. Crabtree
J.P. Haden
L. Bass
L.W. Randolph
A.M. Tappan
C.L. Popjoy
Zac Gardner
Abe Hargis
B.F. Butler
A.S. Coached
R.M. Tidwell
D.C. Suggs
M.C. Norwood
C.C. Jones
Dave Mays
Thomas Mays
John Young
H.P. Lovell
At the meering in Pauls Valley on March 27th Gen. Bill Cross Secretary
of State will meet with us and make a speech. There will be other
speaches, and a general good time for all old "Johny's". Come all and lets make
grand success this time. We should attend these meetings now. We are all
nearing the last Real Call we have to meet together and exchange experiences
and talk of the cause that was once nearest our hearts. THE LOST CAUSE.
By order of
T.L. Kendall
Col. Commanding
H.P. Lovell
submitted by Kim Davis
Chickasaw Enterprise, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma, November 25, 1909
Benett People who is down with fever is on the mend.
We begin our free for all singing Wednesday and Saturday evening, beginning at early candle light. Come help us sing.
Our Sunday school and prayer meeting was a success Sunday. Our Sunday school decided to have a children's meeting and Christmas tree. J.E. Driskell and Rev. C.J. Dewberry committee to train the children, W.H. Houser and W.J. Collins as committe to buy a present for every child in school district under 12 years of age. Collection taken up at Sunday school and prayer meeting amounted to $6.25. Mr. Houser agrees to furnish presents at wholesale price. Mrs. M.A. Lasater, Mrs. W.H. Houser, Mrs. Ella Colling, Miss Burnice Blankenship, Miss Pearl Reynolds, as committee to dress the tree and decorate the house. Mr. Vaughn Clark and Mr. S.S. Dean to furnish the tree. Henry Dewberry and Frank Collins to furnish the mistletoe for decoration. The tree will be in our new school house which will be completed soon. Everybody invited to come and take part. If you want to help us, pay your money to Luther Gladney.
Rev. Dickerson was unable to keep his appointment to preach here Sunday.
Rev. Smith of Ohio preaches here next Sunday.
Mr. Smith is getting up an addition to Dr. Robbersons residence here.
Mr. Brown and family of Cook County, Texas, has moved here this week.
Pierce Robberson had his sister Leuella have taken up their residence with their brother Dr. Robberson to enjoy our school.
John Roady's daughter Nettie is confined to her bed with typhoid fever.
Pete Carter has a baby boy bad sick with inflamation of the bowels.
John Roady tells us that their corn mill will grind every Saturday from now on.
Will Morrow left for Chickasha to take up his future residence there.
A good rain fell here last week which was a benefit as stock water was very scarce.
School attendance is good. Mrs. Hotman is giving good satisfaction.
Mrs. C.C. Wright was called to her home at Davis on account of the serious illness of one ofher children who has fever.
Lee Cown who has been lingering for several weeks with typhoid fever, quietly pased away Friday night. His remains were laid away at the Foster Cemetery. His widowed mother, brothers, and sisters have the sincere sympathy of the community.
Rev. W.B. Hill will preach here the fourth Sunday.
Mr. Porter, father of our good citizen, Critten Porter, died here Friday Aug. 13th, and was buried at the Winters Cemetery.
Crops are just about all gathered. some few however have some remanents of cotton in the fields.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Miss Hotman enhoyed a fine turkey dinner at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Wm. McCarty, all report a good time.
Mrs. Burton is expecting her daughter Mrs. Anna Basbee, the last of this week from Western Oklahoma.
There is considerable moving and exchanging of places with renters in this community.
Birt Worley of Ardmore visited old friends here last week, after an absence of several years.
The health of the community is very good.
BOY WANTED at once, live hustling boy to sell papers before and after school. T.J. O'Neal
COLT STRAYED, about five months old, bay, no brands. Reward offered for information leading to its recovers. J.W. Twiggs County Clerk.
The Paragon French Dry Cleaning machine has been installed and we are doing all our work in our own shop. Dick McGaugh.
We are the Prince of Perfection in Fine Tailoring. J.A. Evans.
Try a Kenyon Rain Coat, new styles just received at Van Hoozer's.
YOUR WOOD SAWING - solicited by Gantz Bros. Prompt Service. Phone 78.
We make a specialty of horse shoeing City Shoeing Shop. J.E. Goad, Prop.
If it is c oncrete work you are wanting, Struble is the man you want to see.
Pay cash for your groceries and save by trading with W.D. Austin.
If you want to get treated right go to Agnew & Widemans, Barber Shop.
If you have a good young mule to spare, get the cash for it from Gibson Bros.
Some class about them, when you have your clothes cleaned and pressed at J.A. Evans.
The ladies of the Christian church will give a Thanksgiving dinner in Dr. Branum's new hall.
It's a pleasure to get Barker work done at Agnew & Widemans
Pauls Valley Enterprise, January 28, 1909, Robberson
he past week of fair weather makes the farmer think it is almost spring, judging from the way they are beginning to plow and fix the gardens. The soil is in good condition already.
Many old neighbors are moving away, having rented places elsewhere, but we hope to find just as good in the new ones who are coming.
The school attendance is good and progressing nicely under the direction of Prof. J.G. Evans.
Leny Davis, who sold to Dr. J.C. Wallace, has moved to Rush Springs.
Dr. Wallace's new drug store is nearing completion.
Henry Harris, who has been very sick with pnewmonia, is reported out of danger and getting along all right.
We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Bob Stiles, who lived at Tussy. She had many friends here. We extend our sympathy to the grief stricken family.
Prof. Evans attended court at Duncan last week.
Mr. Dan Brown, who had the misfortune to get his collar bone broken in two places, is getting along all right now.
Singing at Mrs. Ivey's Sunday night was very much enjoyed by the young folk.
Junior B.Y.P.U.
Leader - Alma Williams, Song by choir. Roll call. Topic.
Song by choir. The Lord's Prayer by members. Scripture reading
- Arthur Amonette, Texas and Berlin Willis, Robert Watson, Leonard
Williams, Reading - Nora Williams, Recitation - Hazel Williams, Reading - Essie
Reeves, Reading - Roy Combs, Recitation - Marguriet Ph????, Reading -
Nancy Houghlin??, Song - Lois House, Recitation - Hazel Henderson, Reading -
Yates Dunn, Recitation - Lois Blanton, Reading - Miss Cheek, Song by
choir. Prayer. General remarks. Benediction. All members
are request to be present.
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