Hughes County,
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Hughes County, Ok.
Dana WILLIAMS TAYLOR and I, Vickie NEILL TAYLOR recorded this cemetery on
May 31, 1999. We found the cemetery to be well kept on this Memorial weekend. This cemetery is located from the intersection of State Highway 56 and U.S. 270, just on the south edge of Wewoka, five miles south on 56, turn east
(left) and go two miles, you’ll see the Middle Creek Church, turn south and
go about 1/4 mile on dirt road. The cemetery sits on the west (right) side of the road. The cemetery is fenced and is in a little grove of trees.
Mackey Funeral Home was located in Holdenville, Ok. Though some records were lost due to fire, Hudson Funeral Home in Holdenville has some of the
Mackey Records.
ROW 1 (starting in the southwest corner going south to north)
HAIKEY, Edward Cpl Army Air Forces Sept. 27, 1897 Mar. 9, 1969
HAIKEY, Josie JACOBS Feb. 19, 1895 Apr. 13, 1968 Kind And Loving
JACOBS, Lewis Mar. 13, 1899 Sept. 28, 1960 Beloved Husband And Father
ROW 2 (north to south)
JACOBS, Jesse E. Jan. 4, 1908 Oct. 7, 1975 In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions
Double Stone
JACOBS, Ella M. Mother Aug. 4, 1884 June 30, 1960
JACOBS, Newton E. Father Aug. 15, 1885 Feb. 5, 1960
In My Fathers House Are Many Mansions
JACOBS, John Alexander Aug. 18, 1871 Nov. 7, 1947 Resting Till The
Resurrection Morn
JACOBS, Frank D. Dec. 24, 1839 July 17, 1910 Meet Me In Heaven
JACOBS, Jennie C. Died Apr. 11, 1926 Age 71 In After-Time We’ll Meet Her
JACOBS, Willie Born Jan. 23, 1895 Died Dec. 15, 1926 The Sweet
Remembrances Of The Just-Before The Heavenly Throne
(At the foot of Willie JACOBS, in side the cement edging is this next
JACOBS, Russell Lee 1916 1994 With Love
Sandstone, Nothing legible
Sandstone, Nothing legible
ROW 3 (north to south)
FOSTER, Ira P. Jan. 17, 1874 Jan. 3, 1956 Gone But Not Forgotten
Mackey Funeral Home Marker present
FOSTER, Mattie L. JACOBS Sept. 19, 1879 Feb. 28, 1955 Wife Of Ira P.
Foster Rest In Peace
L. N. (sandstone), Nothing else legible. Flat rocks covering grave.
BROWN, Bettie Born Apr. 28, 1879 Died Jan. 10, 1901 Meet Me In Heaven
S. ?. , (sandstone) probably a child
Sandstone with slabs of rock stacked on top. probably a grave.
Rounded top of grave, child.
Sandstone on four corners of grave, child.
Sandstone and rock slabs, nothing legible
ROW 4 (south to north)
Sandstone, Nothing legible, overgrown with Iris flowers
Sandstone, Nothing legible
Sandstone, Nothing legible
Sandstone, Nothing legible
ROW 5 (south to north)
Sandstone, Nothing legible, infant
Sandstone, Nothing legible.
Last update
01/01/2007 07:55 PM |
Vickie Neill
County Coordinator |
Sept. 22, 2000 - 2007 |