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Cemeteries in Roger Mills Co. OK
Twenty-five cemeteries were found using GNIS, others identified by Oklahoma's GenWeb volunteers. Links are provided for both GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns and DoT maps that show the township in great detail. Tips for finding other online canvasses and lists of burials follow this list.
Map Link | Comments/Links | S-T-R | Latitude | Longitude | USGS 7.5' Map |
Barker Cemetery | Barker Canvass |
21-24N-22W | 354146N | 0992856W | Hammon |
Belleview Cemetery | Bellview Canvass |
09-17N-25W | 355723N | 0995204W | Antelope Hills NE |
Berlin Cemetery | Berlin Canvass |
3-12N-23W | 352727N | 0993643W | Baker Lake |
Brookside Cemetery | Brookside
Canvass |
9-11N-25W | 352638N | 0995128W | Grimes |
Carpenter Cemetery | 353121N | 0992328W | Big Kiowa Creek | ||
Center Chapel Cemetery | Center
Chapel Canvass |
355606N | 0992905W | Flying Creek | |
Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill
Canvass |
21-14N-22W | |||
Cheyenne Cemetery | Cheyenne C | 7-13N-23W | 353642N | 0994138W | Cheyenne |
Dempsey Cemetery | Dempsey
Canvass |
15-12N-25W | 353124N | 0994923W | Dempsey |
Dewey Cemetery | Dewey Canvass |
21-15N-21W | 354554N | 0992547W | Leedey SW |
Fairview Cemetery | Fairview Canvass |
18-16N-25W | 355150N | 0995323W | Durham |
Findley | Findley Canvass |
24-15N-26W | |||
Kiowa Cemetery | Kiowa Canvass |
21-13N-21W | 353454N | 0992547W | Big Kiowa Creek |
Lone Star | Lone Star
Canvass |
11-15N-22W | |||
Mulberry Cemetery | 352641N | 0995545W | Sweetwater | ||
Pie Flat Cemetery | Pie Flat Canvass |
25-16N-24W | 355011N | 0994238W | Roll |
Plasant View | Pleasant
View Canvass |
24-15N-25W | |||
Red Hill Cemetery | Red Hill Canvass |
12-13N-21W | 353638N | 0992257W | Big Kiowa Creek |
Red Star | Red Star Canvass | 21-16N-21W | |||
Rhome Cemetery | 354634N | 0993413W | Roll SE | ||
Rome | Rome Canvass | 18-15N-22W | |||
Rosehill Cemetery | Rose Hill Canvass | 26-12N-24W | 352912N | 0994259W | Berlin |
Sankey Cemetery | 354020N | 0993310W | Strong City | ||
Shirley Cemetery | Shirley Canvass |
355538N | 0992459W | Flying Creek | |
Silent Home Cemetery | Silent Home
Canvass |
10-15N-24W | 354737N | 0994446W | Roll |
Snake Bend Cemetery | 353906N | 0993653W | Strong City | ||
Snakey Bend | Snakey Bend Canvass | 35-14N-23W | |||
Strong Cemetery | Strong City Canvass | 25-14N-23W | 353949N | 0993619W | Strong City |
Sunrise Cemetery | 354501N | 0994903W | Crawford | ||
Union Chapel Cemetery | 354335N | 0995715W | Reydon | ||
Wagoner | 27-15N-21W | ||||
White Rose Cemetery | White Rose
Canvass |
12-13N-26W | 353727N | 0995503W | Reydon SW |
White Ross Cemetery | 353726N | 0995458W | Reydon SW |
Finding an Online Canvass or List |
Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials. A few counties have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them. In most cases you must search the resources directly. OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives. Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in. (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.) The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county. Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. |
Page last updated
Friday, December 27, 2024
This site maintained by
Mel Owings