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The Cornish News
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
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The Cornish News
Published in Cornish, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
January 5, 1912

Some Items

Advertisement; N. E. BROOKS of Cornish, money loaned on real estate


Buys Business Property

A deal was consummated the first of the week whereby G. C. HARRIS became the owner of the business property owned by C. GIBSON & Sons on the corner of main and seventh streets…



ELBERT C. CRIBBS and Miss BRUNETTIE GRIFFEN were married at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A. MCCROREY last Sunday night. Justice of the peace W. C. HOGAN, officiated. Miss Griffen is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Griffin who reside a few miles east of town, and Mr. Cribbs resides at Bromide. They departed the same night for Ardmore and from there to the home of the groom where they will reside in the future.


GEORGE BYRAM of Dixie was here a few hours Wednesday on business. He reported business dull at Dixie.

Mr. & Mrs. SPENCER MELTON returned from Turkey, Texas last week where they resided last year. They will remain in this vicinity during 1912 and Mr. Melton will try dry farming.

T. L. HERELL of Hewitt was here Wednesday and enrolled his name on our readers list.

FRED GILLEY is reported sick this week.

HARVEY ALLRED has the foundations complete for his new residence on his farm five miles west of town and will rush the building to completion.


S. O. TALIAFERRO of Leon was here Wednesday en route to his father J. B. TALIAFERRO, of Joiner and while here called at this office and paid his subscription for a year in advance.

W. W. WOODWORTH spent a couple of days in Addington looking after his lumber business there.

REV. CUMBY has been called to the pastorate of the First Church at Cornish and is moving his family here from Addington.

REV. RUSSELL will preach the Methodist church next Saturday night and Sunday at 11 and at night.

LON BURTON of Asphaltum was in Cornish Monday and had the News job department print him some cards describing a mare that was stolen Dec. 2.

FRANK HAMILTON informs the NEWS that he will farm next year and will occupy the MRS. PATSY MEYERS farm a mile south of town.

DR. DOSSEY informs the News that he will remain in Cornish and will again practice medicine which it was necessary for him to neglect while he was arranging for the manufacture of his patent heater.

Kraut in one gallons cans for 35 cents per can at W. F. MCQUAID’S.

TOM CATES of Reck attended the Masonic lodge here last Saturday.

School opened again here last Tuesday morning after a weeks recess for the holidays.

PROFESSOR C. M. ELDER was transacting business in Ryan and visiting friends and relatives near Claypool last week.

M. E. HARRIS returned here from an extended in the interests of the Cornish Orphans home.

H. W. BECKHAM moved B. B. BECKHAM and family to Ryan where they will reside in the future.

G. L.TYSON was a business visitor last week.

R. J. CREEL did service on the jury commission the first of the week.

Justice of the peace, W. C. HOGAN, informs us that he has made several souls happy during the first year as j. p., having married many couples up to midnight of Dec. 31.

L. P. HOWARD of Waurika, representing the Singer Sewing Machine Co., was here the first of the week on business.

DR. W. J. DOSSEY arrived home from Oklahoma City where he had been for the past three weeks looking after the manufacture of his patent heating stove.

AUSTIN TAYLOR who is attending the Gunter College at Gunter, Texas is spending the holidays with his parents at Asphaltum. He visited his grandparents, ELDER and Mrs. F. M. TAYLOR the first of the week.

T.J. GRAY of Addington was in Cornish Monday.

PERRY WEBB of Fort Worth was here.

W. R. HISER and son CLARENCE HISER who live five miles northwest of town were in Cornish. Mr. Hiser paid the News three subscriptions, one for himself, one for Clarence and one for his son in TWO BUTTES, COLORADO.

J. W. MOORE of Healdton was in Cornish and subscribed to the News.

CHARLEY GRAHAM left the first of the week for Gainesville, Texas in search of employment.

FRANK SCIVALLY of Orr who had the misfortune to lose heavily in a fire at Orr last Saturday night was in Cornish Tuesday afternoon on personal business. He stated that he would rebuild his store in the immediate future.

MISS BLANCHE DULANEY went to Ardmore and spent several days with her sister MRS. OTHO MURPHY and other relatives and friends.


Orr News

Our holidays passed off pleasantly. Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time.

On Sunday, Christmas eve, the M. E. preacher preached a fine sermon on Christ and had a large audience.

DR. & MR.S T. F. GROSS entertained Prof. BRADSHAW, Mr. & Mrs. ARTHUR MATTHEWS, JOHN GRIZZELL, MISS MARGUERITE BYRNE, CLARENCE HALE and HILL WALLING at dinner Christmas eve. They report a very fine dinner and enjoyable time.

WALTER HODGESON and MISS MARTHA BALCOMB were married Christmas eve. They have a host of friends who join together in wishing hem a happy future.

Orr suffered a great loss Saturday night. The city hall, Scivally & Hodges store and furniture store were totally destroyed by fire. The flue originated in a defective flue in the city hall.

JOHN PALMER and JOE WALKER left Thursday for Dallas where they have accepted positions with the Murray Gin Co.

J. H. GRIZZELL made a business trip to Ardmore Saturday.

T. H. SELF’S family are moving this week to the place formerly occupied by BRYCE SCIVALLY.

ERN TAYLOR is building on his farm at Woodland and will move soon.

Mr. & Mrs. FLAY ROBERTS entertained the young people with a dance Friday night.

Miss CORA CATES of Reck visited Orr Saturday.

Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Mrs. NETTIE KNUDSEN were married Christmans eve.

Mr. VIRGLE GIDDENS left Monday for Louisiana on business.



Professional R. O. DULANEY for real estate, loans and insurance in Cornish

J. H. SMITH, physician and surgeon in Healdton

Livery Stable with P. H. CARTER. Prop.

Bill the Barber, stop first door north of Creel’s store in Cornish

SID SMITH, blacksmith in Cornish

South Texas Lumber Co. with HARVEY ALLRED, manager in Cornish


W. C. DOWNING returned from Ardmore the latter part of the week where he spent Christmas with his family.

Rev. RUSSELL, pastor of the Methodist church here, has under consideration plans for the building of a Methodist church at Cornish. The building is greatly needed here and the News is willing to render all the assistance in our power.

G. T. BENNTT and W. E. CONNER of Waurika were in Cornish on business.

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