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The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


The Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma

Some Items

Thursday, August 3, 1922

Carter County Nominees
W. F. FREEMAN for district judge
W. F WINFREY for county judge
E. C. LONDON for sheriff
J. L. HODGE for county attorney
J. J. LASSEY for court clerk
FRED HAINEY for county treasurer

Ringling Picnic
We were authorized to announce in last week’s paper that a picnic and barbecue would be held on August 16 and 17.

Monday Trades Day Winners
R. CASSILL, $2.50 for best stalk of cotton
J. D.JOHNSON, cups and saucers for best ears of corn
G. M. HENNESY, 48 lbs flour for best melon
W. M. MAC??, No. 3 wash tub for best chickens
LUTHER ALLEN, one dozen fruit jars for best peaches
MACK WRIGHT, $10 for best horse colt
F. HELMS, $10 for best mule colt
TOSS INGRAM, 50 lbs of block salt for best brood mare
S. PRICE, $10 for best pair of matched horses
H. M. GIBSON, $10 for best calf
R. W. SAVAGE, lariat rope for best horse and saddle
The judges were T. J. NOLEN, M. SELLERS, and J. C. HARTSELL.

Notice to Jefferson County farmer, prairie dogs are doomed. I request that all land owners infested by prairie dogs to drop me a card giving the location of land by section lines and approximate acreage infested. J. T. GREEDLEE, field foreman for exterminating ‘dogs’

Local News Items
T. K. MCKASSON, one of our oldest home citizens, has been sick for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. CRAWFORD of Grady were among our Trades Days visitors Monday.


MISS RUBY MCCLURE of Honey Grove, Texas is visiting MISS LUCILLE MCCRORY.

MISS CECILE MOORE arrived Sunday from Edmond where she attended the Summer Normal.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BAKER met here Monday their daughter MISS LILLIAN who was returning from school at Norman.

R. F. BROWN, the first district clerk of this county, was among the voters Monday in R. H. WILSON’s interest.

J. C. DILLARD purchased the IRBY residence and moved into the same a few days ago from his ranch neat Atlee.

MRS. A. C. BARNARD and daughter MISS VIRGIE left for Fort Worth on vacation.

J. M. HARRIS, merchant, tailor and practical hatter, suits cleaned.

MRS. C. A . CUMBIE and children will leave this week for Magnolia, Arkansas to visit relatives.

REV. C. A CUMBIE returned from visiting relatives in Fort Worth, Dallas and Cleburne, Texas.

CHARLIE GARRETT, former resident of Ringling, died at El Dorado, Kansas last Thursday and his remains were buried at Kaufman, Texas.

JOHN IRBY, after selling his property at Ringling a few days ago, moved to Ardmore where, it is reported, that he will purchase the drug store in the MULKEY Hotel Building.

F. M. COLLIER and family are on their vacation and left last week for Chicago, St. Louis and other places.

MISS MORINE RYAN of Ardmore returned home after visiting her friends, the MISSES JACKSON.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DELINGER arrived in Ringling after stopping for several days at Sulphur, following their marriage in Oklahoma City three weeks ago.

R. E. SINGLETON of Courtney made us a pleasant call Monday and subscribed for the paper.

MRS. RUEL MITCHELL of Gainesville is the guest of her aunt, MRS. L. B. JACKSON this week.

Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND URE have rented rooms from MRS. J. F. JONES and moved into them Monday.

MISS QUIDA JACKSON is spending the week with relatives in Gainesville.

Mr. and Mrs. JACK HARRIS of Abilene, Texas are the guests of CHARLES HARRIS and family this week.

Mr. and Mrs. SAM BANNISTER of Duncan are visiting the J. P. DULANEY family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. DULANEY of Healdton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DULANEY last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. PINKNEY TURNER have just returned from Bighart where they visited their daughters MRS. IDA BAUCOM and MRS. HORTENSE TRIPP.

Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM CARR and their daughter Miss BEATRICE are visiting friends and relatives in Durant.

R. F. MOORE and son will open an up-to-date grocery in the building formerly occupied by the Ringling Drugstore.

Mr. and Mrs. JOE WILLIAMS returned last Friday from visiting friends and relatives near McKinney, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. STEWART of Oklahoma City answered the summons last Wednesday to attend the funeral of her brother, NOEL HARWELL, and are visiting here for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. TURNBAUGH/TURNBOW/TURNBOUGH and Mrs. FLORA SIMMONS returned from visiting at Oil City.

MRS. W. E. HAMMONDS and son MAURICE who has been in summer school at Ada came home Saturday.

Mrs. D. F. SPRADLING was called to Wilson Monday to the bedside of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. MEANS, who will undergo an operation for dislocation of the collarbone.

Marietta Man Slain
Marietta, July 31--BILL RHODES, a farmer, was shot and instantly killed within 200 yards of the back door about dusk Saturday evening… Rhodes is said to have been a good neighbor in this section and no object of the crime could be drawn.

Thursday, August 10, 1922

People’s Refinery to Open
E. D. SMITH of Oklahoma City was in Ringling Friday looking after the interest of the People’s Refinery here which has been idle for several months. The company has purchased the eight miles of pipe line from the oil field to the refinery and is in better position for getting crude oil. E. D. PRIDDY, who for five years has had charge of the Nyanza Refining Company at Wilson, will move to Ringling and have charge of the People’s Refinery. It has a capacity of 1500 barrels per day and, when in operation, furnishes employment for a number of men at good wages.

M. J. H. UNDERWOOD and MISS NINA MARY DILLEN were married in Ringling August 8.

EUGENE DAVIS and MISS MARY ALLEN were married in Ringling August 8.

C. of C. Banquet
On Friday night of last week the Ringling Chamber of Commerce gave a banquet for the benefit of the members and the entertainment of their families and friends. This said to be the first of its kind in Ringling and proved a very enjoyable affair. Fifty-four plates were served and many fine speeches made by members and friends.

Eagle Office Robbed
On Monday night the Eagle was broken into and robbed of a large number of word lists of the Bee Hive Puzzle Contest…

Local News Items
J. M. BULLARD, C. S. BULLARD and Z. R. BULLARD of Waurika, who are friends of EDWARD CAPPS, were among the diners at the Editor’s home Sunday, as they were all returning from a visit to Fox.

J. P. DULANEY and family visited HARVE ALRED Sunday near Dixie.

HERSHEL SHAW and family visited with MR. WILLIAMS and family who reside a few miles west of Ringling.

Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD CAPPS and their baby of Waurika with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. MEANS and their baby took Sunday dinner with the D. F. SPRADLING family.

WILL NEWMAN of Dixie was in town transacting business Tuesday.

O. O. HOLLINGWORTH and son CLYDE visited in Chickasha.

MRS. N. A. DULANEY and son HARRY left Tuesday for Antonita, Colorado where they will be joined by MISS BERNICE DULANEY and vacation for a month in Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. JOE MYERS were transacting business in Ringling Monday. Mr. Myers’ brother had surgery for appendicitis in Chickasha.

A. MCCRORY, J. W. JONES, C. C. WALLACE, and E. J. BEAN attended the meeting of the county Democrats. W. P. HARWELL represented the Cornish precinct.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. GREENWAY who are visiting in Ringling extended their visit by motoring to Waurika and visiting with another relative, F. E. DRISKILL.

S. H. HARGIS of Ada, father of MRS. L. B JACKSON, is visiting his daughter here. He was 90 years (another item stated 80) old Tuesday and is as active as any fifty year old man.

C. L. MCCOMAS and family of Ardmore spent Sunday with MRS. G. A. TURNBOUGH.

W. F. WALKER of Orr, former citizen of Cornish, was among his old friends Friday.

LUMONT CHADDICK of Ardmore visited his mother, MRS. H. J. ALLEN Monday and then went to Dallas where he will work for the Western Union.

ELVIA WALKER of Orr is visiting relatives in Ringling.

F. E. DRISKILL of Waurika visited the ZACK STIDHAM and his relatives, the J. D. GREENWAY family visiting from Durant.

Monday morning began the marriage chimes anew. MISS PEARLIE DANIELS and C. D. SKAGGS were married. Miss Daniels lived at Hewitt and Mr. Skaggs at Wilson. Both are young and promising futures, beginning their married life at Wilson.

Thursday, August 17, 1922

J. H. DILLARD Entertains
Friday night was made memorable to many by the hospitality of J. H. DILLARD who entertained a number of guests and visiting friends at his home near Ringling. Dancing was a feature of the entertainment. ‘The MORRIS FIVE’ of Ringling furnished the music. For those who thought the evening too warm for dancing, games were arranged. Among the visiting friends, DR. and MRS. JOHNSON, JUDGE and MRS. JAMES H. MATTHEWS of Ardmore, Mr. and Mrs. EARL MORRIS and MISS RUTH BIFFLE of Waurika. Mrs. L. B. JACKSON and MRS. H. M. KIDWELL presided as hostesses and maintained their reputation as hostesses and planning events…

MRS. NANCY UNDERWOOD, former resident of Cornish, visited MRS. WILLIAM DULANEY.

Atlee Rebekah Lodge meets Tuesday evenings in Oddfellows Hall. MRS. MARY LITTLE, president.

B. & C. Oil Company, E. J. BEAN, manager, Phone 23, Ringling

On August 11, in Sulphur, Thelma, the 8 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. STEWART of Ringling, passed to her reward on the other shore. She was taken seriously ill July 4 and was taken to Sulphur for treatment. Funeral services were conducted by REV. J. W. BULLIS, pastor of the Baptist Church, Saturday afternoon at the pavilion. Her remains were laid to rest in the Oddfellows’ Cemetery. …

Local News Items

MISS MARY MCNAULTY and MISS HATTIE KYKER are attending the B. Y. P. U. assembly now in session at Falls Creek near Turner Falls which is the regular assembly grounds for the Baptists.

MRS. J. M HARRIS and children have returned from their visit.

MISS OTHELLA and MISS MARIE DULANEY of Fort Worth are visiting friends and relatives here.

MISS OLLIE SAUNDERS of Cornish has been ill.

MRS. IDA BAUCOM and MRS. HORTENSE TRIPP of Bighart are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. PINKNEY TURNER.

BRYAN CALLOWAY has returned.

Mr. and Mrs. WILL CANINA of Burkburnett are visiting relatives at Orr.

Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND HELMS of Davis arrived here Saturday for a short visit with her mother MRS. J. C. COX.

MRS. MARY LITTLE of Atlee visited in Ringling.

Mrs. M. E. HERRINGTON of Orr is spending the week with her son.

NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE PENNINGTON of Sunset, Texas is spending the week with his father S. I. PENNINGTON.

MARTIN GREEN of Pauls Valley, caretaker or guard at the Boys’ Training School there, is visiting his daughter MRS. S. I. PENNINGTON. Mr. Green has been employed at the School for seven years.

M. E. HAM and family and his mother MRS. W. R BARNES are visiting relatives at Lone Grove.

MRS. J. P. JONES and daughter MISS ALMA are visiting the L. B. JONES family.

MRS. RUBY HUNTER made a business trip to Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. JOHN CORNISH of Wilson, who are preparing to make their home in Ardmore, are visiting in Ringling.

Thursday, August 31, 1922

First Cotton in Ringling
Two bales of cotton were ginned at the Dulaney Gin last Saturday and sold on the Ringling market Monday. CLAUDE FLETCHER was the first on the market and sold at 21 cents and the second bale at 22 cents. Ginning and wrapping were free and a premium of $24 was paid on the first bale and $12.50 on the second bale. E. W. KENDELL, manager of the Ringling gin, and J. L. HARPER, canvassed the town for these premiums.

New Babies
Born in the family of HENRY CHAMBLESS, a girl on August 6.
To the family of A. COURTNEY, a boy on August 12.
To the family of WILLIE JONES, a girl on August 14.
To the family of J. D. DAVIS, a girl on August 18.
To the family of CAM PATTERSON, a boy on August 19.
To the family of LON ALLEN, a boy on August 20.
To the family of FRANK BLEVINS, a boy on August 22.
To the family of W. M. COLSON, a girl on August 24.
All the babies are fine and doing well.

Saturday night was the time and Ringling was the place for solemnizing the marriage rites between MISS BEULAH DAVIS and ED THOMAS who reside west of Ringling. Both are young and have promising futures. They will reside near their parents.



This page last updated Tuesday, February 04, 2025

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