1935 Pauls Valley Daily Democrat
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August 8, 1935

Klondike Items

Let's not forget Rev. Fred Cox's appointment at the school house Sunday at 3 o'clock.  Let's all be here.  We are sure he will have a good sermon for us at that time.  Rev. Cox is pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church at Pauls Valley

Mrs. Jess Webster, Elizabeth Ann and Miss Roxie Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russell and family Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vaughan announce the birth of a daughter born Friday.

Bud Howard visited in the Hannah home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Blankenship visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blankenship Tuesday.

Mr. and  Mrs. Zan Driskill and small children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Driskill.

Misses Alleyne and Sarah Jane Hatman spent Saturday night with their Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Thompson.

Louise Ross visited Juanita Driskill Sunday.

Margie Baker spent Sunday visiting her cousin, Elsie Dorman.

Mrs. Arbrey Russell was a visitor in school Friday.

Mr. Frank Blankenship and daughter, Wanda Lee and Betty Jo, and also Billie Joe Russell visited Mr. and Mrs. Hal Russell of Hennepin Sunday.

Mrs. Nora Picket, Mrs. Ross sister visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross Monday.

Mrs. Fry spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Thomas.

Velma Norman, Ruth Graham and Pauls Gene Blankenship spent Sunday evening with Vada Osborne.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Osborne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moss.

Mr. Oford Gilbert spent Saturday with Maurice Hatman.

Bobbie and Earl Brooks spent Sunday morning with Roy Gilbert.

Maurice Hatman spent a while Sunday afternoon with Curley Gilbert.

Mrs. Ruth Graham and children of Sayre are visiting this week with Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Skeen.

Foster News

The revival meeting started Sunday morning.  A large crowd attended Sunday and Sunday night.  Rev. Parmer of Apache, Oklahoma is conducting the services and the meeting will continue for two weeks.  Everyone is invited to attend.

Miss Alpha Pickett has returnedhome from a three weeks visit in Fort Worth, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mullins and children of Pauls Valley visited here Sunday with friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wiley and children of Oklahoma City visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Wiley Wednesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim  Wilson and daughter, Eleanor, of Cow City were weekend guests of Mrs. J.C. Branham.

Misses Arvilla and Marcella Picker are visiting in Fort Worth, Texas with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis and children of Seminole visited in the Wiley home Friday.

Mrs. Lee Barnett and daughter Gwendolyn, and Virginia were visitors in the McConnell home Sunday.

Misses Joyce Bishop and Goldia Richardson spent Sunday with Billie Jean Wiley.

Mrs. Mattie Skelton is ill this week due to a car accident.

Mrs. J.C. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson and daughter, Eleanor, Betty Jo Richardson and Doyal Branham visited in Wynnewood Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branham then motored to Sulphur for an evening swim in the Belleview pool.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gann and son, Clarence, and Mrs. Bolles were visitors here Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Hinds of Pernell spend Sunday in the  Richardson home.

Mrs. Inez Hodges and daughter, Catherine, of Lawton were visitors of friends and relatives here last week.

Mrs. Winnie Bishop and children, who have been visiting with relatives here, have returned to their homes in Oklahoma City.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nash and children, Marcus and Dorothy, attended the show at Pauls Valley Thursday night.

August 15, 1935

Cross Roads News

Singing was well attended Sunday night.  Two special selections were given by Mr. J.A. Cole, Mr. Mount Driskill, Mrs. W.M. Looyd and Miss Alma Spence.   Several visitors were present.

Everyone reported an enjoyable time at the party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Cherry.

Murl Cherry who was kicked in the face by a horse is reported improving.

Mrs. Orval Adams is at Antioch at the bedside of her father, Mr. M.D. L. Murdock, who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton and daughter of Stillwater and Mrs. Ethel Carruth of Seminole spent the weekend with Mrs. Lucy Ward.

Miss Alice Hatch is visiting with her grand-mother, Mrs. Morgan at Hobart.

Mr. and Mrs. Giles Paine and sons of Wewoka spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.B. McLish.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dennis and family spent Saturday ngith with Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Harper of Union Springs.  Mrs. Dennis attended the Alumni banquet at Union Springs.

Mr. Charlie Holt and two sons and Misses Bill Holt and Jessie Hood of Dallas, Texas, visited from Monday until Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Dabbs and family.  Mr. and Mrs. Dabbs returned as far as Sulphur with them Wednesday and spent the day there.

Miss Delma Webster of Choctaw spent tht week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Webser.

Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Whitaker and children visited their daughter, Mrs. W.W. Futrell Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Fred Gear spend Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W.A. Webster.

Choctaw News

School is progressing nicely with about 40 on roll but we hope to have 50 before long.

Miss Hostene Dykeman is on the sick list now but we hope she will be in school soon.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bollinger and sons, Gene and Louis, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Baker.

Miss Allie Ray of Civet is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ray.

Miss Delma Webster spent the week-end with her parents at Cross Roads.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ray spent Saturday night and Sunday picnicking and swimming at Turner Falls and Prices Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Golden spent a short time Monday evening in the J.W. Ray home at Civet.

Mr. Odell Shocklet was a Sunday evening guest of L.D. Bollinger.

Scoby News

The revival meeting started at this place Saturday night with Brother Massagee of Paoli, pastor of the church in charge.  We have had large crowds, both Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night.

Let's come every night and show real interest.

There was a larger crowd out for Sunday school Sunday.  Let's everyone come next Sunday and bring our friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. O'Hagan and family and mr. and Mrs. Haskell Conover of Paoli are on a pleasure trip to different parts in Galveston, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kinney of Maysville and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Stoffle and children of Texas were Sunday visitors in the Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Stoffle home.

Miss Glenn Stoffle is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leota O'Hagan and mr. O'Hagan of Blanton View.

Mrs. Verna Whitehead of Lubbock, Texas, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hulsey part of last week.  She was accompanied home with her sister, Miss Nelva Hulsey.

Arthur Barton is visiting his sister, Mrs. Louis Dove and Mr. Dove of Seminole.

Luther Story visited Heartsil and James Tate Saturday night.

Miss Magalene Stoffle has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B.C. O'Hagan of Blanton View.

Brother Massagee took dinner Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Stoffle home.

Miss Alma Joyce Pendley of Paoli visited Frances Dillingham Saturday night and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dove and children of Seminole and Harlfe Doul of Texas, visited part of last week in the Mr. and Mrs. R.K. Barton home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bever of Tishomingo visited part of last week in the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Story home.

Mr. A.F. Cottrell has gone to Lindsay for a few days where he has secured work in broomcorn.

September 26, 1935

Choctaw News

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keenom were Sunday guests of Mr. Hankin's of Byars.

Mr. Curtis Bollinger was a Thursday night guest of Mr. Melton Blevins of Lindsay.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ray and Mr. J.W. Ray were vistors in the J.A. Bollinger home Saturday night.

Mrs. Charlie Golden spent Saturday afternoon in the home of her mother, Mrs. J.W. Ray.

Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Shacklett and children spent Saturday in Ada visiting friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Dimps Golden of Prairie Grove were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Shocklett.

Mr. Shelly Ray spent the weekend with Mr. Charlie Golden.

Mr. J.W. Ray of Civet spent Saturday night with his son, Mr. Elmo Ray.

Those visiting in the J.A. Bollinger home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ray, Mr. Henry McMillian and Mr. Fate Dewessee.

Mr. Wilford and Miss Ethel Mae Keenom spent Sunday in the Boyd home of Peavine.

Mr. Curtis Bollinger spent Sunday night with Mr. Die Baker of Pauls Valley.

The old Coal building which has been in very bad condition was replaced by a new one last week.

Fairview News

Mr. and Mrs. Will Wickware of Whitebead spent a few hours in Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wilson's home Sunday.

Mr. Ted Buckner spent Sunday with Miss Hookie Johns.

A few of this community went to the Rodeo at the air port Sunday.  Everyone had a nice time.

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Wickware and La Verl spent a few hours in Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Buckner's home Sunday.

Mrs. D.L. Buckner and children, Jewel, Robbie, William and Leon and grandson, John   Ellis Buckner, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dunn of Oak Grove.

Miss Ruby Weldon of Wetumka is spending this week with Mrs. Nittie Dennington of Love.

Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Wickware are moving in Whitebead community.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Barrett, Jr., Mr. Barrett's mother, Mrs. A.C. Barrett and Mrs. Bill Shields of Davis spent Sunday visiting a new nephew and grandson, Bobby Gene Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Barrett in Oklahoma City, born September 13.

Garvin County Marriages

The following marriage license was issued at the office of Court Clerk Claude Parsons:

Edgar Johnson, 20, and Luanna Holman, 17, both of Foster
Miles Woods, 21, and Florine Proffitt, both of Canton, Oklahoma
Clarence Popjoy, 21, and Ruth Eppler, 18, both of Elmore City
Clarence Glenn, 21, and Joe Emma Albright, 18, both of Elmore City
Everestt McElroy, 21, and Irene Howard, 22, both of Lindsay
Luther Turner and Merle Austin, both of Noble
Roy Henderson, 21, and Samantha Moon, 21, both of Elmore City
Roy Graves, 21, and Vera Mae Burcham, 18, both of Elmore City
Lorah Lee, 23, and Mae Frances, 19, both of Wynnewood
Leslie Buckner, 23, Elmore City, and Eulena Jones, 19, Pauls Valley
Leo Cottrell, 21, and Rosie Lee Baker, 18, both of Wynnewood
V.F. Bolling, 28, Wayne, and Bertha Kling, 23, Paoli
J.L. Fletcher, 38, and Clara Boss, 35, both of Sulphur

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