Harmon County Surnames
and Researchers

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Please contact any of the listed researchers if you are researching the same surname of Harmon County, Oklahoma, and let them know where you saw their surnames listed, thank you, Jeanette Perrin Coaly

If the surname appears as a link click on the name to view query posted by that surname researcher.

If anyone listed here with a surname listed here has a webpage,
Please send me the link so I can add it beside your name and e-mail. Send to
Jeanette Perrin Coaly

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Surnames beginning with A

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Abercrombie Cheryl Holland
Abercrombie Mike Plumlee
Abercrombie Linda Savage
Adams Don Adams
Adams Judy Barnett Smith
Ainsworth Karen Cowan none listed 3/08/2003
Akin Kathryn Akin Spurgeon
Alexander Edd Alexander
Amburn Jani Amburn Hays
Anderson Donna Cooper Rowlett
Anderson Scott McDaniel
Arant Ronne Shelton
Armstrong W Doris Stallings
Arnold Sharon Remund

Surnames beginning with B

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Baker William Sim(m)s
Balkcom Jerry Balkcom
Barnet William Sim(m)s
Barnett Judy Barnett Smith
Barton Patsy Dixon Hanson
Batten Judy Hugg Grimes
Bearde Donna Cooper Rowlett
Beatty Carolyn White
Beavers Brad Brittain 2/18/2003
Bell Larry Thomason
Bible Gladys Bible Horn
Bilderback Audrey Penland
Bingham Leon Bingham
Blackwell Linda Howard Isbell
Blagg Betty Jo Smith
Bowers Nancy Cleere Rodgers Nancy's Genealogy Page
Boyd Joel Van Pelt
Bradley Ted Harris
Branigan Patricia Branigan
Bratcher Janie Hammonds
Breeden William Sim(m)s
Brisco Mike Plumlee
Browder Lewis Browder
Brown Jani Amburn Hays
Brumley Vickie Miranda
Bryant Judy Hugg Grimes
Bryson Jeffrey Scott Dill
Burrus William Sim(m)s
Butcher Ross Butcher
Byrd Debbie Lewis

Surname Beginning with C

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Cagle Kyle Clonts
Caldwell Audrey Penland
Campbell Kyle Clonts
Cannedy Linda Savage
Cannon Robert Sauls
Carman Robert Sauls
Carmack Dawna Carmack Crawford
Carpenter Travis Eggleton
Carrick Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Carrick William Sim(m)s
Carter William Sim(m)s
Castleman Lynda Castleman Aspelin
Cave Judy Hugg Grimes
Chenault HL Myers
Chennault Pat Chennault Chennault Homepage
Chisum / Chisholm Debra Riem
Chisum Tammy Collier Davis
Clark Carolyn White
Clark Jeanette Perrin Coaly Coaly Orchard Homepage
Cleere Nancy Cleere Rodgers Nancy's Genealogy Page
Cline Judy Hugg Grimes
Clonts Kyle Clonts
Clowers Carolyn White
Coaly Jeanette Perrin Coaly Coaly Orchard Homepage
Coffee Judy Hugg Grimes
Collier Tammy Collier Davis
Collins Judy Hugg Grimes
Cooper Donna Cooper Rowlett
Copeland Juretta Copeland Kennedy
Coppage Fay Truesdell
Crain Jani Amburn Hays
Cross Tom Cross
Crow Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Crow Julia Crow Beehn
Crumb Gladys Bible Horn
Cude Harold Lynn Morris
Cummins Earl Nelson
Cummins Joy Hathcock
Cummins Judy Clifton
Curb Linda Savage Lindas FTM Website

Surnames beginning with D

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Daggs Franklin F. Daggs
Daniel Phil Brazil
Davenport Don M. Davenport 3/15/2003 none listed
Davis Lynda Castleman Aspelin
Davis Donna Cooper Rowlett
Davis William Sim(m)s
Davison Leslie M. Gould
Dawson Connie Taylor Schults
Day Larry Thomason
DeLamar Marti Wicks
Dennis Shannon Bussell
Denson Joyce Denson Posey
Denton Marth Patton Martha's webpage
Dickerson Earl Nelson
Dill Jeffrey Scott Dill
Dodd Judy Hugg Grimes
Dodd Jana Mixon
Doughten Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Downs W Doris Stallings
Draper Jack Draper
Driscoll Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage

Surnames beginning with E

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Edwards Sharon Remund
Edwards William Sim(m)s
Ellis Donna Cooper Rowlett
Elmore Paula LeMasters
Estes Ramon Dee Estes
Estill Richard Estill

Surnames beginning with F

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Fagg William Sim(m)s
Flick William Sim(m)s
Fling William Sim(m)s
Fox Joel Van Pelt
Francis Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Franklin Wesley Dale Franklin
Fuller Patsy Dixon Hanson

Surnames beginning with G

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Garrison Gina Garrison
Garton Naomi Cummins Fuller
Gee Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Goad Charlotte Burkhart
Golden Paula LeMasters
Goodman Walter Denney
Goodpasture William Sim(m)s
Gordon Jani Amburn Hays
Gould Leslie M. Gould
Gray Cheryl Caswell Webpage was not genealogy related, Bill
Gregory Maggie Briggs

Surnames beginning with H

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Hacker Ellon Hacker Brooks none listed 5/07/2003
Hall William Sim(m)s
Hamlett Robert Sauls
Hammon Charlotte Burkhart
Hand Tamie McCabe
Hankins Pete Price
Harmon Samantha Harmon
Harris Ed Smith Webpage Link
Haskins Rose Mary Haskins Hollis updated 5/25
Hatcher Lorraine Hatcher Almsted
Hayes Florence Hayes Yoakam
Heath Rhonda Randall
Hendricks Mary Ellis
Hendircks Pat Dahl
Hollars Valine Stapleton
Hollis Rose Mary Haskins and Neil Hollis See what this Hollis kid has been up to:
Fourth Cross Ministry / Goodsam
Hollis Bill Cook Hollis and related Families
Hollis Tom Cross
Hopwood Shannon Bussell
Holt Kathie Fisher updated e-mail 4/22/2003
Horton Cleta Lane
Howard Linda Howard Isbell
Hugg Judy Hugg Grimes
Husband Paula Jackson

Surnames beginning with J

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Jackson Herbeert "Ross" Jackson III
Jackson Peggy C. Wilson Webpage
Jenkins Harvey Jenkins
Johnson Fay Truesdell
Johnston Dorothy Mote
Jones Kathy DeCarli

Surnames beginning with K

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Keaton Harold Lynn Morris
Kelly / Kelley Herschel G. Kelley
King Earl Nelson
Kite Jeffrey Scott Dill
Kite Judy Hugg Grimes
Kaizer Linda Savage
Kromer Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Kunkel Judy Hugg Grimes

Surnames beginning with L

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Lance Tom Cross
Lathrop William Sim(m)s
Lawrence William Sim(m)s
Layne Kathryn Akin Spurgeon
Lewis Cleta Lane
Lewis Janie Hammonds
Long Debra Riem
Lowry Judy Hugg Grimes
Luck Janie Hammonds

Surnames beginning with M

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Maloney Corinne Maloney Getman
Mangus Judy Clifton
Marr Ronne Shelton
Mathews Wesley Dale Franklin
McCarty Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
McCarty Jim M Robertson Robertson Family Homepage
McCauley Gloria Thompson Hardcastle
McClendon Mike McLendon
McCutcheon Judy Hugg Grimes
McDaniel Scott McDaniel
McGraw Carol McGraw Renner 3/21/2003 Genealogy Homepage
McIntosh Tom Arnold
McKnight Ellen Dumas
McRae Coupland
Manning Wesley Parker
Margraves Robert Sheriff
Marlow Linda Savage
Marshall Barbara Padgitt
Means Cheryl Deatherage
Messenger Betty Goolsby-Doyle
Metcalf Robert Brooks
Metcalf William Sim(m)s
Miller Carolyn Richmond
Mills Ed Bryan
Mitchell Janie Hammonds
Moffeit Bill Moffeit
Moore Judy Hugg Grimes
Motley Peggy C. Wilson webpage

Surnames beginning with N

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Neeley Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Nell Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Nelms Judy Hugg Grimes
Nelson Earl Nelson
Nelson Don M Davenport 3/15/2003 none listed

Surnames beginning with P

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Padgitt Barbara Padgitt
Palk Ann Palk Harlow
Parker Wesley Parker
Patrick Pat Chennault Chennault Homepage
Pendley Jimmy Rusk
Perkins Donna Cooper Rowlett
Peterson Nancy Peterson Pardo
Phillips Sarah Solomon
Pierce Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Plummer Nelda Van Ness
Plumlee Mike Plumlee
Pounds Judy Hugg Grimes
Powers Leroy Oldham
Price Pete Price
Pyburn Wesley Dale Franklin
Pyle Robert Sauls

Surnames beginning with R

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Ragan Kathie Fisher updated e-mail 4/22/2003
Ragan Harold Lynn Morris
Ragsdale Gerald W. Mead
Randall Carolyn White
Randel Rhonda Randall
Reynolds Karen Reynolds
Reynolds Patsy Dixon Hanson
Richardson Jeffrey Scott Dill
Richeson Jolene Richeson Crowder
Rippetoe Wesley Parker
Rippetoe Kathy DeCarli
Rippetoe Sarah Solomon
Ritchie Cheryl Deatherage
Roam Patty Groom
Robertson Bill McCarty Roberson Family Webpage / McCarty Family Webpage
Robertson Jim M Robertson Robertson Family Homepage
Robinson Earl Nelson
Robison Leroy Oldham
Rollins Russell A Rollins
Roper Donna Cooper Rowlett
Rowell Robert Sauls
Rowlett Donna Cooper Rowlett
Rust Jimmy Rusk

Surnames beginning with S

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Sampier Judy Hugg Grimes
Sanders William Sim(m)s
Sanderson Debbie Seamons
Sanford (Roy) Rod Sanford
Sapp Jack Speer
Sapp Bill Cook Hollis and related Families
Sartain Earl E. Sartain
Savage Dora Savage Albrecht
Scott Joel Van Pelt
Scott Brooks McKenzie
Scott Jimmy Rusk
Seal Corinne Maloney Getman
Seright Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Sessions Wesley Parker
Shelby Cheryl Deatherage
Shelton Rea Gillette
Shepherd William Sim(m)s
Sheriff Robert Sheriff
Shields Kathryn Akin Spurgeon
Shoemak Sarah Solomon
Sieber Janie Hammonds
Sims William Sim(m)s
Skaggs Bill Skaggs
Smith Wesley Smith
Smith Ed Smith Webpage Link
Smith Leslie M. Gould
Smith William Sim(m)s
Smith Cleta Lane
Smithey Earl E. Sartain
Smotherman Vickie Miranda
Snodgrass Dede Ridling
Sorrels Ed Smith Webpage Link
Speaks Kathy DeCarli
Speer Jack Speer
Spruiel William Sim(m)s
Stalleng, Lester Harold Brook
Staton Bill Staton
Stegall Larry Thomason
Stewart Rebecca L. York
Strickland Robert Carey Strickland
Sullivan Jack Draper
Swafford Charlotte Burkhart

Surnames beginning with T

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Tabor Jim Tabor
Taylor Connie Taylor Schults
Teague Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Teague Billie Teague
Tedder Judy Kay Wall 1900 - 1930
Thomas Kathryn Akin Spurgeon
Thomason Larry Thomason
Thompson Jimmy Rusk
Tice Ruby Tice Andrews
Tice Sharon Remund
Tice Barbara Lawrence
Trammel Anna Trammell
Trammel Mimi
Trench W Doris Stallings
Trout Caron Wilcox
Tucker William Sim(m)s
Tyson Carolyn Richmond

Surnames beginning with U

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Upchurch Cheryl Holland
Upton Charlotte Burkhart

Surnames beginning with V

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Van Pelt Joel Van Pelt
Vaughan Jeffrey Steelman

Surnames beginning with W

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Walding Barbara Kirkland
Walls Rea Gillette
Warlick Kathy DeCarli
Warren Susan Tioba
Wheeler Jeanette Perrin Coaly Coaly Orchard Homepage
Wheeler William Sim(m)s
Whitten Lorraine Hatcher Almsted
Whorton Lynda Whorton Burns
Widner Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Wilcox Kay Frank
Wilhelm Cheryl Holland
Wilhelm Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Williams Judy Hugg Grimes
Williams Martha Pattton Martha's webpage
Williford Katheryn Bentley Fisher updated e-mail 12/30/2007
Willis William Sim(m)s
Willoughby Julia Crow Beehn
Wood Bill McCarty McCarty Family Webpage
Woodman Susan Tioba
Woodruff Janie Hammonds
Worley Ted Harris
Worsham John Worsham
Worthen Cheryl Holland
Worthen Monty Worthen

Surnames beginning with Y

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
Yaws Richelle Buckles
Yeargan Pat Dahl
York Rebecca L. York
Young Wesley Parker
Young Cleta Lane

Surnames beginning with Z

Surname Researcher Website Address if available
ZELLIF Paula LeMasters

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OKGenweb Harmon Co. Coordinator

 Jeanette Perrin Coaly, Harmon County Archivist
 All rights reserved.

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