
Harper Co. OKGenWeb


Harper Co. OKGenWeb Surname Registry

The names below have been verified as being in Harper County OK. Sources used were e-mails from visitors to this site, Newspapers, Cemeteries, Obituaries, and anything else I've been able to get my hands on to verify that these people were indeed here in the area now known as Harper Co. OK.

To use this list, simply click on the surname you're interested in. Your e-mail program will open a window and will address the email to all the people who are researching that surname that have registered as a researcher. If the surname you're interested in is in black text, nobody is registered as a researcher for that name.

If you want to be registered as a Harper Co. researcher for a specific surname, simply send me an email and list the surnames you want to be registered under. If your Harper Co. ancestor isn't listed, I'll add the surname to this Registry.

Thanks, and Happy Hunting!


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Verified Harper Co. OKGenWeb Surnames

Surnames Beginning with "A"

Able | Ackley | Acosta | Adams | Ager | Aitken | Akera | Albin | Alcorn | Aldrich | Aldridge | Alexander | Allen | Alley | Allison | Altman | Amwig | Anderson | Andrews | Appleton | Armstrong | Arnold | Arnot | Ary | Ashlock | Ashpaugh | Atwood | Austin | AYERS | Aylett | Aytes |

Surnames Beginning with "B"

BAGGS | Bahler | Baide | Bailey | Bair | Baker | Baldock | Baldwin | Balfour | Ball | Ballard | Ballenger | Ballinger | Bane | Banecker | Banker | Barber | Barby | Barham | Barkett | Barnacascel | Barnard | Barncas | Barnett | Barringer | Barrow | Barth | Bartholmen | Bartholomew | Barton | Bartow | Bass | Bassart | Baugh | Baumgartner | Bawlby | Baxter | Bayne | Beagley | Bealmer | Bean | Beard | Beasley | Beckett | BECKWITH | BECKWORTH | Beeman | Beene | Belcher | Bell | Bemis | Bendle | Benner | Benson | Bentley | Benton | BENTANCUR | Berkey | Bernard | Berry | Best | Bible | Biggerstaff | Binau | Birdwell | Birkle | Bissell | Bixler | BLACK | BLACKBURN | Blackcolski | Blacketter | BLACKSTONE | Blackwell | Blakeley | Blanchard | Bland | Blandel | Blanton | Blasbell | Blasdel | Bloomer | Bluma | Bockelman | Boese | Bohard | Boise | Boldes | Bone | Bonham | Bookstore | Boone | Booth | Bording | Borum | Boullden | Bouse | Bowen | Bower | Bowers | Bowker | Bowlby | Boyd | Boyer | Boyle | Brace | Bradford | Bradley | Bradt | Brady | Branch | Bratton | Brawner | Brazelton | Breeze | Breon | BREWER | Brewington | Brickett | Briedwell | Brillhart | Brink | Brinson | Brisendine | Brittenham | Broadstreet | Broberg | BROCK | Bronniman | Brooks | BROUCHOUD | Brouchourd | BROWN | Browning | Bruce | BRYANT | Buck | Bullock | Bumgarner | Bundy | Bunger | Bunker | Burghardt | Burke | BURKETT | Burson | Burton | Buss | Butler | BYBEE | BYERS | Byrley |

Surnames Beginning with "C"

Caaress | Caatlin | Caldwell | Camp | Campbell | Canfield | Cannon | Canon | Carl | Carlisle | Carnagey | Carpenter | Carrico | Carrol | Carter | Carver | Case | Casey | Cash | CASLER | CASSLOW | Castor | Catlin | Catshaw | Cavinaugh | Couch | CHAFFIN | CHAMBERS | Champ | Charles | CHARVOZ | Chase | Chasse | Cheap | Chism | Clark | Claycomb | Clem | Cleveland | Cline | CLOUD | Clutin | Clyborn | Clyde | Clyman | Coats | Cochrell | Cockrell | Coffey | Cofield | Coggins | Cokey | Cole | COLIVER | Collier | Coltrup | Conley | Connley | CONNOR | COOK | Cool | Cooley | Cooper | Cooprider | Cope | Corp | Corr | Correll | Cosby | COSTELOW | COSTLOE | COSTLOW | Cotter | Coursey | Covalt | Covey | Cowen | COX | Crabtree | Craft | Craighead | Crandall | CRASSLOW | Craven | Cravey | Crawford | Cresswell | Crider | Cridge | Crigler | Crissup | Criswell | Crocker | Cronk | Cross | Crouch | Crowner | Croy | Crozier | Cubbage | Culbertson | Culp | Cumins | Cummings | Cummins | Cunningham | Currier | CUSTLOW |

Surnames Beginning with "D"

Dailey | Dain | Daley | Damron | Daniel | Danielson | Danser | Darbo | Darbro | Dart | Daugherty | DAVID | DAVIDSON | DAVIS || Day | De Wald | De Water | Deal | Debow | DEES | DeFever | Del Hotel | Delaney | DeMassey | DeMoss | Demott | Demuth | Dennis | Dennison | DENTON | Depue | DeSpain | Devore | Dickenson | Dickerson | Dies | Dixon | Dobbert | Doby | Dockter | Dodge | Dodson | Donellan | Donnellan | Donovan | Dooley | Dopps | Doran | Douglas | Dowdy | Downing | Downs | Drake | Drew | Drima | Duble | Dudley | Duggan | Dull | Duncan | Dungan | Dunsworth | Durham | Durrell | Duvall | Dyche | Dye |

Surnames Beginning with "E"

Eades | Eagan | Eagon | Easterwood | Edell | Edmisson | Edmonds | Edwards | Eells | Eidson | Eike | Elam | Elbert | ELLIOTT | Ellis | Ellison | Ellsworth | Elmore | Ely | Engleman | Ermen | Erwin | Essomer | Ester | Etheridge | Etherton | Eugene | Evans | Evanson | Everett | Eweing | Ewing |

Surnames Beginning with "F"

Fabin | Fair | Fairleigh | Fanning | Feely | Felkel | Ferbache | Fergason | Ferris | Ferry | Fesler | Fessler | Field | Fielder | Finchum | Findley | FINER | FINNEY | Firestone | Firth | Fishbaugh | Fisher | Fisk | Fithen | Fleenor | Fleming | FLETCHER | Foglesong | Foote | Forbes | Ford | Forrest | Foster | Foutch | Fox | FRANKLIN | Franks | Frazier | Frederick | Fredrick | Freeman | French | Frerichs | Frey | Fuller | Fuqua | Furgason |

Surnames Beginning with "G"

Gaddis | Gall | Gannor | Gardner | Garnet | Garnett | Garrettson | Garrison | Gartrell | Gaskill | GASS | Gasston | Gatlin | Gaultney | Gebhart | Geddes | George | GEPNER | German | Gibson | Giesman | Gilbert | Gilchrist | Gilfillan | GILLESPIE | Gillem | Gilluly | Gilpin | Girk | Girtman | Glasco | Glass | Godfrey | Golden | Gonser | Good | Goodale | Gooding | Goodman | Goodwin | Gordon | Gossett | Gowens | Grace | Graff | GRAGG | Graham | Grant | Grantham | Graves | GRAY | Green | Greene | Gregg | Grigler | Grimes | Grimm | Grinstead | Grose | Grothe | Grove | Gruben | Guerin | Guerrero | GUESS | GUFFY | Guy |

Surnames Beginning with "H"

Haberly | Hadley | Hagan | Hahn | Haight | Haines | Halaking | Halbert | Hale | HALEY | HALL | Halton | Ham | Hamblen | Hamby | Hamilton | Hammon | Hammontree | Hancock | Hanna | Hanselam | HANSON | Harding | Hardison | Hardy | Haris | Harless | Harmon | Harper | Harrison | Harron | Harsha | Hart | Harvey | Haskett | Hasten | Haster | Hathaway | Hawes | Hawk | Hawkins | HAYES | Hayward | Headlee | Heady | Heaton | Hedrick | Heide | Heidlebaugh | Heinz | Helmick | Helmuth | Hemme | HEMPHILL | Henderson | Hendrick | Henke | Hennesbe | Henness | Henry | Hensley | Herd | Herman | Herndon | Herring | Herron | Herzer | Hester | Hewitt | Hickey | Hickman | Hicks | Hieronymus | Higgenboth | Higgenbotham | Hilderbrand | HILL | Hiltack | Hiner | HINES | Hinther | Hoefer | Hoffer | Hoffman | Hofmeister | Hogue | Holden | Hollensbe | Holler | Holmes | Holtcamp | Holton | Hooper | Hopingardner | Hopkins | Hopp | Hopper | Horton | HORNE | HORTON | Hough | House | Houseworth | Houskins | Howard | Howell | Howland | Hoy | HUBBARD | Huckaby | Hudson | Huendergard | Huenergardt | Huff | Huffman | Hugaboom | Hughes | Hume | Humphrey | HUMPHRIES | HUNT | Hunter | Huntzinger | Hurd | HURLEY | Hurt | Husk | Husted |

Surnames Beginning with "I"

Immell | Inderlied | Indian | Ingram | INMAN | Irion | Irwin | Ishmael |

Surnames Beginning with "J"

Jackson | Jacobs | James | Jean | Jemes | Jenkins | Jennings | Jerrell | Jewell | Jingles | Kividen | Job | Johnson | Johnsten | Johnston | Jolliffe | Jones | JORDAN | Jordin | Jordon | JOSTDALSEN | Junge |

Surnames Beginning with "K"

Kammerzell | Kamp | Karnes | Kearns | Keilholtz | Kelley | Kemball | Kemble | Kendall | Kerchner | KESTER | Ketron | Keyes | Kile | Killougle | Kilmer | Kilpatrick | Kimberly | Kimbrell | Kimbrough | Kimmell | King | Kingerberg | Kinkade | Kinnaird | Kinney | Kinny | KINSER | Kirkhart | Kirkpatrick | Kisstler | Klingenberg | Klinger | Klingerberg | KNAPP | Knierihm | Knight | Knoble | Knouse | Knox | KOCH | Kornele | Kraus | Krause | Krenz |

Surnames Beginning with "L"

Laake | Lacky | Lacrome | LaFever | Lake | Lambkiins | Lambkin | Lamkin | Lamotine | Lamunyon | LaMunyon | Land | Landreth | Lane | Laney | Langston | Lareau | Larkey | Larue | Latta | Lauer | Laverty | LAWRENCE | Lawson | League | Leason | Leatherman | Lee | Leffler | Leflors | Lehman | Lemmons | Lenz | Leonard | Levings | LEWIS | Lightfoot | Limb | Lindley | Linsey | Little | Litz | Lively | Lloyd | Locke | Lone | LONG | LONGACRE | LONGFELLOW | Longshore | Loomis | Lotspeich | Lotspiech | Louden | Love | Lovelace | Lucas | Luckie | Luinstra | Lunstrum | LUSCOMBE | Lutes | LYBARGER | LYBERGER | LYBYER | Lynch | Lyon |

Surnames Beginning with "M"

Maddox | Maddux | Madison | Madison/Madsen | Madsen | Malone | Malt | March | Marker | Markham | Marr | Marsden | MARSHALL | Martin | Massey | Mathet | MATTESON | Mathison | Matthews | Matthiesen | Maxwell | Mayberry | Mayfield | Mc Carney | Mc Cune | Mc Dowell | Mc Elhiney | Mc Gee | Mc Gough | Mc Kim | Mc Nabb | McAllister | McAtee | McCABE | McCarrell | McCARTER | McCarty | McCerney | McClintock | McClung | McClure | McColley | McCorkle | McCoy | McCulley | McCullough | McCune | McDannel | McDermott | McEachern | McElhiney | McFADDEN | McFadden Dotter | McGee | McGough | McGowan | McGuire | McKee | McKim | McLain | McLaughlin | McMallen | McManus | McMillan | McMinn | McMURRAY | McNaughton | McNutt | McVicker | Mead | Mease/Meade | Mechum | Meed | Meeker | Meilson | MELIZA | Menter | Mentor | Merriss | Merritt | Messinger | Messner | Meyer | Middlestetter | Miles | Miller | Milligan | Mills | MINER | Minnick | MITCHELL | Mix | Moberly | Mobley | Molar | Mollman | Mooney | MOORE | Mordock | Morehead | Morgan | Morris | Morrison | MORSE | Motley | Mountain | Moyer | Mulbery | Mullen | MULLIN | Mundell | Munson | Murphy | Murray | Murry | Muse | MUSICK | Myatt | Myers |

Surnames Beginning with "N"

Nash | Naylor | NEAL | NEATHERY | Neaville | Neff | Neihart | Nelson | Nerrles | Nesbitt | Nester | Neurirch | Newland | Nichelson | Nicholas | Nicholson | Nickerson | Nickum | Nielson | NIXON | Noble (Knoble) | Nordick | Norris | Norton | Nossaman | Null | Nutter |

Surnames Beginning with "O"

O'Brien | O'Conner | O'Dell | O'Hair | O'Neill | O'Sullivan | Oakley | Oates | Odell | Ogden | OLDFIELD | Oldham | OLIVER | Olmstead | Omo | Orais | Oran | Ortiz | Osborn | Overend | Overton | Owens | Ownbey | Oxford | Oyler |

Surnames Beginning with "P"

Paddock | Page | Paige | Painter | Palmer | Parish | PARKER | Parr | Parsons | Patterson | Paye | Payne | Peacock | Pearson | Peetum | Peiper | Pemberton | Perkins | Perky | Peterson | PETTEGREW | Pettigrew | Pettis | Petty | Pever | Phillips | PICKINPAUGH | Pierce | Pierson | Piesters | Pigg | Pinckard | Pinkard | Pittman | Plain | Plumlee | Plummer | Pollard | Pool | Popo | Porter | Potts | Powders | Powell | Pratt | Preston | PRICE | Priddy | Probst | Propher | Prophet | Prouse | PRYOR | Pulis | Purcell | Purdy |

Surnames Beginning with "Q"

Quinby |

Surnames Beginning with "R"

Rader | Rae | Raines | Rains | Ralston | RAMBO | Ramsey | Randall | Randels | Randolph | Ransom | Rathbun | Ratzlaff | Ray | Rayborn | Raymond | Rea | Rector | Redman | Redwine | REED | Reedy | Reeves | REMMELE | Renfrow | Rexroat | REYNOLDS | Rhodes | Richard | RICHARDS | Richardson | Richier ? | Ricker | Riggs | Riles | Ring | Riser | Ritter | Rix | Roach | Robbins | Roberts | Robertson | Robinett | Robinson | Rodkey | Roetker | ROGERS | Rohrer | Rolf | Rollins | Rone | Roots | Rose | Roseberry | Ross | Roush | Row | Rowe | Royer | Ruark | Rush | Russell | Ryles | Ryser |

Surnames Beginning with "S"

Sager | Sailer | Sample | Sampson | Sandefur | SANDERS | Sandy | Savely | Sawyer | Scharnhorst | Schisler | Schneider | Schonlau | Schrader | Schroeder | Schultz | Schuster | Schuyler | Schwarz | Scobee | Scofield | Scott | Scovel | SCRIVNER | Searcy | Secrest | SEE | Sebers | SEEGER | SEIBERT | Seidl | Seiner | Self | Sellers | Sells | Selman | Serviss | Sessions | Shackelford | SHAFER | Shallner | Shane | SHANKS | Shannon | Sharp | Shattuck | SHAW | Shelinbarger | Sheriff | Shipman | Shireman | Shirey | Shirm | Shorb | Short | Showalter | Shuman | Shuyler | Sickels | Siebert| Simkins | SIMMONS | Simons | Simpson | Simss | SINCLAIR | Sitton | Sizelove | Skirvin | Slavick | Sloan | Sluman | Smalley | Smedley | SMITH | Smithton | Smoot | Smythe | Snell | Snider | SNODGRASS | Snow | Snyder | SONICOOIE | Spaulding | Spear | Speer | Spencer | Sperri | Spicer | Spivey | SPRINGFROG | Squires | St. Clair | Staats | Stafford | Stagner | Stahlman | Stanfield | Stapp | STARBUCK | Starkweather | Starr | Stebbens | Stebbins | Steffens | Steinley | Stephens | STEVENS | Stevenson | Steward | Stewart | Stickley | Stieben | Stiles | Stinson | Stith | STOCKTON | Stone | Storer | Stotter | Stovin | Strickland | Strong | Stubbs | Sturgeon | Suddoth | Summer | Summers | Sumpter | Surber | Sutton | Swallow | Swank | Swanson | Swiger | Swinburne | SWINEHART | Swisher | Symes |

Surnames Beginning with "T"

Tabor | Taft | Talley | Tatro | TAYLOR | Teague | Tedlock | Temple | Terbush | Terrel | Terrill | Terry | Thatcher | Thomas | Thompson | Thorton | Thrasher | Throckmorton | Tichter | Tindell | Tipster | Todhunter | Tolle | Tolly | Torrance | Tourtrey | Towher | Treadway | TRIBBETT | Truax | Trueblood | Tucker | Tunnell | Turner | Twogood | Tyler | Tyson |

Surnames Beginning with "U"

Ulce | Usher |

Surnames Beginning with "V"

Valentine | Van Campen | Van Dorn | Van Nostrand | Van Osdol | VanVACTOR | Van Voast | Van Vost | Vanakin | Vanderpool | Vanscoyoe | Vassar | Vice | Vickers | Vickrey | Vierheller | VINCENT | Vinyard | Voelzke | Voris | Votaw |

Surnames Beginning with "W"

Waddle | Wagner | Wagoner | Wahl | Walcher | Walden | Walker | Wall | WALLACE | Wallenberg | Waller | Walter | Walters | Ward | Warren | Watkins | Watson | Watts | WAUGH | Way | Weaver | Weder | WEESE | Weesner | Weibert | Weidemann | WEIR | Weiser | Weisner | WELLS | Wesner | Whalen | Wheaton | Wheeler | Whipple | WHITAKER | WHITE | Whitlow | Whittaker | Whitten | Wicker | Wiedrich | Wigle | Wilber | Wilcox | Wildhaber | Wiles | Wiley | Wilkinson | Will | Willard | Williams | Williamson | Wills | Wilmot | WILSON | Winchell | Winfrey | Winn | Wise | Wiseman | Wofford | Wolf | Wolfe | Womack | Woodmansee | Wright | Wyand |

Surnames Beginning with "X"

Surnames Beginning with "Y"

Yapp | Yauk | YELTON | Yost | YOUNG | Youngblood | Youram |

Surnames Beginning with "Z"

Zahn | Zander | Zehner | Zinn | ZOLDOSKE | Zollinger |

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