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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Cemeteries of Bryan Co. OK

Thirty-nine cemeteries were found using GNIS, and links in this chart are to GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns. DoT maps show the township in great detail. Links providing access to online canvasses and lists of burials follow the chart. 

Back to Bryan Co. Quick Links

Feature Name Directions, Comments & Links S-T-R Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Armstrong Academy Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340302N 0960631W Bennington North
Bloomfield Cemetery Not Available Unknown 334727N 0962301W Achille
Blue Branch Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335850N 0960649W Bennington South
Brown Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340307N 0961915W Caddo South
Burney Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335154N 0961908W Kemp
Burris Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335721N 0961254W Blue
Caddo Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340743N 0961502W Caddo North
Colbert Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335037N 0962933W Achille
Confederate Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340611N 0963306W Little City
Cox Chapel Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340330N 0962413W Durant North
Franklin Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335749N 0963120W Platter
Garden of Memory Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335150N 0963034W Denison Dam
Harrison Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335848N 0962958W Durant South
Highland Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335826N 0962238W Durant South
Hunter Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340320N 0955618W Boswell SW
Jones Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340536N 0955857W Boswell SW
Julius Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335713N 0960337W Bennington South
Keffer Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340425N 0962844W Durant North
Kemp Cemetery Not Available Unknown 334438N 0961832W Mulberry
Labors Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335925N 0960449W Bennington South
Love Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335708N 0963242W Platter
Matoy Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340817N 0960328W Bentley
McGee Springs Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335904N 0960315W Bennington South
Mead Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335926N 0963128W Platter
Nail Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340745N 0962312W Caddo NW
Old Philadelphia Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335946N 0961155W Blue
Philadelphia Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335849N 0961451W Blue
Pioneer Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335954N 0962208W Roberta
Platter Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335531N 0963154W Platter
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340338N 0961638W Caddo South
Post Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340620N 0963244W Little City
Rose Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335653N 0962549W Durant South
Rosewood Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335019N 0962306W Achille
Spring Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335338N 0960646W Bennington South
Willis Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335747N 0963122W Platter
Wilson Cemetery Not Available Unknown 340417N 0960244W Bennington North
Wolf Creek Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335345N 0961438W Blue
Yarbrough Cemetery Not Available Unknown 335156N 0963457W Denison Dam
Yarnaby Cemetery Not Available Unknown 334717N 0961612W Kemp


Finding an Online Canvass or List

Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials.  A few counties  have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them.  In most cases you must search the resources directly.

OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives.  

Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in.  (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.)

The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county.  Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. 

Return to Cemetery Gateway

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Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
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 Saturday, July 20, 2024 

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