The Cornish News
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
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The Cornish News
Cornish, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
January 7, 1910
MRS. DUDLEY died at her home five miles south of Cornish
last Sunday morning after ten days of illness. She leaves
a husband and several children to mourn her death.
MRS. MCKNIGHT died at the home of her son in Healdton
last Tuesday morning. She was 88 years old and her death
was due to her age. Parties were here from Healdton last
Wednesday for a casket and burial robes.
MRS. JONES died at her home in Cornish yesterday after an
illness of only a few days. The family has been sick for
the pat two or three months and they are in desperate
circumstances. She leaves a husband and several small
Death of J. D. PRUITT
As reported in last weeks issue, J. D. PRUITT died
at his home four miles northeast of Cornish. He shot at a
picnic at Orr 10 miles southwest of Cornish some six or
seven years ago by BEN COLLINS, deputy U. S. marshal, who
was later killed near his home at Emmet some three years
ago. The bullet lodged in Pruitts spine, paralyzing
him in the lower limbs. Not withstanding his almost
helpless condition, he still managed his businesses and
accumulated an independent fortune at the time of his
death. He bought a farm near Cornish where he built a
modern residence and made other convenient improvements,
which is valued at $10,000 besides his valuable
personable property. It was his request to be buried in a
vault where the remains were placed with Masonic rites,
Thursday, December 30.
Out of Town Happenings
Healdton, January 1, 1910
The old year left us with warn and pleasant. The A. F.
& A. M. installed officers on the 27th. W. D. LEAGUE
(TEAGUE?), W. M.; J. W. MASSEY, S. W.; J. R. ALLEN, J.
W.; W. C. NEWTON, treas.; C. H. HEALD, secretary.
quite sick for the past week.
W. R. INGRAM and wife were on our streets this week.
DR. L. B. OXFORD visited Hewitt the 28th.
PERRY MOORE, an old time resident of this section, died
yesterday near here. He has just moved back from west
Texas. He leaves a wife, children and friends.
J. H. SMITH has closed out his store to J. W. ORME.
Mr. FAULKNER and wife were here yesterday.
J. H. WOMBLE, was called to Ardmore due to the illness of
his son-in-law MR. SEXTON.
Near Cornish
S. G ODOM and A. P. TURNER made a business trip to
Waurika this week.
JIM RANDELS will build a new home
MRS. FRANK HARRIS spent the day with MRS. S. G. ODOM
MRS. AMELIA ELAPENDERS is on the sick list.
MISS LEE OLIVER is visiting her sister at Atlee.
MRS. ALLRED and MRS. MORRIS spent the day with Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. ODOM Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. WALTER PICKETT of near Asphaltum spent
Sunday with his brother A. P. TURNER.
To the Voters of Jefferson County
I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate
for the office of sheriff of Jefferson County, subject to
the action of the Democratic Party.
I was born in Sabine County, Texas, Feb. 20, 1878 and
came to Atlee in 1899, married at Atlee in 1901, was the
first elected Precinct Committeeman at Atlee and was the
first constable elected.
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