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1893 Business Directory
(not proof read as yet)

The Bensel Directory Company's
Business Directory
of the cities and towns on the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'Ys
Between and Including Ft. Worth, Texas and Wichita, Kansas
Together with a classified business directory
Price, Four Dollars
Publishes by the Bensel Directory Company
318 Commercial St., Trinidad, Colorado
Trinidad: The Daily Advertiser Steam Print 1893



Pauls Valley

Was founded about 1888, by Samuel Paul.  It is twenty-two miles south of Purcell on the G C & S F R'y.  The land in the vicinity is very fertile, 2,000 bales of cotton having been shipped from here last year.  The average cotton crop is a bale to the acre, while corn produces fifty bushels.  Among the prominent industries is the Valley Grain & Mill Co., their elevator having a capacity of 10,000 bushels, and corn meal mill capacity, 100 barrels daily.  The town has good water, church, school, nearly all leading societies, a number of mercantile establishments, carrying complete stocks in their respective lines, a weekly newspaper, etc.  Western Union Telegraph Co.; Wells Fargo & Co. Express; James Rennie, post-master

Bandy Bros (O.W. and Thos. Bandy), blacksmiths

Bandy & Underwood (W.R. Bandy, D.C. Underwood), pool and billiards

Branum & Becker (T.C. Branum, H. Becker) physicians and surgeons

Chickasaw Enterprise, J.A. Harman, Propr and editor, weekly Democratic newspaper

Craycroft & Robison (Ben. Craycroft, T.H. Robison), lumber, doors, builder's materials, etc.

Duvall, C.H., shoemaker

Gibson, G.W. & Son, stables

Gwin, J.M., agt G C & S F R'y, agt Wells Fargo Express Co., agt Western Union Telegraph Co.

Grand Central Hotel, C.B. Ladd, propr, first class hotel

Harris, W.S., whsle grain, cotton and corn mcht, cor Paul and Chickasaw

Harris & Wolf (W.S. Harris, A.G. Wolf), harness and saddles

Hull, Wm. Mercantile Co., The, general merchandise of all kinds

Janeway, A., baker

Ladd C.B., propr Grand Central Hotel

Mercantile and Banking Co., The, C.J. Grant, mgr., merchandise and money

Miller, W.L., Physician

Miller & Berry (W.S. Miller, C.C. Berry), drugs

National Hotel, C.J. Whitehurst, propr.

Pauls Valley Implement and Hardware Co., T.H. Martin and J.M. Prater, proprs.

Rennie, James, postmaster and notary public

Richardson, T.M., Lumber Co., C.R. Chitwood, mgr.

Robertson, A.A., barber

Robertson, A.A. Mrs., millinery

Smith, Bradley & Co. (R.M. Smith, J.L. Bradley, Thos. Grant), general merchandise

Smith & French (W.J. Smith, Thos. French), meat

Steveson & Hurlbut (J. Steveson, H. Hurlbut), restaurant

Underwood, D.C., drugs

Valley Grain and Mill Co., John L. Bradley, president; C.J. Grant, treasurer; W.H. P. Trudgeon, Superintendent

Waite, A .H., musical instruments

Whitehurst, C.J., hotel

Williams Bros (C.A. and A.P. Williams), restaurant

Woods, W.B., physician



Fifteen miles south of Purcell, on the G C & S F R'y, was founded in 1888 by Mr. James Dulin, who settled in the town ten years previous and is the oldest inhabitant.  G.D. Thompson is the oldest merchant of the town and carried a very complete stock.  Paoli is the center of a large oak forest.  The soli of the surrounding country is very rich and fertile, fruit, grain, cotton and corn being especially productive.  The tow has a good school, plenty of good water and timber.   Thompson & Parks, H.L. Brewer, D.J. Tucker, T.H. Newbern and Thos. N. Thornton carry excellent stocks of goods in their respective lines.  Wells Fargo & Co., Express; Western Union Telegraph; G.D. Thompson, post-master.

Dulin, James, farmer and stockraiser

Foster, P.T., blacksmith

Newbern, T .H., cotton gin and grist mill, cotton and grain buyer

Tucker, Dan J., druggist and physician

Thompson, G.D., post-master and of Thompson & Park

Thompson & Park, (G.D. Thompson, B.F. Park), general merchandise and implements

McBride, J.B. physician


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