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Miscellaneous Facts (and other info) on Jefferson County

Facts about early Waurika and Jefferson County:

Ads from The News, July 1910:

Money to loan small amounts on good town property. Address A. F. Care News Office.

Picture frame worth $5, this week at 98¢.

For Sale Cheap – My team, buggy and harness. L. W. Tarkenton at Tarkenton and Bollinger’s.

Go to Broaddus & Mize to buy all kinds of building material. They have the lumber that pleases you.

$5.00 down and 1.00 per week buys a sewing machine at J. J. Taylor’s Furniture Store. Prices range from $20 to $50.

Broaddus & Mize is the place to buy your feed and hay. They handle nothing but the best and their prices are right.

We will buy all kinds of chickens and pay market prices. Uptown office.

At Waurika Meat market you will find fresh eggs and fat chickens from our Poultry Ranch, or phone 72 when you need anything in our line.

Goodrich Sewing Machine, $40 value for $25 at Allens 5 and 10¢ store. We also sell the New Model $25 sewing machine for $18. Better get one while these prices obtain.

FOR RENT – Brick business house in Comanche. Shelved for drygoods and

groceries – next door to postoffice, second door from First National Bank.

One of the best business stands in town.. Apply W. E. Alexander at Waurika

National Bank or First National Bank, Comanche.

For sale – A responsible party thinking of buying a piano can have my upright

for storage or I will sell for balance of payments due. It is a $400.00

piano used 6 months good as new, over 1/3 paid for. Payments $10.00 per

month or big discount for cash. Address D. C. care of News.

Submitted by Sheridan Brandon Drowatzky .


This page last updated Sunday, December 22, 2024

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