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Greer County Schools
1900  -  1910  -  1920
Eastview School 1923 Yearbook

Eastview school 1923
Thanks to Ken Fisher, grandson of Maude Emma Burchfield and William Roy Pugh

The Eagle
Eastview School 1923

Will C. Jones - County Superintendent

School Board
L. J. McMinn - Director
J. A. Stout - Clerk
B. F. Burnett - Member

Haskell Pruett - Supt.
Summers Hudson - Prin.
Mrs. L. H. Post
Mrs. Haskell Pruett
Edna Bradshaw
Ralph Tuttle
Noma Elkins
Hassie Williams
Mary Kathryn Townsend - Music

W. G. Smith - Janitor
W. D. Sample - Mechanic
Horace Williams - Truck Driver
Price Francis - Truck Driver
Tom Gammill - Truck Driver
Douglas Hudson - Truck Driver
Sam Wood - Truck Driver
Earl Wallach - Truck Driver

Senior Class Officers

Horace Williams - President
Price Francis - Vice-President
Beatrice Paxton - Sec. & Treas.
Ethel Thompson - Historian
Lillian McAden - Class Prophet

Class Parents
Mr. & Mrs. K. Post

Class Brother & Sister
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Yarbro

Class Advisor
Haskell Pruett

Senior Class Motto
"With the ropes of the past we will ring the bells of the future.
Senior Class Flower - White Rose
Senior Class Colors - Purple & Gold


Horace Williams (Hoss) - President of Class, Business Manager of Annual and School Paper, Band, Class Play, Orchestra, Debate, Basket Ball and Track. "I've heard there are wiser people, but I've never had the privilege of meeting them."

Beatrice Paxton (Jack) - Class Secretary, Basket Ball, Class Play, and Glee Club. "Her Kind Words and Sunny Disposition Brightens the Corner Where She is."

Archie Stout (Red) - Assistant Business Manager of Annual, Band, Orchestra, Boys' Quartette, Debate, Basket Ball and Track. "Just wait, have patience and don't worry, I'll get through, but not in a hurry."

Martha Keesee (Dutch) - Assistant Editor of Annual, Class Play and Basket Ball. "A Prudent Girl Concealeth her Knowledge."

Fallas Warlick (Gabriel) - Basket Ball, Track, Debate and Class Play. "Never Known to Have a Serious Thought."

Price Francis (Pickles) - Vice-President of Class, Class Poet, Band, Quartette, Debate, Class Play, Basket Ball and Track. "He's a 'Pickle' neither sour nor Sweet, But just the kind we like to meet."

Irene Williams (Rene) - Editor of Annual, Glee Club, Class Play and Debate. "Full many a trait both pure and serene, Is found in our noble, our only Irene."

Lillian McAden (Bill) - Class Prophet, Class Play. "A Quiet, but Wise Member of Our Class."

Ethel Thompson (Wee Ladie) - Class Historian, Girls' Quartette, Class Play and Glee Club. "Life is too Short for Aught but Ambitions."

Criss Pruett (Crisco) - Basket Ball and Track. "The deed that I intend is great, but what as yet I know not."


Junior Class Organization
Floyd Tuttle - President
Versie Stout - Vice-President
Bethel Hudson - Sec. & Treas.

Junior Class Colors - Orange and Black
Junior Class Flower - White Lilly
Junior Class Motto - Aggrediro ot vinco (Go forth and conquer)


Nora Stout (Kitty) - Glee Club, Music. "Give us adjectives to describe her greatness."

Floyd Tuttle (Prexie) - Class President, Band, Orchestra, Quartette. "Like the train, he is reaching a station in life."

Bethel Hudson (Beth) - "The Deepest Water is the Stillest."

Dollie McAden (Dimple) - Basket Ball. "Begone dull care, thou and I can never agree."

Douglas Hudson (Doug) - Basket Ball, Band, Orchestra. "I like to Fan(nie) the Good(e)."

Cula Smoot (Sug) - "Why Aren't Others Content like Me."

H. A. Williams (Peg) - Basket Ball, Tennis, Glee Club, Orchestra. "The World Owes Me a Good Time.---I'm Collecting."

Earl Thompson (Curley) - Basket Ball, Track, Tennis, Band. "I dare not be as funny as I can."

Versie Stout (Noisy) - Vice President, Music. "Life is How You Take It."

Sophomore Class Officers

First Semester
Tom Gammill - President
Ima Taylor - Sec. & Treas.
Douglas Matthews - Yell Leader
Vernon Francis - Sargent-at-Arms
Second Semester
Clyde Tuttle - President
Vernon Francis - Vice-President
Ima Taylor - Sec. & Treas.
Douglas Matthews - Yell Leader
Buna Denney - Court Clown
Oma Wallach - Class Editor

Mrs. Haskell Pruett - Class Sponsor

Class Motto - Excelsior
Class Colors - Old Rose & White
Class Flower - American Beauty Rose

Class Parents - Mr. & Mrs. Haskell Pruett


Fannie Goode (Fan) - Basket Ball. "Quite and Unassuming, but interested."

Oscar Crisp (Owl) - Basket Ball. "A hard worker and a good fellow."

Irene Billington (Polly) - Basket Ball, Glee Club. "No one knows of what she is thinking, Be it either Books or Boys."

Thomas Gammill (Tom) - Basket Ball, Track, Tennis. "As Idle as a Painted Ship upon a painted Ocean."

Georgia Paxton (George) - Basket Ball, Glee Club. "Where Pleasure and Duty clash, Let Duty go to smash."

Douglas Matthews - Basket Ball, Play. "I intend to be great some day, But in what line, as yet, undecided."

Oma Wallach - Basket Ball, Glee Club, Play. "She like Fun, Boys, and Gum."

Ima Taylor (Jasamine) - Glee Club, Orchestra, Play. "Pretty to walk with, witty to talk with, Pleasant to think on too."

Clyde Tuttle (Straight Edge) - Band, Orchestra, Play. "His whole ambition is to please the girls."

Eloise Allen (Weasel) - Glee Club, Quartette. "She did nothing in particular and did it well."

Jack Taylor (Jew) - Basket Ball. "Hush, they say he once had a girl."

Vernon Francis (Bugs) - Basket Ball, Class Play, Band and Orchestra. "I love to wind my mouth up, I like to hear it go."

Maude Burchfield (Shorty) - "She never troubles another for What she can do herself."

Carrie Conrad (Pet) - "Girls please hand me the mirror."

Nard Hogan (Kitty) - "None but himself can be his parallel."

Buna Denney (Cotton) - Basket Ball, Glee Club. "No matter how dismal the day I can find something to say."

Merrill DeBoard (Buck) - Band, Orchestra. "Oh! Why should life all be labor."

Novell Houck (Bill) - "She goes quietly and serenely on her way."

Freshman Class Organization
Marshall Paxton - President
Conner Harris - Vice-President
Lucille Wallach - Sec. & Treas.
Jack Matthews - Yell Leader

Miss Edna Bradshaw - Class Sponsor

Class Motto - B2 (Be Square)
Class Colors - Green and White
Class Flower - White Lily

Marshall Paxton - President of Class, Basket Ball, Track. "I'm nobody's baby."
Leighton Burchfield - Vice President of Class. "A clever boy of clear and forward thought, Who does a deal, but seldom is he caught."

Lucille Wallach - Sec. & Treas. of Class, Basket Ball, Glee Club. "She tells you flatly what her mind is."

Marie Tuttle - Glee Club, Piano. "Precious packages come in small bundles."

Ollie Rush - "If she has any faults, She has left us in doubt."

Jack Matthews - Basket Ball, Track. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?????"

Conner Harris - Basket Ball, Track. "If there is mischief brewing, He is at the bottom of it."

Annie Meese - "Tis true that she is much inclined, To chin (talh) with all mankind."

George Smith - Basket Ball, Track. "And the green grass grew all around."

Louise Gammill - "A friend that is a friend in the usual way."

Alton Cherry - "I stand on the brink of a great career. Will someone please shove me off."

Eula McKissack - "As sweet and sunny as a May Morning."

Rowe Goode - "I would like to learn a little about something, If it doesn't take so much work."

Grammar Grades

First Grade - Teacher, Hassie Williams
Beaver, Chester
Beasely, Fred
Carter, Richard
Chancler, Carl
Cleary, Foulee
Conrad, Myrl
Chancler, Willard
Dalworth, Dennis
Griffis, (H)uolan
Griffis, Hubert
Huckabee, Douglas
Huggins, Curtis
Kouri, Joe
Land, Ted
Miller, Vernon
Matthis, Clarence
Prigmore, Billy
Reach, Herbart
Smith, Lester
Trammel, Caroy
Wright, Opal
York, Derwood

Second Grade
Avery, Rona (Rena)
Avery, Ruth
Beasely, Monroe
Billington, Fay
Blocker, Fate
Carothers, Ida
Christal, Loslio
Coker, Homer
Denney, Doris
Gammill, Nottie
Gammill, Jewel Veata
Gammill, LeRoy
Harvey, Henretta
Hatter, J. T.
Hatter, Norris
Hilly, Joe
Hood, Beatrice
Hogan, Opal
Huggins, Otis
Hughes, Amie
Kemper, Troy
Knox, Leighton
Kouri, Emilene
Long, Vera
Matthews, Estelle
McAdams, J. C.
Meese, Frank
Moore, Evelyn
McKenzie, Juanita
Paxton, Cornell
Post, Grady
Prigmore, J. D.
Roberts, Mahala
Reach, Jewell
Rush, Beuna
Sanders, J. L.
Smith, Chester
Smith, Loyd
Stout, Dorene
Sanders, (?)
Trammel, Elston
Thompson, Georgia
Vickers, Roy
York, Woodrow

Third Grade
Barker, Dollie
Billington, Floyd
Britton, Homer
Brothers, Ruth
Burchfield, Agnes
Carter, Vera
Conrad, La(v)on
Denney, Woodrow
Griffis, Elbertin(o/e)
Halford, Wesley
Heatley, Elmo
Hilly, Luther
Lock, Herbart
Long, A. D.
Meese, Milly
Miller, Murline
Miller, Everett
McDanial, Charles
Prigmore, Clyde
Sample, J. W.
Smith, Bernard
Stowe, Ruth
Stout, Eldon
Wright, Mary
Wright, Edward

Fourth Grade
Attaway, Ruth
Barton, Maggie Louis
Beasely, Ottis
Brothers, Helen
Beaver, Mable
Blocker, John
Carothers, Lola
Denney, Faye
Dickerson, Louie
Daily, (Malcana)
Dane, George
Griffis, Othel
Harvey, Ruby
Hughes, Effie
Hilly, Irene
Huddler, Willie
Halford, Jewell
Jones, Orville
Knox, Murray
McDaniel, Lurline
Miller, Noma
Moore, Cecil
Meese, Hall
McKissark, Bill
Miller, Howard
Miller, Bertha
Miller, Fannie
Nix, Arnold
Post, Daisy Mae
Post, Hazel
Prigmore, Sibel
Rogers, Willene
Sharp, Troy
Sanders, Preston
Sibley, Earl
Sibley, Opal
Trammel, Doyle
Wright, (Mina)
Williams, Elmer
York, Faye
York, Vivian
Ramsey, Langston

Fifth Grade
Beaver, Gertie
Beasely, Earl
Billington, Lois
Burnett, Weldon
Burnett, Evelyn
Britian, Everett
Denny, Vivian
Foster, Lonnie
Gammill, Evia
Higginbotham, Paul
Hatter, Bettie
Hogan, Olene
Hilly, Travis
Harris, Glen
Irwin, J. P.
Higginbotham, Henry
Jones, Marvin
Kori, Josephene
Kemper, Willis
Lafon, Leona
McDaniel, Claud
Moore, Howard
Moore, Cecil
Meese, Bart
Page, Verdalee
Irwin, Katherine
Rush, Hollis
Roberts, Fred
Ramsey, Lagston
Smith, Jesse Lee
Stowe, Hubert
Sibley, Roy
Sample, Georgia
Tuttle, Fay
Wright, Ruby

Sixth Grade
Barker, Bessie
Beasely, Genevieve
Carothers, Mary
Conrad, Hubert
Denney, Jackson
Francis, Nina
Hallford, Emma
Hatter, Hallie
Harris, Thelma
Huddler, George
Kori, Ralph
Iori, Raymond
Miller, Nora
Matthews, Syble
McAden, Winnie
Miller, J. D.
McMinn, Carrol
Miller, Mary Beth
Sanders, Shelby
Stout, Foy
Trammel, Vila
Warlick, Zada
Wallach, Dave
Wileman, Fred

Seventh Grade
Brothers, Majorie
Koker, Bryan
Gammill, Ruby
Hall, Cora Alice
Kemper, Katy
Kemper, Gaylord
Kori, Monteria
Long, Blanche
Lock, Oscar
Miller, Cora
Nix, Alton
Nix, Dewey
Post, Lucille
Post, Morine
Post, Ira
Roberts, Frank
Rush, Kassie
Rogers, Gladys
Stout, Earnest
Smith, Earnest
Tramel, Francis
Walker, Connie
York, Talmage

Eighth Grade
Brothers, Francis
Coker, Opal
Foster, Effie
Goode, Opal
Hale, Clifford
Hale, Fred
Hall, Sallie
Harris, Buddie
Higginbotham, Pearl
Huggins, Forest
Hughes, Arvil
Irwin, Lovie
Jones, Letha
Kennedy, Joe
Kennedy, Katy Bell
Knox, Raymond
Lafon, Floy
McKissack, Mary
McMinn, John D.
McMinn, Ruby
Paxton, Anna Laura
Paxton, Elaine
Paxton, Morse
Paxton, Ruth
Potter, Minnie
Sibley, Ray
Smith, Frank
Smith, Gladys
Stowe, Clark
Tramel, Colene
Walker, Otto
Williams, Edna
Wright, Anna Mae
York, Hazel

Advertisers in the Yearbook

The Photographic Work of this Annual Was Done By BARKER STUDIO, Mangum - "THE HOUSE OF GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS"

Burnett's Grocery Store - For Good Things to Eat - "We Try to Please" - B. F. Burnett, Prop., Eastview, Okla.

Dr. O. R. Jeter

I. R. Warren - Dealer in COAL and FEED - "Where Quality Counts I Lead" - Brinkman, Okla.

BRINKMAN DRUG STORE - "Just a Joy Ride Distance From The Eastview School" to get Cold Drinks, Kodak Films, Candies, Stationary, Rubber Goods, Drugs - D. A. Summers, Prop., Brinkman, Okla.

LOVETT'S - SELL THE FURNITURE - Headquarters For Victrolas and Victor Records - UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING A Specialty - Mangum, Okla.

THE DIXIE STORE, Mangum, Oklahoma

Wm CAMERON & CO., Inc - In Youth Build - For Character and Efficiency - All Life Long, Seek Happiness and a Home - We help Build the Home in a Manner That Aids Happiness, Efficiency and Prosperity - "Everything to Build Anything" - Phone 22, Mangum

HEARNE and TITTLE - Do a general line of Farm Loan Insurance and Real Estate business. Nothing except the best companies represented. Best rates and terms. - Your Business Appreciated - Business Address, Phone No., 155, Mangum, Oklahoma

The Mangum Milling Company, H. E. Oakes, Manager - Millers, Grain, Coal and Merchandise, Phones 75 & 53 - Mangum, Oklahoma

HAMILTON HARDWARE CO. - (Complete Home Furnishers) - Hardware, Implements, Furniture, Undertaking - Store Phone 27 - Night Phone (Undertaker) 51 - Mangum, Oklahoma

MANGUM MOTOR COMPANY - Authorized Ford Dealers - "The cost of transportation in the Eastview school is 5 per cent lower than the average for the consolidated schools of Oklahoma according to the last State Superintendent's report. Their six Ford Trucks were purchased from the ------, The Biggest Ford Station in Southwest Oklahoma - Always at your Service - Phone 212, Mangum, Oklahoma

OVERTON & HEAD Tailors, Mangum, Oklahoma

JACKSON & WILSON - "Good Place to Trade" - Old Reliable Place - In Business 24 Years - Mangum, Oklahoma, S.E. Corner of Square

Popular Fiction, School Supplies, Fresh Candies, Ice Cream, Cold Drinks at E. B. GEYER'S Book Shop, Mangum, Oklahoma

THE WINCHESTER STORE - SAMPSON HARDWARE COMPANY - What Ever The Sport We Have It - We Specialize on Service - BUCKS Stoves, Ask Any One. - If it is to be had in a Hardware Store, We Have It! - Phone Orders, We Give Prompt Service - Phone 110, Mangum

MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM COMPANY - Clyde P. Evans, Agent - S. S. McCrory, Bootlegger - MAGOLINE, The Dependable Lubricant. - MAGOLENE GASOLINE - "B" Safety Oil - Mangum, Oklahoma