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June 22, 1933
Pioneer citizen is claimed by death.
John W, DEAN passed away at his home south of Garvin Springs school house at noon last
Friday, at the ripe age of 86 years, death being directly due to heart disease from which
he had been afflicted since last September.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. P.E. HIGH at the Antioch school building Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in Antioch cemetery, beside the grave of his father,
who died more than 30 years ago.
Mr. DEAN had lived in and near the Antioch community for 45 years, and a large crowd of
old friends and neighbors as well as a host of relatives were in attendance at the
Surviving relatives are the aged wife, six sons, Joe, Lee, Mit, Ben, Homer and Ellmer; two
daughters, Mrs. P.A. MORING and Mrs. Dolly McGREGOR: thirty-five grand-children and four
great grand-children.
Mr. DEAN was a grand old man and during his long residence in the community had won the
friendship of hundreds who will mourn his passing.
He had been a member of the Methodist church for many years an met the end with confidence
that all was well.
John Wesley DEAN died June 16, 1933. Burial at Antioch cemetery, Garvin county, OK, beside
his father, who died some 30 years ago.
Submitted by Gayla Dean
July 11, 1935, Thursday
Dave WILLIS has installed a bubbling drinking fountain in his drug store.
April 9, 1936, Thursday
John UNDERWOOD dies of self inflicted wound-Funeral was Tuesday at Story. He was buried at Randolph Cemetery. He was 43 years old. He died at 6:45 a.m. Sunday at University Hospital from self inflicted wound of the neck Saturday. Despondent over continued ill health was said to be the cause of him taking his own life.
July 30, 1936, Thursday
Josh LEE wins Senate race by over 12,000
September 24, 1936
Ike BASS marries Charlen BASS - Kent MAYS
April 27, 1943
Lawrence Potts Kills Former Wife With a Shotgun
Tragedy Occurred Monday Night In Maysville
Tragedy again stocked in Maysville, Monday night, the victim this time being Mrs. Sylvia POTTS,
who was shot and killed by her former husband, Lawrence POTTS, 37, from whom she
had been divorced about two months.
After the shooting, which occurred near the home of Mrs. J.H. MAYS about 8 o'clock,
POTTS drove away in his car, presumably going to the home of a brother to get more
shells for his gun, which he did not get, then made his way back to town on the road to a
friend's to try to get the shells to kill himself with he told the officers when they had
literally treed him in a pecan tree on the S.J. MAYS place west of town, where he
gave up and plunged to the ground, the fall knocking him out temporarily.
The trouble leading to the tragedy was not a recent date. After obtaining a divorce Mrs. POTTS
came to Maysville with her six children and secured employment in Roy HARRIS' cafe,
while POTTS worked on the railroad and lived in the tenant house on the Calvin HORN
place east of town. He was discharged from the section fob that morning and spent the
day in town it was said.
Mrs. POTTS quit work at the cafe for the night about 8 o'clock and walked toward
her home in the Reubin COFFEY house in the west part of town. POTTS, sitting
in a car in front of the C.L. WILLIAMS home, accosted her, according to his
testimony. Refusing to go to the car to see him, he said he went across the street to her
and opened fire. In all, three shots were fired, at least two of them being into her body.
She fell in the bar ditch near Mrs. MAYS' home and died instantly.
Night Marshal Bill ADAMS was the first officer to reach the scene of the tragedy. POTTS
already had driven away. Arousing Marshal McKINNEY who was at home, and calling
the sheriff's office soon a posse of officers was on the trail of the man. When located in
the tree he readily gave up and admitted the shooting, Mr. ADAMS said.
POTTS was arraigned Wednesday morning on a charge of murder before County Judge GARVIN,
pleaded guilty, and was bound over to the district court without bail.
Funeral services for Mrs. POTTS were held at the First Baptist church Wednesday at
10:30, Rev. P.E. HIGH, conducting. Yeary & Vaughn had charge of the funeral
arrangements, taking the body to Pernell for burial.
Besides the six children ranging in ages from 6 to 17, she is survived by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O.L. McCARTY of Whitebead, two brothers and two or three sisters.
Researching Potts/McCarty Family is Carolyn
Kay WREN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. MERRITT, was operated for appendicitis at the Lindsey-Johnson-Shirley clinic Monday night. Her condition was satisfactory following the operation. She is eight years old.
April 27, 1944
Potts Given Life For Wife Slaying
Lawrence POTTS, accused murderer of his wife in Maysville on the night of December
6, 1943, entered a plea of guilty when his trial opened in district court on April 17th.
He was immediately sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor by Judge Ben T. WILLIAMS.
POTTS had been in jail since the fatal shooting of his wife, Sylvia POTTS,
near the home of Mrs. J.H. MAYS, where she was waylaid by her estranged husband on
her way home from work in a cafe. A large number of witnesses had been called and
preparation made for the trial, which ended abruptly by the defendant's guilty plea.
Researching Potts/McCarty Family is Carolyn
Former Maysville Girl Dies In California
Mrs. C.L. WILLIAMS reported Friday that she had received a message that a niece,
Mrs. Loreene SCOTT, a daughter of Dode CROUCH, had died at Richmond,
Calif. at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 20. Burial was Monday, Mrs. SCOTT is
survived by a husband and three small sons. The family has lived in California the past
three years.
Gene Wade Out For Sheriff Job
The first political announcement of the present campaign was brought in to The News
sanctum today, when Gene WADE, former Pauls Valley policeman, walked in and placed
his announcement for sheriff of Garvin county. Mr. WADE served on the police force
in the county seat for two years and had a splendid record. He resigned to enter the
sheriff's race. WADE was born and reared in Pauls Valley and is well known over the
county. he will make a formal statement at a later date.
O.L. SHOEMAKE and wife and baby of McAlester stopped for a short visit with Mrs. SHOEMAKE'S grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan WEST, as they were on their way home from Oklahoma City, Thursday, where Mr. SHOEMAKE took his final for the army.
Mrs. Belle J. DICKERSON, 81 years old, passed away at her home in Wynnewood Saturday night. Mrs. DICKERSON was the wife of Rev. J.H. DICKERSON, Presbyterian minister, and the mother of Mrs. Guy MITCHELL.
Mrs. Will CLEVELAND of Duncan visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan WEST, Friday. It was their first visit together in 12 years.
Mrs. Frieda SANDER of Seiling, Okla. is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. C.J. ALLISON and family.
Maysville News
Thursday, June 14, 1951
Listed 4/23/98
Leonard CARROLL was called to Joplin, Mo., last Friday by the death of an aunt, Mrs. Henry ROLAND .He went by way of Ripley, OK and his mother, Mrs. George BRAKE accompanied him.
Barbara Sue, Jaylene and Leroy HALEY and Eddie Ray CARROLL who had been visiting their grandmother, returned to Maysville on the train. Hard to tell whether the HALEY children and Eddie Ray were happier to get home...or their mothers were to get the here.
Submitted by: Barbara Holland
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