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Miscellaneous Facts (and other info) on Jefferson County
Facts about early Waurika and Jefferson County:
The first town lot sale was held June 18, 1902. About 3,000 people attended.
In January 1902, the first train stopped in Waurika.
The first building on the town site was a homestead cabin belonging to James McGraw. He came from Burlington IA.
The first school, a frame school house, was built in the summer of 1902 on Beaver Creek in the west part of Waurika. When it was completed, an all-town dance was held in the building.
The first teacher was Miss Neoma Helm of Walters, Cotton County, OK.
The first school house was also home to the first Sunday School. It was known as Union Sunday School. Mr. D. S. Huffman was the superintendent.
Now the Waurika News-Democrat, the town paper was originally known as The Waurika News. The first edition was published Friday, September 18, 1902.
Tom P. Fry was the first editor. J. L. Morgan later became the second editor.
The first obituary published in The Waurika News was that of an infant with the surname of Murray.
Waurikas first post office was in a tent and Mr. C. Lincoln McGuire, Lawton, was the first postmaster.
Dr. G. H. McHenry was Waurikas first doctor.
Kelly Brothers was the first drug store.
The first baby born in Waurika was born to a destitute family who was passing through town. The baby was named Waurika.
A Rev. Drew, Congregationalist, was the towns first minister.
The original Waurika cemetery was located east of town in Section 6, 5S, 7W, at an old Indian burial ground.
The Kelly brothers, owners of the drug store, were directors of the towns first bank: Bank of Waurika. It opened June 23, 1902.
A Whist Club was organized in October 1902. Among its members were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Landon and Mr. and Mrs. Klotzer.
At the first school election, November 1902, Virgil Davis was elected director, C. A. McBrian, treasurer, and Tom Fry, clerk.
Irving School opened the first Monday in January 1909. It served as a grade school until the end of the 1958 school term. It was then used as Waurikas City Hall.
The original Waurika High School opened in March 1910. It later became Hillcrest Elementary School. A brick home now stands on the site.
J. D. Huffman owned the first car in Jefferson County. It was purchased in 1909.
Waurika incorporate in May 1903. The first city officers were: C. A. McBrian, mayor; Tom Fry and C. E. Trayer, councilmen; D. S. Huffman, justice of the peace; D. M. Bridges, clerk; Joe Dillard, assessor; and Dave Morris, treasurer.
The towns first brick building was built by S. B. McCulloch and completed in the summer of 1903. It was located on the NW corner of Main and D Avenue. Later that site became the home of the Stuard-Nall hotel.
At one time around 1906-1907, Waurika was home to nine saloons. Waurika was known as the town without a stopper.
The first cotton gin was built in Waurika in 1904 and belonged to J. S. Lang and Son.
Jefferson County became a county in 1907. The first commissioners were N. P. Giles, J. F. McClure, and J. M. Bound.
The first baby born in Jefferson County was Jesse Grogan. He was born in 1907, a few hours after Oklahoma became a state.
Mrs. Hattie Thompson and Alfred A. Simpson were issued the first marriage license November 18, 1907; Judge G. M. Bond issued the license.
The Stuard Opera House opened in 1907. Manager was Hays Dillard.
In 1923, East D Avenue was the first street in Waurika to be paved. Main Street was paved in 1925.
Ads from The News, July 1910:
Money to loan small amounts on good town property. Address A. F. Care News Office.
Picture frame worth $5, this week at 98¢.
For Sale Cheap My team, buggy and harness. L. W. Tarkenton at Tarkenton and Bollingers.
Go to Broaddus & Mize to buy all kinds of building material. They have the lumber that pleases you.
$5.00 down and 1.00 per week buys a sewing machine at J. J. Taylors Furniture Store. Prices range from $20 to $50.
Broaddus & Mize is the place to buy your feed and hay. They handle nothing but the best and their prices are right.
We will buy all kinds of chickens and pay market prices. Uptown office.
At Waurika Meat market you will find fresh eggs and fat chickens from our Poultry Ranch, or phone 72 when you need anything in our line.
Goodrich Sewing Machine, $40 value for $25 at Allens 5 and 10¢ store. We also sell the New Model $25 sewing machine for $18. Better get one while these prices obtain.
FOR RENT Brick business house in Comanche. Shelved for drygoods and
groceries next door to postoffice, second door from First National Bank.
One of the best business stands in town.. Apply W. E. Alexander at Waurika
National Bank or First National Bank, Comanche.
For sale A responsible party thinking of buying a piano can have my upright
for storage or I will sell for balance of payments due. It is a $400.00
piano used 6 months good as new, over 1/3 paid for. Payments $10.00 per
month or big discount for cash. Address D. C. care of News.
Submitted by Sheridan Brandon Drowatzky .
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