Thank you!
The Enumeration Districts are complete, though there are places that have have blanks. Maybe someone recognizes a household that seems unreadable, by the names and ages of the children and locations of birth or by their neighbors. Will accept alternate spellings for incomplete words.
Susan Bradford, Greer County, OKGenWeb CC
E.D. 112, Bloomington Township
01a - Ewell, Sloan, Smith, Herndon, Post, Carroll, Butler, Fletcher, Woods, Cross, Adams
01b - Cross, Adams, Foster, Middleton, Mitchell, Justice, Yates, Stout, Hickman, McBride, McCall, Maxey, Middleton
02a - Higgenbotham, Roberts, Thompson, Dodson, Dailey, Wyatt, Vicker, Hartley, Crook, Simmons, Austin, Richardson, Rutherford
02b - Nation, Cheek, Foster, Thompson, Wells, Scout, Sheridan, Dodson
03a - Dodson, Francis, Davis, Butler, Hook, Leard, Chancellor, Davis, Johnson, Jackson, Buchanoster, Sears, May
03b - May, Francis, Jackson Gooden, Johnson, Aden, Masoner, Hix, Smith, Massad, Mores
04a - Corek, Moser, Smith, Kemp, Langley, Elkins, Esson, Roberts, Waldram, Everet, Whitsnor
04b - Whitman, Kelson, Bullard, Faulk, Lard, Horner, Evans
05a - Bolan, Murray, Willson, Emess, Jackson, Reynenou, Prentice, Ratliff, Jams, Cundel, Reynolds
05b - Reynolds, Noble, Wetsel, Burcham, Smith, Blallock, Mathis, Gray, Bradshaw, Burks
06a - Burks, Wilson, Trammell, Kemp, Ivie, Barker, King, Roberts, Goodman, Flynn, Lusk, Rose
06b - Steppans, Moore, Kellium, Pile, Ennis, Warren, Cookesy, Fuller, Martin, Pleasant, Brown, Jenkins, Bettes, Jones
07a - Jones, Curtin, McCullough, Nesotor, Burden, McLaird, Lasiter, O neal, Rogers, McElroy, Caskey
07b - Cooksey, Frage, Jackson, Martin, Webb, Shaw, Knight, Roberts
08a - Roberts, Watts, Vance, Pittman, White, Andrews, Wiseman, Webb, Thompson
08b - Thompson, Briley, Dorrbey, Wiseman, Bradshaw, Killiam, Busner, Deon, Berry, Clark, Seivally, Askins, Freeman
09a - Freeman, Myers, Moyer, Barnes, Payne, Martin, Anglin, Earlwins, Seivelly, Pleasant, Simmons
09b - Daniel, Seivally, Armstrong, Baker, Gault, Mooney, Cadedell, Hendrick, Tidwell, Hughes, Saunders
10a - Tidwell, King, Allen, Barker, Moyer, Gody, McKall, Cline, Basden, Paxton, Moore, Rogers, Pack
10b - Moore, Bo__?, Adams, Byrd, Burnett, Dunn, Rawls?, May, Kelly
11a - Williams, McAlpin, Heard, Paxton, Veach, Prircell, Ramsey, Smith, Burnett, McCown, Parker, Bascom, Williams
11b - Williams, Paxton, Veach, Jones, Branham, Avery, Walker, Crook, Post, Hale, Trammel
12a - Dranger, Tramel, Parkey, Cherry, McCasland, Parker, Ramsay, Rickels, Stowe, Hampt
12b - Hampt, Frage, Roberts, Crone, Gamble, Abernathy, Edwards, Manuel, Reed, Baxter, Mason, Parker, Owings, Cowan
13a - Herndon, Stone, Culpepper, Williams, Garrett, Miers, Disharson, McCarty, Loften, Vaughn, Robertson
13b - Harp, Scott, Gregson, Parker, Harbor, Clemens, Bardin, Shaddid, Smith, Sloan, Marsh
E.D. 113, Granite Township (part)
01a - Garrison, Spears, Wills, Fowler, Preslor, Davis, Wren, Rogers, Black, Crawford, Wilson, Imboden, Miller, Sohave, Christy
01b - Stacy, Lyons, Schave, Parten, Jordan, Saint, Harrington, Marshall, Belmore, Coon, Spears, Williams, Hampt, Evans
02a - Bristow, Harper, McGeeHee, Dwyer, Fulton, Dyson, Greer, Litton, Moon, Smith, Browe
02b - McCarty, Brown, Norris, McCart, Duncan, Bartgis, Reeves, Smith, Crookshire, Koughes, Stiles, Locke, Maize, Bartlett, Rea, Burk, Robnett, Dill
03a - Prosier, Turner, Parton, Deal, Elkins, Speake, Ross, Kolley, Suitor, Donald, Kleirs, Norris, Chissom, _____pp, Winston, Surry, Keddey
03b - Polaski, Martin, Crawford, Brooks, Trotter, Harlow, Kemper, Retheal
04a - Sowell, Skelley, Brown, Evans, Robinson, Edwards, Fisher, Mitchell, Trotter, Pierson, Perry, Shirley, Carter, Callicott, Sherrod, Henry
04b - Schwartz, Dechance, Hastings, Trammell, McCaffity, Davis, Adams, Hood, H__t__ber, Phepps, Kennedy, Cochran, Perkins, Lane, Murry, Bingham
05a - Barker, Waldrip, Schmitt, Harville, Vaughn, Johnson, Partin, Rains, Taylor, Pride, Denney, Jones, Bryan, Broskney, Ross, Moss, Harlow, Dillogg, Lantz
05b - Hensmore, Keddey, Houston, Moseley, Wray, Burris, McClurg, Wiley, Babek, robinson, Morrow, Ma___?, Gentry, Baker, Davis, Bennett, Hunter, Haslett
06a - Bittgnald, McPheeters, Reser, Spillman, Mitchell
06b - Baker, Lippert, Thompson, Donald, Sewell, Counts, Brush, Brannan, Austin, Huff, Evans, Grant, Sahare, Gabriel
07a - Patterson, Crow, Brown, Smith, McWhorter, Leach, Williford, Anderson, Kayden, Bogan, Abbottt, Williams, Bryan, Stratton, Brown
07b - Jackson, Reeves, Black, Ratheal, McGuire, Bowman, Laswell, Williams, Brown, Reynolds, Bassett, Roberts, Yarbrough
08a - Roberts, Johnson, Lewis, Stovall, Cole, Tompkins, Stovall, Cole, Tomkins, Lawrence, Greersle, Bartlett, Lindley, Macinan, Sohave, Adair
08b - Ryder, Sessions, Gifford, Bolton, Evans, McMiltin, Saunders, Ladd, Adams, Davenport, McKenzie, Dinelly, Buchanan, Lee, Martha
09a - Ford, Barnes, Watford, Hoskins, Harris, Scoggins, Roussan, Perry, Garrison, Kehady, Onatal, Foster, Hayes, Fisher, Kealy, Lyons
09b - Jackson, Sanlidge, Bachelder, Hind__t, Pawson, Kunnery, Burnett, Cardwell, Pace, Smith, Arnett, Duvall, Lee, Burk, Wood, Anderson, Cook, Thompson, Pulaski, Ogle, McRee, Saunders, Schwyor
10a - Fricke, Egleston, Williamson, Reeves, Allen, Clark, Smith, Cox, Wright, Shelton
10b - Frisby, Carney, Tate, Marsh, Brush, Elliott, Vaughn, Chatwin, B____?, Lackey, Saunders, Adair, Maxey, Williams, Shumate, Evans, Bryan
11a - Burk, Norris, Reeves, Thompson, Atkinson, Cosley, Wright,
11b - Sprague, Wagonseller, Benge, Webber, Hun__g, Riskel, Wright, Veale, Lewis, Word, Mayfield, Evan, Robinson, Sparks, Lanier, Armstrong, Cabiness
12a - Bellow, Foster, Fullerton, Misemore, Wall, Gibson, Holman, Collier, Roberts, Dabney, Dunchan, Smith, McClure
12b - Loudes, Elder, Chew, Smith, Hand, Alexander, Gooch, Haynes, Raemer, VanDyke, Baker
13a - Slaton, DeWees, Drehmer, McPheeters, Campbell, Simmons, Lee, Briggs, Anderson, Kammon, Morris, McRee, Weaver, Pellow
13b - Triplett, Womack, Adair, Bigbee, Alexander, Gooch, Graves, Bailey, Atcheson, Hunt, Harrison, Coffin, Williams
14a - Johnson, Pellow, Malloy, Windom, Vandyke, Mainors, Oneal, Hill, Hester, Leffel, Jaye, Armstrong, Wimbler, Walker
14b - Wall, Carlton, Cooley, Alexander, Mitchell, Cagle, Black, Hess, Flynn, Jones,
15a - Sutton, McGee, Corothers, Allen, Lynne, Sewell, Chisholm, Rose, Ruggles, Haynes, Cross
15b - Fox, Campbell, Davis, Christy, Thorp, Cummings, Wartz, Head, McCloud, Holmes, Cross
16a - Gross, Hubbard, Nokes, Cross, Ligon, York, Caddell, Griffith, Paulk, Redwine, Woods, Weese
16b - Berry, Teague, Nance, Yosst, Collier, Elliott, LaCasse, Lackey
17a - Daniell, Dorman, Brown, Jones, Wait, McLemore, Wright, Elliott, Pierez
17b - Flynn, Moore, Wright
19a - Nanny, Murray, Carey, Shoemaker, Chilton, Gifford, Holman
19b - Brooks, Ande, Smotherman, Lang, Rude, Penrod, Dobbins, Elder, Maynard, Parsons, Call, Wallace, L____y, Steinson
20a - Graumann, Chisolm, Jordan, Wilson, Turner, Edwards, Steinsbor, Underwood, Kole, Larrew, Nelson, Suitor, O Hara, Brooks
20b - Graumann, Th___?, Davis, Harris, Lattimore, Elliston, McIntosh, Johnson, Thompson, Muse, Watson, Burk, Webb
21a - Krause, Graumann, Smith, Wardell, Aims, Edens, Bell, Terry, Taylor, Andrews, Godfrew, McGee
21b - Godfrey, Hand, Hacket, Copeland, Shark, Clinton, Williams, Cobb, Barnard, Maynard
22a - Maxfield, Baker, Gilbeck, Johnson
23a - Carothers, Floyd, Morgan, Gray, Huggins, Langford, Hunter, Howard, Bird, Whitefield, Parsix, Johnson
23b - High___?, Johnson, Winnett, Overstreet, Highdon, Crouch, MacDoogle, Rusk, Brooks, Markham, ____st
24a - Markham, Johnson, Taylor, Rushing, Hambree, Maynard, Higdon, Coffman, Corville
24b - Evana, Randall, Edwards, Hobbs
25a - Howard, Buford, Vaughn, Bell, Kendrick, Burg, Riley, Burd, ___rby, Trotter, Lasik, Davis, Caldwell, Shaw, Parnell
26a - Mullins, Thompkins, Ming, Monfredi, Wood
E.D. 114, Granite Township (continued)
01a- Allen, Houmey, Crowder, Maloy, Love, Stiles, Simpson, Morris, Turner, Brooks, Davis, Wray, Williams, Burno, Erwin, Cobender, Reilly, Austin, Vaugh, Huggins
01b - Adurman, Guess, Baker, Long, Sexton, Hughs, Woolsey, Culberson, Smith, Norman, Gowers, Downey
02a - Downey, Davis, Smith, Arnold, Carver, Warshopen, Beddo, McCarty, Dilbeck, Rice, Norris, Green, Sewell
02b - Griffin, Thorp, Buzbee, Cochran, Broadie, Williams
03a - Copelin, Mc___ane, Wills, Gilliland, Morris
03b - Olds, Hawkins, Briggs, Wills, Shwen, Lee, Harris, Lyon, Rhoden, Cagle, Rice, Pace
04a - Lee, Fitzgerald, Elam, Williams, Lyon, McKaran, Hager, Gunning, Pond, Pendley
04b - Shirley, Dikes, Gibdon, Lyon, Omartin, Sewell, Harris, Newton, Evans, Ward
05a - Carrell, Harrell, Breshers, Clem, Babek, Gates, Nelson, Elmore, Townsend, Hawkins, Parks, Guest
05b - Brook, Allen, McGuire, Thescott, Morris, Redwine, Roberts, Cagle
06a - McFarlin, Curtis, Litle, King, Bratton, Martin, Allen, Litton, Thomas, Shumate
06b - Reeves, Litton, Maxey, Shwen, Curtis, Gill, Rush, Ballengee
07a - Ballengee, Harris, Fite, Holden, Gill
07b - Gill, Clack, Broadrick, Townsend, Brazier, Stiles, Wilson, Adams, Leakie
08a - Thrower, Loe, Saxton, Combs, Wilson, Conrad, Floyd, Davis, Grunles, Ulm, Jones, Corothers
08b - Morris, Mulanax, Dempsey, Ulm, Fitzgerald, Shrophsire, Casey, Dawson, Pendley, Sawyers
09a - Adams, Reeves, Mackett, Spann, Frost, Elam, Daulton, Huffman, Stovall, Wilson, Clary, Blain, Dawson
09b - Cantrell, Finch, Harper, Lloyd, Taylor, Williams, Carver, Biddo, Moore, Gram___?, Norton, Brown, Long, Schaffenberg, Smith, Clark, Covington
10a - Holsey, Pruit, Burton, Ross, Haswell, Darby, Moore, Barker, King, Tedford
10b - Ulum, Browning, Cheek, Hogge, Griffin, Kesbow, Evans, Smith, Totty, McMurtrey, Wall, Walkin
11a - Scott, Hudson, Tapp, Dodson, Brown, McGavack, Fulton, Morris, Byram
11b - Campbell, Martin, Howard, Puckett, Cole, Evans, Manning, Bright, Garrett
12a - Pruitt, Lanier, Stephens, Brooks, Eubanks, Howell, Cole, Blair, McGee, Miltram, McGavack
12b - Evans, Wild, Fowler, Wall, Olds, Rockhold, Gill, Sheets, Fleming, Wyatt, Reid, McGavack
13a - Shropshire, Douglass, Evans, Hogg, Roberts
01a - Dial, Belew, Martin, Bray, Dales, McAlistor, Pruett, Gray, Venable
01b - Venable, Pearson, Perren, Fisher, Pichard, Jeter, Burnes, Morris, Barr, Bracknell, Whitiker, Little, Tracy, Hanster, Solomon
02a - Solomon, Boswell, Saulsberry, Nance, Jeter, Tucker, Cox, Pickard, Rust, Chambers
02b - Austin, Boyd, Finley, Ellis, Gault, Kester, Bowin, Pruett, Massey, Robertson
03a - Robertson, Jackson, Price, Buinn, Brandon, McElroy, Girdis, McBride, Scales, Byram, Kilgore, McClendon, Carpenter, Edwards
03b - Lasater, Knight, Peters, Fletcher, Covington, Rogers, Morton, Manley, Presty, Barker
04a - Barker, Benham, Burber, Davis, Hinds, Ridings, Biggerstaff, Pruett
04b - Jones, Pruett, Harbour, Smith, Krumble, Mosely, Pugh, Taylor, Buchner, Rogers
05a - Rogers, Carson, Tucker, Jones, Elking, Smith, Salisbury, Wilson, Pendly, Finch
05b - Mitchell, Evans, Pruett, Moyer, Harbour, Mear, Penn, Ross, Story, Choat
06a - Smith, Bogart, Rusk, Grimes, Knight, Tracy, Higgins, Gibson, Mc___ander
06b - McCain, Cox, Presley, Sief, Harris, Ashley, Moffit, Choat, Jones, Burgess
07a - Gockley, Bull, McClasland, Choat, Davis, Howins, Kegter, Howard, Fleming
07b - Davis, Donley, Routen, Beam, Bulb, Horton, Manuel, Bodinge, Norris, Williams, Baird, Mattock
08a - Baker, Ross, Combs, Carpenter, Williams, roberts, Dorris, Pettey, Smith, Donley, Palmer, Powan, Stockman
08b - Gardner, Christian, Smith, Handley, Stansbury, Duvall, Donley, Doyle, Long, Polly, Ginn
09a - Cates, Duval, McDaniel, Harris, Cornaban, Griffin, Maxwell, Tipton, Hughes, Pittard, Bowen, Knight, Combs
09b - Combs, Jackson, Paxton, Dinkins, Train, Crain, Thorton, Cotton, Shelby, McMahon, Marshall, Haggood, Shannon, Mayfield
10a - Mulfield, Wells, Loth, Douglass, Gunn, Birchfield, McCrary, Nordo, Smith, Stephens, Copell, Elkins, Hinds, Bordon
10b - Stokes, Griffin, Winfield, Holt, Paxton, McMinn, Berry, Cummings, Echols, Culwell, Langly, Dwight, Magill
11a - Kelley, Paxton, McMillan, Manuel, Balthrop, Mabree, Frazier, Grubbs, Veach, Stockton, Corder, Stiesetaugh, Heatly, Campbell, Shumate, Gaulshry, Neal
11b - King, White, St___gh, Jones, Smith, Veach, Dotson, Isbell, Slate, Brothers, Bell, B____th, Echols, Parr, Williams
12a - Williams, Jister, Walback, Frans, Peavey, Houch, Paxton, Atwood, Gunzel, Taylor,
12b - Richards, McBeal, Haygood, Wright, Smith, Simpson, Ponder, Pendley, Crook
E.D. 116, Mangum Township, Mangum City (part)
01a - Adamson, Amcott, Bassett, Cummings, Dearmon, Dotson, Fox, Hau___?, H___?, Hall, Johnson, Killum, Lambert, McMann, Norris, O Connell, Otten, Parker, Rayburn, Rude, Shaun, Shell, Smiley, Talby, Walker, Ward, Weatherly, Womble, Worters, Yeager
02a - Abernathy, Bradshaw, Crittendan, Cur___?, Garrett, Hall, Lansford, Mosely, Neal, Peck, R____?d, Rude, Skamp, Sutton, Vick, Wells, Williams
02b - _______ck, Armstrong, Cornelius, Crittendan, Dodson, Engis, Galbraith, Goodwin, Higgins, Jones, Josten, Lawson, McCallister, Ward
03a- A____?, Bratton, Britton, Busby, Byrom, Cox, Crosby, Delaney, Gaitson, Hancock, I____?, McCaislin, McNally, Monroe, Morrison, Robison, Rolain, Sanders, Stone, Witworth, Wyatt
03b - Ackerman, Alexander, Bayless, Britton, Corlock, Cox, Cryer, Dodson, Fisher, Frank, Hennenger, Hurston, Johnson, McKinney, Morton, Northcut, Pack, Timsinger, Wood, Young
04a - ____itt?, Adams, Bean, Bolin, Burkett, Burt, Carson, Cowan, Byors, Douglass, Elara, Gooding, Gooly, Haddock, Harrell, Kelly, Martin, Moloy, Oak, Park, Roca, Shelton, Whitehurst, York
04b - B___?, Bumgardner, Burton, Cooper, Eloco, Graham, Hancock, McLeod, Mobley, Patton, Stuart, Tom____?, 05a - Abernathy, Boon, Brill, Caffy, Doason, Elliott, Hastings, Jarrett, Lecor???, Palmer, Ross, Snowden, Winbramer
05b - Allison, Armstrong, Black, Body, Caddell, Carpenter, Eagin, Farrell, Fox, G____?, Green, Holland, Jamison, Little, Mercer, Mullins, Newton, Pinkerton, Reaves, Snowden, Step, Tracey, Travis, Wayanan
06a - Abernathy, Bryant, Caddell, Carpenter, Davenport, Dennis, Easton, Eaves, Glover, Hawkins, Lenon, Love, Miller, Nicholson, Stepp, Tracy, Wynne
06b - Brown, Cooper, Davis, G____?, Hall, Hawkins, Holland, Shipman, Smith, Switzer, Young,
07a - Boling, Border, Cla___p, Conway, Frank, Hager, Hopper, Maddin, McReynolds, Morton, Polk, R___burgh, Russell, Steward, Thompson
07b - _____?st, At____?, Brown, Cab___?, Co___?, Cox, Farmer, Fox, Go___?, Har___?, Lo____?, Sanders
08a - _______g, Ha___?, Anderson, Co__?, Jackson, Jewel, Meadows, Moor, Stevenson, Taylor, White, Wright
09a - Bowden, Ca_____n, Conway, Dodson, Gordon, Gua___?, Harrol, Heron, Hickox, Hunt, Johnson, Taggart, Tucket, Wilson
09b - Baker, Cornelius, Dubois, Elroy, Grover, Hearne, Higston, La___?, Mayfield, Moyer, Park, Patterson, Perkins, Saltar, T___r__? Thompson, Tilman
10a - Blanton, Boyle, Bronson, Byars, Donoway, Frost, Hatly, Odum, Stanley, Thompson, Williams, Woodridge
10b - Bradly, Crl____?, Gillespie, Good, Hagar, Harrison, Hodges, Jones, Jonson, Littleton, Tucker, Wilson, Woodridge, Woody
11a - Boman, Hagar, Jones, Lavin, Mangum, Mayfield, McCod, Perkins, Reed, Robinson, Simpson, Stark, Teague, Tidmoor, West
11b - Adams, Boman, G___?, Graham, Hill, Lowrance, Martin, Mitchel, Mullins, Rea, Ti___?, Wilkerson, Wooten
12a - Broswell, Cromwell, Day, Dennis, Hanks, Henderson, Hollis, Latham, Mo___?, Smith, Teague
13a - Bennet, Borlain, Carr, Carson, Davidson, Fisher, Franklin, Ga____?, Griggs, Hainey, Morgan, Morrison, Weaver, Davis
13b - ______in?, Brozwell, Carloss, Clark, Clay, Copeland, Davidson, Duff, Glendon, Hall, Jacobs, Johnson, Latting, Lawrence, M____hon, Richards, Rickey, Shaw, Trippett, Walton
14a - Blon____?, Darwan, Davidson, Garrett, Gray, Gregor, Gregory, Horton, Johnson, Jones, King, Lad____?, Meyers, Middleton, Mills, Morton, Newton, Northcut, Rudy
14b - Bennett, Cato, Davis, Diamond, Durst, Elinger, Galbraith, Harrison, Hatly, Howard, Mills, Ramsay, Steele
15a - Corbin, Evans, Ledbetter, Matthewson, Mathis, Miller, Mosely, Noble, Page, Parker, Richards, Robinson, Shell, Taylor, Watkins, Wright,
15b - Cambel, Cantell, Combs, Coward, Echols, Harison, Harvey, James, Janeway, Mitchal, Mobrey
16a - Adams, Baker, Ball, Clark, Cullins, Doyle, Fine, Hamilton, Hatfield, James, Ledbetter, Logan, Martin, Moore, Ricko, Simpson, Williamson
16b - Buevindes, Caughy, Cook, Cullins, Durst, Hewitt, Howard, Kissel, Miller, Morrison, Rennard, Speigh, Spilker, Tims
17a - Cook, Elliott, Fitch, Francis, Gundy, Harris, Higby, Hoighton, Johnson, McCoray, McGregor, Melton, Moor, Pettyjohn, Prura, Reno, Stone, Sutton, Thomison
17b - Bennett, Easons, Elliott, Evan, F___t__?, Fox, Gantz, Hobart, Laird, Orbison, Overton, Paisly, Patrick, Tucker, Wakefield, Wigham
18a - Alwel, Cambell, Cheathum, Crosby, Dawson, Elliott, Embers, Fergenson, Fisher, Guthrie, Harris, McMilan, Rippy, Roberts, Tucker, Weber, Wigham
18b - Castleford, Gordan, Guthrie, Holby, Jewel, Kirby, Major, McGriffin, McNeil, Medcalf, Putnam, Robinson, Shorder, Sim, Smith, Summers, Wilson, Wolf
19a - Allison, Ball, Calbera?, Cox, Eastham, Elgin, Evans, Franklin, Go___?, Hurkinson, Kerby, Loffen, McDonald, Parkinston, Sheaver, Shipley, White, Williams
19b - Bishop, Couch, D____y, Daugherty, Edelman, Forest, Jacobs, Kerby, McKenzie, Moor, Thompson, Weldon, Young
20a - Babcock, Brow, Brown, Cockrell, Cunningham, Despain, Francis, Hughes, Karis, McKenzie, Oglesby, Roberts, Samuel, Veach
20b - ____sby, Burd, Edy, Gillespie, Harris, Hill, Jackson, Johnson, Overstreet, Powell, Randall, Stubblefield, Williams
21a - Alexander, Cobb, Faulkner, Hutch, Johnson, Justice, McCarty, Moore, Roas, Williams
21b - Bolen, Butler, Craig, Eutslor?, Hughes, Johnson, McLendon, Norman, Ramsay, Simmons, Townsen, Williams, Wright
22a - ___illingswerth, Brikey, Brown, Bryant, Childress, Clift, Doak, G___?, Hickerson, Richerdson, Riley, Sanders, Sutton, Tucker, Wright
22b - Adams, Allen, Bailey, Cresey, Crossland, Gray, Hill, Martin, Miller, Mitchell, Nutt, Persnell, Phillips, Shelton, Staples
23a - Adams, Bird, Brown, Deer, Delaney, Fulton, Johnson, Roper, Sanders, Satterwhite, Tilley, Ward, Waters, Williams
23b - Satterwhite, Boyd, Taylor, Putman, McCauley, Latimoor, Thacker, Lunsford, Isler, Fowler, Gillespie, Matheson, Herron, E____in
24a - ___lor, Avant, Carter, Dobson, E___?, Gatewood, Haney, Matheny, McDougal, Merchant, Rogers, Veach
24b - Co___?, Gl___?, Haney, Hart, Hunsaker, Johnson, Jones, L___?, Lenten, Maloy, Pendleton
25a - Ashlock, Burningham, Johnson, La___c, Maloy, Williams
E.D. 117, Mangum Township, Mangum City (continued)
01a - ___g?, Thives, Gunther, ___uak?, Hodges, Cox, Abernathy, McCaualles, Bynum, Chastain
02a - Powell, Jones, Ki___?, Graham, Simon, Ullaway, Bricker, Parker, Hart, Willingtram, Bush, Lawford, Griggs, Clay, Burgess
02b - Templeton, Warrell, Gill, Cuppy, Buppy, Watts, Johnson, Murr, Thomas
03a - Curphey, Bynum, Putnam, Box, Goodenhise, Willian, Truss, Stat___, Wasil, Stiles, Davis, Hambrey, Brasher, Bill, Hamy, Tyson
03b - Johnson, Moore, Wilman, Eroin, Oran, Montgomery, Jones, Maloy, Henry, Neighbors, Holland, Carnes
04a - ___ghty, Burger, Harpoon, Gilliam, Porter, Miller, Crawford, Orr, Cruse, Harris, Stallings, Nellsen, Whiteheart, Chambers, Hale, Smith
04b - Ramsay, Smith, Scaborough, Ross, Byers, Martin, Morgan, Lowe, Taylor, Sutherland, Sullivan, Broles, Murry
05a - Duncan, Brown, Berryman, Howell, Franklin, Smith, Willson, Jackson, Mount, Martin, Powell, McMurtry, Hunter
06a - Dicter, Van____?, Harris, Thompson, Gutry, Edwards, Cawthorn, Marriott, Moore, Stern, Hellar, Hamilton, DeAman
06b - DeAman, Bowles, Watt, Jones, Anthony, Smith, Helmson, Watkins, Cristopher, Wilson, Williams, Gresham, Johnson, Netz, Phillips, Kolby, McNeece, Shores, Dusard, Bowin, Aslain
07a - Waller, Hickerson, Chaffie, Diger, Dish, Wilson, Winter, ___ish, G___t, Jones, Womack, Gilliam
07b - Trapman, Johnson, Roger, Wall, Taylor, Byars, Blackburn, Smith, Sharp, Burd, Bryant, Edgar
08a - Ford, B___ird, Tracin, Allen, Parker, Stone, Culleton, Jackson, Barbrey, Morrison, Tipton, Bennett, Yasberry, Jackson, Clower
08b- Switzer, Pace, Hawkins, Blake, Turner, Jacobs, Gilland, Ritter, Parker, Blankenship, Miller, Skidmore, Douglass, Echols, Stone, Smith, Prater, Moyer, Mc___bern
09a - Thrower, Cole, Davis, Bumgardner, Mitchell, Elu___, Watson, Vi___, Rolsten, Doran, Pearcy, Sullivan, Short, Marsh, Allen, Isbell, Howard, Creed, B____?
09b - Beaker, Wilson, Wynah__?, Lynn, Henson, Summers, Shaw, Busby, Norman
10a - Kern?, Young, Blunndell, McCullough, Casey, H___l__?, Thorp, Jackson, Albertson, Wo___?, Hightower, Gold___, Turbo, Reiborn, Howard
10b - __h__a, Adair, William, McLreath, Skitting, G___?, C___?, Byar, Cad__?, McHafe, Nobbergall, Mc___?, Roberts, Hartman, Long, Merrill, Lovett, Jetton
11a - Powers?, Morrell, Clem, Rody, Fullerton, Tipps, New, Gates, ___sides, P___?, Wu__?, Bailey, Campbell, Beaumont, Moore, Barnes, Riffe, Roberts, Vick,
11b - Lackey, Clark, Rork, Mccurry, Sadler, Warner, Sutherland, Killum, Stewart
12a - Wright, Brum, Dickey, Cunningham, McBee, Rippie, Eaton, Roberts, Krier?, Hafer, Hughes, Hodges, Moman, Crawford, Watkins
12b - Arnold, ___sey, Townsend, Wright, Kellett, Sanders, Kitchum, Stephenson, Eagen, Hall, Norris, Smith, Conners, Milan, Ca___?, Walls, Bal__?, Nicholson, Hifford
13a - Lillaird, Siene, Robertson, Heath, Bevell, Darroll, Chacy, C___?, Weeks, Wilson, Fi__?, Stack?, Doors, Callires, Floyd, Sieverts, Harris, ___ker, Putman, McDill
13b - Trowbridge, Pole, Montgomery, Garrison, Neal, Erwin, Reeves, ___en, V___?, Story, Rit__?, ____s?, C___?, Evans, G___?, Newton, ___ing, Spaddin, Baxter, Heflin, Kirby, Ice, __t__, V__?, Drew
Pages 14a, 14b, are very faded and difficult to read:
14a - Mabry, Wilson, Hardin, Snow, Jacobs, Rodney, Beasley, Hadley, B___?, Oaks, Holland, ___dy?, Auld, M___?, B___?, Potts, Strebling, Holmes, Gu__?, Ladd, ___ain?,
14b - Pace, Denton?, Davis, Clay, __i__, Doors, Clay, ___k, Pea__?, S__be, St___?, Mc___?, __under__?, Avia, McKinsey, Hair, F___?, Davison?,
15a - TOO FAINT TO READ: Wilborn, Jackson
15b - TOO FAINT TO READ: Willis
07a- Crabtree, White, Osborn, Holland, Osburn, Knight, Bahnam, Berringer, Gatewood, Adams, Bahnaim, Berringer, Gatewood, Adams, Hughes, Bannister, Vines, Gowan, Smith
07b - Gray, Woods
08a - Branham, Mangum, Busby, Bannister, Williams, DeArman, Hughes, McCarland, Castle, Lord, Ball, Backham, McWilliam, Mabry, Simpson
08b - Banister, Simpson
09a - Church, Gilbreath, Homer, Lipscomb, Logan, Love, Pierson, Rimmer, Roach, Rodgers, Vogles
Wetsel, White, Wittenbarger
09b - Allman, Banister, Beaver, Carlson, Cates, Head, Hester, Hughes, Johnson, Powers, Vance, Warrick
10a - Bingham, Cannon, Draper, Jackson, O'Hara, Pierson, Roger, Weber, Wheeler, Wilson
10b - Askins, Baker, Caddel, Capkrum, Gripps, Hardin, Laney, Williams
11a - Beaver, Caddel, Edwards, Hager, Johnson, Mayfield, Morris, Ormensby, Richards
11b - Donham, Garrison, Hagris, Hall, Harris, Isbell, Thompson, Witty
12a - Lytle, Osborn, Richardson, Samples, Taylor
12b- Armstrong, Broyles, Caddel, Creason, Huddleston, Kori, Lafevers, Lamb, May, Robinson, Spurgeon
13a - Caddel, Clark, Forgy, Garrett, Ivebaden, Morgan, Tidmore, Vanashall, Wharton
13b - Davenport, Mathis, Mayfield, Morgan, Speers, Warlick
14a - Friday, Haddad, Ivey, Mooney, Osborn, Ringer, Roach, Taylor
14b - Berry, Harris, Hebruck, Kirby, Lansfert, Meager, Soutok, Steele, Warner
15a - Harris, Stephens, Sumrall, Warner, Wider
15b - Dean, Gross, Haynes, Montgomery, Sh ?, Standard, Sumners, Whatley
16a - Bryant, Edens, Hunter, Morgan, Pace, Post, Willis
16b - Andros, Clark, Klis, Lovett, McDaniel, Owen, Scroglen, Sumrall, Wade
17a - Dicke, Hopper, Koura, Mafors, Morgan, Reeves, Sauri, Smerdon, Tables, Toma,
Tynes, Wharton, Yarid
17b - Adwon, Ashlock, Barton, Clark, Hamad, Harris, McDaniel, Sharide
18a - Clark, Davenport, Goodman, Hamssay, Nelson, Walker, York
18b - Brit, Dufie, Gilchrist, Lockes, Maloney, Oliver, Pullins, Simmons
19a - Carnahan, Hill, Lockert, Morgan, Pope, Samples, Smith
19b - Calwell, Crawley, Francis, Goode, Johnson, McCarthur, Simms
20a - Corban, Cowan, Dowdy, George, Holland, Kolin, Lampert, Newberg, Omingo,
Patton, Reed, Traylor, Wacker, Wade, Wharton
20b- Abbott, Boyd, Claycroft, Davis, Fletcher, Frost, Ham, Holland, Holter
Kauri, Massad, Ominges, Phy, Powell, Roach, Skinner, Summers, Toma, Traylor
21a - Berry, Byrom, Carpenter, Corcoran, Edwards, Fite, Frost, Oglesby, Petigo
01a - Wilson, Thompson, Chapman, Hackett, Morgan, Hopkins, Taylor, Leach, Capps, Walker
01b - Walker, Allison, Wommack, Smith, Moore, Dennis, Turner, Redden, Stephen, Milburn, Howkins, Roberts, Martin, Peirce, Pendergrass, Braden
02a - Fhenmoor, Fisher, Dennis, Smith, Funderbrock, Ferrell, Powell, Scott, Jones, Pepper, Anderson, Young, Harris, Hunt, Reed, Bermon
02b - Bermon, Cooper, Wyatt, Farmer, Medearis, Rimmer, Harrison, Wallace, Foraker, Smith
03a - Miller, Tackett, Howard, Reeves, Foster, Ross, Rienhorn, Sampler, Warren, Duffer, Casper, Ashley, Cheney
03b - Bond, Kirk, Baird, Burly, Jenkins, McDuffy, Taylor, Goss, Colifar
04a - Smith, Foraker, Wooldridge, Lonlay, Star, Garrison, Holder, Thomas, Miller, Hawood, Kelison, Spivey, McMullen
04b - McMullen, Rodney, McGill, Smith, Hood, Westbrook, Maddox, Kay, Dub___?, Wicker, Regin, Skinner, McCarty, K____glin, Tripp
05a - Tripp, Wilkerson, Hodges, Hudson, Tarlton, Welch, Addoms, Johnson, Luker, Boswell, Walling, Whitiner
05b - Whitiner, Madearis, Region, Copeland, Burger, Parks, Worthington, Lomox, Anglin
06a - Anglin, Taylor, Givins, Gas___?, Young, White, Smith, McGuffin, Steel, Moore, Kalloway, Woodall
06b - Woodall, Dillingham, Madison, Carter, Beard, Ward, Deer, Talbey, McCutsheon, Locker, Smith, Rubin
07a - Rush, Young, Bishop, Bradshaw, Smith, McCurdy, Bills, Hall
07b - Hall, Massey, Young, Hagar, Harris, Bogard, Anderson, Chandler, M_____?, Star, Luellen, Bevis, Tillman, Mullen, Allin
08a - Allin, Imboden, Walker, Brown, Chapman, Porter, Carter, Northington, Davis, Hawkins, Davis, Pugh, Sterling
08b - Sterling, Jenkins, Butcher, McCondlin, Thurmon, R___?, Nix, King, Nichols, Hammon, York
09a - West, Stovall, Davis, Pistole, Vaughan, Huff, Butler, S____?, Calhoun, Cross
09b - Cross, C____?, B_____?, Hood, Beaver, Snipe, Mullins, Smith, Atkinson, Kayes,
10a - Atkinson, Thompson, Spencer, Grimes, Tucker, Powell, Dennis, Mc____?, R____?, Roden___?, Duglas, Jones, Laws, Gortman
10b - Gortman, Byrd, Atkinson, Anderson, Hubbard, Mc___, Arms, Sewell, Adams, Libel, Graves, Phelps, Laws
11a - Richardson, Pickering, Locasse, Scott, Griffin, Shirley, Bliss, Hart, Chadwick, Graham, Hughes
11b - Hughes, Smith, Taylor, Parks, Sullivan, Carpenter, Rudisell, Pulley, Asberry, Thompson, Cheek
12a - Crawford, Shark, Roberts, Hollman, Buson, Chambliss, Dennis, Severe, Godfrey, Powell
12b - Kelly, Carlson, Fluty, Martin, Carpenter, Durgan, Cox, Gillham, Phillips, Williams, Vaughn, Burgess, Owens
13a - Owens, Bellows, Hawood, L______, Sullivan, Lawson, G______?, F___mon?, B____?, Mitchell, Mc____?
13b - Mc____?, Mitchell, Bowen, Boswell, West, Rankin, Brooks, Clark, Miller, Graham,
14a - Graham, Willhite, McBride, Smith, Sechrist, Gage, Laws, Barton, Guinn, Stephens, Winforey, Pearson, Goodman
14b - Willhite, Goodman, Powell, Price, Miller, McC____?, Post, ____on, Barton, D____?, ______b
15a - Fraque, C____?, Vaughn, Campbell, Hamilton, Stephenson, Pruitt, Barnett, Brown, Wall, Graves
15b - Graves
E.D. 120, Tilley Township (part)
01a - Briley, Evans, Abel, Wrigley, Haney, Slaton, Bovall, Busby
01b - Walters, Frazior, Osborn, Colwell, Olive, Duncan, Pa____, Smith, Mayson, Owen, Carder, Killingsworth
02a - Waller, Osborn, Risinger, Rodgers, Davis, Bryant, Starnes, Abel, Hickx, Staples, Sipe, Rolan, Ruso
02b - Abel, Gentry, Thomson, Ware, Roark, Daise, Vanderford, Witt, Blank, Andy, Woods
03a - Washington, Jourdan, Wasby, Robinson, Smith, Gentry, Nelson, Brennell, Jones
03b - Barnett, Patterson, Gossage, ___yson Vanlandingham, Wright, Osburn, Combs, Thomas, Yarbrough, Southniell
04a - Markham, Speller, Meadows, Norman, Cotney, Brown, Tice, Fox, Walkon, Cotten
04b - McReynolds, Louis, Longmire, P_____?, Wheat, Huter
05a - Gibson, Kennedy, Wilson, Deen, Butcher, Callaway, Matlock, Coleman, Parkey, Sines
05b - Parkey, Goins, Powell, Karlos, Crabb, Chambers, Roberts, Longmire
06a - Hanks, James, Kennedy, Harrison, Joplin, Silk, Strother, Chenault, Patrick
06b - Boswell, We___er, Burden, Copeland, Powell, Bond, Isbell
07a - Mead, Estep, Polf, Gibson, Harris, Hollis, Henderson, Allen, Thompson
07b - Estlinbann, Coleman, Davidson, McIntyre, Martin, Roberts
08a - Martin, Crosby, Douglas, Kelley
08b - Schryver, Reeves, Blain, Wall, Conatser, Washburn, Castle, Reagan
09a - Adams, Pak, Stowe, Wortham, Herlong, Luck, Murray, Lennon, Ballard, Lee
09b - Snipes, Nash, Young, Medaris, Byars, Houpe, Field
10a- Stripling, Watson, Bird, Simson, Wilson, Snipes, Rimmer, Moore, Williams, Little
10b - Byars, Bill, Cameron, Snipes, Spietz, Sismore, Fancher, Stovall, Hartman
11a - Barton, Settle, Slaton, Gilchrist, Cooper, Allan, Morgan, Speed
11b - Wright, Crisp, Hartman, Newton, Dial, Murdock, Eaves, Stovall, Bridges, Fraley
12a - McWatters, Yarberry, Fraley, Murray, Morris, Thorp, Stiles, Gilispee
E.D. 121, Tilley Township (continued)
01a - Carpenter, Johnson, Hudson, McKivins
01b- Moore, Jinkinson, Morden, McAtee, Ginn
02a - Prichett, Donehoo, Turnbow, Cotton, Ware, Wall, Westbrook, Spruill, Briley
02b - Wright, Golihugh, Reaves, E___?, Adams, Ware, Splawn, Stinson, Garrett, Gilliam, Jackson, Merrell
03a - Murry, Estep
03b - Corner, Edwards, Cox, Dry, Smith, Busby, Robinson, Norris, Harwin, Harmon, Logsdon
04a - Caldwell, Bolt, Bradshaw, Posey
04b - Ware, Roycroft, Nicholas, Vanderford, Cooke, Harrison, Holloway, Madden, Keithly, Helton, Spier
05a - Pickett, Ramsy, Hollis, Dean, Hinkle, Bates
05b- Jackson, Brawley, Wilson, Walker, Montgomery, Tubbs, Goiyers, Wilkes, Epps, Dearman, Adams, Cook
06a - Dean, Barnett, Robinson, Moore, Jackson, Estep, Baker
06b - Stark, Smith, Moser, Byars, Hunt, Shiner, Barker, Baze, Meek
07a - Hambright, Hunt
07b - Briley, Dyer, Kushing, Day, Resnur, Bass, Barnett, Cundiff, Redding
08a - Barnett, Davis, Tubbs, Boyd, Adington, Rogers
08b- Veach, Norris, Penner, Edelman, Sorrell, Martin, Nelson
09a - Hopson, Blasingame, Bradshaw, Hood, Nelson, Carder, Brooks, Marshall, Sloan, Perryman, McAttee
09b - McAttee, Epps, Cook, Fulnechek, Postern, Parkey, Meason, Miller
10a - Herron, Turvey, Aylesworth, ____ck, McElgin, Beane, Dearman, Johnson, Martin, Hill, House, Crocker, Mosley, Mercer
10b - Philips, Wilson, Olive, McM___?, Raly, Shiran, Parkey, Sharp, McAtte
11a - Wilhite, Abernathy, Johnson, Brown, O Dell, Schultz, McWilliam, Simmons, Thompson, Williams, Morrow
11b - Thompson, Walker, Chisum, Long, Bragg, Calluway, Briscoe, McKenzie
12a - McKinzie, Spier, Kildow
12b - Smith, Porter, Hopkins, Stinson, Jones, Shoemaker, Baze, Galloway, Stephens, Kerbo
13a - Kurbo, Coughey, Miller, T____?, _____ser, Kirby, Kirtley, Coggatt, Wolfe, Chipman, Crawford, Bronson
13b - Harper, Miller, Kennedy, Aylsworth, M____, Brown, Fleming, VanLandingham, Thomason
14a - Nelson, Smith, Passmore, Hickman, Johnson, Sorrell, Leath
14b - Williams, Laneur, Torenison, Collier, Kerbo, Holloman, Duncan, Cowen, McCrady, Chisum
15a - Crawford, Hare, Allmond, Mullins, Lassmore, Kelsey, Mikeman, Bennitt
15b - Hill, Cole, Hughs, Lanford, Daffries, Eubank, Craig, Smith, Corneelison, Murray, Miles, Sutton
16a - Sharrock, Christopher, Herron, Jones, Kennedy, Brown, Hughes, Nichols, Thomson, Ellington, Lanford, McLaughlin
16b - McLaughlin, Smith, Melton, G___y__?, Fleming
17a - Fleming, McCarty, Jones, Thompson, Cook, Watson, Hare, Sutherland, Osborne, Puffer,
17b - Martin, Wilhite, Hopkins, Wyrick, Padings, Seymore, Vanlandingham, Math, Bonner
18a - Byron, Easton, Miller, Armstrong, Hester, Rogers, Carson, Cartwright, Davis
18b - Jackson, Lassiter, Knott, Hatton, Bengum, Archey, Paterson, Barker, Short, Farmer, Berrus, Briscoe, McCord
19a - Davis, Pruitt, Overbey, Hopkins, Lassiter, Alexander
01a - Dudek, Hammack, Clark, Haynes, Thompson, Bowman, Harmon
01b - Beasley, Wood, Darby, Berry, Joyner, Coleman, Allen, Malone, Armstrong, Babek
02a - Daulton, Bryant, Morgin, Jenkins, McJesmy, Totty, Strouhel, Tillman, Dalton, McDaniel, Hudson, Goodman, Richardson, Elliott
02b - Elliott, Dalton, Darmer, McAlester, Patton, Roberts, Finley, Merrell, Walker, Cobb, Boatwright, Beaver, Moore, Kishola, Reid, McKinley
03a - Bryant, Richardson, Greene, Elkins, Read, Atkinson, Hammock, Wiles, Word, Whitten, Jackson
03b - Jackson, Lewis, Stooksburry, Ried, Maston, Mayer, Undorwood, Dooly, Staggs
04a - Castleburry, Armstrong, Rute, Williams, Dover, Thompson, Gill, Young, Ray, Allum, Clifton, F___air,
04b - Mayer, Martin, Timmond, Rochester, Ramsey, McAllester, Denton
05a - Black, Bullard, Ryan, Gardner, Stewart, Watson, Steen, Emberton, Clancy, Morgan, Day
05b - Robbins, Cecil, Clancy, Vinson, Tedford, Jenkins, Whitton, McNiel, Edwards, Lowrance, Doke, Cherney
06a - Cherney, Boatwright, Hollis, Smith, Kapovik, McAddog, Stovall, James, Emberton, Strohval
06b - Word, Morgan, Carson, Montgomery, Williams, Sumrall, Ash, Suddeth, Mallouf, Armbrustor, Biffle
07a - Biffle, Simmons, Clancy, Able, Maddox, Moss, Warnor, Stotts, Willis, Weskert, Stoker, Hood
07b - Hood, Stephenson, Kabler, Kopusk, Bapsel, Bargor, Coble, Bowman, Cory, Bradshaw, Cooter, Greene, Hargrove
08a - Rihelsmer, Lowery, Moore, Spearman, Moss, Gibbons, Satterfield, Webb, Briggs, Mi____iom, Mayes, Dodson, Darby, Summers, Faulkner, Pace
08b - Falkner, Paty, Erwin, Montgomery
09a - Hagee, Cooper, Miller, Tadlock, Johnson, Dalton, Crook, Griffin, McKisseck, P___?, Sage, Sohley, Jones, Snow
09b - Snow, Griffin, Gaddis, White, Jones, Wright, Sheets, Hargrove, Tyler, Moore, Sanford, Bogard, Russ
10a - Harris, Prigmore, Chrystal, Lauderdale, Lackey, Dodson, Hallmark, Denney, Carter, Hullett
10b - Hullett, Range, McGalpin, Veach, Summers, Cook, Rowe, Lock, McCurim, Johnson, Ragen, Dutcher
11a - Goodwin, Gibbs, Carter, Prigmore, Harris, Elkins, Waggoner, Eagon, Shaw, Eller, Christal, Ettor, Keith, Hargrove, Clack
11b - Manning, Boyd, Stotta, Hill, Edgmon, Owens, Buchanan, Morrison, Mallouf, Smith, More
12a - Mannin, Smith, Potter, Mores, Myers, Dudek, Abajik, Kisbola, Armon, Johnson, Huffman
01a - Ray, Mathis, Self, McClure
01b - Johnson, Fenson, Raney, Bradley, Miller, Rotane, Rubfar, Moth___?
02a - Easthal, Wells, Kolley, Dickerson, Lawrence, Atmond, Poole,
02b - Daily, Reese, Mooriman, Backer, Boeaker, Mattix, Corrington
03a- M____sk, Huffries, Treadaway, ______iffest, Hill
03b - Coning, F_____, _____itt, Ferris, Price, Ray
04a - Tubb, Ray, Kuffman, Bradley, Fragies, Hood, Ginn
04b - Eastham, Frost, Harris, Falkner, Tuton, Hood
05a - Poole, M____, Pence, Morrell, Beavers, Matheney
05b - Fambrigla, Keith, Durham, Keith, Ashlock
06a - England, Johnson, Simmons, Teague, Sears, Lynderman, Elkins, Blankenship, Moore, Jester, Hall, Gilbreath
06b - Caldwell, Heateley, Campbell, Lock, McKinney, Loyd
07a - Eapon, Karris, Bornn, Maxfield, Griffin