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The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


The Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma

Some Items

Thursday, January 5, 1922

Charley Bradford
CHARLEY BRADFOR, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. BRADFORD, died at his fathers house near Ringling last Saturday after a brief illness. He has been afflicted a long time with asthma, which was no doubt the indirect cause of his death. He was a good man, devoted to his parents…. He was baptized into the Christian Church about five years ago. His remains were laid to rest in the Cornish Cemetery on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Suitor Dies at Prairie Pump Station
Mrs. HODNEY SUITOR died Friday at the Prairie Pump Station three miles east of Ringling. Mrs. Suitor was the wife of an employee of the Prairie Pipe Line Company and had resided at the station for only a few months. She died suddenly from blood poison. Her remains were laid to rest in the Ardmore Cemetery on Saturday where they were accompanied by friends and neighbors from this section. A husband and three children are left to mourn her loss. REV. A. E. WATFORD, pastor of the M. E. Church here, administered the funeral rites at the gravesite.

Old Folks Remembered
Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE W. RACHELL, our good friends and neighbors of Cornish, are well in the lead for good things for Christmas gifts. From their daughters, MRS. CALLIE KIRKLAND, MRS. PEARL LEVERETTE, MRS. ABBIE LEVERETTE and granddaughter EUNICE PHILLIPS, all of whom live in Muskogee, came boxes and packages filled with clothing, shoes, Christmas eats, past numbering. MRS. WILLIE RACHELL, their daughter-in-law, presented them with a fine cured ham. To make their pleasure complete, MRS. R. L. MAY prepared for them and other relatives an abundant Christmas dinner.

Three Hogs Make Big Returns
W. S. GILLEY reports to the Eagle that he killed three hogs last week that make him 1000 pounds of meat and 54 gallons of lard. Mr. Gilley is not in the livestock business but grew the hogs on the scraps and leavings from his table with bran and chops added.

Mrs. Evans Entertains
One Tuesday night, MRS. J. L. EVANS entertained a large number of her young friends. MISSES REED, who are attending school here, were central to the Mrs. Evans’ program. The rooms were beautifully and fitting decorated for the occasion… MRS. FLOYCE RATTAN assisted the hostess.

Mrs. CHARLES E. GARRETT Entertains
MISS MONTIE JACKSON and MISS MARGARETTE BOTES were favored Tuesday night by an entertainment in their home given at her home by MRS. CHARLES E. GARRETT. Elaborate plans were tastefully planned and carried out with Christmas amusements and dainty refreshments. MISS JACKSON and MISS BOTES reside in Ardmore but have lived in Cornish and Ringling. They returned to Ringling to spend part of the holiday with friends and former school mates.

Local News Items

W. S. BILLINGSLEY of Madill, formerly of Ringling, was among the visitors this week.

Professor and Mrs. J. B. MONICAL and son LEWIS of Loco were Ringling visitors during the holidays.

MISS EUNICE LONG arrived in Ringling Sunday from Durant where she visited with home folks.

The Eagle acknowledges this week a New Year’s gift in the form of a year’s subscription form N. G. JACKSON, formerly an officer of the First National Bank of Ringling, now at Floydada, Texas. Mr. Jackson reports dry weather in his country but the wheat is still growing.

W. B. HUTTON of Tulsa is visiting his sister, MRS. C. A. CULBERTSON, who resides near Ringling. The brother and sister had not visited in 26 years and this Christmas is the first one they have spent together in 35 years. Mr. Hutton is 74 years old and will spend the winter here.

DR. PAUL HENDRIX and Q. M. SPRADLING were in Loco on business last week.

ORVILLE FISH returned to his studies at Abilene Christian College at Abilene, Texas.

MISS OMA CORNISH and MISS GRACE CORNISH spent Christmas with relatives in Oklahoma City.

S. T. MORGAN, L. S. DENNIS, and FRANK CRAWFORD, postmaster of Grady, were Ringling visitors Sunday.

DRE. L. B. SUTHERLAND has moved to Wilson and will take charge of the Wilson Sanitarium.

RILEY HOGAN and D. F. SPRADLING motored to Peter’s Ridge, a new oil town in Garvin County.

W. L. HILTON and family of Ardmore spent several days last week visiting in Ringling and Loco.

EARL ADAMS of the City Drug Store was in Oklahoma City on business.

ERNEST HALL of Tucumcari, New Mexico, spent Tuesday with the BRYAN family in Ringling.

MRS. M. CARR was baptized in the Christian Church on Sunday night.

REV. W. J. STEWART of Walters, formerly presiding elder of Ardmore district, was in Ringling Saturday.

The Sunbeams will present ‘Mother Goose Village Missionary Meeting,’ a nice little play, at the Baptist Church next Sunday at 8 p.m.

MRS. G. M. FORD spent last weekend with her sister in Wynnewood.


Following a short but pleasant vacation with home folks at Amity, Arkansas, MISS OLIVIA TEAGUE answered roll call Monday morning and took up the school work.

MISS DOROTHY YOUNG returned from the cooler climate of Enid and settled down at Ringling for the rest of the winter with classes.

A. C. SPANNEGAL and W. E. SPANNEGAL and families of Randlett visited with I. HARMON family during the holiday. They are old friends.

Professor and Mrs. S. L. STEALEY, who spent the holidays with relatives at Wynnewood and Oklahoma City, are back in Ringling.

MRS. W. H. HURST and granddaughters, ELIZABETH and LOUISE BOWRING, have returned from their visit with relatives in Norman and are with MRS. HURST’s sister, MRS. N. A DULANEY, this week.

MISS BERNICE DULANEY, one of our home teachers who has held a position in the Ringling school for six years, visited friends in Healdton during the holidays.

C. M. WOOTEN and family moved to Ringling Saturday from Pike and Mr. Wooten will take charge of the ALLEN Wagon Yard.

MISS HATTIE LANCE returned Sunday from her holiday visit with friends in Lawton.

C. W. RAMSEY and J. L. EVANS, who own and operate the Liberty Café at Peter’s Ridge in the new Garvin County oil field, were in Saturday winding up some unfinished business here.

Professor and Mrs. D. E. ROLLER returned Sunday from Chickasha where they visited during the holidays.

RICHARD HOGAN, who has been holding a position with W. R. HARRIS, left for Dallas where he will find employment.

Car tools found. For more information, see Q.M. SPRADLING at the Eagle Office.

Our good friend, J.H. GILLISPIE, will open a restaurant at Dillard next week while Mrs. GILLISPIE will conduct a rooming house in Wilson. They are not selling their home in Ringling.

G. T. GARDNER and son, THOMAS, paid the Eagle office a pleasant call Saturday.

MISS BONNIE TURNER returned to her studies at Edmond where she is taking the teacher training course.

C. C. GRIGGS and family of Comanche moved to Ringling last week where they will now make their home. Mr. Griggs will function as enforcement officer.

MISS VELMA ELLIOTT, MISS EDNA DRISKILL and WILLIAM RIDDLE came in Sunday afternoon from Ada where they visited friends and home folks.

For Insurance, call Phone 7, HARPER & ROFF.

Ringling Mattress Factory, G. M. SEHORNE, proprietor.

JOHN R. DULANEY, who holds a position in Duncan, spent the holidays with his mother and sister in Ringling.

MRS. LARUA CARTER was on time for the opening of school after she spent her holidays in Cheyenne.

MISS JUHRE ROBBERSON spent a few days of the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ROBBERSON.

MISS JOSEPHINE WAINSCOTT returned from her Texas home and was at her teacher’s desk Monday morning.

MISS JEANNE NICHOLAS called the 2nd and 3rd grade pupils of the Cornish school to order in due time Monday morning after her vacation with home folks in Snyder.

Thursday, January 12, 1922

Z. T. REED Crossed the River
A. T. REED, father of O. A. REED and C. Z. REED of this place, quietly passed away January 6, 1922 at the Hardy Sanitarium in Ardmore at the age of 74 years. MR. REED had bee very feeble for several months, and in order that he might have proper medical attention, he was taken to the Hardy Sanitarium. Mr. Reed was born in Nixon, Tennessee, moved to Texas in 1898 and a few years ago, came to Oklahoma to live with his son O. A. at Ringling. He was a devoted Christian and delighted to talk about his home o the other side of the river of death. For 58 years, he was a member of the Methodist Church. He leaves six children and many grandchildren to mourn his loss.

Mrs. Bertha McDonald and A. Stotts, both residents of Ringling for several years, were united in marriage at Wilson on the 5th day of this month. Mrs. McDonald was formerly a member of the Kidwell Mercantile Company, but sold her interests several weeks ago. Mr. Stotts was marshal of Ringling in her early days and deputy sheriff. They will make their home in Sherman, Texas.

MISS EDNA HART and JESS STANLEY of Wirt were happily married in Ringling on Saturday morning, REV. M. A. COOK, officiating.

MISS BUSTER Entertains
MISS GALA BUSTER entertained in her home Wednesday evening with a ‘kid party,’ the guests present being arrayed in fine imitation of Penrod and Marjory. … Present were: MISSES TEAGUE, FURGESON, DRISKILL, ELLIOT, INEZ ORRF, ANNA ROFF, DULANEY, YOUNG, LONG, BUSTER, STEELE and MESSRS. SPRADLING, HANNA, RIDDLE, PEDERSON, ROBERTS, EVANS, WILSON, ROFF, MCCRORY, CORNISH, MORISON, and BUSTER.

Office Candidates
G. M. BENTON for Tax Assessor
MRS. ORA TROLLINGER for County Clerk
R. B. ‘UNCLE BOB’ TRICE for Sheriff
W. C. SAPPINGTON for County Treasurer
Local News Items

REV. A. E. WATFORD, pastor of the M. E. Church, made a business trip to Ardmore.

Mr. and Mrs. L.P. FREE returned Wednesday to Mexia, Texas after visiting MRS. KATE HEFNER and family.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A STORY, who recently married, made a business trip to Wilson.

P. F. BUTLER and J. C. PHILLIPS motored to Loco and landed a contract for a large two story building with BOB WHITTEN to be used as a store and W. O. W. hall.

W. T. STEWART, formerly of Ringling, has returned here to live.


REV. P. E. TALIAFERRO and REV. and Mrs. M. A. COOK attended the Baptist Workers’ Conference at the Joiner Baptist Church.

J. H. GILLISPIE, who has a residence in Ringling for rent, was over from Wilson and reported business improving there.

C. A BOLDING and GEORGE PURKHISER left for Cleburne, Texas where they have employment in the oil fields.

JOHN IRBY, A. E. WATFORD, M. G. MOORE, J. L. MCKASSON, C. A. CULBERTSON and D. F. SPRADLING attended the Masonic Lodge at Grady Friday evening.

J. L. EVANS, proprietor of the Liberty Café, visited home Sunday and returned with his daughter MRS. FRED RATTAN to the new oil town, Peter’s Ridge in Grady County where Mr. Evans and C. W. Ramey are operating a café.

Thursday, January 19, 1922

AARON DANIEL PRUITT died at his home in Cornish, January 18, 1922 at 3:30 a.m., aged 69 years, 7 months, and 18 days. Funeral services were conducted by REV. M. A. COOK. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, MRS. SARAH PRUITT, and four children, N. W. PRUITT of Burkburnett, Texas, J. W. PRUITT, F. H. PRUITT, and MRS. LAVINA PERKINS, all of Ringling, who wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their sympathy and help during the illness of their father and husband.

MRS. WELLS Entertains Musical Appreciation Club
The Musical Appreciation Club met in the home of MRS. TOM WELL, assisted in entertaining by MISS BERNICE DULANEY. MISS THELMA FERGUSON was leader of the lesson on ‘national music.’ MRS. BUSTER read an article about ‘music and life.’ A beautiful art calendar, hand painted, was awarded to MRS. J. C. KRUMTUM to filled the ‘musical’ story with appropriate musical terms.

MRS. W. F. MOORE Entertains W. M. S.
A large number of the ladies attended the Women’s Missionary Society meeting at the beautiful home of MRS. W. F. MOORE on Monday afternoon. A number of interesting Kodak pictures furnished by MRS. JOHN HARVELL, sent directly from Africa by her daughter who is now a resident in Africa, were greatly enjoyed by the entire company. Signed MRS. A. E. WATFORD, supt. Pub.

Enon Association Met at Joiner
The workers of the Enon Association met in their regular monthly meeting with the Joiner Baptist Church, January 9 and 10. Monday evening session began with a devotional by BRO. LEE YORK. At 8, the pulpit was filled by BRO. SUMMER, who preached. Tuesday morning was devoted to Sunday School work. BRO. M. A. COOK of Ringling, associational Sunday School superintendent, was in charge. BRO. W. M. BALTHROP, a princely layman from Marietta, discussed the place of devotion in the laymen’s meeting. BRO. E. T. COLE of Wilson discussed ‘Christian Citizenship.’ BRO. J. C. VANDIVER of Emmanuel, Ardmore, preached on the subject, ‘seeking the lost.’ The women’s program was led by MRS. E. MAYFIELD, associational W. M. U. president. Bro. J. E. SMITH, pastor of the Joiner church, is doing splendid work. Signed MRS. C. A BAXTER, publicity director.

Epworth League
MISS EUNICE LONG entertained the Epworth League last Friday with a line party at the picture show. After the show, the party went to MRS. A. MATTHEWS where several games were played. A box of chocolates were given to MISS GALA BUSTER as a prize for guessing the most number of advertisements. Those present: GELA BUSTER, ELAINE BUSTER, ANNA ROFF, INEZ ROFF, HAZEL BRYAN, OMA CORNISH, EUNICE LONG, BERNICE RICKETTS, MR. WILSON, MR. EVANS, MR. HANNA, MR. ROBERTS, MR. BAILEY, and MR. SPRADLING.

J. D. JOHNSON Leads in Fine Hogs
A week or so ago the Eagle carried the facts and figures covering the yield of three hogs killed by W. S. GILLEY, and now come J. D. JOHNSON with reports on two hogs which yielded 1000 pounds of meet and 30 gallons of lard. Mr. Johnson estimated that his meat and lard cost him less than ˝ of its value. He has moved to one of the WAHEJO farms near Ringling where he can have improved advantages for 1922.

CLYDE J. MARCH and ROBERT TANNER of the Healdton Herald force were callers at the Eagle office Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. LONDON’s child was run over in a Ringling street but not seriously injured.

Drunks Are Scarce
Both Christmas and New Year were the most quiet ever passed in Cornish and Ringling. We had fewer drunks, fewer fights, and fewer disturbances of every kind. Much of this improvement must be attributed to the unusual activity of the part of the officers for a few weeks before the holidays which resulted in the captured of stills and parcels of ‘fluid corn’ here and there over in the country between Red River and Wild Horse Creek.

MISS LENNIE MCPHERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. MCPHERSON, and J. P. ALLEN of McKinney, Texas, were united in marriage on Friday, January 23, 1922, REV. M. A. COOK, pastor of the Baptist Church, administering the ceremony. MR. ALLEN is unknown here but MISS MCPHERSON is well and favorably known here. The Eagle, with the friends, in wishing happiness and prosperity for the new union.

In last week’s issue, G. M. BENTON announced his candidacy for Tax Assessor. He has always been a loyal Democrat and loyal to the best interests of this county. The citizens of Wray’s Chapel community, seven miles south of Ryan, where Mr. Benton lives, can convince you of his honesty and up rightfulness of character and fitness for the office he seeks.

Local News Items

LAWRENCE DUNLAP of Ardmore visited Cornish.

MISS GRACE CORNISH, one of Wilson’s teachers, visited home folks Sunday.

L. M. LONDON made a business trip to Courtney

JOHN CARTER and family spent Friday night with the family of W. H. HACKLER in Cornish.

D. F. SPRADLING was in Waurika on legal business and spent Saturday night with his daughter, MRS. E. W. CAPPS.

For sale or trade--1920 model Ford Truck in A-1 condition. See E. J. BEAN or R. F. MOORE.

Mr. and Mrs. O. O. HOLLINGSWORTH are the proud parents of a fine boy who arrived Sunday morning.

SILAS LESTER of the Grady neighborhood, was in Ringling on business.

MISS LENA B. STOTTS, who has been under treatment for several weeks at the Von Keller Sanitarium, is reported improving and she hopes to be able to come home in a few more weeks.

ORVILLE FISH, who is a student at A. C. C. in Abilene, Texas, reports excessive dry weather and scarcity of water in a letter to his father L. FISH.

MRS. MARY STEPHENS of Woodworth, wife of J. H. STEPHENS, last Thursday and was buried in the Oddfellows’ Cemetery near Ringling Friday.

MRS. LOICE/LOIS RATTAN has returned to Ringling from Magnolia City, one of the new towns in Garvin County oil district, where her father, J. L. EVANS, owns and operates the Liberty Café.

H. M. KIDWELL, one of our most progressive and enterprising merchants, makes a good report of trade conditions in the Garvin County oil fields.

Mr. and Mrs. L. JOURNIGAN arrived in Ringling from Groesbeck, Texas Sunday. He is superintendent of the Warren City Tank and Boiler Co., over construction work in this section. The construction of the oil storage tanks near Ringling brought them back here for a season.

MRS. STORY and MRS. DONA P. HALL visited the Eagle office last week and reported good attendance at the West Plainview and the East Plainview schools where they are teaching.

MISS LENA EWING of Carver is visiting here visiting her sister, MRS. BEN BUGG. She did live in Ringling until recently.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. MURRAY returned Sunday from Groesbeck, Texas where Mr. Murray has employment with the warren City Tank and Boiler Co. which will construct oil storage tanks near Ringling.

JAMES WILKERSON of Marlow preaches at Prairie Chapel school house Sunday.

Thursday, January 26, 1922

Double Marriages in Ringling
Last Thursday evening two happy couples journeyed here from Healdton in quest of marriage licenses and some priest, parson or squire to speak the solemn words that would blend four lives into two unions. These happy pilgrims were MRS. LYDA THACKER, MISS AGNES HOLIDAY, CHARLIE FEATHERSTON, all of Healdton, and JESSE DRURY who resides at Fox. The necessary licenses were obtained by Friday morning and J. P.WADE, justice of the peace, spoke the solemn words that started the four on life’s pilgrimage as the heads of two families.

MRS. SUSIE J. LEWIS, who has been gradually declining in health for several months, quietly passed away at her home in Ringling on January 22, 1922 at the age of 39 years, 2 months and 24 days. Tuberculosis caused her death. MRS. LEWIS leaves four children to miss her care and a husband to mourn her death. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon by REV. M. A COOK, pastor of the Baptist Church, and the body laid to rest in the Cornish cemetery.

Local News Items

W. H. ROFF was in Loco on business.

Mr. and Mrs. FRED PERRY and family spent last weekend in Wilson.

MRS. EMMITT GOODE visited friends in Wilson Saturday and Sunday.

W. H. ROFF made a business trip to Courtney.

MRS. JAMES LEFTWICH and family of Comanche returned home Monday after visiting with her father , W. H. ROFF and family in Ringling.

MRS. J. E. MCCRORY is just recovering from a long spell of lagrippe.

TOM STEWART has contracted to do the hauling for the Warren City people who are building oil storage tanks.

W. L. JACKSON has moved to the home recently vacated by WESLEY HARRIS in Cornish.

DR. CLAYTON BROOKS of Ardmore and the Christian Church in Ringling ordained three deacons and two elders on Monday night. The service was very impressive.

MRS. EFFIE LYLE, who spent the past two weeks in Ringling visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. TURNBOUGH, returned to her home in Swink.

MISS LENA B. STOTTS has returned home from the Von Keller Sanitarium where she has received treatment for 10 weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. L. R RAMSEY received the glad tidings last week of the return of their son, HOWARD, to New York, who has been in Germany for three years.

MRS. JAMES DRAUGHON and daughters MARGURETTE and LETA MAY of Ardmore spent the weekend with MRS. BUSTER in Ringling.



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