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Pauls Valley Democrat, Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma, March 21, 1929
Civet News
Mr. and Mrs. Clure Page are the proud parents of a daughter, born Monday, March 4, and who has been named Betty Laverne.
The dinner on the grounds here Sunday was very well attended, services were good and we hope Reverend Douglass and Reverend McClure can be with us some time again soon.
Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Adkins entertained a few of the young people Saturday evening with a party, given in honor of Miss Ruby Gipson and Miss Jalie Webster. Quite a number of young folks were present and all reported a good time.
Mrs. J.E.. Stallings and sons, and Mrs. Stallings sister, motored down from Maud, Thursday, and spent the day in the A. Styckee home.
Mrs. E.L. Warren and girls spent from Friday until Sunday afternoon visiting relatives in Pauls Valley.
Mrs. Emma Poindexter spent the week-end visiting her brother, Mr. North, of Pauls Valley.
Mrs. A. Sytckee and son, Arnold, motored to Pauls Valley Sunday afternoon where they visited friends and relatives. Those whom they visited were Mrs. John Styckee who is in the Lindsey-Johnson hospital, Mrs. J.M. Fields, Mrs. A.Z. Fleming, Ms. E.P. Baker and Mrs. Robert Shirley.
Mr. Corel Poindexter and family spent Saturday night with Mrs. Garner Dykeman.
Little Mildred and Dean Poindexter spent Saturday night with their grandmother, Mrs. W.M. Smith.
Mrs. Warren and Frances Warren spent Wednesday night in the Garner Dykeman home.
Those visiting Sunday in the W.M. Smith home were Mrs. Coral Poindexter and little ones, Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dykeman and little son, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Poindexter, Mrs. Emma Poindexter, Mrs. E.L. Warren, Miss Frances Warren, Miss Pauline Harvey and Mrs. Smith's son, Fred Blevin , of Maysville.
Mrs. Joe Harlan spent several days visiting her father, Mr. Hare, who lives in Texas.
Mrs. Addie Jones and family have moved to the oil fields.
Those visiting Sunday evening in the Warren home were Misses Edith Belvin, Ruth Belvin, Ruby Gipson, Wyntha Smith, Jalie Webster and Messrs Elmo Ray, Goss Thomas, Arnold Styckee, Otto Lewis and Hubert Claxton.
Messrs Goss Thomas and Elmo Ray motored to Ada Sunday evening to take Miss Ruby Gipson to her school. Miss Gipson had been visiting friends in this community. Those visiting in the Ward home Sunday were the Webster brothers of Union Springs, Mr. H.C. Adkins and family and Mrs. Bob Hines of Bethel.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Webster on Wednesday, March 8, a fine daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ray are proud to announce the arrival on Monday, March 4, a fine son, whom they have named Jean Augustine.
Miss Druzilla Warren spent from Friday until Saturday with her cousin, Billy Dean Gordy at Pauls Valley and from Saturday afternoon until Sunday with Miss Lela Page of Stratford.
Missed Lela Page and Druzilla Warren took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Garner Dykeman.
Miss Charlsie Forgey spent Thursday night with Druzilla Warren.
Druzilla Warren spent Wednesday night with Miss Charlsie Forgey.
Mr. Otto Lewis is visiting in Chas Forgey home.
Mr. Chas. Forgey spent some time Sunday in the Guy Strickland home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey had as their guest, Sunday, their daughter who lives in Pauls Valley.
Mrs. Emma Poindexter and Mrs. Warren and daughter, Frances, spent some time Wednesday morning in the Clure Page home.
Miss Allie Ray is able to be up again after an illness of flu.
Misses Minnie Allen and Agnes Webster and Mssrs Otto Lewis and Scaggs motored to Ada, Sunday.
Miss Harvey spent Saturday visiting friends in Pauls Valley.
Miss Jalie Webster is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jess Ward.
Mrs. Harvey's little granddaughter, Floenza, is ill.
Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Henson wee Sunday guests in the Harvey home.
Mrs. Eula Kirkpatrick spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Webster.
Friendship Club
The Friendship Club met on Thursday, March 7, with Mrs. Anna Davis. Nine members responded to roll call with current events.
The afternoon was spent in a round table discussion of gardening, refreshments were served by the hostess to the following members: Mesdames Barbato, Gibbs, Light, Randolph, Kinney, Jarrell, Bingham, Renfro, and guests, Mrs. Hulsey and Miss Idella Johnson. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Jane Gibbs, March 21.
Pauls Valley Democrat, Pauls Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma, March 21, 1929
Civet News
There was quite a crowd at Sunday school and League Sunday.
Those visiting in the A. Styckee home, Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Adkins and children and Mr. Roy Schwartz and family.
Visitors in the Ward home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Ward and Mrs. J.L. Sanders.
Mr. Arnold Styckee and mother, and Mrs. E.L. Warren and daughter, Frances, motored to Ada, Sunday, where they visited with friends.
Little Jewel Mae Adkins visited school, Monday.
Miss Berniece Sanders had as her guest, Saturday night, Miss Dorothy Webster.
Those visiting in the Billy Webster home, Sunday, were Mrs. H.C. Adkins and Berniece Sanders.
Miss Druzilla Warren spent the week-end in Pauls Valley visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coats and little son, Herschel, and Mr. Paul Coats spent the day Sunday in the Will Ray home. Other quests in this home were Mr. and Mrs. Dug Ray and little son, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Page and children, and Mr. Goss Thomas and Miss Butler.
Those visiting in the Warren home Sunday evening were Misses Pauline, Eva and Martha Harvey, Edith and Ruth Belvin and Messrs Otto Lewis, Arnold Styckee, Golden Endicott and Lester Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Poindexter spent Sunday in the Corel Poindexter home.
Mrs. E.L. Warren and daughter, Frances, spent Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Poindexter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ches Forgey had as their guests, Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Strickland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Belvin and family spent Sunday with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Belvin.
Those visiting in the Harvey home Saturday evening were Mrs. E.L. Warren and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Joe Harlan and daughter, Betty Louise.
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dykeman, Arnold Styckee and Roy Belvin spent some time Friday evening in the Warren home.
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