Precincts: Mangum, Corinth, Granite, Spring Creek, Bloomington, Willow, White
Flat, Madge, Sulphur, Deer Creek, Delhi, Dock, Francis, Eldorado, Lone Star,
Purvis, Paradise Valley, Louis, Duke, Russell Valley, Warren, Navajoe, Dunbar,
Yeldell, Lock, Altus, Martha, Valley View, Aaron, O'Neal.
--------------- -------------------- --- ---
Page 22.
Mangum Twp Trustee, Sweet, Frank H. 357 231
Mangum Twp Trustee, Byars, W. O. 126
Mangum Twp Clerk, Scarborough, Jas. 376 275
Mangum Twp Clerk, Talley, B. B. 101
Mangum Twp Treasurer, Townsend, G. B. 351 234
Mangum Twp Treasurer, Lackey, N. H. 117
Mangum Justice Peace, Olds, J. N. 330 214
Mangum Justice Peace, McMillan, T. F. 377 261
Mangum Justice Peace, Tompkins, Elmer 116
Mangum Constable, Rogers, C. C. 368 242
Mangum Constable, Cole, Low 289 163
Mangum Constable, Turnbo, R. L. 126
Road Overseer Mangum, Wetsel, Frank 312
Road Overseer WhiteFlat, McNath, H. B. 280
Road Overseer Bettina, Stephens, G. F. 274
Road Overseer Granite, Shaffenburg, Chas. 265
Road Overseer Bloomington, Ramsey, J. J. 267
Road Overseer Corinth, McCombs, S. T. 284
Road Overseer District 1, Duran, Wm. 70
Road Overseer District 4, Mullinax, George 64
Road Overseer District 5, Sheets, Earnest 72
Road Overseer District 6, Pyatt, John 62
Road Overseer District 7, Overstreet, T. P. 62
Road Overseer District 8, Hall, S. B. 68
Road Overseer District 9, Cameron, Robert 57
Road Overseer District 10, Anderson, Bob 59
Page 23.
Francis Trustee, Maloy, H. M. 107 5
Francis Trustee, Maloy, P. A. 102
Francis Clerk, Floyd, L. O. 107 8
Francis Clerk, Gainer, W. B. 99
Francis Treasurer, Adams, J. E. 104 6
Francis Treasurer, Ferguson, John 98
Francis Justice Peace, Hendricks, J. A. 115 37
Francis Justice Peace, Galloway, P. C. 78
Francis Justice Peace, Smith, P. M. 102 24
Francis Constable, Flannagan, C. C. 95 14
Francis Constable, Chanceller, Irvin 81
Francis Constable, Ponder, W. P. 105 26
Francis Constable, Paxton, W. W. 79
Road Overseer Francis, Wiley, G. W. 86
Road Overseer Francis, Abbott, S. W. 71
Road Overseer Reed, Giles, N. 61
Road Overseer Reed, Cannon, Lee 67
Road Overseer Delhi, Frost, D. 67
Road Overseer Salton, Kiser, Ben 63
Road Overseer Jester, Brothers, R. H. 88
Road Overseer Dock, Permenter, R. C. 67
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Duke Twp Trustee, Franks, J. I. 215 69
Duke Twp Trustee, Earnest, T. W. 146
Duke Clerk, Dulaney, F. D. 210 65
Duke Clerk, Burdick, E. 145
Duke Treasuer, Martin, L. F. 206 65
Duke Treasuer, Gibson, S. L. 141
Duke Justice Peace, Pringle, W. P. 217 57
Duke Justice Peace, Butler, J. W. 207 70
Duke Justice Peace, Stalcup, L. H. 160
Duke Justice Peace, Wilburn, J. E. 137
Duke Constable, Frazier, George 202 31
Duke Constable, Claypool, C. B. 198 51
Duke Constable, Turnbough, Frank 171
Duke Constable, McClure, J. H. 147
Road Overseer Duke, Barrett, C. L. 138
Road Overseer Eldorado, Phillips, J. R. 111
Road Overseer Eldorado, Ellison, Lee 151
Road Overseer Looney, Lewis, J. E. 100
Road Overseer Witt, Lunn, J. R. 102
Road Overseer Eldorado, Coplan, J. R. 110
Road Overseer Eldorado, Drew, W. H. 70
Road Overseer Kelly, Manning, J. M. 75
Road Overseer Dryden, Foulks, W. J. 70
Road Overseer Coralea, Long, D. W. 72
Road Overseer Looney, Hager, J. F. 57
Road Overseer District 3, Myhand, G. A. 4
Page 25.
Altus Twp Trustee, Stroud, U. R. 394 147
Altus Twp Trustee, Hussey, A. A. 247
Altus Clerk, Russell, E. E. 390 132
Altus Clerk, Johnston, Frank 258
Altus Treasurer, Matthews, J. W. 364 125
Altus Treasurer, Fuqua, Wm. 239
Altus Justice Peace, Jarbo, W. C. 295 51
Altus Justice Peace, Walcott, E. G. 300 61
Altus Justice Peace, Tinker, U. L. 244
Altus Justice Peace, Peter, Z. H. 239
Altus Constable, Ferris, Warren 380 137
Altus Constable, Bryan, W. P. 318 66
Altus Constable, Ricks, H. 243
Altus Constable, Murrell, James 252
Road Overseer Navajo, Roberts, E. R. 285
Road Overseer Aaron, Canter, Rufus 146
Road Overseer Willowvale, Drake, F. M. 192
Road Overseer Lock, Harris, F. M. 157
Road Overseer ValleyView, Tyson, W. E. 155
Road Overseer Altus, Burkett, G. W. 148
Road Overseer Lock, Robinson, S. H. 121
Road Overseer Altus, Derr, Robert 102
Road Overseer Navajo, Lock, C. B. 153
Road Overseer Yeldell, Hickerson, J. C. 190
Shall Stock be restrained from Running at Large: Yes: 81. No:46.
Territory of Oklahoma, County of Greer: We the undersigned members of the Board of County Comrs. of said county so hereby certify that the above is a true abstract of the vote cast in stock range Dist No. 14 bounded as follows, Beginning at the NE Corner of Sec 1. T1N R20W, thence running South to the SE corner of Sec 30 of the same town & range, thence west to the SW corner of Sec 31, T2N R21 W, thence north to the NW corner of Sec 6 T1N R21, thence East to the place of beginning, on the 10th day of Nov 1900 for the purpose of determining whether stock other than swine, sheep, goats, stallions and jacks shall be restrained from running at large for a period of five years, as shown by the canvass of the returns of said election.
Given under our hands this 17th day of Nov 1900,
G. W. Briggs, Dist. 2;
S. M. Casteel, Dist. No. 1., County Commissioners.
Attest. Jas. Brown, Co. Clerk.
Justice of Peace or Mayor: G. D. Goodner
Marshall: T. H. Green
Clerk Assessor & Treasurer: W. C. Baker
Trustee or Alderman, Dist 1, F. M. Trimble
Trustee or Alderman, Dist 2., R. E. Dunlap
Trustee or Alderman, Dist 3, J. M. Juhan
Turstee or Alderman, Dist 4, C. C. Hightower
Sworn to by W. F. Fuqua.