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The Ringling Booster
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


The Ringling Booster
Published in Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
February 22, 1923


James Leftwich passed through Ringling on his way home at Comanche. He had been on a business trip to Ardmore.

J. F. Reynolds from off Big Mud visited several days in Oklahoma City on business, returned via O. N. & F. railway.

Mrs. Earl Rachel, whose home was here for some time but now residing in Healdton where her husband is employed in the Moore Grocery at that place, came in Tuesday to visit with friends in and around Ringling.

Berry Sessums from east of town was a Ringling visitor Tuesday and listened to some of the proceedings of the court.

D. L. McLain was a Ringling business visitor Tuesday and was in the courtroom pat of the time.

Miss Odie Jones spent the last week with her brother, Percy Jones at Healdton.

Lon Burton from the Asphaltum community was in Ringling Wednesday looking for the tax assessor.

N. R. Green from north of town was a Ringling visitor Wednesday on business and viewing the sights.

Elsa Goldsmith of Atlee was a visitor in Ringling Saturday. He is making arrangement to go to Oklahoma city for physical examination and to make application for vocational training.

W. T. Hilton of Ardmore was on the streets or Ringling Saturday shaking hand with many of his old time friends and attending to business.

Miss Inez Roff and Mrs. Charley Roff spent the week and visiting relatives and friends in Duncan, returning the first of this week.

E. T. Awtrey from the Mountain Home community was a Ringling Saturday telling "how it should happen."

Jess Kerby of Ardmore was a Ringling business visitor Saturday. His business was pertaining to the oil interest in this part of the county.

Tobe Gibson, living north of town, was a business visitor here Saturday and said he would not sell his interest in Cornish as he felt sure now that the railroad will build through close to his holdings.

M. L. Allen from Grady was a business visitor in Ringling Saturday and now stated that a good gasser was now puffing and snorting near his holdings and that he felt sure that would be a gusher brought in soon, and that he would not figure how the Rock Island railroad could miss Grady.

W. Brady of Sayre, Oklahoma visited his daughter, Mrs. Pearl Hendrix at Ringling for several days. He had a car of apples shipped to Wilson and was in this part of the county while they were being disposed of.

Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Bates left early Friday morning for Oklahoma city and other towns north and east on business and to view the country. They motored the round trip.

W. C. Baird west of Cornish was a Ringling visitor Saturday and reported his children who were down with flu and pneumonia, were improving fast, thought the little boy who was so bad with pneumonia was not yet out of danger.

James Fletcher from off Mud Creek was a business visitor in Ringling Friday.

T. B. Burns for Zita, Oklahoma was a business visitor from Ringling Thursday and Friday. Mr. Burns owns some property here and had been hearing the news that there is liable to be a railroad built through here soon, and he was just naturally interested, he left Saturday for his home.

Sam Coffee from near the mouth of Big Mud was a Ringling visitor Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. H. B. Torbett of Ardmore spent a few days in Ringling last week visiting her parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Harwell.

Ed Owens of Grady was a Ringling business visitor Wednesday.

Sam Elkins of Loco spent Sunday with friends in Ringling.

George Williams is at Stillwater on business this week.

A large crowd attended the dance at the Big B Hotel Saturday evening.

O. O. Hollingsworth delivered a Buick sport model car to Mrs. J. H. Meeks this week.

Charles L. Piper, traveling representative of the Lincoln Paint and Color Company of Dallas, called on the Long-Bell Lbr. Co. Tuesday.

Paul B. Grattin, traveling for the National Mfg. Co. of Sterling, Illinois, called on the Long-Bell Lbr. Co. Tuesday.

Mr. & Mrs. A. Matthews and Bernice Rickett and Misses Cross and Crenshaw visited Grady friends Sunday afternoon.

Miss Mary Holman of Ardmore spent last weekend with friends in Ringling.

Mrs. C. C. Derrington and daughter of Oklahoma City spent a few days this week visiting D. G. Reynolds and family.

Leonard Reynolds of Electra, Texas spent Saturday and Sunday with his uncle Dave Reynolds of west of town.

J. P. Story of Dallas is spending a few days here with his son Joe Story.

Miss Tina Harwell spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Wilson.

Roberta Williams who has been suffering with appendicitis is much improved at this time.

Mrs. Bruce Hall was shopping in Ardmore Thursday.

Misses Virgie Barnard, Floyce Ratten, Irene Wardlow, and Mrs. Homer Tipton spent Sunday in Healdton.

Mrs. A. W. Kincaid of Wilson is visiting Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Gordon.

J. P. Dulaney and others left Tuesday in the afternoon with Jack Muller who became very ill with appendicitis, taking him to the Hardy Sanitarium at Ardmore for operation.

Mr. & Mrs. P. H. Carter took their daughter Kathleen to Von Keller Sanitarium last week for a slight operation.

Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Cook of Madill were visiting in Ringling last week.

Mrs. Rom Grizzell of Orr visited in Ringling.

George Ramsey of Healdton was a business visitor in Ringling Saturday.

Jesse Kirby of Ardmore was here Saturday on pleasure and business.

W. W. Woodworth made a trip to his ranch Saturday.

Mrs. Shirley Holman and children of Ardmore spent Friday with Ringling friends.

J. L. Evans is spending a few days at Cushing with friends and attending to business.

E. P. Wright, a blacksmith, who lives and runs a shop about 12 miles east of Addington, sent in a report Wednesday that some careless person slipped into his shop and took away one of the largest anvils he had--the reason he knows the person was a careless one, he failed to leave instructions as to how long he wished to keep the anvil--didn’t even leave his address.


Ringling School News

Mrs. D. E. Roller and son Duane jr. returned Friday from Chickasha where the latter underwent an operation. He is at present doing nicely.

Mr. Krumtum returned home Monday because of the illness of Mrs. Krumtum.

Mr. Dossey and Morris Hammond spent the weekend in Ada. They returned late Monday night, but Mr. Dossey was called back on account of the death of his uncle.

We are glad to hear that George Roberts, former student of Ringling High, is on the debate team of Norman High school. We hope that he will have as much success as we have had thus far.

Mr. Parry announced Monday afternoon that track work will start immediately in preparation for the County and District track meet which will be held in the latter part of April.

Mr. Parry received word that his application for admittance into Yale has been accepted. He will probably enter the law department in the fall.

The members of the faculty and some of the students of the High School are preparing a program which will be broadcasted from the radio broadcasting station at the Hardy Sanitarium at Ardmore. The instructors in fine arts will present their students in public recital on Tuesday evening, February 27.

Carmon Harris, Editor.

The debate Saturday night resulted in victory for the local team. We believe the Ringling debaters are superior to the Walters team … After the debate, Coach Parry entertained both teams and several others in the form of a party. This is Ringling’s first victory in debating. Thanks Coach Parry. The girls will next contest the winners of the Lawton-Marlow debate.


Clean-up Day

May Davis has set Friday, March 2, as clean up day. School will be dismissed for the afternoon. Let every one meet at the Hudson-Houston Lumberyard at 1:00. Captains will be appointed and with leadership and organized loyalty, wonders will be accomplishes. Bring your team and wagon or truck. Everybody boost and work.


County Court

Court court convened here Monday morning. County judge E. L. Dillard; county attorney W. F. Shipp; sheriff Joe Ballard; deputy sheriff R. A. Grimes; county clerk Mrs. Anderson, attorney Hays and Mrs. Dillard; judge Dave Bridges; attorney Pruitt and attorney John Harper, all of Waurika, and attorney martin of Healdton were all on duty, assisted by deputy sheriff C. C. Griggs and constable J. M. Colson. The jury in the case of the State of Oklahoma vs. Wash Johnson returned a verdict of not guilty. Johnson was charged with transporting. The jury in the case of the State of Oklahoma vs. Som (Sam?) Wall brought in a verdict of guilty and assessed the punishment at 30 days and $50.00. The case of the State of Oklahoma vs. Ellis Sparks, the charge being one of petty larceny, the jury’s verdict was not guilty.


Valentine Party

Miss Verie Jones, one of our Ringling teachers, entertained her class and five teachers on Wednesday at the Liberty Café, when red hearts carried out the color note in the decorations of the room. The favors for the guests were suggestive of Valentine Day, being small baskets filled with heart shaped cookies. A three course dinner was served. Between each course a descriptive contest was held, and other games were played. Those being present: Hazel Rice, Mary McAulty, Ruth Fletcher, Lena B. Stotts, David Spradling, Grady Henson, Erby White, Misses Calhoun, Wann, Bernice Dulaney and Mr. Barry.


Kidwell’s Entertain

Honoring Mrs. Moore and daughters, Misses Inez and Ella May of Ardmore, Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Kidwell, entertained on Monday evening at the home of Douglas Dillard, southwest of Ringling. The feature of the evening was dancing and cards.


Miss Self Entertains

Miss Goldie Self entertained at a Valentine party on Wednesday a number of friends at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A. A. White.

The home was beautifully decorated in hearts. A large number was present and all enjoyed the evening. Refreshments were served consisting of sandwiches, coco and heart shaped cookies.


Mrs. Calvery and daughter Fay were the guests of Mrs. Walter Kendrick for luncheon Sunday.

Floyd Sappington left Saturday for Smackover, Arkansas.

Jessie Evans, Wanie Arner, and Frankie Johnson were the guests of Lillian Baker for luncheon Sunday.

The young people enjoyed a party at the home of Sam Owings Saturday night.

F. S. LeBeau made a business trip to Ardmore Saturday.

Miss Frankie Johnson, Thelma Dunford, Henry Whitner and Mary Dunford visited friends in Orr Saturday.


Scott Sullivan Dies

Mr. W. B. (Scott) Sullivan, one of the oldest and best known citizens of this part of the county, died at his home in the North Center Point community Friday morning about 2:30 and was buried in the Dixie Cemetery at 4:30 p. m. Friday. Uncle Scott, as he was called by all of his friends, was entering his 85th year when the end came. He was loved by all who knew him. His two brothers, George and Tom Sullivan, are the only relatives that this writer has any knowledge of and the deceased had made his home with them for several years, he having never married. The funeral was conducted by the Masonic lodge of Loco, assisted by the other lodges of the country. The part of the country in which he lived so long… The M. E. Church has lost a faithful member…



This page last updated Sunday, December 22, 2024

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