
Harper Co. OKGenWeb


© Leo McAtee 9 September 1997 Tue 15:51

Earl J. McATEE and Mona C. COFIELD were married in Reno, Co. Kansas in 1918. In 1923 they loaded their covered wagon with all their belongings and three small children, Lena, Nadine and Charles and moved to a farm Northeast of Rosston in Harper Co Oklahoma. Later, Lorena and twins (Leo and Lowell), and Ramona Gay were born. The McATEE legacy remains here in the Cherokee Strip with their grandchildren and great-grandchildren who live here, work the land and bless this land.

Earl McATEE's past ancestry

His Grandfather, Wm. W. McATEE, son of John McATEE who was born in Rowan Co., North Carolina in 1803. Wm. was born in Union Co. Indiana John moved in 1844 to Van Buren , Co Iowa and in 1856 to Mercer Co, Missouri. There Earl's father, Nicholas was born in 1858. The parents split and Nicholas moved to Reno Co., Kansas with his mother and seven of fourteen children.

Earl's other Grandfather was Ebenezer E. WARREN, who was born in New York state and raised in Sandusky , Ohio. He fought in the Civil War in the 8th. Ohio Regiment and fought in many major battles on the Potomic area, including Fredicksburg and later at Gettysburgh. Ebenezer's daughter Lenora Getrude WARREN married , Earl's father , Nicholas McATEE in 1890.

Mona McATEE's Ancestry as known:

Mona's grandfather was born in Jefferson Co.Illinois, name was Wm. COFIELD. Mona's father's name was Charles and was born in Mt. Vernon, Illinois and he moved to Reno Co. Kans. in 1886.

Mona's other grandfather , Jacob MYERS was born near West Liberty, in Logan Co. Ohio 9th. Nov 1840. He married Elizabeth in 1861, had one child. The Cival War came along so he joined the 95th. Ohio Volunteer Regiment. He was captured in Kentucky 30 days after joining and the rebels turnd them loose, if they would promise not to fight anymore. Of course he had to return to his outfit. He was again captured at Guntown Miss.on 10th.June 1864 soon after fighting and helping to defeat the rebels at Vicksburgh. He was sent to prison at Andersonville, Georgia. 17000 prisoners died at Andersonville. Jacob was very sick but did manage to survive because some of the 95th. Ohio Reg. friends helped to take care of him and they built a lean to out of branches and leaves to protect him from the sun, heat and rain. He moved with his family to Reno Co.Kans in 1875. Mona's mother Docia was born in Columbus, Ohio.

Mona's parents, Charles COFIELD and Docia MYERS were married in 1896 in Kingman Co. Kansas.

Submitted by: Leo G. McAtee
Leo McAtee's Homepage

This Biography © 1997 - 2008 Leo G. McAtee

Page created: 09 September 1997
Last updated:
Last updated Saturday, 19-Jul-2008 13:30:10 CDT
Last Swept: 25 Feb 2008
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