1930's Pauls Valley Daily Democrat
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Pauls Valley Daily Democrat January 9, 1930
Garvin Springs News
Christmas was very quietly observed here. Had a Xmas tree Wednesday night and a program by the school which was enjoyed by a large crowd.
Mr. Burton and family took dinner Xmas day with his sister at Pernell.
Mr. J.B. Jenkins and family and Mr. Womack and family have both returned from California. They both recently disposed of their goods by giving a sale and went to Calif., planning to live there, but dreams of this community seemed to haunt them so their many friends here welcome them back.
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Harper and little daughter of Oklahoma City spent Xmas with her father, R.E. Roller and children.
Mr. W.F. Franklin and family spent a part of last week visiting with their son, Ira Franklin and wife of Minco.
Mr. Stevens and family of Randolph community are moving on the John Carr farm recently vacated by Mr. Duren.
Mrs. Roy Denton and son of Ada spent the Xmas holidays with her parents, J.D. Everett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Abernathy spend Saturday night and Sunday with her mother Mrs. Mayfield.
Miss Loura Beck, who has been attending Hills business college at Oklahoma City is visiting home folks.
Mr. Franklin's brother and family of H ealdton spent Sunday with him.
Mrs. J.M. Kinnett and family spend Sunday with her mother north of Maysville.
Civet News
Sunday school was well attended, the lessons were good and new officers for the ensuing six months were elected. Mr. McConnell was elected superintendent, Mr. J.L. Sanders, formerly superintendent was elected as his assistant and also teacher of the senior class. Miss Minnie Allen was re-elected teacher for the primary class, Mrs. Grace Aday was elected intermediate teacher and Mrs. Owens teaches for the junior class. A committee was elected to call upon the folks who have just moved in this community. This committee is composed of Miss Minnie Allen, Miss Dorothy Webster and Miss Berniece Sanders. We are expecting a good Sunday School, everyone try to co me out and help with this work. miss Thelma Smith was elected secretary.
League was well attended Sunday night.. Miss Allen was leader and Miss Berniece Sanders was appointed leader for next Sunday. On account of church Sunday night the league deferred their election of new officers until next Sunday, Brothers Watts preached to us Sunday night.
Those who took Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Sanders were; Mr. W.C. Golden and family, Mr. George Belvin and wife, Mr. Welch and wife, Mr. Leon Belvin and family, and Mr. Orville Webster.
Mrs. E.L. Warren and Druzilla Warren spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stallings of St. Louis. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stallings of Maud.
Miss Minnie Allen spent Chirstmas day with her parents at Meeker.
Mr. and Mrs. Aday and Mrs. Owens spent the Christmas holidays visiting friends and relatives in and near Antlers.
Mr. Stork was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Poindexter, December 28, when he left the young couple a find son, whom they have named Olan Gean.
The many friends of Buddie Adkins will be glad to learn that he is able to be up after his illness of some days.
Mrs. E.L. Warren spend New Year's day with Mrs. J.C. Adkins.
Guests Thursday afternoon in the H.C. Adkins home were her mother and sister, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Johnnie Webster, and Mrs. J.L. Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dykeman entertained Saturday night with a dance. Quite a large crowd was present and all reported a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Webster gave a party Thursday night in honor of the birthday of Miss Dorothy Webster. A very large crowd was present, many games were played and all had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dykeman are proud to announce the arrival of a fine baby girl who cam to them on the twentieth day of December. They have named her Berniece.
Mr. Tom Harvey and family have moved some place near Pauls Valley. Their friends regret to lose them as neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stallings were guests Monday in the home of their mother, Mrs. E.L. Warren.
Sunday quests in the Sanders home were; Mrs. E.L. Warren and daughter, Druzilla, Miss Dorothy Webster, Mr. Orville Webster and Mr. Arnold Styckee.
Mrs. Warren and daughter spent Friday night with Miss Allen in her home at Mrs. Sarah Coles.
Miss Jay Woosley of Purcell was a quest Saturday of Mrs. Warren.
Miss Edna Whitaker of Lindsay is spending some time with Miss Charlsie Forgey.
Mrs. Sarah Cole spent some time during the Christmas holidays visiting her daughter at Chickasha
Weeks Review of Activities at Court House
District Court Civil Cases
Mrs. H.B. West vs. W.M. Freeman. Damaged
Detroit Investment Co. vs. W.C. Cole. Foreclosure of chattel mortgage
Edward P. Holmes, et al. vs. Will Rogers, et al. Foreclosure of mortgage
Mrs. Kate Greer vs. John Gibson, et al. Injunction
Roy E. Burks vs. B.F. Walker. Injunction
W.M. Freeman vs. Charley Blackwood. Injunction and damages
County Court Criminal Cases
State of Oklahoma vs.
State of Oklahoma vs. Roland Clark. Transporting
State of Oklahoma vs. One Ford Coupe. Confiscation
State of Oklahoma vs. C.E. Ayers. Operating still
Marriage Licenses Issued
H.H. Hawkins, 41 and A.M. Edgmon, 24, both of Wanette
Jack Biard, 26 of Lawton and Ethel Morris, 24 of Oklahoma City
Leon Hampton, 24 and Christine Todd, 23, both of Daugherty
Melvin Melton, 18 and Lorena Rhodes, 14, both of Wynnewood
Clarence Wood, 21 of Stratford and Ethel Hayes, 18 of Alex
Bill Osborn, 23 and Bonnie Crouch, 20, both of Maysville
Milt McIntyre, 33 and May Parkey, 27, both of Paoli
Lem Wilson, 24 and Thelma Leeper, 16, both of Pauls Valley
Haskell Little, 22 and Jenny Parks, 20, both of Pauls Valley
F.C. Terrison, 27 and Mary Mobley, 19, both of Pauls Valley
Arthur Fields, 23 of Carnegie, and Clarice Bishop, 26 of Foster
Katie News
Oak Grove basketball team played Katie last Wednesday evening on Katie court. Katie girls defeated Oak Grove girls. The boys tied.
Katie played Foster last Friday evening on their court. Both boys and girls were defeated.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carter entertained the young folks with a party last Monday
night. there was a large crowd present After playing many games, refreshments
were served. Everyone reported a nice time.
There was a party at the home of M r. Lawrence Ealey Saturday night, January 4. A large crowd came. We played many games and had a very nice time. all went home after enjoying themselves very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Bettis, guests of Mrs. W.E. Moore, were visitors at Sunday school Sunday.
Misses Willie McGee, Berniece Mann, Meryle Vaughn and Pherbalee Yancy spent Sunday with Misses Dessie and Estel Grimes.
Miss Floy Landers spent Sunday with Miss Willie Garvin.
Miss Jessie Walters had as her guests Sunday her cousin and family from Addington.
Miss Willie Garvin is out of school on account of the illness of her father.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters were visiting the former;s sister Sunday.
Mr. Warren Emberlin went to Lindsay Sunday.
Mrs. W.A. Glenn of Oklahoma City was visiting her mother Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carter were visiting at County Line Sunday.
Mr. Jesse Maxwell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Jack Barnett.
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Waldroup and children are visiting his sister Mrs. Rosie Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Leach moved to Wynnewood last week.
There will be singing here Tuesday night. Everybody be sure and come. We are expecting the Elmore singing class to came and sing with us.
Mrs. S.G. Moore and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Moore.
Miss Pauline Cameron spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of Wynnewood.
Miss Marie Moore spent Sunday night with Miss Sybil Vanderburg.
Mr. Bonnie Vanderburg and son spent Sunday night with his daughter, Mrs. Alma Moore.
Little Miss Imogene Mann is very ill. we hope for her quick recovery.
Liberty News
Sunday school and singing were well attended last Sunday. Everybody come next Sunday.
We are enjoying hot lunches at school these cold winter days.
Considerable moving is going on in the Liberty community this week. we welcome these new neighbors to our midst.
We have organized a Health club in our school which we hope will be a success. we elected Wildon Thompson as president and Katrina Hughes as secretary.
Miss O Hughes is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.M. Standridge this week in Oklahoma City.
Miss Grace Bennett spent Sunday with Mrs. J.D. Thompson.
Miss Anna Hughes spent Sunday with Faye and Annie Farnworth.
Miss Rhoda Bevers spent Sunday night with Vergie Hudson.
Rhoda Bevers, Tressie Henderson, and Vergie Hudson spent Sunday with Katrina Hughes.
Wilburn Taber visited Sunday with Paul and Tom Nowlin.
Mrs. Jane Turley spent awhile Monday afternoon with Mrs. L. R. Hudson.
Wilbur Taber spent Monday in Oklahoma City visiting his sister Miss Rilla Beige.
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat February 13, 1930
Civet News
There was no league Sunday night but there was Sunday School Sunday morning, though only a few were present. Now that the bad weather seems gone everyone come out and help with Sunday School.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stallings of St. Louis motored down Thursday afternoon to visit the latter's other, Mrs. E.L. Warren. They took Mrs. Warren and Druzilla back with them where they spent the weekend.
Mrs. and Mrs. Johnnie Webster and little ones were last Sunday guests of Mr.and Mrs. Smith
Mr. A. Styckee and son, Arnold, were visitors Saturday afternoon in the home of the formers brother, Mr. John Styckee. Mrs. John Styckee was kept in doors with a broken arm.
Miss Minnie Allen and Miss Agnes Webster motored Thursday to Oklahoma where they visited Mrs. Perl Golden and Miss Allen attended teachers meeting.
Mrs. Smith who lives in the old Gipson home, visited Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Johnnie Webster.
Joe Marland and family are moving to Civet. They have moved into the old Gin house.
Visitors Sunday in the W.M. Smith home were Mildred and Dean Poindexter, Mr. Nute and Mr. Arthur Inman, and Corel Poindexter.
Mr. and Mrs. Aday and little daughter, Betty Frances, and Mrs. Owens motored to Ada Sunday where they spent the day with relatives.
Messrs Arnold Styckee and Loy Smith were visitors for a short time Sunday evening in the Warren home.
Miss Lela Page of Consolidated district visited Friday and Saturday with Misses Berniece and Helen Sanders.
Miss Helen Sanders and Lela Page took supper Thursday night with Druzilla Warren.
Mr. and Mrs. Corel Poindexter visited Sunday in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dykeman and Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Poindexter.
Those attending the show at Pauls Valley in a body were Misses Berniece and Helen Sanders, Lela Page, Thelma Smith and Messrs Loy and Lloyd Smith, Arnold Styckee and Reu Gipson.
Naomi Adkins spent Sunday afternoon with Quidanell Sanders.
Those visiting Sunday in the A. Jackson home were Mr. Chock Jackson and family, Mr. Alexander and family and Mrs. Hardigee.
Love News
Sunday school was well attended Sunday morning. Everyone wasn't on time, so everyone
try to be there promptly at 10 o'clock.
Miss Ethel Bishop has been spending a few days with her grandmother at Elmore City.
Mr. Dick Bishop spent Saturday night with Otha Stephens and Charles Orey.
Those who took dinner with Effie Mae and Jesse Murray Sunday were: Opal Croom, Meta Mae Ward, Alta Mae Davis, Nina Leen McCaskill, Essie, Ethel and Iva Stephens, Herman Cantrell, Virgil McCaskill and Marshall Raines.
Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Bishop and children of Elmore spent Saturday might with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs .Claud Pyles.
Miss Ellen Sage, Amos Ward, Spurgeon McCaskill and Louis Todd took dinner with Cruce and Mary Ellen Tomlinson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Polk Bishop and children spend Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tominson.
Mr. and Mrs. Union Cook took dinner in the W.C. Todd home Sunday.
Mr. Herbert McCaskill took dinner with Clarence and Elmo Raines Sunday.
Union Springs News
Sunday School was well attended Sunday. Brother Shirley preached at 11 o'clock and
also at night.
We had chapel last Wednesday morning. Several songs were sung, after which Mr.
Steward made an interesting talk which was enjoyed by all.
The grades dismissed for the teachers meeting Thursday and Friday, but there was school in high school, as the teachers in that department didn't go.
Sophomores Entertain With Party
The Sophomore class sponsored by Mrs. Earl Pruitt, entertained with a party Friday night.
Many were present and all reported a nice time.
Misses Mildred Webster and Margurite O'Gwin spent Tuesday night with Mrs. O.L. Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Pruitt and daughters, Misses Frances and Lilly, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Pruitt and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Dot Pruitt and family near Wynnewood Sunday.
Miss Leona Cunningham, who is attending school at Oklahoma City spent the weekend with home folk.
Misses Mildred Spencer and Opal Shirley who are attending school at Ada, spend the weekend with home folk.
Mrs. Lora Swartz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Hulsey and family, Miss Lahoma Harper and Mr. and Mrs. T.F Whatley and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Harper and family near Wynnewood Sunday.
Mrs. Pearl Rader, Brother Julle and baby, Randie Joe from Wewoka spent the weekend with Mrs. Swartz.
Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Hulsey and children visited Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Harper Monday.
Those visiting in the Mac Peeler home Sunday were Mrs. H. Hayes and daughter, Miss Pearl and Mr. Roy Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Southern, Mr. Earl Roper and Miss Almedia Roper.
I wonder?
Why the party broke up so soon Friday night?
Why Lillian got mad Sunday?
Why Ann sings sings, "Who I love?"
Why Ellen and Lahoma were so down hearted Monday?
Who Edna was with Saturday night?
Why Ella was so particular about her purse Sunday night?
What makes Mr. Stewart so good?
What the Seniors are always talking about?
Why Mildred and Ann are such good pals?
Why Pauline is so quiet?
What makes Perry and Buster such good pals?
What makes Hattie's hair so curly?
Why Mabel is so happy?
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat February 20, 1930
Card of Thanks
We take this method to thank our many friends for their kind deeds and words of sympathy during the recent illness our our daughter and sister, Helen Louise. we especially desire to thank our friends for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. Holder Williams and Pauline Williams.
Civet News
Quite a large crowd was out to Sunday school Sunday., Everybody had a good lesson. come out and help us with Sunday school each Sunday.
League was well attended Sunday night. Several visitors were present and the program was good.
Mr. Johnnie Webster and family were Thursday night guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Smith.
Messrs. Elmo and Zeltie Ray were guests in the J.J. Smith home Sunday.
Mrs. H.C. Adkins and Mrs. J.J. Smith returned the first of the week from Maud where they had been attending the sick bed of the latters sister, Mrs. Tom York.
Mrs. E.L. Warren entertained the young folks Thursday night with a party. The party was given in honor of Miss Agnes Webster whose birthday came on that day. Quite a large crowd was present and everyone reported a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Dykeman gave a dance Saturday night. A very large crowd was present. Everybody enjoyed the evening very much.
Mr. and Mrs. John Styckee were Sunday guests in the A. Styckee home.
Miss Helen Sanders spent Thursday night with Druzilla Warren.
Mr. Frank Mills was a guest for dinner Thursday in the A . Styckee home.
Mr. and Mrs. A . Styckee have opened their hearts and home to little Rozella White, the six year old child, who with the others were driven from an uncles home and found wandering on the section line. The Styckees plan to keep the child until her father or some relative is found to take care of her.
Misses Anna and Gladys Golden and Dorothy Webster, who are attending high school at Pauls Valley, spent the weekend at home.
Mr. Victor Taylor and Charles Taylor motored down Sunday to Civet. They attended League and afterwards wet driving with some girl friends of this community.
Mr. Robert Owens is visiting his mother and sister, Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Aday.
Mrs. Eula Kirkpatrick spent this weekend visiting her parents and little daughters, Billy Joe and Jewel Marie.
Miss Minnie Allen and Miss Berniece and Quidanell Sanders motored to Meeker Sunday morning and returned in time for league. Dorothy Webster spend Sunday morning with Mrs. E.L. Warren and Druzilla, and the afternoon with Anna and Gladys Golden.
Sunday afternoon guests in the J.J. Smith home were Mrs. H.C. Adkins and children, Mrs.E.L. Warren and Druzilla Warren.
Miss Ruth Belvin spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Corel Poindexter.
Little Betty Frances Aday spent a part of Monday afternoon with Druzilla Warren.
We wonder why:
Agnes looks so happy since Sunday night?
Frank Mills goes to Pauls Valley every weekend?
Druzilla and Helen like to whisper so much?
Minnie gets so many letters?
Otto likes "Carolina Moon" so well?
Why Charles and Bethel are such good pals?
Garvin Springs News
Rev. Ira Womack preached to a large crowd here Sunday and Sunday night. Sunday school was well attended Sunday afternoon.
The farmers of this community surely appreciate the pretty weather; they are all busy preparing their oat ground and some are sowing oats.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarty entertained the young folks with a party Friday night. All reported a nice time.
Mr. C.C. Carrol's son and wife of Chickasha spent Saturday night and Sunday with them.
Mr. Bynum and family took Sunday dinner in the Arch Ford home.
Miss Lillian and Winifred McGregor took supper Sunday in the F.C. McGregor home.
Banyon Weatherford and family of Pauls Valley were visiting in this community Sunday.
The farm women's club met with Mrs. Arch Ford Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Moody and Mrs. F.E. Bennett of Maysville attended Sunday school here Sunday afternoon.
Next Saturday night is Rev. Ray Kelly's appointment. We hope to see a large crowd present. We especially invite the people who have recently moved into the community.
Weeks Review of Activities at Court House
Cases filed in the County and District Court and Marriage licenses issued
District Court Civil Cases
Monarch Loan Company vs. J. A. Ivie, et al. foreclosure of mortgage, etc.
A.H. Parrett vs. Canadian Valley Construction Company. Quite Title
J.D. Hibdon vs. J.M. Dorchester. Abstract of judgement
Ethel McDodd vs. Isiah McDodd. Divorce
District Court Criminal Cases
State of Oklahoma vs. Charley Tow. Child Abandoment
State of Oklahoma vs. Warren Lloyd. Possession
State of Oklahoma vs. E.F. Brewer. Selling
State of Oklahoma vs. Roma Craig. Selling
State of Oklahoma vs. E.F. Brewer. Selling
Marriage Licenses Issued
V.W. Blackburn, 25 and Dorothy Rausch, 19, both of Elmore City
Henry Hughes, 21 and Vera Burleson, 21, both of Ada, Oklahoma
Tommie Daniels, 21 and Retha Hines, 18, both of Pauls Valley
James Tiner, 21 and Clara Gosnell, 18, both of Elmore City
Wesley Woolsey, 21 of Antioch and Eula Mae Bullard, 18, of Elmore City
C.W. Wade, 42, and Annie Berry, 28, both of Oklahoma City
Ernest C. Thompson, 27 and Jewel B. Harper, 22, both of Paoli
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat February 27, 1930
Katie School
Assembly Thursday was very greatly enjoyed. Rev Monroe G. Wright from Elmore City gave a lecture on education.
The Katie basketball boys and girls played at Hennepin Thursday. The scores for the boys was 8 to 10 in favor of Katie and the score for the girls was 16 to 4 in our favor.
The boys basketball team went to the tournament at Pauls Valley Saturday. They were defeated by Antioch. Those who played were Jim Dillard, Weldon Moore, Cortea Hensley, Bernard Garvin, Jack Teel, Lloyd Shipley and Tilford Moss. Those who went to the tournament enjoyed themselves very much.
Church was well attended Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Brother Bennett preached
an interesting sermon.
Miss Dessie Grimes gave the young folks a party last Wednesday night. There was a few of the older folks present. The young folks were Dessie and Estell Grimes, Berniece, Virgie and Bertha Mann, Willie McGee, Ruth Eppler, Marie Moore, Jessie Walters, Ella Bell Christian, Meryle Vaughn, Jeffie Shanks, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ealey, Warren Emberlin, Lawton Cottrell, Dee McGee, Earl Carter, Elzie Cottrell, Clayton Vanderburg, Holland Eppler, Lester Vanderburg, Clarence Moore, Troy Rose, Jessie Maxwell and Jack Teel.
Miss Mable Roady spent Saturday night with Miss Floy Landers.
Marie Moore spent Sunday with Eva Mae Walters.
Willie McGee and Berniece Mann spent Sunday with Mrs. Effie Warren.
Mr. and Mrs. Oved Garvin spent the weekend in Healdton.
Berniece and Virgie Mann spent Firday night with Dicie Graves of Elmore City.
Luther Shipley spend Saturday night with Clarence Moore.
Sybil Vanderburg spent Sunday night with Mary Lou Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. Thomas' parents at Love.
Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Moore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Porter.
Miss Dardanell Moore spent Sunday night with Marie Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian has as their guests Sunday relatives from Healdton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy McKinley of Fair Oak spent Saturday night with Mrs. McKinley's mother.
Beaty News
Editor - Lockie Isaac, Ass't editor - Elbert Logan, Society - Lucille Springer, Personals - Junell Beaty, Athletics and school activities - Ruth Fleming.
Sunday school wasn't very good Sunday on account of so many being absent. we
sincerely hope that it will be better next Sunday.
Singing Sunday night was well attended. Everyone reported a nice time.
Everyone come next Sunday at ten o'clock and bring someone with you. There will also be a singing next Sunday night. Everyone is invited.
Miss Macy Cleveland spent Sunday with Miss Shelvey Beam.
Miss Glenna Beaty, Miss Lockie Isaac, and Mrs. Carl Beaty spent Tuesday night with Grandpa and Grandma Beaty.
Miss Lockie Isaac, Mr. Ray Bradsham, Miss Dolly Boyd, Mr. Alvin Isaac, Miss Alva Boyd and Mr. Bura Love spent Sunday at Turner Falls. all reported a nice time.
Mr. and Mrs. B .H. Thomas and family and Mrs. Ella Richardson spent Sunday in the Zack Thomas home.
Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Beaty and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Coker and family of Elmore City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ballard McCurley spent Saturday night with Mrs. Cora Isaac and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ward are the proud parents of a new son.
Mr. Ray Bradshaw spent a few hours in the Isaac home Monday night.
School is progressing nicely. 82 pupils are enrolled. Monday we had almost a perfect attendance with 81 percent. It is wonderful to see the play ground on a pretty day. some of the games the pupils are seen playing are: basketball, baseball, volleyball, relay race, marbles and dodgeball. Everyone seems happy and full of energy.
The 4-H club entertained with a program last Friday. A special song by three girls was the outstanding number.
Can you imagine?
Alva Boyd - boy
Junelle Beaty - beauty
Lucille Springer - spring
Lena Cooper - coop
Nellie Love - loves
Lucille Beam - bean
Ruth Fleming - fly
Edith Logan - log
Macy Cleveland - cleve
Lockie Isaac - ike
Mrs. H.M. Dunn is suffering with a case of flu this week.
Consolidated No. 3
Reverend Johnson preached at this place Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. 88 were present to hear Brother Johnson Sunday night. we certainly were glad to see so many of you older folks attending.
We intend to organize a Sunday school here and we want everybody to come next Sunday. There will be singing here Sunday night.
Miss Lela Page spend Sunday night with Misses Anna Mae and Lois Owens.
Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Williams gave a party Friday night. It was well attended and everyone reported a fine time.
Union Springs boys and girls put on a play here Thursday night and everyone enjoyed it very much.
Miss Berniece Sanders of Civet spent Thursday night with Miss Lela Page.
Addie Abney is spending this week with relatives and friends at Elmore City and Pernell.
Homer Abney who has been working at Elmore City for some time, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Abney.
Mrs. J.L. Attaway and Mrs. Ada Childs spent Wednesday at Roff in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanley.
Misses Una Fay and Ela Mae Clevenger and Ina Stephens and Thelma Polk spent Sunday with Lillie Childs.
Mrs. L.J. Attaway and Mrs. Ada Childs spend Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.w. Attaway at Peavine.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bond of Paoli spent awhile Tuesday night here in the L.J. Attaway home.
Elmo Ray and Lester Page took supper Sunday evening with Julian Polk.
Mrs. Sallie Frazier and son, Gladys and Bud Tracy, of Roff spent Sunday here in the home of Mrs. Frazier's brother, John Polk.
Mrs. W.J. Walker, who has been on the sick list for some time is getting along fine at this time.
Mr. Harve Hays and J.C. Winters and Misses Allie and Eula Ray motored to Pauls Valley Saturday night and attended the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bond of Tecumseh and Mrs. Alia Finley of Pauls Valley spent awhile Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Attaway.
Mr. Henry Stanley of Roff spent awhile Monday in the L.J. Attaway home.
Poultry, Dairy, Terracing School is Big Success
Lindsay Chamber of Commerce Furnishes Interesting Program Monday Night. More than 80 farmers,their wives and children attended the entertainment at Erin Springs last Monday night, when the program was given by the Lindsay chamber of commerce, according to J.R. Waldby, county agent, who with W.B. Tucker, secretary of the local chamber of commerce, attended the meeting.
Tuesday morning, in spite of the rain which fell the night before, fifteen men were present to see lines run and terraces build, Waldby said. Four lines were run on Tom Sims farm and 5 or 6 on the farm just south of Sims."Boomer" Hill, with his case tractor and a small road grader, built the terraces.
In the afternoon, C.F. Stiles, extension entomologist from the college, demonstrated the poisoning of gophers on the Mrs. Jackson alfalfa farm just south of Lindsay. Eighteen farmers and Lindsay business men were present.
Tuesday evening, R.B. Thompson, head of the poultry department at Stillwater, gave a very interesting talk on the "Poultry Industry." He took up the growth of the industry and the adoption of sanitary methods necessary to meet the needs in raising better birds under our present day conditions.
W.B. Tucker followed Mr. Thompson, giving a very practical talk, dealing with feeding and breeding. He also pointed out that the present low price of cream necessitated the weeding out of the poor producers.
Hold Better Soil Conference Monday
The count wide 'better soils conference" will be held at the court house in Pauls Valley on Monday morning, March 3, at 10 o'clock, according to word received Wednesday by J.R. Waldby, county agent. E.E. Scholl or Dean C.P. Blackwell will be here to represent the A. and M. college, Waldby said.
Methods of soil building, legume crops, pastures and cotton facts will be discussed, and the county agent urged every land owner and every cotton farmer to be present. Bring soil samples to be tested for acid and bring questions regarding how Garvin county soil may be built back.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy in the
illness and death of our darling baby, Mildred Madeline and we especially thank Rev. R.G.
Baucom for h is beautiful service and for the flowers the Baptists church sent.
Mr. and Mrs. Oba Wright and children, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moyers and Son, Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Johnson and children, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Wright and children.
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat , April 19, 1934
Open Meeting Planned by K.of P. Lodge
Good program arranged for Thursday night, April 19. Members of Crescent Lodge No. 115, Knights of Pythias, have completed plans for an open meeting which will be held tonight at the fraternity hall. They will be assisted in the entertainment by the Pythian Sisters. In addition to several short addresses, a program consisting of instrumental and vocal musical selections, readings and stunts has been arranged. The program will be as follows: Junior high school male quartet, Violin solo by Miss Alleyne Leewright, accompanied by Mrs. L.E. brewer. Reading by Miss Kennedy. Solo by Miss Iona Matthies. Reading by Miss Goad. Stunt by Pete Green and Rex Morrison. History of Pythian Sisters by Mrs. Joe Rains, Grand Junior. Obe Lawrence's String Band. Jefferson school Rhythm band. solo by Miss Oteka Paul. Membership by Mrs. Barney Paris. This is the second open meeting to be held by the K.P. Lodge within recent months, and it is expected that a large crowd will be present. The former meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and it is especially urged that all Knights, even should they be not in good standing, make plans to attend this meeting. Members of the lodge are putting forth considerable effort to revive the spirit of the organization and are making good headway with several new members having been received and larger attendance reported at each meeting. A degree team is having regular practice sessions, and are fast becoming very proficient in the work, members state, which, with a number of former members reinstating, will bring the lodge up to the standards of several years ago, when it rated among the best in this section of the state.
Received Letter of Commendation from Hugh S. Johnson
NRA head speaks highly assistance given by Chamber of Commerce. W.B. Tucker, secretary of the Pauls Valley chamber of commerce is in receipt of a letter from Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, national relief administrator, in which Mr. Johnson highly commends the chambers of commerce for their activity in assisting with the success of the national recovery program.
Hinkle Granted 6 Months Reprieve by Governor Murray
Oklahoma City, April 18, (AP). Gov. Wm. H. Murray today granted Henry Hinkle, Jr., Lindsay, a 6 month reprieve on a sentence of 90 years in the state penintentiary which he, Hinkle, was given by a district court jury in Pauls Valley several months ago. The sentence was given for complicity in the robbery of the First National Bank at Lindsay in December, 1932. Gov. Murray stated that the appeal for clemecny was signed by 860 Garvin County citizens, and the reprieve automatically delays Hinkle's committment to the penal institution.
Women's Clubs Holding District Meet in Ardmore
Number of Delegates from Pauls Valley attending, Mrs. Phillips is President. The eighth district federation of women's clubs are holding their annual meeting in Ardmore today and Friday and a number of delegates from the Pauls Valley clubs are in attendance including: Those from the Alternate Saturday club are Mrs. Joe Curtis and Mrs. W.M. Freeman. The Art Club will be represented by Mrs. W.K. Batson and Mrs. Bob Hammond. Delegates and members from the Study Club include Mrs. Clint Ballard, Mrs. Forrest Thomas, Mrs. Sam Smith, Mrs. H.E. Blalock and Mrs. Mex Bullock. Mrs. R.L. Phillips of Pauls Valley is president of the eighth district gederation and has been active in arranging the programs that will feature the two days program. Mrs. Phillips has been identified with club work since early girlhood, having organized a Chautauqua Circle in Waxachie, Texas, in 1886, and later the Shakespeare Club of that city which is still an outstanding club. Shee was a charter member of the Texas State Federation and assisted in publishing the federations official monthly newspaper for two years. Later she moved to Tyler, Texas, where as a member of the 20th Century club, she assisted in entertaining the first annual meeting of the Texas State Federation. Mrs. Phillips also assisted in entertaining the Oklahoma State Federation at its first state meeting when Mrs. Selwyn Douglas was the president. Mrs. Phillips was one of the sponsors and the first vice president and later treasurer of the first public library in Norman. In that city she belonged to the Coterie club. Since 1902 she has lived in Pauls Valley where her club membership includes the Alternate Saturday clulb. She was state president of the Pioneer club 1930-32 which she helped to organize in Bartlesville.
Paoli Wins County Baseball Tournament
Seven Teams Entered In meet - All County Team Chosen. Paoli high school baseball team was crowned county champions at the annual field meet held in Pauls Valleey Friday and Saturday of last week. Teams competing were Paoli, Pauls Valley, Stratford, Lindsay, Elmore City, Pernell and Whitebead. A total of six games were played between the seven teams, scores being as follows: First game, Elmore City 3; Lindsay 10; Second game, pernell 1; Stratford 3; Third game, Pauls Valley 0; Paoli 16; Fourth game; Paoli 11; Lindsay 3; Fifth game; Whitebead 1; Stratford 5; Sixth and final game; Paoli 8; Stratford 8. Pauls Dennis, pitcher for the Paoli team, turned in a no hit, no run game against Pauls Valley, which was one of the high lights of the entire series. In addition to the superb pitching, Dennis went to the plate four times, walked twice and hit a tripel and a single. Earlier in the season, Dennis held the Oklahoma City Cardinals to one hit, but was beaten 2-1. All County Team Selected: A tournament committee selected an all-county team at the close of the series of games, placing the following players in the various positions; Gardner, Paoli, 1b; A. Martin, Stratford, 2b; Gist, Pernell; Dodd, Paoli, 3b; Butts, Stratford, catcher; Woods and W. Martin, Stratford, pitchers, 1f; Jones, Paoli cf; Golden, Stratford, 1f; Webster, Paoli, rf. Stratford and Paoli, between whom the final game was played, each placed four men on the all-county team with Pernell contributing the ninth member.
New B.Y.P.U. Union Will Meet to Elect Officers Tonight
Members of the "Mona Breeding" B.Y.P.U. of the First Baptist church will neet at the church annex tonight at 7:30, when officers will be elected and other business given attention. Following the business session, a social hour will be enjoyed, according to Mrs. Cleo Jones, sponsor. The new union is composed of young unmarried people between ages of 19 and 24 and all those eligible for membership are urged to attend.
Two Dead and Two Injured in Auto Accident
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stufflebean were called to Chickasha Tuesday evening by a message advising them of an auto accident in which two lifelong friends, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith, were involved. The crash took place five miles sout of Chickasha about 7 o'clock that evening. Mrs. Smith and a nam named Jess Ikard both died early Wednesday from their injuries and Mrs. R.H. Sulton of Walters is in a Chickasha hospital in a critical condition and Mr. Smith is at the home of relatives in Norman, where he was moved Wednesday afternoon, badly cut and bruised. C.B. Barnett, driver of the truck in which Ikard was riding and that collided with the Smith car, is being held by Grady county officers where homicide charges will be preferred. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Sulton were enroute from their home in Walters to Oklahoma City. They body of Mrs. Smith was brought to the Stufflebean F uneral home here Wednesday afternoon, where it was prepared for burial and removed to Norman this morning where funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, followed by interment in the Norman Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who were reared near Noble and were childhood neighbors of the Stufflebeans, formerly lived at Wirt and Healdton for a number of years, where they were engaged in the banking business, moving to Walters a few months ago where Mr. Smith assisted in liquidating and consolidating two banks in that city that were closed during the moratorium. Mrs. D.S. Oliphant of Norman, mother, and Mrs. Wattley of Healdton, sister of Mrs. Smith, accompanied Mrs. Smith's body to Norman.
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat , May 10, 1934
Walter Atkins Makes Good In Holdenville Business Venture
An extensive writeup accompanied by a photo of Walter (Doc) Atkins, appearing in the Holdenville, Okla, daily newspaper recently gives an account of this young man's splendid success in the operation of the Palace Cleaners in that city which he has owned and managed since Sept 1929. Mr. Atkins is well known here where he has often visited since his marriage to Miss Carrie Grant, daughter of Mrs. Bob Jones of this city. Friends in this city will be glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Atkins are making good and building a profitable business in Mr. Atkins old home town.
Fred Blalock Accepts Position With Aetna Insurance Company
Fred Blalock, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Blalock of Pauls Valley, has accepted a position with the Aetna Life Insurance and Load company and was placed in charge of the loans in five counties, according to information received here this week. He will make his headquarters in Lawton. Fred has been attending A & M College at Stillwater and will receive his B.S. degree May 25, from that institution. He has received many honor trips and scholarships during his college career and well deserves the position with the insurance company.
Officials Are Selected for County Elections
List given for Various Precincts in Garvin County. Members of election boards in the various precincts, who are to serve in the 1934 elections, have been selected, according to W.O. Williams, chairman of the Garvin County Election board. J.H. Patterson is secretary of the board and Ed Mitchell of Wynnewood is the other member. Mr. Williams requests that in any precinct where there exists a vacancy in the election board, which he does not know of, that due notice be given the county board in order that the vacancy may be filled. Should any of those selected be members of a school board, it is also asked that this be brought to the attention of the county board, as those in this position are not eligible to serve. Below is printed the list in its entirety: Lindsay Township - Erins Springs, Jack Carson, Inspector; L.P. Duncan, Judge; G.W. McClure, Clerk. West Lindsay - J.A. Freeling, Inspector; W.A. Berkley, Judge; Milam Luton, Clerk. East Lindsay - Tom Percy, Inspector; Jim Fitch, Clerk; J.A. Boger, Judge. Carter School House -E.O. Worley, Inspector; john Bost, Judge; Jack Worley, Clerk. Wallville - I.L. Steward, Inspector; E.J. Jenkins, Judge; J.P. Barber, Clerk. Purdy - B.B. Parr, Inspector; Clark Horton, Judge; Donald Green, Clerk. Rounds Creek - T.A. Bray, Inspector; Bill Kindalll, Judge; C.O. Winters, Clerk. Stratford Township - North Stratford - Arthur Watts, Inspector; W.E. Wood, Judge; Henderson Freeman, Clerk. South Stratford - Sam Eldridge, Inspector; Riley Scott, Judge; Jess Kemp, Clerk. Civet - Dallas Ward, Inspector; R. L. Belvin, Judge; A. Styckee, Clerk. Union Springs - Al Williams, Inspector; Boyd C. Campbell, Judge; C.G. Landrum, Clerk. Prairie Grove - Orin Malone, Inspector; Fulton Harris, Judge; C.W. Malone, Clerk. Whitebead Township - Paoli - S.L. Carder, Inspector; Oliver Burnett, Judge; Leo B. Rodke, Clerk. Whitebead - Arthur Spears, Inspector; W.G. Paris, Judge; Joe Dukes, Clerk. Beaty - Tal Fleming, Inspector; Hugh Beaty, Judge; Deloss Brown, Clerk. Maysville - Lawrence Hope, Inspector; Frank Yoakum, Judge; Henry Ivy, Clerk. Liberty School House - Tessie Nichols, Inspector; T.C. Claxton, Judge; A.S. Dixon, Clerk. Garvin Springs - M.S. Abernathy, Inspector; C.C. Dockery, Judge; Robert Roller, Clerk. (Continued on back page) This will be added ASAP.
Pauls Valley Daily Democrat , September 6, 1934
History of Pauls Valley
In the year 1897 Dr. W.L. Miller mvoed his drug store from Santa Fe street, located near thwer Lollar's Feed Store is now to the building now occupied by Harry Osage and operated there for a short time as a retail Drugh Store when he formed a partnership with O.C. Bowers, who came from Wynnewood and went into the wholesale and retail drug business. O.C. Bowers was the traveling salesman for the wholesale department and Dr. Miller had charge of the Retail store. Among those employed as sales force were Lew Dorrance, who came from Lexington and was one of the first graduates of Oklahoma University in the same class with Marion Donahue, also S.E. Bowers and C.E. Miller who now owns a drug store at Frances, Okla. and Joe Raines who came from Elmore City and accepted aposition in the wholesale department. The Miller-Bower's Drug company sold out to Dr. Berry and went to Oklahoma City and opened up a wholesale drug company known as Oklahoma Drug company. Later Dr. Berry sold to Kennedy and Baker. Mr. Raines stayed with this firm for two years and then accepted a position with C.P. Bruce, the "Live Druggist". This drug store was located where the R oyal theater is at present. In the winter of 1899 which was the coldest winter we had had for many years, the thermometer stood at 16 degrees below zero one Friday and old settlers called it the cold Friday. At that time there were no concrete sidewalks in Pauls Valley. All the walks we had were board walks. In the spring Dr. Miller formed a partnership with Dr. Wynn and they opened a hospital over the drug store, this being Pauls Valley's first hosptial. C.P. Bruce moved his drug store in 1901 where the First National bank now stands. This was a frame building and the clerks employed were U.S. Allendar, Glen Williams and Joe Raines. Mr. Raines is the only one of the firm now living. Mr. Bruce later built the building wher Willy's Variety store now is and moved there and the First National Bank building was built. In 1904 C.P. Bruce was elected mayor of Pauls Valley. In 1895 E.O. Hightower was proprietor of a men's clothing store in the Reavis Drug building and in 1897 when Mrs. Hightower came as a bride here, their first home was on the Santa Fe street facing the railroad on the lot south of Mrs. George McRee's. Dr. and Mrs. Burks were then their neighbors and lived where Rev. Grimm lives now. The Moman Pruitt family lived north of the Hightowers. Mr. Hightower later built a home on Ash street. Mr. Hightower was elected mayor in 1908 and the city hall building was built while he was mayor. Another family that has seen Pauls Valley grow are Mr. and Mrs. C.A. bradley. Mrs. Bradley came here when she was fourteen years of age with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.Cecile, from Arkansas. She attended school in the small frame building which stood on the funeral home lot and Mr. Bradley came the same year from Virginia to work in the store for his brother, who owned the second store in Pauls Valley, known as Smith Bradley and company. Mrs. Bradley then Miss Armena Cecile, Mrs. Bob Braden, then Miss Manning, Mrs. C. Prater, who was then Miss Katilina Klinglesmith were all young ladies here together and have been friends ever since and Miss Klinglesmith was the first milliner in the city in the C.J. Grant store and Mr. Prater was the shoe man in the same store. Mrsss. Jim Rennie was the director of plays i the city with the young people taking part. Miss Tamsy Hull later Mrs. Clayton, Miss Constant and Miss Cecil were others taking parts. Well do old timers remember the time when Carrie Nation spoke in the Methodist church. She brought a colored man with her and seated him on the platform with her and Mr. C.A. Sanders, now of Lindsay who was the usher went up to ask him to another seat in the rear. Many left the church before she spoke.
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