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The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


The Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
November 26, 1925

Old Kit Dead

Old Kit, faithful servant of W. B. SKELTON, a patron of Route 2, quietly passed over the river on November to that country where good mules go. Kit was 35 years old. She was born of a good parentage near Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas in October 1890 and became the property of W. B. Skelton about her fifth birthday. She served him faithfully until about 3 years ago when her strength began to fail, but her kind hearted owner allowed her to have a home with him the remainder of her life. Kit was a mule of unusual character.

Little Bits about Folks and Things

WILL KING, a farmer residing a few miles west of Ringling, returned Friday from Atkins, Arkansas where he sold a valuable tract of property.

Ringling football team lost the game at Burkburnett, Texas last Friday by a small score.

Constables will have a paying business after January 1, 1926 if they take advantage of the new auto tax law, which gives constables ¼ of the fine imposed on auto users who have complied with the law.

D. E. PARKS, teacher in mathematics, is spending Thanksgiving with relatives in Norman.

MISS LUCILLE MCCORY, CARMON HARRIS, and D. K. SPRADLING, students at O. U. from Ringling, are spending Thanksgiving at home.

The ALLEN NAWES Players have a front page this week telling about their fine show in Ringling beginning Dec. 30 and continuing the week.

MRS. CURTIS PRICE returned from Oklahoma City where she made a short visit with relatives, but left her little girl for a longer visit.

MRES. NORA MCKASSON continues seriously ill.

Mr and Mrs. JOHN G. RYAN’s baby died in the Von Keller Hospital on Monday night and was buried in the Dixie cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, REV. J. RUSH GOODLOE conducting the funeral services.


Auctioneer at Wirt, Oklahoma… Col. W. H. CLOWER

City Barber Shop.. W. M. COLSON, proprietor

New Location, STEWART Barber Shop now in East door of HAMM & WORSHAM’s new brick building. TOM STEWART

B. & W. Variety Store, let us announce the new arrival of our new laces at prices from 5 to 20 cents per yard


W. E. OWINGS of Grady passed away following an illness of several weeks, and was buried at the Grady Cemetery Tuesday.

Our good friend M. E. HARRIS is receiving weighty encouragement to make the race next year for State Commissioner of Charities and Corrections.

Mrs. J. W. SHERFEY who returned from the hospital a few weeks ago is able to be up and about the house part of the time.

December 3, 1925

Baby Ryan Dies in Ardmore Hospital

Mr and Mrs. JOHN G. RYAN’s baby boy, John, jr., yielded to the grim reaper Death on November 23, 1925 following thirty days of suffering from stomach and bowel trouble. Baby Ryan was born August 31, 1925...

Thankfully Received

MRS. BESSIE CARTWRIGHT requests the Eagle to tender her heartiest thanks to the Roxanna Thimble Club for the nice Thanksgiving dinenr give her by the club. Mrs. Cartwright is a worthy example of the Thimble Club’s consideration and it is always on the lookout to bring good cheer to such persons.

Little Bits about Folks and Things

STATON MCCRORY drove to Ardmore Sunday with his sister MISS LUCIE who has returned to O. U.

SHIRELY WILLIAMS’ name was omitted by mistake from the list of O. U. students from Ringling who came home for Thanksgiving.

Mr and Mrs. J. T. TRIMBLE and daughter Dimple of Duncan spent Thanksgiving with former neighbors.

Mr and Mrs. J. R. CROW of Healdton spent Thanksgiving with W. H. HACKLER and family.

J. D. HANNA returned Monday from Floydada, Texas where he visited with relatives.

REV. WILLIAM N. WHICKER, missionary of Enon Association, is conducting a B.Y.P.U. training school at the Baptist Church this week.

MRS. R. E. L. WORSHAM and children spent part of the week with relatives at Colgate, Tupelo and Milburn.

MISS ROWENA SNODDY, daughter of REV. and MRS. G. E. B. SNODDY of Milburn is spending the week with her aunt, MRS. RE. E. L. WORSHAM.

W. H. ROFF attended the Stewards’ Conference at Ardmore Monday.

Mesdames E. D. KELLEY and O. E. BAXTER spent the weekend with REV. and MRS. COOK at Denison, Texas.

REV. and MRS. BAIN are now citizens of Ringling and are actively engaged in church work.

Mr and Mrs. A. L. MEANS with their son DONALD, Mr and Mrs. EDWARD CAPPS and baby girls JOYCE and ANNA MARIE, of Waurika and D. K. SPRADLING of O. U. met under the parental roof Thanksgiving and made Mr and Mrs. D. F. SPRADLING and children much happier by their presence.

MISS HANNAH ASHBY’s school near Claypool opened Monday.

MRS. J. F. STEVENS and little daughter VIVIAN returned from Sand Springs on Nov. 25 where they attended the funeral of MISS CLARA MONTGOMERY, a relative.

ANDY HARWELL bought a fine herd of Jersey cows at Sulphur and drove them across the country to Ringling.

Messers. CLAUD FLETCHER and JOHN CARTER and families of Healdton, joined by Mr and Mrs. J. R. CROW, helped to make Thanksgiving a happy day in the home of Mr and Mrs. W. H. HACKLER.

GLEN TURNER of O. U. spent the weekend with his parents.

Mr and Mrs. H. M. KIDWELL entertained on Thanksgiving Mrs. W. H. ISHERWOOD and son FRANK and Mrs. LEHN and Mrs. BUTLER and son BILLIE of Tuskahoma, also Mr and Mrs. NED TURNER and daughters LAURA and MILDRED at Davis.

MISS JACQUE JACKSON returned Sunday from a short visit with friends in Marietta.

MISSES BILLIE GREEN and HAZEL RICE and Messrs. GEORGE ROBERTS and HUGH ROFF spent a few hours in Wilson on Thanksgiving.

Mr and Mrs. J. G. HOLLAND of Ada have taken charge of the Cornish Orphans’ Home as local manager and matron.

Z. L. BOLES of Ardmore transacted business here Friday.

MISS MONTIE JACKSON who has been attending a business college in the city was at home over Thanksgiving.

MISSES BILLIE GREEN and WILLIE RICE and Mrs. WALLAS RODGERS took dinner in Oscar with Mr. Rodgers and CLAUD HARRIS on Thanksgiving.

Ringling football team lost the game at Lindsey on Nov. 26 by a score of 20 to 0.

MESDAMES M. A. GILCREASE and C. B. MORRIS attended the meeting of the Roxana Thimble Club at Wirt Monday.

MRS. G. W. LANG of Waurika came here Tuesday to assist in completing arrangements for the Pure Food Show.

JUDGE SPRADLING and son OLIVER took a fresh air and sunshine drive to Rubottom Sunday afternoon.


At GEM THEATER one week: Thursday night, December 3, Universal special, ‘Big Timer’ and Real Gump Comedy; Friday night, December 4, Paramount ‘Sack, Cloth, and Scarlet’ with comedy; Saturday night, December 5, Paramount’s big feature, ‘A Son of His Father’ with 2 reel comedy; Monday night, December 7, a big special, ‘Not So Long Ago’ with comedy.

December 19, 1925


Mrs. MARY ELLEN COGDILL, wife of J. L. COGDILL, died at the home of her sister, MRS. LEE WOODS, in Cornish at 11 p.m. in December 5, 1925 following a long illness.

MRS. COGDILL was born at Hickory Valley, Arkansas May 29, 1876 and came to this community in early life. She was married here to J. L. Cogdill in 1895 and united with the Baptist Church in 1896.

Her husband, eight children, one sister, Mrs. Lee Woods, and one cousin, MRS. C. C. BROWN of Dundee, survive her. All were present at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon and the remains interred in the Cornish cemetery. Thus passes another good wife, devoted mother and good Christian. All friends and neighbors unite with the Eagle in heartfelt sympathy and condolences for the bereaved ones in this said hours of grief.

Mrs. Gibson’s Thanks

MRS. MATTIE GIBSON asked the Eagle to thank the Ringling firefighters and all that assisted them for saving her hotel from destruction by fire last Friday.

Gone to Her Reward

The death angel has visited another home in our community and this time claimed MRS. NORA MCKASSON, who had been ill for several months and bedfast for several weeks. Mrs. McKasson was born on Oct. 10, 1870 at Sparta, Mississippi and came to Cornish in early days. She was a Christian lady and rejoiced in a Savior’s love through her suffering. She was also a member of the Rose Chapter, O. E. S. Two sisters, three brothers, and a host of relatives are left to mourn her going. The remains were laid to rest in the Cornish Cemetery on Dec. 5, following her death on Friday at 11 p.m.

Little Bits about Folks and Things

Mr and Mrs. J. E. THOMPSON of Prague are visiting their daughter, MRS, HENRY KYKER and studying the Pure Food Show put on by the Baptist ladies.

REV. WILLIAM N. WHICKER conducted a B.Y.P.U. training school last week and lodged at the of Henry Kyker.

See MRS JOHN ALLEN, the Franklin representative, for ladies’ beautiful ready-to-wear.

Marcelling at my home just north of Hudson Houston Lumber Yard. MRS. MCANULTY

REED KYKER was winner in the tacky party at the Baptist Ladies’ show Saturday.

FRANK BERRYHILL and H. A .STANLEY of Ardmore attended the meeting of the K. P. lodge here Monday night.

MRS. JOHN HANCOCK of Perryton, Oklahoma has been visiting her relatives and former neighbors in and about Ringling for a few weeks and returned to her home.

W. R. HOGAN of Waurika came over and on his return home took with him MRS. EDNA ELLIOTT and twin daughters, MARTINE and DARLENE who will visit relatives at Waurika.

Majestic Theater is the name of Ringling’s new theater in the new brick home.

MRS. J. RUSH GOODLOE and little daughter returned with Rev. Goodloe last week from Clovis, New Mexico where they had a narrow escape from Mr. HARDY’s home in Clovis which burned ten days ago.

I.H. HORTON, Scout executive, has been working here for a few days with the scouts, and put on a good program at the auditorium Tuesday night.


For sale--a few choice silver lace wyndotts cockerels and pullets. Three miles west of Reck. Mrs. A. H. TAYLOR

Pecans--I want 20,000 pounds choice pecans …. W. B. EAGLE, the pecan man at Ardmore

For high-grade Jersey milk cows, see T. A HARWELL and BOB ROACH at Ringling. They have them now by carloads.

BUD HARRIS’ Tailor Shop, the tailor and hatter.

Ringling School Takes Part in English Survey

The University of Oklahoma is taking a state-wide survey of English this year. For this purpose it using Pressay, a diagnostic English tests, consisting of four parts, 35,000 students in various Oklahoma schools are taking three tests… What we are really after is to find where the child is weak in English. It is a well known fact that as a people, we know less about English than any other subject, when in fact, we ought to know more. These tests enable us to know exactly where we stand. There is no guess work about it. Two years ago the state of Oklahoma ranked just exactly two years behind the rest of the nation, taken as a whole in the subject of English…

Card of Thanks

We heartily thank our friends for their help and words of good cheer during the long illness of our companion, mother and sister, Mrs. Mary Ellen Cogdill who died on Dec. 5, 1925. Again we thank you. Signed J. L. COGDILL and children and Mr and Mrs. LEE WOODS

Card of Thanks

We make grateful acknowledgment to the many friends of Ringling for their beautiful floral offerings and kind expressions of sympathy in the late bereavement of our sister, Mrs. Nora McKasson. Your sincere condolence has been a great solace to us in our loss. Signed Mr and Mrs. B. B. BECKHAM and MRS. JOHNIE STEHENS.

December 17, 1925

Ringling Schools Select Debate Squad

The Ringling debate squad for this year promised to be one for the best in the history of the school. Those composing the team are QUIDA JACKSON, MORRIS DULANEY, SULLIVAN ASHBY, and LOY GORDON. Severn judges ere used in selecting these… The judges: J. T. DANIEL, O. E. FISH, D. E. PARKS, HELEN FORSYTH, MARY BLANCHE HARNESS, INEZ ROFF, and Mrs. BAXTER…

Ringling Basketeers Trounce on Temple in Opener 23 to 9

In the first conference basketball game of the season, Ringling overwhelmed Temple by the top sided score of 23 to 9. Neither team had had practice this season. Ringling had practice two days while the Temple team had practiced but two days. The Ringling lineup was composed of KILE GAMBLE, VICTOR WALLACE, ROBERT COTTON, OTTO KENDALL and TOM WALLACE. Substitutes were SULLIVAN ASHBY and RUDOLPH FULSOM. Otto Kendall was the star of the game.

Asphaltum News

ROBERT T. NICHOLS and his sister JESSIE left Ringling Dec. 10 for Fort Worth where they attend the Brantly and Draughn business college on a life scholarship held by them for sometimes but owing to difficulty in getting their cotton picked this season, they could not enter earlier.

MR. BURGOMY departed Thursday for college in Dallas, Texas.

MISS IVA NICHOLS motored to Ardmore Saturday to do her shopping for the season.

MISS EVALEE MCCAULY spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Iva Nichols.

MRS. A. BROWN of Asphaltum has lost a Kodak No. 2--a Brown filled with a roll of film and will reward the person returning same to her. It is a gift from her mother.

The American’s Creed

I believe in the United States of America and the principles of Freedom, Justice, Equality and Humanity upon which it was founded and for which our American Patriots have given their lives and fortunes. I believe it is my duty towards my Country to love and support its Constitution, to obey and defend its laws, and to defend it against all enemies.

Little Bits about Folks and Things

LOCIAL JONES arrived here Dec. 10 from Honolulu where he has seen service in the Coast Artillery and Air Department of the Uncle Sam’s defense.

MISSES LULA and IRENE MCCAULY spent a few hours with friends in Waurika and Ardmore Saturday and Sunday.

$25.00 reward for arrest of conviction of pecan lifters is offered by DR. EDWARDS.

DR. SNEED of Waurika has announced Friday and Saturday of each week as his dates for doing dental work here.

Mr and Mrs. WALTER HARRIS have a very sick baby.

WALTER WYATTE now an employee of O. G. & E. Co. at Ringling, left for Madill Tuesday where he will meet with his father Col. GEORGE WYATTE and accompany him to Marian, Texas for a few days rest and treatment.


MISS IRENE MOSES, age 18 years of McMann, and MR. EMMITT DOSS, age 25 of Ringling, appeared before Judge W. C. HOGAN Dec. 13, 1925 and demanded the marriage ceremony by him which he consented to solemnized on presentation of license. Both contracting parties are well known here and many are the good wishes for their success and happiness.


MRS. NORA RITCHEL of Bowie, Texas is visiting relatives here.

MISS GOLDIE KIR of Velma and MRS. T. V. QUAINT of Loco took up on themselves the marriage obligations on Dec. 10 before JUDGE J. P. WADE.

Coach Parks Awards 12 Football Letters

Twelve Ringling footfall players of this season will receiver R’s for this season’s work in football. In receive a letter, a player must have played as much as 50% of the quarters of the season. The boys to receive these letters are as follows: TOM WALLACE, SULLIVAN ASHBY, ROBERT COTTON, GEORGE WILMOTH, WASDE HARVELL, CECIL COLSON, LOWELL HARWELL, OTTO KENDALL, CLAUD MCCRORY, WILLIE MCANULTY and VOLNEY HAMM. In addition to a letter, each player receives a sweater. The boys elected as their captain for next year, Robert Cotton (could be Colton) who played end this year.

Whiskey and Men Caught

B. A. ADAMS, deputy sheriff, arrested three men and captured 8 gallons of whiskey on Monday. W. B. BESHEARS and LEE SMART were taken in a car with one-half gallon, as reported to us, and the men placed in jail and the car confiscated. H. D. LINTON, a farmer three miles north of Ringling, was found at his place with 7 ½ gallons and lodged in jail, according to information received.

December 24, 1925

Dr. Dossey’s Barn Burns

Tuesday morning, Dr. DOSSEY’s barn and its contents were destroyed by fire. His car was in the barn and all burned together, even his surgical instruments, which were in the car. The total loss was near $1000.



As an incident of the fire at the DULANEY gin o Dec. 17, BOB WRIGHT injured by a fall from the press floor of the burning building. Mr. Wright seems to have been blinded by the smoke and fell in his efforts to get away from the flames.

Notice to Contractors

Bids are solicited for construction of a new school house at South Mud Creek. Plans and specifications may be had from the clerk of the board, J. C. GARDNER, Claypool. Bids will be opened January 5, 1926. CHARLES C. MORRIS, county superintendent.

Mr. Leaden Hurt by Machinery

COLE LEADEN, a driller for the Rowe & Homer Drilling Co., on Humble Lease, south of Vernon, Texas, was seriously injured on December 15 and placed under treatment by Dr. DOSSEY of Ringling, by order of the company physician, Dr. OGDEN. He is staying with his daughter, Mrs. ROY DRISKILL of Atlee while his injures are further improving. Cole’s primary hurt seems to be a broken rib which resulted from a back stroke of a lever. Following first aid treatment, he came to the home of his daughter, Mrs. CHRISTINE TINDAL at Ryan and then to the home of Mrs. Driskill where he will stay for a few weeks.

Judge WADE Kept Busy

Aside from his other duties as justice of the peace, J. P. WADE keeps busy solemnizing marriages as Christmas draws near. On a Saturday night, Mr. CLETUS MOORE, sales clerk with the Ringling Motor Company, approached Judge Wade, armed with the proper license and leading a lovely 18 year old daughter of one of our farmers, WILL KING, and requested the marriage ceremony. Mr. Moore and MISS TEMPIE KING became Mr and Mrs. CLETUS MOORE.

On Sunday, Messers. EUGENE STEELE and HERMAN GUY of Wilson appeared before said officer, accompanied by two sisters, MISSES HATTIE MAE WRIGHT and BESSIE LEE WRIGHT of the Belville community and called for his friendly services in closing the marriage contracts between them in a double ceremony. Thus the judge consented to do as soon as licenses were presented and the first step in starting two Wilson homes was consummated.

On December 21, OTTO PHILLIPS of Ringling and MISS RUBY HARPER of Orr aroused Judge Wade and called for the marriage ceremony, and no time was lost in adding Mr and Mrs. Phillips to the list of Christmas marriages. These newly weds will begin their career a few miles north of Ringling.


Mr and Mrs. W. D. BRIGGS and Mr and Mrs. LORES BRIGGS of San Antonion and Mrs. C. C. COLDWELL of San Angelo, Texas are visiting father and mother H. M. WILLIAMSON, Mr and Mrs. E. J. BEAN and other relatives during holidays.

VICTOR CROWELL is leaving for Ardmore to attend the beside of his grandfather, M. R. HARDY.

Mrs. W. S. GILLEY was called to Nocona last week by the serious illness of a relative and returned with Mr. Gilley and Mr. DARNELL Sunday.

On Dec. 19, Mr. JAMES A. WATSON and MISS GODA MAE DEATON of Loco were married at the Methodist parsonage by REV. J. RUSH GOODLOE. They were accompanied by several friends.

Baby HARRIS Dead

The infant child of Mr and Mrs. CHARLIE HARRIS died early Sunday morning after several days illness. The remains were laid to rest in the Cornish cemetery in the afternoon of the same day. Our hearst vibrate in sympathy for the bereaved ones.

Mash and Two Stills

Two big stills and a large quantity of mash with stilling equipment are the reward of a raid by the sheriff’s force on December 16 on South Mud Creek, southeast of Waurika. Sheriff DRISKILL, JOHN MASSEY, B. A. ADAMS, ODUS WALDEN aided the raid. Signs appear about this distillery indicated that a big run of whiskey had been made a few hours before this catch. No owner or operators were found.

Little Bits about Folks and Things

W. E. EACHIN transacted business here Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. J. D. RICHMOND of Elk City are spending Christmas with their daughter, MRS. PAUL R. HEDLUND and family.

Mrs. A. F. EPPERSON and Mrs. OVELLA IVY of Clovis, New Mexico arrived Friday to for the holidays with friends and relatives.

CLAUDE MCCRORY and LOWELL HARWELL made a drive to Oklahoma City Friday for the Ringling Motor Company.

H. G. RAMSEY of Weatherford spent the week with his brother, L. R. RAMSEY and family.

Miss VELLA MAE SAMPLES and Miss OVELL RACKLER, students in O. C. W. at Chickasha, came home for the holidays.

MAURCIE HAMMONS who has been attending Brownwood College in Brownwood, Texas is spending Christmas with home folks and friends.

Miss LUCILLE MCCRORY, SHIRLEY WILLIAMSON, CARMON HARRIS and D. K. SPRADLING, O. U. students from Ringling, were with home folks for Christmas.

B. M. REEVES of Frederick, now O. U. student, spent the weekend here with other students from O. U. and with his uncle, H. S. REEVES, a Ringling cotton buyer.

ROY STOTTS, who has been attending school at Sherman, Texas, and staying with his father, SIM STOTTS in that city, has returned to spend time with his mother, MARY E. STOTTS and other relatives here.

R. R. MILLER, expert mechanic in the employ of the Ringling Motor Company, is reported recovering from an attack of influenza, which ahs help him prostrate for several days.

Mr and Mrs. BRUCE HALL of Garber, Oklahoma came to Ringling to join the home circle around the Yuletide fire.

JOHN STIDHAM continues with us in the land in the living, but evidently he is close to the line which separates this and the next world.

MISS HANNAH ASHBY, teacher of the BEAN school near Claypool, came home for the weekend and reports her school making satisfactory progress.

Mr and Mrs. NATHAN ALLRED returned December 17 from an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. R. O. DULANEY and family of Fort Worth and Mrs. P. BENNETT and family of Breckenridge, Texas.

Judge Hogan’s Marriages

JUDGE W. C. HOGAN officiated the following marriages not heretofore reported in the Eagle:

On Dec. 13, MISS LAURA BRANDT of Alma and MR. MRRIS LANE of Duncan.

On Dec. 17, MISS LARA BEAMS of Simon and MR. A. B. GLENN of Zita.

On Dec. 17, MISS CORA VERNON and MR. G. M. DARBY, both of Healdton.

December 31, 1925

Reunion dinner was given on Christmas day in honor of Mr and Mrs. H. M. WILLIAMSON at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. J. BEAN. Besides the sons and daughters who reside near Ringling, there were present from abroad: Mrs. CULWELL of San Angelo, Mr and Mrs. M. D. BRIGGS and their married son, LOREE BRIGG and wife of San Antonio, G. A. WILLIAMSON and family of Anadarko were no present. The other sons and daughter were present. This dinner was planned for the grandmother and grandfather Williamson while the Texas children were visiting here. It was a happy day for all and the happiest perhaps, for Mr and Mrs. BEAN who called the gathering at their home.

Gather Home for Chistmas Dinner

Christmas day was a most enjoyable day for MRS. M. A BLEVINS. The children decided to make it doubly so by gathering home for a reunion. The dinner which was given at Mrs. Blevins’s home, consisted of two large turkeys and all that goes with such a feast. After feasting, everyone felt as though he would never be hungry again. Mr. FRANK BLEVINS entertained the guests at his home in the afternoon with a dinner dance. It was an enjoyable afternoon for all present. Those present were; Mr and Mrs. FRANK BLEVINS and ARCHIE BLEVINS of RINGLING, CLARENCE BLEVINS of Kansas City, Missouri, Mrs. NEVADA CHRISTLEY of Marshfield, Missouri, Mr. MICKEY of Tuckey/Turkey, Nebraska, FRANK PEARSON and NATHAN WHITE of Ringling.

STILIE Produce House Robbed

Housebreakers entered the produce store of STILLIE Produce Co. Sunday night and carried off furs and hides estimated at $500.

Freshman Party

The freshman class was entertained on the evening of Dec. 22 at the home of Miss LEAH HACKLER. The first part of the program was attending the movie show at the Majestic Theatr. Returning to Miss Hackler’s, games and other appropriate amusements engaged the remainder of the evening. A fishing box was one of the most enjoyable features of the engagements. Refreshments were served near the close.


Mr and Mrs. JAMES FLETCHER called their children and grandchildren for dinner on Christmas day. Besides Miss RUTH, the youngest daughter, the following were present: J. W. FLETCHER and family of West View, C. R. FLETCHER and family of Healdton, LES WILLIAMS and family of Healdton, L. E. STEVENS and family. It was a real feast day with father and mother.


MISS FRANKIE VAUGHN age 24 and MR. CURT MURDOCK age 31 were married on Dec. 22 , Judge WADE officiating. Both parties are of the Grady community and will continue to reside on the farm, according to our information.

T. A. ROBERTS Favors Ringling Car Owners Here

Just as auto owners of Ringling were about to crank up for a drive to other towns for car licenses, T. A. ROBERTS of Ryan came to our relief. Mr. Roberts, assisted by two stenographers, MISS PEARL REED and MRS. E. C. HUNDLEY and his son BOYD ROBERTS, opened an office with Harper & Roff Monday and gave Ringling the most obliging service this community has received in a long time. The Eagle wishes to thank Mr. Roberts and his obliging aides for their friendly service and asks this community to accept the same as a Christmas gift from them.


J. F. ROSE and family have returned to their farm east of Ringling.

J. W. JONES and family have moved into their new home on Fifth street.

HOYT HARWELL, foreman of the Eagle office, is spending the holidays in Arkansas with friends and relatives whom he has not seen for a dozen years.

CORBETT KRUMPTON of Lincoln, Nebraska, brother of J. C. M. KRUMPTON, former superintendent of Ringling schools, spent Christmas with friend here, following a short visit with his brother and family at Weatherford where Professor and Mrs. Krumpton are teaching.

R. M.. HUDDLESTON and son, FRANCIS, of El Paso, Texas took Christmas at the former’s sister, MRS. J. W. SHERLEY, leaving Saturday for Tulsa and thence to Hillsboro, Texas to visit other relatives.

Mr and Mrs. BUCK COLLINS of Wilson attended the White Christmas program at the Baptist Church Thursday night and REV. C. A. COMBIE and family accompanied them home the next day for Christmas dinner in their home.

DOCTOR and Mrs. J. L. TAYLOR were made happy Christmas day by th presence of MRS. M. J. BULLARD of Crawford, Mr and Mrs. O. D. JAMES and Miss BESSIE TAYLOR of Oklahoma City and Mr and Mrs. H. A. ENGLISH of Healdton. These with the younger children at home feasted on two big gobblers prepared for the occasion.

JOHN STIDHAM has so much improved since last week.

S. E. MORRIS of Geronimo visited with Ringling relatives during the holidays.

Uncle TOM SAWYER spent Christmas with JAMES FLETCHER and family.

Mr and Mrs. A. L. MEANS and son DONALD remembered the paternal board at Christmas dinner.

Mrs. L. B. HODGES and children of Wilson visited with Mr and Mrs. M. P. VAUGHN over Christmas day.

Mr and Mrs. L. C. GARRETT were feasted at Christmas dinner in the home of Mrs. JOINER in Ardmore.

NORMAN HUNTER and CHARLES HUNTER of Ardmore spent part of the holidays with their grandfather, W. S. GILLEY.

JOHN MOORE of Healdton found time to visit his Ringling friends and relatives during the holiday season.

MISS ELMA WADE and MISS BILLIE RICE motored to Healdton and other oil field points Christmas day.

MISS MURIEL SHELLENBURGER of Marietta is spending the holidays with Mrs. W. R. HARRIS.

Mr and Mrs. I. HARMON motored to Sarrill (Teral?) Friday and ate Christmas dinner with their daughter, Mrs. CHECK WILLINGHAM and then returned home.

RICHARD HOGAN and baby boy, JIMMIE DICK, of Strong City, found a few hours to spend with W. C. HOGAN and family during the holiday season.

Mrs. EATON GALLOWAY, daughter Miss INEZ, and sons RILEY and CLEO of LaMesa, Texas, visited with Ringling friends and relatives the weekend.

Mr and Mrs. PINK LOWERY of Loco and Mr and Mrs. J. M. ROBBERSO were the guests of Mr and Mrs. PHIL H. LOWERY at Christmas dinner.

Family Reunion

Mr and Mrs. J. B. SIMPSON called their sons and daughters and grandchildren home Christmas day and stared with them a big turkey dinner. All their children were present except MRS. NILLIE MURREY of Houston.


Miss ALLIE LEE MUSIC of Oscar and Mr. OSCAR H. MILLER of Antlers were maried before Judge W. C. Hogan on December 25. Mr and Mrs. Miller remained with relatives until Sunday and then departed for Antlers where they have planned their home.

Holiness Revival

BROTHER ALFRED MEEK is conducting a revival meeting at the mission near the depot. On Dec. 31, services will be continued to the hour of midnight and the old year ended and the new year begun in the midst of prayer and hallelujah songs.


GROVER PEMEBERTON, one of our best known farmers, became tired of single life, sought the hand of Miss IRENE DUMAN, and escorted her to the marriage alter on December 24, Judge Wade officiating. Both parties reside in the Cornish community and have many friends who wish them much happiness and increased prosperity. We are informed that Mr and Mrs. Pemberton will engage in farming and poultry growing.


Electric Shoe Shop fully equipped to make repairs on shoes, harness and saddles. Drop in and see our machinery. T. F. MORRIS, prop.



This page last updated Sunday, December 22, 2024

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