1912 Garvin County News
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  March 7, 1912 Pauls Valley Democrat.

Earl Witten is back from Topeka where he has been during the past two months visiting an Uncle.

Robt. Fields a brother of J.W. Fields was here the first of the week the guest of his brother and family.

The new ice plant is rapidly nearing completion and if this cold weather holds on just a little longer, it will be ready for the first ice demand of spring.

Don M. Kendall and wife left Tuesday for southern California, to be gone for several months for benefit of Mr. Kendall's health. Don has many friends here who will hope to hear that the climate has proven as beneficial as was expected.

Parham Bros. has this week opened their new grocery in the Myers building between the Pare Barber Shop and Alexander & Keer's hardware. The firm is composed of Haygood and Nat Parham, both well known and popular salesmen who have lived here during the past ten or twelve years.

A letter from A. J. Albright at Manhatten Kansas states that he and family are quite well pleased with their new home. Mr. Albright was in the employ of the Pauls Valley Milling Co. several years and now has a similar position at the above place. 

submitted by Kim Davis

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