Hughes County,


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Hughes County, Oklahoma

    I visited this cemetery on Mar. 25, 1998. About one year ago, I quickly scanned the abstract for this property and found no ROBISON named there, but it began about the time of statehood and the only date available was some 20 years before statehood. Located, from Holdenville, Ok., 7 miles north on Hwy 48 (Broadway of America), 1 and 3/4 miles west and 1/8 mile south into a pasture. This is a very small cemetery and is on private property. There has been no up keep of any kind for many, many years. There appears to be 6 possibly 8 graves but there are only 2 stones left that are legible and one of those is almost gone. The cemetery is surrounded by rocks and part of the graves are also covered with very large rocks. All of the markers are sandstone except for one.

ROBISON Martha Died Mar. 18, 1883 Aged 22 Yrs.
In Memory ?? (There are several more letters at this
point, but due to a break in the stone,
they are not legible.)

??? Mary (Sandstone, nothing else legible)

Last update

01/01/2007 07:58 PM

Vickie Neill Taylor

County Coordinator


Sept. 22, 2000 - 2007