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Harris Moore Families

Charlie Asborn Harris ~  Groom and Eddie Sophronie Moore ~ Bride 
submitted by: Gail 
Wedding date Nov or Dec. 11, 1911.  They were married at Old Cornish , Jefferson County, Oklahoma Charley Asborn Harris died May 10, 1931 and is buried at Simon Cemetery Love County, OK. Eddie lived until Nov. 1959 and is buried in Simon Cemetery Love County Ok.  


Eddie is the daughter Of William Jordan Moore and Susanna Moore (Green) William J. Moore and Susanna Green were married in Rusk County TX  Nov 25, 1866. Susanna is the daughter of Gideon Green, and Frances Green ( Brown). William J. and Susanna moved to OK from TX, then on to New Mexico where Susanna died in 1907 and is buried there. He moved his family back to Love County where he lived until he died in 1934 . Here is a picture of the William J. Moore family:

submitted by: Gail 
The boy standing left is Andrew Jackson, next to him is Jessee David, the girl is my granny Eddie Sophronie Harris (Moore) front row left to right is William Jordan, his youngest son Eli, and William's wife,  Susanna. this picture was taken somewhere around 1905


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