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First Town Lot Sale Was Held On April 27, 28 and 29, 1920, and Growth Has Been Steady. Selman, Harper County, Oklahoma, claims the distinction of being the fastest growing town in Northwestern Oklahoma. Not the kind of an Oklahoma fast-growing town that you read of in the feature sections of the Sunday papers, that spring up in a day and are gone as soon as the oil boom leaves, but one that has been growing steadily and gaining momentum each year. The first auction sale of Selman town lots by the Buffalo Northwestern Townsite Company was held April 27, 28 and 29, 1920. A few lots in the main part of town were sold prior to this sale, some buildings had already been moved onto them, and others were being erected, but the real beginning of the town dates from the lot sale. The townsite was the homestead of J. B. Fesler who sold it to J. O. Selman. He in turn sold it to the towhsite (sic) company who had it platted and named it in his honor. The tract is described as the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 27, North Range 21, West of the Indian Meridian. No trains had yet been run through Selman when the lot sale was held, but the track was laid and was rapidly pushed to Buffalo, the western Terminus. Freight was being brought in by the work train and the first wheat was hauled out by it on May 3. Twenty words illegible easily answered when the surrounding territory is taken into consideration. The country tributary to Selman has been called the garden spot of Harper County. It was settled by a thrifty class of people who have worked hard to develop it, and who are keeping up the fertility of the soil, and are bringing up their children to be good farmers and good citizens. Some of the largest wheat yields in the county are found each year in this community. Three elevators are kept busy handling the crop each season. Diversified farming is practiced on nearly every farm, and dairy and poultry raising are important factors in building up this prosperous community. Selman is fortunate in being located on a State highway which traverses the county from the east to the west, a distance of 51 miles which is patrolled by three men who devote their entire time to keeping the road in good condition for travel. This highway is also a part of the White River Trail, the most direct automobile route from the eastern part of the state and connection with the main auto roads in the West. Hundreds of tourists use this highway every month during the traveling season, which is now almost the year around.
Another important highway is the one from the north which goes
through Protection, Kansas, and connects with the auto routes there.
This road is now being (Continued
on Last Page)
In the spring of 1894 a 14-year-old boy came to what is now Harper County and began working for mr. Tandy, one of the largest cattlemen in Oklahoma Territory. All the wages he asked was his board and a few clothes; but he must have hand an unusual amount of ambition, for this boy, J. O. Selman, is now listed as one f the largest ranchmen in this part of the State. Young Selman worked for Tandy until the cattlemen were ordered to move their herds when settlement began in this section, and he was one of the cowboys who helped move 35,000 head of Tandy's cattle in one bunch from here to Texas. Mr. Selman remained away for a short time, then in 1904 he returned to this section and settled on land that is now in the northeast part of his ranch. He then had but 50 head of cattle and 10 head of horses. Today Selman's ranch covers 24,000 acres and his cattle herds number 6,500 head. It is all good grazing and farming land, well fenced and with good ranch buildings. The Buffalo Northwestern Railroad runs through it and has a switch on the ranch where several train loads of cattle are loaded and unloaded every ear. Clyde Farout of Waynoka is foreman and from two to fifteen other hands help with the work. Mrs. selman stays in Woodward most of the school year so their children, Bob and Ilene, may attend the Woodward schools. Mr. Selman sold a half section to the Townsite company when the railroad came through, and now the "fastest growing town in Northwest Oklahoma" bears his name. He is president of the Selman State Bank, one of the strongest banking institutions to be found in a town this size. He is public spirited, generous hearted, and a big asset to the community.
FIRST SELMAN BABY Garth Rodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lloyd Rodkey of Alva, has the distinction of being the first baby born to residents of the new town of Selman. Mr. and Mrs. Rodkey were proprietors of the first store which was moved from Charleston, and Garth arrived on July 26, 1920. SELMAN POSTOFFICE The Selman postoffice had its beginning in July, 1901, when the Charleston office was established, with C. J. Eilerts as postmaster. Mr. Eilerts served until April, 1909, when R. B. Daley was appointed and held the office until his death in March, 1910. He was succeeded by his widow, Mrs. G. G. Daley, who continued in the capacity of postmaster until th e appointment of Mrs. W. N. Rhoades nearly seven years later. Mrs. Rhoades was postmaster until May 4, 1922, when Mrs. G. W. Baxter was appointed acting postmaster and served until January 31, 1923. It was during Mrs. Rhoades' administration that the town of Selman was started and the office was moved to the new town. The name was changed on September 21, 1923, during the term of William Miller, which was from February 1, 1923, to October 21, 1924. Mrs. Miller was followed by Marion Brumley who still holds that position and is giving the patrons excellent service. Selman postoffice patrons are also fortunate in having three accommodating carriers on the rural routes. Clive Carpenter, who has been carrier on Motor Route A for over ten years, daily travels 54 1/2 miles and serves 120 boxes. He estimates that he travels over 16,000 miles annually. N. A. Brumley is the next oldest carrier in point of service having been on Route 2 over five years. This route is 32 miles in length and has 39 boxes, serving 49 families. Alex. Miller began carrying mail on Route 1 three and a half years ago. His route is 27 miles long.
A LODGE COMMUNITY Selman is also a community of lodge members, representing many high class organizations. The second floor of the building now being erected by Co. (sic) Stebbens will be made into a lodge hall and has been leased for a term of three years by the Woodmen and Odd Fellows, who will sub-rent it to other organizations. Fern Odd Fellows have already received permission from the Grand Master to move their charter to Selman and change the name to conform to the new home just as soon as the hall is completed. Many Rebekahs reside in this territory and they will no doubt soon make application for a charter. The Woodmen are now meeting in the basement of the schoolhouse and are anxious for the completion of the new hall. It is expected that a Royal Neighbors lodge will also be formed here when a meeting place is available. Selman has one of the liveliest American Legion Post and Auxiliary to be found anywhere and they, too, will welcome the new building. Although there are several Masons living here, they don not contemplate changing their membership from nearby lodges for some time. The Elks and K.P.'s also have good representations here.
F. HORNBECK, RANCHMAN Fred Hornbeck is a native of Kansas, but at the age of 21 he went to new York where for seven years he was foreman for the New York Telephone Company. When the Spanish-American War broke out he enlisted in the Navy and served his country for 8 months and 20 days. The night he came home from the war, he met the young lady who afterwards became his wife. At the opening of the Caddo-Comanche land he came to Oklahoma and registered at the land office at El Reno, but was one of the many who failed to draw land. From there he came to Woodward and on November 22, 1902, filed on a homestead in what was then Woodward County. He bought up other land adjoining and now has a small ranch or what is known as the Cottonwood Stock Farm. This is a nice ranch northeast of Selman, on this side of Hornbeck Crossing on the Cimarron River, where he and his wife have a happy home and where the latch string always hangs out. Mr. Hornbeck has operated his ranch on a large scale and has yearly handled many cars of cattle, mostly Herefords. During the last year he has purchased some pure bred Jersey heifers for his own dairy use. He has taken an active part in politics, is at present precinct committeeman, and has been a delegate to Congressional, State and National Republican conventions. Since living in Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Hornbeck have made three trips to New York city to visit her people.
A GOOD SHIPPING POINT Selman has proved itself to be all that the railroad could possibly have expected before the line was built. It has not only sent out many cars of wheat and livestock each year, but has been the destination of nearly 300 cars of miscellaneous commodities. The following table showing carload shipments from Selman is made up from the weighers' records. In using the table for making comparisons between the years, it should be kept in mind that the road was in operation only eight months in 1920, and that less than four months in 1925 are shown. Year Wheat Live Broom Stock Corn 1920 94 ---- ---- 1921 60 3 1 1922 57 6 3 1923 153 3 6 1924 305 20 6 1925 25 10 2 ____ ____ ____ Total 694 42 18
DE COURSEY CREAMERY Mrs Nate Minks took over the management of the DeCoursey Cream Station last October and since that time has built up a good trade by giving courteous and accommodating service. The station is located on the north side of Main Street and it is always kept so neat and clean that it is a pleasure to do business there. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Minks moved from Supply to Selman when the town opened and Mr. Minks conducts a dray and transfer business.
H. C. BAYNE An account of the history making of Selman would not be complete without some mention of the County Commissioner from the Third District, who has been instrumental in getting good roads all over the eastern part of Harper County. H. C. Bayne was elected as commissioner in November, 1920, and was re-elected in 1922. Last fall he was the choice of the voters of his district for the six-year term, which will make him a total of ten years continuous service for the county. Mr. Bayne made his campaigns on the issue of good roads, and he has lived up to his promises just as fast as the county road funds would permit. He has every road in the eastern part of the county connected with roads leading into the county seat. He worked with the other commissioners in contracting with the State Highway Department for the building and maintaining of a state highway through the county. This is now up in good condition and will be kept so by three patrolmen. It is a part of Oklahoma's great highway system and is second only to the railroad in putting Selman on the map. This highway gives residents of the southeastern part of the county a good road into Selman; and for those living south of town, another road is being opened straight south and will be ready for travel by wheat hauling time. Mr. Bayne filed on a homestead four miles southwest of Selman on September 6, 1901, and moved his family from Sloan, Iowa, on February 5, the following year. This was the family home until tow years ago when Mr. and Mrs. Bayne moved to Selman to make their home. Their son, Percy, is now in charge of the farm. Besides being a successful farmer, Mr. Bayne has always found time for many public duties. He was a member of the school board that had charge of the building of Buffalo Flats schoolhouse, one of the first schoolhouses to be built in the community west of Selman. His six children attended school there. He says he helped build it so the children of the district might be educated to grow up and vote for him.
In the course of the development of the country, the B. N. W. R. R.
built in some little distance from the old town of Charleston and the
new town of Selman was opened to take its place. The Charleston M. E.
Church immediately sought to adapt itself to the situation and moved
to Selman the same year the town was opened. Brother Tom McMullen was
the last pastor at the old town and the first at the new, staying on
the work two years; and to him much credit is due for the prompt
response of the church to meet the new situation.
During Rev. McMullen's second year, which was spent in the new town
of Selman, a fine five-room bungalow parsonage was built, which is a
credit to the church and the town. This parsonage was the direct
result of a revival conducted by Evangelist O. E. Davis of Oklahoma
City and to him much credit is due for circulating a subscription
list with the assistance of Rev. W. H. Higbee which resulted in their
? ? of about two thousand dollars.
Bro. Grover Thomas was the next pastor, loved by everyone who knew
him, or as nearly as that could be true. There is a congregation of
people at Selman hoping that the young lives of Brother and Sister
Thomas and family may be a great blessing to the church at large.
Brother J. H. Hubbard was the next in order of the pastors. His
sermons would be hard and excel as he is a master in that line, and
he will not soon be forgotten. Sister Hubbard is a woman of great
patience and a consistent Christian. The entire family have the bet
wishes of the Selman community.
Brother F. C. Tyler was the next pastor and it was said of him that
he had not been in Selman ten days until he knew both large and small
by their first name. Brother and Sister Tyler have the best wishes of
the church.
Brother T. J. Durham is the present pastor, and he has convinced the
people of his sincerity as a Christian. To really know him is to love
him. He has a big heart and it is full of love for you. Come out and
help to make the Selman M. E. Church to the people of Selman what a
lighthouse is to the ships at sea.
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good
works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." The prosperity of
the church depends much upon you.
Photos and Advertisements on this page:
Miss Jessie Newland, the proprietor, came to Charleston in an early
day and ran a store for over seven years. After she disposed of her
mercantile business, she looked after her farms until she moved to
Selman three years ago next June and purchased the business of A. L.
Rodkey which they had been running since their son, E. L. Rodkey,
moved away.
Miss Newland carries a complete line of groceries, dry goods, shoes
and notions. She is also agent for the Kenniworth Cream Company of
Winfield, Kansas.
Fifty-five different persons have been members since organization.
Lost two by death--Mrs. C. L. Huff and Mrs. J. B. Fesler. Eighteen
have moved from the community, six have moved to distant states, and
six have joined other clubs nearer their home. In September, 1921,
Mrs. Lilly Hoffman was elected president, which office she has filled
ever since.
This is a study club, meeting the third Friday in each month. For
the years of 1921-1922 Selman Club won first prizes on their exhibits
at the County fair and won the silver loving cup on 192? for largest
rally in the County.
The following are some of the things the club has done: Placed books
in the school library and fitted the Domestic Science room with
dishes, cooking utensils and stove. Served dinner at sales and served
public dinners and food sales, sponsored musicale, gave a sunshine
shower, made fifteen dress forms and entertained the Goodwell
orchestra with a banquet on their tour through Harper County.
Last April a baby clinic was held by the Club, and forty-two
children were examined by a doctor and nurse. Fifteen of them were
operated on at a later date.
Six members have attended the Farm Congress at Stillwater and the
Club has received tow garden and pruning demonstrations; also
demonstrations in cooking and sewing, have taken special health ? and
lessons in laws of Oklahoma, given by a lawyer.
Most of the members car? work along special lines, some ? poultry,
dairying, gardening, clothing, food preservation, food preparation,
nutrition and laundry drying.
This is noteworthy but not surprising to those who visit and see the
class of equipment and material purchased for the school. The Selman
school has not seen fit to borrow or buy material simply to make a
high score for the year, neither has it purchased any unnecessary
material to boost its score. The Selman school has undertaken the
improvement of its grounds, buildings and equipment on a systematic
basis. Every article purchased is needed and is bought with that
particular need in view, and nothing but the best is bought. The
Selman School believes in the quality and permanence of its equipment
more than its scoring ability.
In scoring for Superior Model school, credit is given for the number
of certain kinds of articles. Pictures are one. For example: The
Selman School purchased one picture for each room, a beautiful hand-touched picture framed to match, rather than several cheap ones.
We can say about our library although it contains in excess of 600
volumes, each book was carefully selected, and each grade room has
its small library with books suitable for the grades in that
particular room.
While working to obtain the best in harmony with the school inside,
fixtures have not been neglected on the outside. The play-ground
apparatus is built to last and for use, and all outside buildings are
painted to match the school building. Drinking fountains are supplied
and a good col drink can be had t any time.
Although Selman School did not score as high as some others in the
county, Selman has the funds to have the full nine months school
without any extra charge to the pupils.
Elbert Gass, manager of the Street Elevator, met with a painful accident last Monday evening when he accidentally fell into the grain shaft of the elevator. Mr. Gass had closed the door at the west end, preparatory for going home, and was going out at the other door. He had forgotten that the trap door was up and it being dark, he walked off into the shaft, falling about six feet. Luckily however, there was about two feet of wheat on the floor which checked his fall to some extent. It is thought that he has two or three broken ribs and a badly sprained knee, besides a severe jarring and several bruises.--November 9. Fire which broke out in the barber shop at Selman this forenoon destroyed that building, which was owned by Mr. Rhoades, and the building adjoining, which was owned by the Home Lumber and Supply Company and used as a residence by W. W. George. Emmett Lattimore, the barber, was out of the shop and did not see the fire until the whole building was ablaze, and it was too late to remove anything. He and Sam Stebbin roomed there and all of their clothing and personal belongings burned, too, even to the cash in the drawer. It is not known how the fire started. All of Mr. George's furniture was moved out so his loss was limited to some broken dishes. The furniture was also moved from the hotel, which was next to the burning buildings, but the hotel was saved by the bucket brigade.--December 28. --1923-- Con Steiben is completing two new buildings on the north side of main street, which are to be occupied in the near future by the Postoffice and Slim's Barber Shop. These new buildings will greatly relieve the shortage of business buildings caused by the recent fire.--January 25. Bill Miller, who received the appointment as postmaster of Charleston several weeks ago, assumed his duty as such on February 1st. The post office is still in Ownbey's store but as soon as the new building is finished it will be moved to the new location across the street from DeVore's store. Mrs. Cora Baxter has been acting postmaster since the resignation of Mrs. Rhoades early last summer.--February 8. Glenn Jones, assistant at the general office of the Home Lumber Supply Co. at Ashland, was in Selman Monday and Tuesday helping Mr. Bolan do some collecting. mr. Bolan has resigned as manager of the Company at Selman and will leave in a short time for Plains, Kansas, where he is going to do a little farming, so he says. Bob Snyder of Protection will come as the new manager of the Company here.--March 1. Joe Munson, who purchased the DeVore store last week, took possession Monday, and it is now known as Munson's Cash Store. Mr Hisey will remain with the new proprietor and Mrs. Munson will also assist in the store. C. O. DeVore has not said what his plans are for the future but he will continue to make his home in selman for a few weeks at least.--July 26. Albert Roetker and sister, Miss Margaret, left Wednesday morning for Wichita where they will join the Legion and Auxiliary delegates for the National Convention at San Francisco.--October 11. (Return to Page Four --Making Selman History)
Photos and Advertisements on this page: Page 3 SELMAN SCHOOL Selman has a splendid public school system with a total enrollment this year of 108 students, 42 of whom are in High School.
L. E. Parrish is the Superintendent in charge and is assisted by a
faculty of five teachers who are, Miss Burnelle Walton, Miss Fern
Harmon, Miss Gladys Salters, Miss Marjorie Ellis and Mrs. L. E.
During the present year the Selman school has enjoyed a most
progressive and successful term and much good has been accomplished
toward laying the foundation for future growth and development.
Selman, a Superior Model school, has met every requirement made by
the State Board of Education and the High School has been placed upon
a four year accredited basis. Thus, students graduating from the
Selman School will be permitted to enter any Normal School or College
in the State without examinations, and without losing any credits
The school has an Athletic Association of one hundred per cent
membership which has achieved what any school can well be proud of
and has taken their share of laurels.
The school is fitted with the best library in the county if not in
Northwestern Oklahoma. It consists of books fro reference work,
current magazines and all late fictions, where the pupils are allowed
to go at any time for help. All books must pass inspection before
they are placed in the library and nothing but the best are
The school has received the support of the town in all its
The school has given entertainments to assist in public enterprises
and at different times has assisted the church and various
organization sin putting on programs which would do credit to a much
larger town.
Educational activities among the students have in no wise been
neglected, and for the first time in the history of the school, a
school paper has this year been edited and published by the
Many entertainments have been given which have materially assisted
in creating an interest in the school work and in bringing parents in
close relationship to the school.
All who may come to Selman will find a school system second to
HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS Selman's basketball season was fairly successful. Although they were not champions, they feel justly satisfied. As most of the players will be together next year the prospects for the coming year look very good; for it takes time to make a winning team. Selman's greatest handicap has been the lack of a large gymnasium. It is to be hoped that a new combined auditorium and gymnasium will be provided for the coming year. Then look out for S. H. School teams. During the season, ten games were played, only eight of which were county league games. The boys won three of the league games, and the girls four. The season closed with the invitation tournament at Alva for both teams. There were some very good teams at this tournament and Selman did not make much of a showing. Following are the results of the league games played by Selman: BOYS Selman.........10--Laverne........12 Selman.........18--Rosston........20 Selman.........24--Buffalo........23 Selman.........15--Kibby...........8 Selman..........2--May............21 Selman..........9--May............12 Selman.........25--Buffalo........24 Selman..........7--Kibby...........8 GIRLS Selman.........19--Laverne........25 Selman.........15--Rosston........14 Selman.........11--Buffalo........30 Selman.........13--Kibby..........17 Selman.........14--May.............8 Selman.........34--May............27 Selman.........19--Buffalo........21 Selman.........24--Kibby..........22
SELMAN MIDGET The Selman Midget is published bi-monthly during the school year by Selman High School. Staff members are: Editor-in-Chief.................Mary Ward Assistant Editor................Marie Owens Business Manager................Edward Yauk Assistant Business Manager......Helen Williams Literary Editor.................Leona Clark Joke Editor.....................Roy Bell Athletic Editor.................Vernon Immell Faculty Advisor.................Miss Burnelle Walton
The subscription rate is 25 cents a year.
SELMAN SCHOOL FACULTY Supt. L. E. ·Parrish .......... Industrial Geography, Mathematics and General Science Miss Burnelle Walton .......... English I, II, III, Spanish and English History Miss Fern Harmon .......... Civics, Economics, History I, II, III Miss Marjorie Ellis .......... Seventh and Eighth Grades Miss Gladys Salters .......... Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades and Glee Club and Chorus Mrs. L. E. Parrish .......... First, Second and Third Grades Chas. Vaughn .......... Janitor and Play Ground Supervisor Directors Bert Blasdel .................... Director Eugene Bennett .................... Member A. H. Huckaby .................... Clerk
A SCHOOL SECOND TO NONE Selman has a school building of which they are justly proud. It is a two-story brick building with basement. The top floor contains the auditorium, and two classrooms; the second or middle story has four class rooms and library; while in the basement is the gymnasium, domestic science rooms, laboratory and furnace room. The schoolhouse has the most complete heating system of any school in the county, each floor having its own individual furnace and if at any time one furnace should fail to work, then they have two others to rely upon. The domestic science room is not yet fully equipped, but contains, tables, stove, dishes of all sorts, and a full set of cooking utensils. Each room has a coat closet, and the domestic science room has a large pantry. The auditorium, which occupies half of the top floor, has a large stage which was equipped this spring with new curtains and stage fittings, also dressing rooms. A new piano was purchased this year and placed in the auditorium, which is for the use of the entire school. The library, on the second floor, is another special feature of the Selman school. This room contains a library of over six hundred volumes, also the latest magazines are added at various times; reading tables have been provided and nothing but the best literature is accepted. This room also contains a large clock and an electric gong which is used to call and dismiss classes all over the building. To Prof. Parrish is due much of the credit for the rapid advancement of Selman school. Four years ago, when Mr. Parrish came to Selman as superintendent, the new building was under construction and school was being held in two old school buildings which had been moved in from the country. Some time in January of that year the new building was completed and the pupils and teachers bid a glad farewell to the old schoolhouses, and proudly marched into their new quareters. At that time there were only five in high school. Now we have sixty. Last year the first High School commencement was held, at which time four young people received their high school diplomas. Miss Ellen Meeker took the full four years course in Selman High School. Tom Nelson and Miss Ella Yauk each had two and a half years' work here, while Miss Mary Ward came into the class in the last year from the high school at Great Bend, Kansas. Miss Meeker is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cory Meeker, north of town. Tom Nelson has a position in Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Yauk is attending Northwestern State Teachers' College preparing herself to teach in Harper County next school year. Miss Ward is carrying one subject, finishing her high school course this year, and is bookkeeper at Young's Store. The graduates this year are Miss Helen Williams, who has spent her Junior and Senior years in the Selman High School; Miss Leona Clark, who came this year from the high school in Agate, Colo.; and Edward Yauk, who has taken the full four years' course in Selman. These young people have not stated as yet what their plans are after leaving Selman High School but they will be well fitted for any vocation which they may select.
LIST OF S. H. S. STUDENTS SENIORS Leona Clark Helen Williams Edward Yauk JUNIORS Gail Shultz Thelma Johnson Ada Beard Clarence Cheap Cora Howard Bland Vaughn Marie Owens Roy Bell Ethel Williams Vernon Immell Ralph Dennis Earl Watkins SOPHOMORES Grace Zander Leona Bair Hazel Blasdel Nelson Stanfield Emma Yauk Abel Yauk Tillie Miller Chester Vaughn Stella Minks Lloyd Martin Hattie Martin James Holmes Lawrence Wheaton FRESHMEN Veda Munson Enola Dennis Irene Fields Bertha Clark Bessie Ransom Rexford Eilerts Vernie Minks JUNIOR HIGHS Blanch Clark Eunice Williams Helen Blasdel Gladys Judd Paul Bair Dorothy Zander Juanita Staats Mildred Bennett Clara George Lucille Crissup Hazel Vaughn Clifford Owens Ferrel Bratcher Freida Martin Ina Weaver Velva Rockhold
SCHOOL, A PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE From the time a child is old enough to talk he is asked by admiring elders, "What are you going to be when you get big?" From the time when his greatest desire is to be a fireman or a policeman he is continually dreaming of what he would like to do in the world, but when he reaches high school the importance of his deciding upon and preparing for his life is even more strongly stressed, for it is important that he follow the course of study which will best fit him for life. It is fine to dream of becoming famous by doing some great work. It is well that one should "hitch your wagon to a star." It is proper that one should think of school as a place of preparation. The only way to do these things is to prepare for them. It is not luck that makes one successful, although luck may have a share in it. It is preparation combined with luck. Although one might be given the opportunity of doing some great work, this chance would be useless if one were unprepared when that time came. School should be thought of as a place where things are done while preparing for life. It is not merely a place of preparation, but it is a place in which to live, it is our work now, and incidentally we are preparing ourselves for our work in the future.--Tulsa School Life.
JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET The Junior-Senior banquet was held in the gymnasium Thursday evening, April 23, at 8 o'clock, and it was one of the most successful and pleasing affairs of the school year. The Junior class is to be complimented on the artistic decorations, the pretty menu and place cards and the pleasing program arranged for the entertainment of the Seniors, who are Miss Helen Williams, Miss Leona Clark and Edward Yauk, and the other invited guests. The gymnasium was beautifully decorated in the Senior class colors, pink and green. The walls were festooned with streamers of crepe paper, until one could scarcely tell it had ever been the scene of many basketball battles. Notwithstanding the hard work involved, the results were wonderful and many pleasing remarks were heard concerning the decorations. The tables were grouped pleasingly in a rectangle, and in the center was a pedestal on which rested a large vase of dark red roses, the Senior class flower. Sweet peas were used as center pieces for the tables. The thirty-one plates were laid in such a manner that the guests were all facing center. Dainty handpainted menus and place cards were used and bunches of sweet peas were given as favors. Eight girls chosen from the Sophomore and Freshman classes, dressed in white middle suits with black ties, acted as waiters and served the elaborate five-course banquet, with the following menu:
The following program was presided over by Vernon Immell,
toastmaster, who, in well chosen words, introduced the speakers: Beautiful costumes were worn. Miss Helen Williams and Miss Leona Clark, members of the Senior class were very charming in tan canton crepe. Misses Salters, Walton and Ellis each wore evening dresses of georgette crepe trimmed in heavy lace, and Miss Harmon wore a beautiful dress of tomato colored satin with an overdrapery of black lace. Miss Mary Ward was charmingly dressed in silver net under lavender georgette. The members of the Junior class were beautifully dressed for the occasion as were other guests. This was a very pleasing affair, honoring the closing days of the Senior High School class of 1925.
MILLER'S CAFE Miller's Cafe, which is located in the middle room of the Steiben building on the north side of Main Street, is giving the Selman community some real restaurant service. It is also becoming a popular place with the young people on warm afternoons and evenings, because they can quench their thirst at the fountain or get a dish of cooling ice cream. The restaurant was opened for business last September by Arthur Lattimore and was sold to Alex Miller about two months ago. Mr. Miller is carrier on a rural route Number One and his wife has charge of the restaurant during his absence in the afternoons. He came to Harper County with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, who were among the first settlers in the Roosevelt district. *** A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones. Chesterfield. ***
Photos and Advertisements on this page:
Miller's Cafe
Photo: Selman School
Photo: Opretta Presented by Selman High School
We carry a most complete line of
10% Discount on Spring Millinery
Hemstitching a Specialty
Page 4 Making History In Selman Items Taken from the Files of the Buffalo Republican and Harper County Journal --1921-- Vaughn Brothers Garage is installing a burning-in machine this week.--March 17. The High School bonds carried at the special election held Wednesday by a vote of 66 to 17. Everyone feels good over the prospects of a fine building and a real high school here next year.--March 21. The last business firm of Old Charleston moved over to the new town last week when Fred Martin moved his blacksmith shop and tools to his new location on west Main Street. J. J. Ownbey moved his stock of groceries into the walters building on South Stahl Street recently and now Old Charleston is a thing of the past. So now the necessity of saying "Old Charleston," "New Charleston," "Selman," etc., is obliterated.--April 14. The contract for the blue prints and architectural plans for the new school building have been let to Walt Shellhart of Woodward.--April 28. J. O. Selman shipped nineteen cars of cattle from Glazier, Texas to his station last Friday, where he will put them on good grass pasture of his here.--May 5. The Selman High School will give a play at Mr. Rhoades' garage next Friday, May 13, "The Laughing Cure."--May 5. The first week a change in the management of the Young Store was made, when Fenton Ward resigned and Jack Hisey was checked in. We are sorry to lost (sic) Mr. Ward and his excellent family from our midst but are indeed glad to welcome more such men as Mr. Hisey to our city.--May 12. On last Wednesday a deal was consummated whereby R. C. Crissup became the owner of the Ellsworth Cafe and Grocery, and Mr. F. H. Ellsworth and wife, and F. H., Jr., and wife retired to the farm. While we hate to lose Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth from our business circle, yet we feel that after a brief rest we may have them back again with us in some other line. mr Crissup is an experienced restaurant man and we feel that he will give the public good service.--May 12. W. H. Shellhart has our fine new school building well under way, having the basement almost completed. He expects to start brick laying this week.--June 23. The Farmers' Co-Operative Elevator Company is having a new ten-ton capacity scale installed at their elevator.--July 7. Selman school opened Monday with an enrollment of 67, which number will probably be increased. School is being held in the two old school buildings and the High School and the Seventh and Eighth grades in the M. E. Church until the new school building is sufficiently completed to be used. The following teachers are in charge: L. E. Parrish, principal of the High School; Mrs. Mabel Daley, seventh and eighth grades; Miss Hazel Bayne, fourth, fifth and sixth grades; and Miss Viva young, first, second and third grades.--September 22. --1922-- Most everyone is rejoicing because the new school building is now ready for occupancy. The high school students and the upper grades celebrated the first Monday of the new year by moving from the church, where they have been having school, while the grade children marched from their old place of abode Tuesday morning. This occasion, which the patrons as well as the pupils have been looking forward to for several months with anxiety, now is a thing of the past. It is a goal well reached and a task well finished, as there is nothing we can give our children that is more beneficial than a good education. Each and every person, whether he has children or not, should feel justly proud of the new building and should stand behind every effort t that is being made to equip the auditorium and gymnasium.--January 5. Information has just been received to the effect that Selman American Legion Post No. 246, of Oklahoma, was the youngest organized Post having a set of colors in the parade at Kansas City during the convention last September. this information combined with the fact that the charter to the Auxiliary to Post No. 246, was the first charter to be signed by the new National President as her first official act, should certainly make the people of Selman more than proud of the notoriety of these two units.--February 9. A business deal was transacted last week whereby Miss Jessie Newland became the owner of the business property owned by A. L. Rodkey. We understand Miss Newland expects to engage in business here soon.--May 11. L. E. Stahl suffered a big loss on something near one hundred and fifty acres of wheat, which was uncut when the severe hail storm of Sunday evening his this vicinity. There is hardly any of this wheat to be seen now. The field was partly covered by hail insurance.--July 13. One of the worst hail, wind and rain storms in years struck Selman and vicinity Sunday evening about 7:30. The storm came from the west and north direction at first, in the form of a wind storm then it began raining accompanied by hail and a very high driving wind. During all of this the wind formed in a small cyclone, doing much damage to Selman and vicinity.--July 13. A. H. Huckaby, one of the successful farmers of this community has just finished threshing the 110-acre field of wheat adjoining the townsite on the north and has a yield of 3,478 bushels, (elevator weights) from same. The test on this wheat was from 60 to 61 pounds and the quality was extra good. One 20-acre tract of this field threshed out a little over 800 bushels. Mr. Huckaby owns a Case tractor and separator and is doing his own threshing.--July 13. O. D. Beard, living about eight miles north of Selman, had the misfortune to have his house burned last ? evening. But very few of the contents were saved. The fire was caused by the explosion ? ? stove which was being used to bake bread. The ? was covered by insurance, but it leaves the family destitute of a home until another one can be erected.--August 31. Roy Bradley is busy building two more rooms in the school building, which the increasing demand fro more room has necessitated. Al Arnold is painting and oiling the interior wood work. Each room has all new furniture, including desks and single graded seats which will add much to the general appearance of the room as well as to the comfort of the pupils. Critics of pedagogy have said that a child's mind is governed by its environment. If so, the more pleasant and satisfying the surroundings, the more quickly the development of the child's mind.--August 31. Albert and Marty Roetker returned from the National Convention of the American Legion, at New Orleans, last Monday and report a fine trip.--October 26. The Alva Roller Mills have helped to relieve the house shortage by constructing a nice addition to their office building, making it large enough for living (Continued on Page Five (sic)) Photos and Advertisements on this page: Photo: :Young's Mercantile Company Caption: Young Mercantile Company Advertisement: We Came With Selman and Intend to Stay With Selman We have tried to give the people the best of service and we appreciate what they have done to help us grow. *** We have an authorized Ford service station and will sell you Genuine Ford Parts or a new car. Expert mechanics at your service Fully equipped repair shop. Acetylene welding. Battery re-charging. Goodyear and Fisk tires and tubes. Mobiloil and Champlin oils and greases. General line of automobile accessories. Storage by day or month. *** Yale flashlights and batteries *** Crosley Radios from $14.50 to $65.00 Eveready Radio "B" and "A" Batteries and also a line of radio tubes. *** Vaughn Bros. Garage Phone 20 Selman, Oklahoma Photo: Munson Cash Store Caption: None Advertisement: DeCoursey Cream Station Mrs. Nate Minks, Operator *** Give Us A Test Let Us Test Your Cream Advertisement: If you want to help the Farmers Farm their Farms like they should be Farmed, sell your Farm products to the Farmers Elevator *** We buy all kinds of grain and sell Flour, Feed and Fuel *** The Farmers Co-Operative Grain & Supply Ass'n F. W. Anderson, Mgr. Selman, Oklahoma Page 5 HOME LUMBER AND SUPPLY COMPANY The Home Lumber & Supply Company's office and shed was the second building to be erected in Selman. The J. P. Caudill building, which was burned 2 1/2 years ago, was the first one erected, although others had been moved to town. Lumber and material for the company shed was started from Protection on March 13, 1920. There were eight wagon loads, each pulled by four or six horses. They were so heavily loaded that they got stuck on Antelope Hill and only two loads reached Selman the second day; the others got in the next day. T. R. Cauthers, general manager, and R. R. Snyder reached Selman on March 15 and assisted in the erection of the building and in getting the business started. W. C. Bolan, who was the first manager at Selman, drove the truck, which is still in use by the Selman yard, and arrived about two hours later than the others. Mr. Bolan remained as manager until March 1, 1923, when he resigned to take charge of a farming project near Plains, Kansas. However, the smell of new lumber was in his nostrils so strong that he re-entered the employ of the Home people and now has charge of the yard at Plains. R. R. Snyder was made manager of the Selman yard when Mr. Bolan resigned. His father, W. E. Snyder, has been with the Home Lumber & Supply company at Protection since its organization, so Raub just "sort of grew up" in the business. He began keeping books in 1914 and has been with the company ever since, except during the school months while he was in college and a short time in the U. S. Army. This company had its origin in 1910 when the three yards at Protection, Ashland and Englewood reorganized under the present name and began expanding until they now have fourteen yards. Selman is proud of the fact that their industrious manager has placed their yard well at the top of the list in sales. He did this with the co-operation of the home builders of the community who buy practically all fo their material at home.
MUNSON'S CASH STORE DeVore's Cash Store was moved from Supply to Selman shortly after the town started. Desiring to move to the State of Oregon, C. O. DeVore sold the business to Joe Munson, who has lived on a farm near Kibby since 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Munson are prominent in lodge work and have many friends in the Selman and Kibby communities. They may be found in the store every day meeting their many customers in their pleasing manner.
SELMAN OIL & GAS CO. In the spring and summer of 1920, N. H. Foster, his son, Fred Foster, and M. C. Bard combed the community, selling stock in an oil and gas station to be built in Selman. Sixty-two shares of stock were sold, and on October 19, of that year, the station was opened for business, with N. H. Foster president; Fred Foster, secretary-treasurer, and M. C. Bard, manager. On the 13th day of September, 1922, the stockholders held a meeting in the Selman schoolhouse and organized the Selman Oil and Gas Company, and elected the following officers: Fred Hornbeck, president; Chas. Dotter, vice president; Elbert Gass, secretary; L. E. Stahl, C. E. Keck, Fred Schneider, W. C. Broberg, Frank Ingram, Wm. Beasley, Clay Johnson and E. H. George, directors. On September 20, 1922, a charter was granted, and by-laws were adopted September 23, 1922. W. W. George was made manager October 3, and with the assistance of some of the stockholders enough finance was procured to start the station on a basis of cash on delivery for all material ordered. Since then there have been added to the station, a Burroughs adding machine, Protection account register, Hays air pump, 10-gallon visible gasoline pump, free air, and auto fixtures. A 1250 watt Delco lighting system has been installed and a 4-room house erected for the manager. The station is located just east of the business section of Selman, on the State Highway and White River Trail, where hundreds of cars pass every week during the tourist season. Since the organization of the Company the meters show that 304,888 gallons of gasoline and 239,052 gallons of kerosene have been sold at wholesale and retail. The agency for the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company has been secured and tractors, combines and other machines are carried in stock. The company has finished building the station, paid all back taxes, insured all buildings and material, painted the station and tanks; in fact has made a complete up-to-date station and there is none better in Harper County. Their motto has always been "An honest measure of the highest grade material for a low dollar." At various times different stockholders have been its officers. At the present time L. E. Stahl is president, O. A. Crissup, vice president; Fred Hornbeck, secretary; and C. E. Keck, Clay Johnson, Will Appleton, C. L. Ownbey, W. W. Lake, O. McDonald, Ike Bratcher and J. H. Hoffman are directors. W. W. George is still giving efficient service as manager.
OWNBEY'S GROCERY J. J. Ownbey, proprietor of the grocery and meat market, on the north side of Main Street, which bears his name, is another of the pioneers of Harper County. Twenty years ago he settled on a farm 4 1/2 miles northwest of where Selman now stands. Later, he engaged in the mercantile business in Charleston, and four years ago moved his store to Selman and located in the Walters building on Stahl Street. Last September, when the Steiben building was completed, he moved into the west room and here the people of the community buy fresh meats, groceries and cold drinks.
Mozart It is doubtful if anybody knows the exact spot where Mozart is buried. A violent storm was raging at the time of the funeral, and the hearse went its way unaccompanied to the churchyard and his body was committed in the paupers' corner. In 1859 the city of Vienna erected on the probable spot a monument to his memory.
VAUGHN BROTHERS Clarence and Ray Vaughn, proprietors of Vaughn Brothers' Garage, are giving automobile owners of Selman and community a service that is seldom found outside of the larger towns. They are both mechanics and also employ two others, Wilmer C. Hoffman and William Judd, who have charge of the well-equipped repair shop, including an up-to-date acetylene welding outfit. It has been said of Henry Ford that all he needs to build a new car is a few wheels and some tin cans, but Hoffman has demonstrated that he can equal that feat and the product will pass anything that runs on the highways. Vaughns have a Ford sub-agency and a Ford service station. They sell Crosley radios and carry a line of radio supplies. Vaughn Brothers started in the garage business in Selman on August 12, 1920, and the same fall they built what is now the back part of their building and the next year they erected the present building which is shown in the engraving. This gives them a floor space of 50 by 100 feet. The building is lighted inside and out by their private electric light plant. Clarence and Ray are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaughn, who moved to a farm 14 miles north of Selman in 1908. All are now residents of Selman and the Vaughn home near the school house is one of the beauty spots of the town.
BRATCHER VARIETY STORE The formal opening of Bratcher's Variety Store in Selman was held September 5, 1923, in a little room on Stahl Street just south of where the store now stands. Mrs. Bratcher carried a small line of hats and notions, and at Christmas times added holiday supplies. Her trade increased so rapidly that on February 28, 1924, they moved into the new store building which they had just completed. Mrs. Bratcher now carries a most complete line of millinery, house dresses, fancy work, notions, school supplies and toilet articles. She also has cured meats and fresh bread and cakes.
Greeting Cancels Stamp One of the most original stamp cancellations ever put on a piece of United States mail was that used by the postmaster at Cassville, (illegible) June 25, 1852, when he wrote "Good Morning Edward" across (two words illegible) when he recognized the (illegible) addressee as that of one (illegible)onal friends.
Photos and Advertisements on this page: Page 6 FARMERS ELEVATOR To be able to market their grain and to buy feed in the most advantageous way was the object of the farmers who organized the Farmers Co-Operative Grain and Supply Association on January 24, 1920. Foundation for the elevator, a picture of which is shown in this edition, was started in April and the large warehouse which is shown in the same picture was erected later. The Association began business as soon as the Santa Fe tracks were laid and a car was "spotted." This car was loaded from the wagons on May 1, and shipped out of Selman on the 3rd. The farmers were paid $2.60 a bushel for the first carload. Those who had wheat in it were: E. Bennett, F. H. Schneider, L. F. Whitlow, C. L. Huff, G. B. Yauk, Bert Blasdel, W. J. Zander, Oliver Barton, R. B. Yauk, C. M. Gilchrist, Alfred Love, David Martin, C. O. Stebbens, C. E. German, Clyde Appleton, N. A. Brumley, J. R. Edwards and Chas. Vaughn. Mr. Bennett's was the first load to go into the car. The car contained 1,060 bushels and 40 pounds. This business, which was started in a small way five years ago, has grown until it now has 87 stockholders with a paid-up capital stock of $14,600, is out of debt, and has on hand enough cash, grain and merchandise to pay every stockholder the full amount of his stock and still have the property left clear. Last year the stockholders were paid eight per cent annual interest on their stock for the more than fours years since its organization. To date they have shipped a total of 392 cars, or about 500,000 bushels of wheat. The first officers of the association were: F. H. Schneider, president; Clay Johnson, vice president; J. I. Gilfillan, secretary; David Martin, R. R. Yauk, C. E. Keck and L. E. Stahl, directors. C. B. Means was manager the first year. F. W. Anderson was then employed and is still holding that position. That he is taking care of the business in a satisfactory manner, is evidenced by the fact that they have employed him for the coming year. The present officers of the association are: C. E. Keck, president; R. R. Yauk, vice president; L. E. Stahl, secretary; A. H. Huckaby, J. J. Shultz, David Martin and Chas. Vaughn, directors.
STREET GRAIN COMPANY The L. O. Street Grain Company is another of the pioneer firms of Selman. Their offic·e building and scale were completed April 24, 1920. They opened for business on the first day of May and W. C. Broberg delivered the first load of wheat for which they paid him $2.60 a bushel. The first car was shipped May 3. Excavation work for the elevator was started April 28. Mr. Broberg was again the first man in with a load of wheat and it was dumped into the elevator on July 7. This first day must have been a good one, because the records show that a car was loaded from the elevator on the 7th. L. O. Street, whose home is in Woodward, began buying livestock in Harper County eighteen years ago and is still in business. Sixteen years ago, he entered the grain business and now has elevators at Woodward, Sharon, Lovedale, May, Buffalo and Selman, Okla., and Farnsworth, Texas. Some months ago, Mr. Street took his son, Harold, into the business with him and the firm is now known as L. O. & H. L. Street, Grain Merchants. Elbert Gass, who has been manager for the Street Grain Company ever since they started building in Selman, has the distinction of being the only man in Selman who has been there continuously since the town started. Others who started at the same time he did, have either left or have been away for some time during the five years. Mr Gass came to Harper County in 1908 and settled on a farm 4 1/2 miles southwest of Selman and he and Mrs. Gass have taken an active interest in everything that has led toward making Selman the best community in Northwest Oklahoma.
YOUNG MERCANTILE CO. The Young Mercantile Co., one of the first businesses established in Selman was opened in May, 1920. The first business was carried on in the warehouse at the back end of the lots, while the main store building, a fireproof brick, was being erected on the site it now occupies. The firm started with hardware and implements only, but after a few years of business a stock of groceries was added to take care of the increasing demand. The stock was moved into the brick building in January, 1921. In June, dry goods and a small stock of furniture was added, and at this time the name of the firm was changed from Young Hardware Co. to Young Mercantile Co. The firm has enjoyed a nice patronage from the start and has expanded until now theirs is one of the most complete lines of general merchandise in the county. Fenton Ward was manager the first year. He was followed by Jack Hisey and G. W. Baxter. Now, Mr. Ward is back in the same position and he and his wife and daughter are making it a pleasure to trade with Young's Mercantile. Mr. Ward has recently completed a pretty bungalow on the corner of Blasdel and Stahl Streets, and Selman people hope the Ward family is now permanently located here.
SELMAN CELEBRATES FIFTH ANNIVERSARY (Continued from First Page) opened to the south and will make a more direct route to Woodward.
That Selman's growth is of a permanent nature and is continuing, is
evidenced by the fact that the last few months have seen a greater
growth than any equal length of time during its five years existence.
This increase in size is best shown by listing a few of the new
buildings and other improvements which have been made recently:
Selman is a pretty town of 61 population, located 9 miles southeast
of Buffalo, the county seat; is the best school center in Harper
County, and is inhabited by industrious, sociable, Christian people;
and any respectable citizen looking for a place to make a real home
for his family, need seek no farther.
SELMAN STATE BANK The Selman State Bank was chartered August 7, 1920, and opened for business in what was formerly the Fesler residence, which had been moved from the northwest part of the new townsite to Stahl Street and was remodeled. L. A. Buck was made cashier, and he still holds that responsible position to the entire satisfaction of everyone who has dealings with the bank. He does everything possible to make good the slogan which was adopted when the bank was new--"The Bank You'll Like." Elsewhere in this Selman section is printed an advertisement showing the first and last statements published by the bank. Even though the first one was made after wheat was marketed and the last one is just a short time before harvest, a comparison of the two shows a most pleasing growth for a bank not yet five years old. No picture of the bank building is printed in this special edition, because the stockholders hope to erect a new building before long. It will be located on the north end of the bank's lot, facing Main Street, just east of Young's store.
SELMAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY GENERAL STORES-- Jessie Newland, Dry Goods, Groceries and Notions. ELEVATORS-- GARAGES................................................Vaughn Brothers and Ash Brothers CREAM STATIONS AND PRODUCE-- SELMAN OIL & GAS CO................................W. W. George, Manager CITY BARBER SHOP.......................................Julius Steiben, Proprietor HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO............................R. R. Snyder, Manager GENERAL DRAYING........................................Nate Minks HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-- CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER.................................Arlington Holmes HOME RURAL TELEPHONE CO................................C. D. Owens, Manager BLACKSMITH SHOPS.......................................Fred Martin and Chas. Cochran RADIOTRICIAN...........................................Clive Carpenter SELMAN STATE BANK......................................L. A. Buck, Cashier METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.............................Rev. T. H. Durham, Pastor NEWSPAPERS--
Photos and Advertisements on this page: Bank Disclosure Statement: Selman State Bank What We Have Accomplished In 4 1/2 Years A comparison of the two statements given below is conclusive evidence of the truth of our slogan "The Bank You'll Like" ------------------------------------------------------------------------First Published Statement of the Selman State Bank at Close of Business on September 8, 1920 *********************************** Resources * Liabilities Loans and Discounts $20.00 * Capital $10,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 30,000.00 * Surplus 2,500.00 * Deposits 15,139.29 Cash Resources: * Cashier's Checks 1,770.98 Securities with Bank. Bd. 500.00 * Rediscounts none Cash and Exchange 25,890.27 26,390.27 * Bills Payable none _________ * _________ Total $29,410.27 * Total 29,410.27 *********************************** Last Published Statement of the Selman State Bank at Close of Business on April 6, 1925 *********************************** Resources * Liabilities Loans and Discounts $48,485.28 * Capital $10,000.00 Building and Fixtures 3,321.80 * Surplus 2,500.00 Other Real Estate 1,750.00 * Undivided Profits 994,80 * Deposits 69,622.27 Cash Resources: * Cashier's Checks 1,299.24 Bonds and Warranties 3,453.10 * Rediscounts none Cash and Exchange 27,406.13 30,859.23 * Bills Payable none _________ * _________ Total $84,416.31 * Total 84,416.31 *********************************** Selman State Bank "The Bank You'll Like" J. O. Selman, Pres. C. E. Keck, Vice Pres. L. A. Buck, Cashier |
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