This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission. |
Pauls Valley
When Pruiett located at Pauls Valley that village was just a little wilder, a little woolier, and a little rougher than any stomping ground in the Chickasaw Nation or any other nation. It was in the period of the frontier west when a six-shooter acted as the town clock and the sexton of the cemetery was the most important officer. The saloons, or rather, the 'uno joints', never closed, and the merry din of the festive liquor glass and the rattle of the festive poker chip blended together into a weird music that only those who have known the early days in Oklahoma appreciated as music.
Excerpt from "Moman Pruiett, Criminal Lawyer" |
Excerpt from Indian Pioneer Paper Collection In 1874 I came to Pauls Valley. It was
then a cross-roads trading point. I was the only doctor at Pauls
Valley at that time. Zack Gardner, a Choctaw Indian, had settled on the
Washita river east Read about Pauls Valley's namesake Smith Paul |
![]() Early 1900's street scene in Pauls Valley |
Information Abstracted From Pioneer Smith Paul discovered the fertile bottomlands of the Washita River Valley on trips to California in the early 19th century. When his friends the Chickasaws were removed from Mississippi to Indian Territory, he came with them. Because he was married to a Chickasaw woman, he was able to settle on part of the new tribal lands. Smith Paul and the town that bears his name - Pauls Valley - flourished in the rich soil and moderate climate. Agriculture continues to play an important role in the economy of Pauls Valley. Alfalfa, wheat, and peanuts are the main crops grown here. Some of the world's finest quarter horses and cattle are raised on ranches surrounding the city. Just east of I-35, one hour south of Oklahoma City, Pauls Valley is a thriving community that cherishes its rich history. Its brick street and well preserved historic homes and commercial buildings are treasures that have that have been passed on from generation to generation., The Pauls Valley Historical Society had informative maps of walking and driving tours of Pauls Valley and Garvin County historic sites that illustrate the area's colorful history. The whole city celebrates its history with the annual Heritage Days in June. Other popular events include Mayfest/Springfest in May, the rodeo in June and a big fourth of July fireworks display. The Christmas season is highlighted by a craft show in November and the Christmas Parade of Lights in December. For More Information: |
At this time the business section of Pauls Valley was confined
to a row of buildings fronting the railroad.
Merchant William Hull was a wealthy intermarried Indian Citizen. Farther
up the street is the store of
R. A. Sneed. Col. Sneed was a Confederate Veteran who was to become
Oklahoma'a first secretary
of state and later superintendent of Platt National Park. Mr. Hull built a
fine home northwest of Pauls Valley
in a community that bore his name, Hull Bend. Next to the Hull store is
the drug store of Dr. W.J. Miller
and the post office. Buck Paul was then postmaser. Other businesses
were the clothing store of Smith
Bradley and the Gus Whiting store. The old Gordy Hotel was directly north
of the Hull store.
1901 Pauls Valley Fire Department
This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission. |
Firemen pictured are, back row from left to right, Claude Terry, Scott
Worley, Oscar Boykin, Perry Sullivan, Joe Raines and Earl Sorrell. Front row, left
to right, Mack Sherrell, Ivey Baldwin, Tom Hamm, C.P. Bruce and Mac Q. Williamson
Picture is from the Perry Sullivan Collection
Standing, left to right: Charley Braden, Al Pyeatt, Charley Worley, A. J. Roady, Jim Martin, Jim Russell, Tom Freeman and A.D. Burch
Seated, left to right: E.W. Lowe, Dr. A.J. Young, Mayor and Will Freeman
In 1900, the family was listed in the Chickasaw Nation Fed.
Census so the photo would have to be after that date?
All the information on the back of the photo was:
Cleve Carroll, Montgomery's Restaurant, Pauls Valley, Ok.
Submitted by: Charles E. Carroll