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The Cornish News
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
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The Cornish News
Cornish, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
December 3, 1909

Out-of-Town Happenings

Rich Land
Jim Hutchinson’s twins are under the weather.

Joe Collier’s baby is sick.

Jim Hutton is the happy father of a fine baby girl born November 25. All are doing well.

Murray Moody is repairing the buildings on the place to which he will move the first of the year.

The box supper at Rich Land last Saturday night was well attended and was the best behaved and nicest crowd one ever saw. The supper bought $70.15.

We knew we had the pretty girls: Miss Gertrude Whisenant got the cake for the prettiest girl.

We have the ugly men, but Dixie ran Dr. Garrett for the ugliest man, but we can beat them for that. The women put up Mr. Tom Barnes of Rich Land and it was all off. He got the cake on short notice.

With best wishes for the Cornish News we write again thanking them for the space to introduce our little town…

Now the school is full. We will put our school against any country school in the state. We have the best teachers it was possible to procure. Miss Dora Fredholm has taken charge of the primary department; she is lately from Oklahoma City and the patrons are highly pleased with her work.

Mrs Lee is not better, she has been real sick for the past few days but think she will recover soon.

Mr. Leo Hughes, the cashier at the Orr bank, is going to leave the first of December and locate at Ware, Oklahoma where he has a better position.

We are intending to have a Christmas tree for the Sunday school. This is the place for schools of any king. All we ask of the people is to come and see. Our professor is from Missouri and you have to show him, and our school board is of the best material and that is what it takes to make a good school. Watch our town grow.

Joiner Jolts
Almost everyone has finished gathering their crops and are preparing to begin another crop.

Mrs. Sneed, the assistant teacher, was called to the bedside of her mother in Nashville, Tennessee who is seriously ill.

Mr. Bert Joiner of Ardmore was here the past week.

Mrs. Rebecca Diel and children of Sapulpa visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clark, last week.

There will be a big box supper here next Friday for the benefit of the Joiner band.

Little Marie Mobley is quite sick.

Uncle Farley Worsham is on the sick list this week.

Rich Land School District 16
The following students of my school are awarded merit for good deportment and well prepared lessons and have not been tardy nor absent during the month ending November 26: Dora Walker, Bertha Long, Eva Collier, Clayborn Borders, Laura Borders, Stella Borders, Beulah Borders, Elmer Auld, Fred Auld. Signed J. H. Wilcox, Teacher

Social Hop
One of the most enjoyable affairs of the season was the social hop given at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson last Friday night. The house was elaborately decorated with holly and mistletoe. A string orchestra furnished music for the gay crowd throughout the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cloughley assisted Mr. and Mrs. Jackson in receiving. Misses Ethel Downing, Norma Wilson and Maley Johnson presided over the punch table.

November left us with quite a heavy rain, December coming in clear and cooler.

No weather for hog killing what few that killed have had meat.

Ben C. Heald and wife left for their future home in Wyoming on the 22nd. Miss Mary Sowell accompanied them to Ardmore to see them off.

Mrs. M. H. Ingram left for Colbert on the same day.

Our roads are getting some much needed working.

Why can we not have a more direct road to Cornish?

W. C. Newton was in our city last Saturday.

Two weddings Sunday week: Mr. Emmet Chase and Miss Rosie McKnight, Mr. Will Culbertson and Miss Bessie Watson.

Prof. Sowell and sister visited Wheeler oil wells Saturday.

Our school is progressing nicely. There are 108 enrolled.

Mrs. W. H. Ingram and daughter, Mrs. J. A. Love of Colbert, spent the night at the parental home.

Miss Gillie Orme is visiting Lindsay.

Another Child Plays with the Fire
Editor of the Cornish News a little two-faced, a palavering hypocrite says Fox Norton, the great (two columns of editorial comments)

Durant Child Drops Dead
Durant—While playing on the sidewalk in front of her home, Sylvia, 11 year old daughter of J. D. Rankin, fell dead. She had been subject to heart failure for some time.

Killed in Fight at Ardmore
Ardmore—Charles Clements is dead here from bullet wounds received in a fight on the streets. Jake Lewis was placed in jail. Clements was wounded three time in the chest with a .45 caliber gun.

State’s Witness is Killed
Paducah, Ky.—Tom Cooper, a relative of Milton Oliver, chief witness in the night rider cases to be tried this fall, has been shot and killed by night riders. Three of his murderers are said to be under arrest.

Shot While Watering Horse
Hartshorne—With a bullet hole in the head, the body of Joe Evininski ahs been found in a lake at No. 5 mine here. He left his house to water his horse and when he did not return, a search was started and the discovery of his body was made.

One Wreck Victim Dies
St. Louis, Missouri—William Hoffman died in a hospital here Monday from injuries received in a wreck in which 17 passengers were hurt, some seriously.

Mangum—W. M. Davis, a section hand, was found dead in the railroad yards at Mangum. The manner in which he died is a mystery.

Tuttle—Lee Powell has been arrested at Tuttle on charged with stealing two mules from the farm of Robert Babbs, three and one half miles from Tuttle recently.

Orlando—Otto W. Paul of Orlando, Oklahoma has been transferred to the flagship Connecticut in the navy yard at New York for duty in the pay department under D. W. Nesbitt, paymaster.

Hominy—O. R. Dildine, who lives northwest of town, suffered what may develop into fatal injuries. He had gone into the field for a mower and while driving his wagon home, the wheels struck a snag throwing him out and catching his leg in one of the wheels. The team kept up a brisk walk and before he could stop them, he had suffered a broken leg and serious internal injuries. He is 60 years old

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