Left In The Mailbag

Many times the mail coming to settlers in Greer County, Oklahoma Territory was left unclaimed. Perhaps the people had moved on, moved out of the area of that post office, or had died. Here are some letters, advertised in the Sun Monitor, Mangum, O. T., that were unclaimed. Perhaps to some of your ancestors?

Letters Advertised Feb. 20, 1902
Alders, Will G.
Barnett, J. W.
Bauman, B.
b. Philip
Bell, Mrs. Julia
Black, C. W.
Burton, Charley
Dalton, Mrs. Carl
Dillingham, Carl
Hughes, Homer
Huntze, Hugo
Hollis, S. L.
Harshaw, J. M.
Hamilton, H. T.
Johnston, D. E.
Johnson, J. W.
Linville, J. V.
Langham, Flassie
Mulinex, Mrs. Annie
Morzingo, W. T.
Morrison, R. L.
Moler, Mrs. Clara Owens, J. W.
Olive, H. I.
O'Conner, Dillion
Robinson, H. D.
Rich, H. M.
Robertson, G. L.
Spurgeon, Geo.
Thompson, L. O.
Trice, A. C.
Williamson, Lena

Letters Advertised Feb. 27, 1902

Back, W. W.
Beans, Miss Cora
Blake, W. B.
Crowley, Pet
Crosby, E. L.
Darnel, H. D.
Ellis, Lillie
Hendria, Miss Jennie
Hicks, Mrs. Carrie
Hollis, S. S.
King, Thos.
Lathans, Mrs. U. P.
Lee, Jon. M.
Mathis, W. C.
Moore, Mrs. Mell
Morton, B. N.
Morton, J. T.
Page, G. P.
Rose, Mrs. S. L.
Shinn, Miss Katie
Thompson, R. I.
Turner, Assaf
West, Mrs. Ina
Wierr, Frnak

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Web Page by Ethel Taylor

February 25, 1999



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