1942 Pauls Valley Enterprise
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Thursday, Feb. 5, 1942
Nat'l Farm Loan Group To Hold Annual Meet
Officers and Directors To Be Elected During Annual Meeting February 27
The Lasater and Garvin-Murray National Farm Loan Associations will hold their annual meetings on Thursday and Friday, February 26 and 227, according to C.A. Low, secretary-treasurer of the associations.
The Lasaer Association will hold its meeting in the Presbyterian Church basement here on Friday, February 27, while the Garvin-Murray Association will hold its meeting in Sulphur on Thursday, February 26. Both meetings have been scheduled to start at 10 am.
Included on the annual meeting program will be the business report of Mr. Low as secretary-treasurer of the associations. The election of a director and officers of the associations will also be important features of the annual meeting.
The complete program for the two meetings has not been worked out but Low said that the complete program would probably require about two hours.
John Hassen, Sulphur, is the director of the Lasater Association whose term will expire this year. Other directors of the Lasater Association are Mrs. S.W. Lasater, J.W. Gibson, A.P. Burns, all of Pauls Valley and George Myers of Lindsay.
In the Garvin-Murray Association, J.E. Bibble's term as director wll expire this year. Other directors are W.F. McCarty, Pauls Valley, Amos L. Arms and C.L. Chaffin, Sulphur and A.T. Norwood, Wynnewood.
Antioch News
Sunday School was well attended at the school house Sunday morning.
A large crowd attended teh AAA meeting here last Tuesday evening. Mr. Russell Pierson called the house to order. He spoke on keeping up production of farm produce. Miss Gladys Smith spoke next. Her topic was "Foods for Health". Mr. G.P. Bennett spoke about crop insurance. Mr. Menders talked to the farmers about soil conservation. Mr. W.C. Stamper closed the program with a talk on patriotism and also gave a grief outline of the AAA work.
The A.B.C. club will neet Friday, the 13th of February with Mrs. Jesse Thompson.
Mrs. Lester Cagie visited awhile Sunday with Mrs. Rex Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holdsclaw of Garvin Springs honored her father, Jud Jenkins with a birthday dinner in their home Sunday. Three large birthday cakes decorated the table. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Haskell LaMascus and children, Lnette, Teletha, Richard and Royce of Elmore City, Hubert Jenkins and son, Beeson, Mr. and Mrs. Chrys Hana and children, Pauline Joy, Donald Ray and Travis; Mr. and Mrs. John W=McWhirter and Mis Jane Jenkins: Mr. and Mrs. E.J. McWhirter and children, Jerry Don, Patricia and Johnnie Lee; Miss Billie Austin; Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon McCaskill and son, Clark; the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holdsclaw and children, Junior, Jodane and W.C., and the honoree, Mr. Jud Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Lynn of Claud visited with different friends awhile here Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and children of Love attended Sunday School at Antioch Sunday morning and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ocie Guthrie Sunday Afternoon.
Mr. Garland Adams who is employed in an aircraft factory at Dallas, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adams Monday and Tuesday. Rex Adams returned to Dallas with him Wednesday.
Mrs. Dave Watson visited friends and shopped in Pauls Valley Saturday.
Elmore City News
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Speaks attended services at the Methodist church in Wynnewood Thrursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Speaks and Mrs. C.C. Grundy were Pauls Valley visitors Sunday and the latter's daughter, Mrs. Claude Stelding accompanied them home for an overnight visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ford of Oklahoma City were week end guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ?.A,. Tutor and daughter Miss Alice.
C.B. McConnell attended business in Colgate first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Frost of Davis were guests of their father and brother, G.W. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Chox Kennedy Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan NcNeill and son moved Monday into the property of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Nation. Mr. McNeill who is an employee of the Santa Fe railroad and now stationed at Wanette will continue his work with the company and spend part time here with his family.
Miss Jack Harman of Whitebead and Miss Margaret Ellen Harman, student nurse of Oklahoma City, were week end guests of their sister and brother, Mrs. Joe Bristol and Mr. Bristol, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harman. Miss Captola Harman of Pauls Valley also visited here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harman also had as overnight guests Saturday, Calvin Anderson and son of Moore. Mr. Harman accompanied them home for an overnight visit/
Miss Lois West of Daugherty was the guest of her grandparents and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Owend and Miss Thelma Moon Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S.O. Bollew who have been residents of Elmore Several months moved Saturday to McAllen, Texas, where he will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graves moved from the Herman Priest property to that vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bollew.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Wade and son and Margaret Ann Smith were Pauls Valley visitors Saturday.
Ralph Geary of Crowder was an overnight guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McKay Sunday night as he was enroute from his home in Crowder to Oklahoma City.
Alvin Alexander of Ft. Sill was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Alexander Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewis and son visited over the week end in Durant with his parents.
Mrs. S.A. Cain received word last week announginc the arrival of a granddaughter, Barbara Jean Cain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cain of Hobbs, New Mexico, born Tuesday, January 20. Mrs. Cain also received the announcement of the marriage of her granddaughter, Miss Ida Belle Holder and Gene Reee of Ardmore. Miss Holder, who made her home with Mr.and Mrs. Jerry Drake is the daughter of Mrs. Irene Bingham of County Line and has often visited here with relatives.
J.P. Gibson visited in Norman over the week end with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Combs went to Oklahoma City Thursday to accompany his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Combs back to their home here after a stay of some time in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Harry Reynolds and Mr. Reynolds.
Mrs. Charlie McKey, Mrs. F.C. Newton, and Mrs. Joe Bristol attended the first quarterly meeting of Farm Womens Clubs in Pauls Valley Friday.
Mrs. Charlie Richardson and daughter and Myrth Witt of Kilgore were weekend guests of her sister, Mrs. Vera Carpenter and other relatives. Mr. Richardson's mother, Mrs. Dora Richardson accompanied them home for an extended visit.
Miss Ruby McKey who is employed in Oklahoma City, spent the week end here with homefolk. She and Mr. and Mrs. Chalie McKey visited in Sulphur Sunday afternoon with their father, E.L. McKey who has been ill at his home. They report his condition improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Paine and daughter of Pauls Valley and Bert Talioferro fo Dallas were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Talioferro.
Ross Welch of Davis spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Welch and family who also has as additional guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Plaster.
Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Newton visited in Pauls Valley with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Henderson.
Eulyss Lynn of Camp Barkley visited friends and relatives here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall went to Pauls Valley Sunday where they met their daughter, Miss Mattie Murl Hall, student of East Central Ada, for a visit in the home of a daughter and sister, Mrs. B.A. Vaut and Mr. Vaut.
Mr. and Mrs. E .H. Yeary went to Lawton Sunday and were guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Padgett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nash of Foster went to Ada Sunday where they were guests of her father, H,.A. Bonifield and Mrs. Bonifield.
E.C. Parks of McAlester visited during the week end here with his daughter, Mrs. B.F. Cagle and family and at Foster with a son, J.E. Parks and family.
Mrs. Opal McKey and sons had as week end guests, a daughter and sister, Mrs. James Adams and son of Pauls Valley.
Calvin Roady of Pleasanton, Calif., came last week for a visit here with his grandparetns, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Roady and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N.H. Yeary had as week end guests their grandson Mr. and Mrs. Dick Henderson of Ada.
Nathan Heath who has been employed in San Diego for several months came last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Heath of the Beaty community. He spend Sunday here with friends.
Mrs. W.A. Terrell spent several days the past week in the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Terrell of the Shady Grove community and assisted in caring for their children who were ill of measles.
Miss Iris Hipp, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Ira Hipp is reported among the victims of the chicken pox epidemic and is absent from her classes at school this week.
Mrs. George Harrison and son of Pauls Valley attended the bridal showere honoring her sister Mrs. Kenneth Graves Thursday night and remained for a visit with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Brewer until Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Huse Nation and son and daughter came from Odessa Texas Monday for a visit with his mother and sister, Mrs. S.M. Nation and Miss Arlin and other relatives.
Mrs. C .L. Sullivan attended the organization of the first aid chapter which was held in Pauls Valley Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Marie Hensley of Mangum was the guest of relatives here during the week end.
Bryan Gibson of Oklahoma City visited friends here a few days of last week.
Mrs. Anna Smith and son and daughter U.L. and Margaret Ann and Joan Cagle visited Sunday afternoon in Wynnewood in the Home of Mr. and Mrs. R oy Parks.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Henderson moved from Pauls Valley Tuesday to the farm southeast of town formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daniels and family who moved to the property vacated recently by Claude Howard.
A.A. Jones returned home last week from a visit of several days in the home of a son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Audie Jones of Lindsay and Mrs. Floy Cook and family of Oklahoma City.
Mrs. Tom Bost went to Strong City last week because of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Lillie Nebhut.
Oscar Skelton, student of a aircraft school in Dallas, spent the ween end here with home folk.
Edward Terrell, who is also attending the school came Monday for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Terrell.
Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Collins with their daughter, Mrs. Lee Taylor and Mr. Taylor of Pike City went to Duncan Sunday and were dinner guests of a granddaughter and daughter, Mrs. W.S. Dill and Mr. Dill. The occasion was being a surprise birthday dinner planned in honor of Mr. Collins who wll celebrate his birth anniversary this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones and son and daughter who left here several weeks ago for Pamona, Calif., returned here and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Cook Wednesday as they were enroute to Gould where they wll visit relatives. They plan to establish a home in Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christian who also went to Pamona have teturned to the home of his mother, Mrs. A.J. Christian at Katie.
Billy Joe Pyle returned home Tuesday from Konawa where he had been visiting relatives for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hipp and son and Mr. and Mrs. Womack Nation and family left Wednesday for San Diego where they olan to spend some time.
Gift Shower Honors Mrs. Graves
Mrs. Kenneth Graves who before her recent marriage was Miss Pauline Brewer, was honored with a lovely bridal gift shower Thursday night in the home of Miss Ima Ruth Drennan. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Alva Ford and Misses Gladys Johnson and Maude Lee Simms.
A short program of songs by Christene Merriman and Charlotte Ann Welch with Cletus Terrell accompanying at the piano and a reading "Letter to Santa Claus" by Margaret Ann Smith was followed by games and contests directed by Miss Simms.
Miss Johnson was in charge of the bride's book and Mrs. Alf Drennan assisted in the dining room.
The final contest "How to Keep a Husband" was won by Mrs. Graves and Alyce Drennan presented the contest prize which was the shower gifts from the following: Mrs. C.C.Grundy, Mrs. I.R. Birch, Mrs. amos Drennan, Mrs. Lee Lewis, Mrs. W.A. McGalliard, Mrs. L.M. Drennan, Mrs. Viola Cooley, Mrs. Charlie McKey, Mrs. W.E. Dodge, Mrs. E .H. Yeary, Mrs. Arch Dill, Mrs. Cloe Raines, Mrs. Marvene Moore, Mrs. F.C. Newton, Mrs. George Kennedy, Mrs. Homer Hall, Mrs. Phena McConnell, Mr.s Jess Brewer, Mrs. Alf Drennan, Mrs. Oliver Odell, Mrs. Dwight Hopkins, Mrs. C.L. Sullivan, Mrs. N.R. Wads, Mrs. Elmore Tallioferro, Mrs. Fred Combs, Mrs. John Dillingham, Mrs. W.R. Goins, Mrs.David Price, Mrs. Lulther White, Mrs. C.E. McKey, Mrs. Doyle Combs, Mrs. J.B. Harman, Mrs. D.D. McGalliard, Mrs. Ira Welch, Mrs. James Caldwell, Mrs. Paul Dill, Mrs. Olin Smith, Mrs. Beulah Lindsey, Mrs. Joe Stokes, Mrs. A.L. Brewer, Mrs. J.K. Lindsey, Mrs. Elmer Priest, Mrs. Tom Shelton, Mrs. Fred Thronton, Mrs. Joe Bristol, Mrs. Orville Birch, Mrs. H. Stelding, Mrs. W.T. Vaughn, Mrs. V.O. Graves, Mrs. George Harrison, Mrs. E.C. Pyle, Mrs. B.A. Vaut, and Mrs. Arthur Evans of Pauls Valley, Mrs. J.C. Harrell of Lindsay, Mrs. Roy Jones of Stillwater, Mrs. Truman Moody of Wichita Falls, Mrs. Anna Brewer and Miss Pearl Brewer of Wewoka, and Misses Laura Mae Lindsey, Patrina Kelley, Christene Paul, Ethel Marie Brewester, Muriel Potts, Margaret Ann Smith, Christene and Winifred Merriman, Alyce and Yvonne Drennan, Cletus Terrell, Thelma Hamilton and the hostesses.
Three Year Old is Honored with Party
Little Miss Beatrice Frost was three years old Wednesday, January 28 and her mother Mrs. Preston Frost entertained in her honor with a children's party after shcool hours that afternoon.
Favorite games were enjoyed and a variety of lovely figts were presented the honoree. Refreshments were served guest including Sue and Teddy Priest, Lvaora Jo and Anita Sue Dill, Mary Ann and Marie Harris, Joan and Earl Ray Jones, Joyce Wilson, Shirley Ann Neal, Richard and Royce LaMascus, Elaine Childress, Maude Lee, Opal Jo, Waunice, Louis and James Ray Frost. Mothers of the guests present were Mrs. Jesse Harris, Mrs. Craig LaMascus.
Missionary Society Honors Departing Members
Eighteen members of the methodist Ladies Missionary Society were present Monday afternoon when they met in the home of Mrs. Fred Combs for a combined study program and social hour during which Mrs. Sidney Hipp and Mrs. Womack Nation who plan to leave this week for California were presented lovely gifts from the society.
During the business hour the group voted to extend thanks to the various folk who assisted in the old paper drive which netted the society about $25.00
Dwight Hoplins, Jr., was presented a life membership in the society.
Refreshments were served during the social hour.
Better Homes Club Study Citizenship
Mrs. F.C. Newton was hostess and Mrs. Joe Bristol was leader when members of the Better Homes Club met for the rural citizenship program. Essentail sof good citizenship were fiven as roll call response and Mrs. Bristol read "Do the Next Thing", and article from Readers' Digest, as a special reading. Topics on training for leadership, appreciation of educational values, and spending spare time, were discussed by the group, and Mrs. Fred Merriman presented the topic on family relationship. Mrs. McKey, Mrs. Bristol and Mrs. Newton attended the advisory meeting in Pauls Valley last Friday and reports were fiven.
Mrs. Newton gave a special demonstration making whole wheat bread.
Refreshments were served during the social hour. Mrs. Clark Graham was special guest.
Local Couples Married in Stillwater
A doulbe wedding ceremony in Stillwater last week which is of interest to their friends here was that Saturday, January 30, when Miss Gladys Johnson and James Reeves and Miss Jaunita Welch and Herman Plaster were united in marriage. Reb. Joe Bowers, pastor of the Methodist church in Stillwater read the vows.
Mrs. Reeves is the daughter of M.M. Johnson of Iraan, TExas, but has made her home with her maternal grandmother, Mrs. W.M. Lindsey since the death of her mother. She is a graduate of the Elmore High School. Mr. reeves is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Reeves of Lindsay and formerly a resident of this community and is a graduate of the Burris High.
Mrs. Plaster is the daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. Ira Welch and is also a graduate of the local high school. She attended Murray school of Agriculture, Tishomingo and was a student of the A & M, Stillwater at the time of her marriage.
Mr. Plaster is the osn of Mr. and Mrs. Jobert Plaster of Lindsay and is a graduate of the Lindsay High School. He made his home here with A.A. Jones the past few years.
Both couples plan to make their home in Lindsay where both Mr. Reeves and Mr. Plaster are employed.
Red Cross Acivities
Much interest is being shown in the Red Cross activities and the C.C. Grundy building is being arranged as headquarters. Mrs. Ernest of Wynnewood, chairman of production for the county assisted in getting the group organized last week and gave special instruction to the committees appointed by Mrs. C.L. Sullivan, local chairman of the district including 14 school districts. About 50 women were present. Committees as apointed are: Sewing - Mrs. A.L. Brewer, Mrs. Fred Merriman, Mrs. Amos Drennan, Mrs. Elmer Priest, Mrs. Alf Drennan and Mrs. I.R. Birch. Cutting - Mrs. F.C. Newton, Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Rafe Drennan and Mrs. J. Sparks. Planning and Supply - Mrs. Fred Cobbs, Mrs. Doyle Combs, Mrs. W.E. Dodge and Mrs. Lindsey. Inspection and Bundling - Mrs. George Kennedy, Mrs. Joe Bristol, Mrs. W.R. Goins and Mrs. Tom Shelton. Workroom Equipment - Miss Madue Lee Sims, Miss Ima Ruth Drennan and Mrs. Joe Stokes. Distribution for District - Mrs. Charlie McKey, Mrs. Ira Hipp, Mrs. J.E. Terrell and Mrs. Ray Speaks. Knitting - Mrs. W.T. Vaughn and Mrs. N.R. Wade.
Local men have organized a club and will assist the ladies in the financila work by paying the rent and utilities cost. Plans are being made to have the sewing room open every day and the building will also be used as a community center. All ladies of the surrounding communities are especially invited to come in anytime when int own. Announcements will be made later when the materials arrive and also when dates have been chosen for the knitting classes.
Nephew of Mrs. D.D. McGalliard is Killed
Jamuary 26, when their training plane crashed near Martindale Field, an auxillary landing field near Randolph Fiedl, San Antonia, while practicing landing and takeoff in a three plane formation.
Funeral services were conducted in San Antonia Wednesday for Lieut. Walker and burila was made there.
He was the grandson of Mrs. J.M. Walker of Rosedaly and is survived by his wife and his mother.
Underwood Property Destroyed By Fire
Fire of an undetermined origin completely destroyed the Hollis Underwood property here early Wednesday morning. The building was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Otis Loper who recently moved here from Lindsay. The fire had gained such headway before being discovered that the faily was not able to save anything and the car parked near the house was also destroyed.
Local News
Mrs. E.F. Rawlings and daughter, Sandra, have returned from a months visit with her parents in California.
Mrs. A.G. Clewall of Watonga is visiting in the home of her son, Dr. G.D. Smith, and family. Mrs. S mith, who underwent an operation at the Lindsey-Johnson-Shirley Hospital last week has been removed to her home and is recuperating satisfactorily.
Mrs. B.A. Vaughn, Miss Ola Mae Nichols and Miss Erma Readnour visited firends in Lawton during the week end.
Rev. and Mrs. C.L. Brooks of Okmulgee spent Friday and Saturday here visiting in the home of their daughter, Mrs. E.T. Shirley and Dr. Shirley.
Harold Freeman spent several days this week in Tulsa where he transacted business.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boynton of Oklahoma City visited Mrs. Boynton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Pyle, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hays and daughter, Brunetta, of Norman, visited here. Hays mother, Mrs. W.B. Hays and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hays during the weekend. Mrs. W.B. Hays is improving slowly from burns suffered in her home New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Burch and family were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nelson and family in Oklahoma City.
Miss Sara Thomason, a teacher in the Oklahoma City schools, spent the week end at her home here.
Mrs. Rebecca Bell of Norman visited her sister, Mrs. W.E. Reel Tuesday.
Neal Crawford of Lindsay was a Pauls Valley business visitor Friday.
W.H. Deskins of Ardmore transacted business in Pauls Valley Saturday.
Mrs. Maurine Long left Friday for Oklahoma City where she enrolled in a business college.
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