Hughes County,


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Book Indexes  Schools Surnames Civil War Tombstones

Gerty Cemetery

    This is only a partial list of the Gerty Cemetery. Approximately one-third of the cemetery is recorded here. I hope to be able to finish this cemetery very soon


? HLU ? HA . . (Nothing else legible)
?NDIT . . Nothing else legible, next to Lizzy CONDITT. There were several CONDITTS living in the Gerty area.
A.B.H. . . (May be a footstone.)
ALLEN, Martha . . ? ed + Yrs
BAIN . . .
BAIN, Gilbert Smith 11-17-1839 11-18-1912 ds- Vernard, Grandfather
BAIN, Vernard Eugene 06-10-1917 01-12-1918 ds-Gilbert, Grandson
BLACK, H. Sam . . .
BLANCHARD, Ethel 00-00-1908 00-00-1910 ds-Sarah, Aged 2 Yrs. 2 Ms. 18 ds., Dau of Doshie BLANCHARD 
BLANCHARD, Sarah . 00-00- 1910 ds-Ethel, Aged 1 Mo. 8 Ds., Dau of Doshie BLANCHARD, Budded On Earth To Bloom In Heaven, Gone But Not Forgotten
BRAINS, David Monroe 07-28-1845 01-02-1918 Rest Solider Rest, Thy Warfare's Ov'r
BRAINS, Hughie E. 09-21-1901 09-16-1903 Son of R.H. and Mary M. BRAINS
BRAINS, Mary M. 03-25-1883 05-13-1951 ds Robert H.
BRAINS, Robert H. 12-07-1881 01-29-1951 ds Mary M.
BRAINS, Wilbert M. 02-22-1904 09-09-1966
BROCK, George W. 05-20-1906 Son of W.F. and D.A. BROCK, Sleep On Sweet Babe And Take Thy Rest
BROOKS, Eula Stanfill 10-19-1907 02-02-1949 .
BROOKS, I. Henry 00-00-1873 00-00-1955 .
BROOKS, Maude 00-00-1879 00-00-1936 .
BROOKS, Thomas Franklin 00-00-1901 00-00-1967 .
COKER, Ada 06-19-1875 06-13-1955 In After-Time We'll Meet Again
COKER, Arther J. 03-12-1898 04-21-1976 PFC US Army, World War I
COKER, H. C. 01-03-1894 07-19-1919 At Rest
COKER, Horace R. 08-29-1940 Oklahoma, PVT 162 Depot Brig., (Only one date given)
COKER, Ingles 01-05-1900 03-30-1934 Mother, At Rest
CONDITT, Homer . . .
CONDITT, Lizzy . . .
CONNALLY, Euginie A. 09-03-1846 02-25-1911 ds-Henry V., Mother
CONNALLY, Henry M. 09-17-1844 02-19-1911 ds-Euginie A., Father
CROUCH, Myrtle 08-05-1895 05-28-1906 Dau. of I.N. and S.B. CROUCH, Gone But Not Forgotten
CROUCH, Nute 05-27-1851 06-29-1912 .
DAVYS, ?  . . .
DICKERSON, Angline Harrison 10-22-1869 06-06-1917 Mother, Asleep In Jesus
DILLBECK, Admeral D. 10-04-1898 09-19-1920 Parting Forever On Earth
DILBECK, M. A. 12-08-1840 01-07-1912 At Rest, (This stone has the Masonic Lodge symbol.)
DILRECK, W ? 00-00- 1885 ??-??- 1919 .
ELZEY, Louis B. 1914 1917 Our Darling
ELZEY, Louise W. 1873 1948 (Next to Mamie ELZEY HICKERSON)
ELZEY, Martha E. 1878 1940 Gone But Not Forgotten
EVANS, Arduth Fay 04-14-1913 06-22-1994 .
EVANS, Charles B.  08-21-1887 04-18-1962 Oklahoma PVT 164 Depot Brigade, World War I
EVANS, Mary S. 00-00-1865 00-00-1929 ds-Robert M., Mother
EVANS, Ola Agnes 06-04-1904 00-00-0000 ds-Spencer Reed, It Is Well With My Soul, mar 09-24-1926
EVANS, Robert M. 00-00-1862 00-00-1930 ds-Mary S., Father
EVANS, Spencer Reed  01-22-1893 04-02-1966 ds-Ola Agnes, Colorado, Sgt Air Service, World War I
FLETCHER, Fertyma Q 0-118-1883 03-14-1958 ds-Robert H.
FLETCHER, Robert H. 03-02-1868 05-30-1926 ds-Fertyma Q.
FLINCHUM, John B. . 02-??-1936 .
Floral 07-??- 19?2 ??-? ?- 1900 Dau of Thompson
FLUD, Lois 04-11-0000 04-22-1932 Infant Daughter of Ernest and Ida FLUD
FORD, Archie W. ? 11-03-1901 06-03-1903 Son of J.P. and Fannie FORD, Gone But Not Forgotten
FULTON, Eliza E. 08-19-1869 08-12-1919 Wife of S.S. FULTON, Heaven Now Let ? Out Treasure, Earth The Lonely Casket Keeps, And The Sunbeams Long To Linger, Where Our Sainted Mother Sleeps
GAGE, W. B. 06-28-1873 07-22-1942 .
GAGE, Nancy E. 05-26-1879 12-20-1959 .
GIBSON, Richard 09-19- 1919 12-12- 1919 Son Of F.L. and Edith Gibson, Of Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven
GILLUM, Auther E. 10-15-1899 08-25-1903 Son of H.T. and Elener GILLUM, Our Darling Baby
GILLUM, Curtis 1905 1906 At Rest
GILLUM, Durward 11-00-1917 11-00-1917 Son of Tommie and Bessie Gillum
GILLUM, H. T. 01-13- 1877 01-04- 1925 Father, Thy Trials Ended Thy Rest Is Won (This headstone has the Oddfellows symbol)
GILLUM, Lucie L.E. 03-05-1901 07-01- 1904 Dau. of H.T. and Elener Gillum, Our Darling Baby
GILLUM, Luman P. 04-06-1902 10-25-1902 Son of H.T. and Elener GILLUM, Our Darling Baby
GILLUM, Mary H. 01-30- 1908 04-25- 1910 Dau. of B.F. and M.C. Gillum
GILLUM, Mary J. 11-24-1844 02-02-1930 Wife of W.B. Gillum, With Christ In Heaven
GILLUM, W. P. 12-08-1843 06-12-1923 Weep Not He Is At Rest
GLIMER, Roy B. 01-06-1885 10-22-1918 A Precious One From Us Is Gone, A Voice We Loved Is Silent, A Place Is Vacant In Our Home, Which Never Can Be Filled
HAMPTON, Elvin 08-30-1915 09-23-1916 .
HARRIS, Raymond "Red" 03-29-1927 . ds-Virgina L.
HARRIS,  Virgina L. 10-05-1928 . ds-Raymond, Mar 05-04-1948, Together Forever
HARRISON, G. W. 08-20-1872 03-04-1919 (Woodmen of the World Memorial)
HARRISON, Lucille 08-29-1911 05-13-1912 Gone But Not Forgotten
HAYS, Annie Evelena 00-00-1897 00-00-1985 At Rest
HAYS, Jeff J. 05-01-1887 04-30-1955 At Rest
HICKERSON, Mamie ELZEY 1900 1979 .
HOLMAN, Mrs. E. M. 03-17-1845 04-03-1909 Wife of W. HOLMAN, 64 Yrs. 16 Days
HOLMAN, W. 02-23-1844 05-19-1911 Sacred To The Memory,  We Shall Ride Again In The Resurrection At The Last Day
HUGHLETT, J. P. 06-12-1873 ??-??-1904 Dau.
HULL, Bessie Wenifred 09-20-1918 03-09-1929 Gone To Be An Angel
HULL, Charlie L. 04-07-1883 11-07-1961 Thy Trials Ended Thy Rest Is Won
HULL, Ella C. 03-12-1887 03-18-1964 She Believed And Sleeps With Jesus
HULL, Leona 00-00-0000 00-00-0000 Infant Dau. of Charles and Ella HULL, Gone To Be An Angel
KASHWER, Sam 12-25-1886 09-27-1950 Father
L.C. 18 P 04-00-1904 04-00-0000 .
LEVINGSTON, Ruth J. 09-16-1910 05-26-1987 Loving Mother Grandmother and Great Grandmother
LEWIS, Mary Louise (Evans) 04-26-1933 02-28-1993 Our Mother, Always In Our Hearts
LUNA, Burville 01-31-1916 . ds-Thelma, Father
LUNA, Granville W. 05-16-1888 12-30-1965 ds-Lee Otis, Father
LUNA, Lee Otis 03-17-1892 05-04-1956 ds- Granville W., Mother
LUNA, Thelma  09-24-1919 11-23-1908 ds-Burville, Mother
LUNA, Webster I. Luna 05-21-1922 12-08-1970 Oklahoma, Sgt 27 Engineer CMBT BN, World War II
MARTIN, James Ottis 01-14- 1899 08-14- 1899 Son of W.E. and Dorna MARTIN, Our Darling Baby
MCCRAY . . .
MCCRAY, Fay 05-07-1906 10-07-1909 Dau. of Geo. W. and Eulie MCCRAY
MCNUTT, Almon H. 10-11-1882 07-01-1904 Son of J.J. and Ann MCNUTT, When God Calls Us We Must Go
MCNUTT, Ann 04-09-1858 10-22-1943 She Was The Sunshine Of Our Home
MCNUTT, J. J. 04-23-1894 05-21-1922 He Has Gone To The Mansion Of Rest
MCNUTT, Willie F. 09-08-1895 08-04-1904 Son of J.J. and Ann MCNUTT
MILLER, Evalena 10-21-1911 05-15-1912 .
MILLER, Grace 06-16-1866 06-21-1909 ds-Sam L., Darling wife (This stone had writting on both sides.) 
MILLER, Juel 10-27-1900 10-12-1903 .
MILLER, San L. 10-29-1908 02-19-1909 ds-Grace, Son of G.L. & Grace MILLER
MITCHELL, Maudie Hays 09-09-1920 05-31-1963 .
MOORE, Geneva E. 1921 1922 At Rest
MOORE, Tyler 07-12-1883 08-15-1962 .
No name . . Large stone face down that I can't read.
No Names 08-27-1918 02-10-1926 (Nothing else available)
OWENS, Ivor 10-08-1891 01-13-1922 .
OY ???  . . (Nothing else legible)
PARKS 1872 1924 .
PETERS, Charley 08-24-1909 06-06-1928 At Rest
PETERS, Henry 02- 10-1882 02-08-1935 At Rest
PHILPOT, Alice H 10-24-1874 01-05-1934 ds-Seborn T.,Mother
PHILPOT,  Seborn T. 10-18-1869 05-22-1948 ds-Alice H., Father
PIERCE, Armelda J. 12-25-1840 03-21-1923 A True Christian and A Loving Mother
PUSLEY 00-00-0000 00-00-0000 Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Pusley
PUSLEY, Ausron 00-00-0000 00-00-0000 .
PUSLEY, Elizabeth 06-07-1875 08-31-1946 .
PUSLEY, Frank 07-26-1904 06-23-1942 .
PUSLEY, Glaudie R. 07-07-1901 01-31-1901 Son of J.B and N.B. PUSLEY, (Fenced with Maudie M. inside a metal fence.)
PUSLEY, John B. 11-16-1872 08-18-1969 ds-Nannie B.
PUSLEY, Luther S. 00-00-1908 00-00- 1976 PFC US Army, World War II
PUSLEY, Lyman 12-25-1846 09-11-1940 .
PUSLEY, Maudie M. 07-??-1901 10-31-1904 Dau of J.B. and N.B. PUSLEY, (Fenced with Glaudie R.)
PUSLEY,  Nannie B. 07-29-1869 02-24-1959 ds-John B., Asleep In Jesus
RANEY, Lawrence E Raney 09-16-1921 05-03-1965 Oklahoma, S 2 US Navy, World War II
REEVES, Baby Boy . 10-26-1926 (Next to Edward Reeves)
REEVES, Edward 06-08- 1923 06-25- 1923 .
REVO, Thomas 01-30- 1906 05-29- 1907 Son Of J.W. M.M.P. REVO
ROBERTSON, Gladys 06-05-1901 05-03-1969 Mother
ROBERTSON, Mary E. 11-11-1861 02-01-1948 Our Loved One
ROBERTSON, Vester 11-22-1895 10-23-1965 Oklahoma, PVT Brty F 43 Field Arty, World War I
Sandstone . . .
Sandstone . . .
Sandstone . . (Nothing legible, appears to be a baby's grave, found inside a rock fence with the TATES. The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
Sandstone . (Nothing legible, found inside a rock fence with the TATES. The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
Sandstone . . (Nothing legible, found inside a rock fence with the TATES. The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
SHIPMAN, D. H. 03-15-1824 02-03-102 Aged 77 Yr. 10 Mo. 18 Da.
SHIPMAN, Elmer 12-31-1824 01-17-1923 ds-Essie
SHIPMAN, Essie  02-13-1919 03-03-1920 ds-Elmer, We Will Meet Again
SMITH, Foy 04-11-1923 . ds-Juanita, Wed 01-18- 1943
SMITH, Fred Warren ??-??-???? ??-??-???? Infant son of D.L. and B.P. SMITH
SMITH, Georgann 02-14-189 11-25-1916 ds-Joshua, Mother
SMITH, Joshua 02-28-1840 08-26-1901 ds-Georgann, Father, ? Thy Rest Is Won Prepare To Meet Me In Heaven
SMITH, Juanita L. 07-12-1925 01-29-1991 ds-FoyPrecious Memories
SMITH, Pearl 04-11-1913 02-19-1920 Dau. of Dave and Rillor SMITH
SNIDER, Armilda Elizabeth 08-27-1896 05-20-1910 ts-Nary & Charley( This is a very large stone with information on three), Gone To Soon
SNIDER, Charley 07-14-1894 10-15-1918 ts-Nary & Armilda, Co 13 Sec B Camp Greenleaf Ga
SNIDER, John Martin 09-06-1867 05-13-1903 Gone Home
SNIDER, Nary 09-11-1872 11-21-1896 ts-Armilda & Charley, Wife of J.M. Snider, Gone To Soon, ? Mother and Friend To All
STANFILL, Bulah . . Mother of Marion
STANFILL, J. S. 1873 19?8 ds-Vira
STANFILL, Vira 00-00-1877 00-00-1941 ds-J. S.
STOCKTON, Boyd Leonard 08-21-1920 03-13-1929 Son of Press and Ethel STOCKTON, Loved One
STOCKTON, Dinford 09-21-1904 09-27-1904 Son of Joe and Linda STOCKTON, Gone But Not Forgotten
STOCKTON, Jimmie 01-22-1894 01-01-1927 Son of Joe and Milinda STOCKTON, In Rememberance
STOCKTON, Joe 05-10-1859 01-01-1928 Our Beloved Father And Grandfather
TATE, Aaron 10-25-1895 09-07-1945 Oklahoma Staff Sgt 18 Field Arty ( The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
TATE, Aaron W. 12-28-1875 12-31-1960 At Rest ( The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
TATE, Mary Ann 01-20-1876 11-23-1944 At Rest ( The edge of this fence is marked "Children of A.W. and M.A.)
THOMAS,  James A. 07-17- 1877 02-01-1918 Son, One We Loved Is Gone, The Voice Is Silent, A Vacant Place Is In Our HOme, That Never Can Be Filled
TOMLINSON, Nancy 07-16-1879 07-10-1938 Our Darling Mother
TUCMON, William 04-10-1862 02-00-1902 Called To Rest Feb. 1902, God Bless My Darling Husband
VEAZEY, Corinna 11-18-1888 06-14-1965 ds-Eliza Priah, Mother
VEAZEY, Elza Priah 05-23-1874 01-01-1942 ds-Corinna, Father, To Live In Hearts We leave Behind Is Not To Die
VEAZEY, Mary E. 04-03-1879 02-09-1904 Wife of E.R. VEAZEY, (Ins. not legible)
VEAZEY, Raychel V. 04-15-1912 12-14-1986 A Loving Mother and Faithful Friend
VINEYARD, James F. 11-30-1891 12-24-1911 Son Of J.L. and A.E. Vineyard
WALKER, D. L. 07-30-1939 05-23-1995 Son, Husband, Daddy, Papa, Loved Forever Never Forgotten
WALKER, Edward P 09-14-1927 01-04-1964 Our Darling Son, Brother, Daddy, and Husband, Our Greatest Joy On Earth Is Gone, And The Voice We Loved Is Still, The Vacant Place That's In Our Home, Can Never More Be Filled
WALKER, Flora Etta 05-03-1907 12-05-1996 Age 89, (Jim Epperson Funeral Service, Colgate, Ok. marker only)
WALKER, Joy 07-17-1938 . ds - D. L., mar. 09-25-1958, Daughter, Wife, Momma, Nanny
WALKER, Michie M. 01-17-1929 ds - Sherman Leo, Daughter, Wife, Sister
WALKER,  Sherman Leo 10-10-1923 12-08-1972 ds - Michie, Son, Husband, Brother, Oklahoma, SGT US Army, World War II
WARTH(?), T. E. . . (May be TEWARTH)
WARD, Flora Lo 09-30-1912 . ds-Otis, Married 10-01- 1935
WARD, Florence . 12-28-1918 And Infant Son
WARD, James 00-00-1864 00-00-1936 ds-Susan
WARD, Otis (Pete) 06-04-1914 07-18-1997 ds-Flora, At Rest
WARD, Susan 00-00-1865 00-00-1922 ds-James
WATSON, Joe H. 08-09-1888 02-25-1969 ds-Pearl
WATSON, Pearl  02-14-1890 12-21-1985 ds-Joe H.Our Loved Ones
W. D. . . .
WILKINS, Minnie Ora . . Age 7 Mo, Little Dau. of W.W. and Lou WILKINS, The Little Baby Is Gone To Rest
WILLIAMS, Berline 02-01-1914 11-30-1996 ( Criswell Funeral Home, Ada, Ok. marker)
WILSON, Lelborn J. 02-29-1881 12-30-1919 Father
WILSON, Waneta J. 04-11-1912 11-28-1912 .
WILSON, Sarah E. 10-07-1870 10-30-1962 Gone But Not Forgotten


Last update

01/01/2007 07:53 PM

Vickie Neill Taylor

County Coordinator


Sept. 22, 2000 - 2007