The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
The Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
Some Items
March 2, 1922
MISS CARRIE JACKSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
JACKSON, and NATHAN MAYFIELD, whose relatives live in
Hill County, Texas, stole a march on the old folks last
Saturday afternoon and through the services of the
justice of the peace J. P. WADE were united as man and
wife. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield boarded the evening train for
Hubbard City, Texas where they plan to make their home.
The Eagle joins with friends in good wishes for their
happiness and prosperity in this new adventure.
Mr. and Mrs. WILLIE BURCH welcomed to their home in
Ringling on February 22 a fine ten pound boy. All
parties, even to the grandfather W. S. GILLISPIE, are
doing well.
Local News Items
G. A. YOAKUM will do your shoe, saddle and harness
RICHARD HOGAN who has been holding a position as clerk in
Comanche came home Monday.
SPRADLING were in Ardmore Monday attending to legal
MRS. L. FISH returned Monday from Abilene where she
visited her son Orville at the Abilene Christian College.
MRS. W. J. DOSSEY and baby boy ORVILLE , wife and son of
DR. DOSSEY, have been sick for several days, but are now
MISS WAINSCOTT has taken a wise turn in her plans for the
remainder of the school term and moved to MRS. SUSIE
CUMMINS for board where she will be near her school.
The many friends of MRS. C. M. ELDER, who left Ringling
for Clovis, New Mexico a few months ago for her health
improvement, will be glad to learn that she has the
encouraging report from her physicians that she is well
on her way to recovery of good health.
ROY WALLACE has sold the Fort Towson News to A. G. HARDIN
of Fort Towson. Mr. Wallace will be missed from the
newspaper field in Choctaw County. He gave the people of
Fort Towson one of the best papers in the county
printed in the Valiant Tribune.
Thursday, March 9, 1922
Ragtowns Contest for Supremacy
Elmore City, March 4--With activity rapidly increasing in
the Elmore City district, an interesting contest for
rag town supremacy has arisen between Carver
and Peters Ridge, with the odds on March 1 in favor of
the latter. Carver sprang up somewhat like magic after
the Magnolia Petroleum Co. discovered oil in Section
14-1n=3w and Peters Ridge grew because of the Robberson
gas field on the one hand and the developing oil
territory on the other. Peters Ridge now has 50 more
buildings, including two or more three hotels and a
supply house
REV. and MRS. COOK Go to Madill
Rev. M. A. COOK closed his pastorate at Ringling Baptist
Church with the month of February and he and Mrs. Cook
will go to Madill.
Thursday, March 23, 1922
MRS. J. W. DALLAS Entertains
On last Saturday evening, MRS. J. W. DALLAS entertained
with a six oclock dinner, after which guests played
games. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. WOODWORTH, MISS MAGGIE
Monday, March 12. Miss Stevens has been reared in this
vicinity and has many friends here. Mr. Crain for the
past few months has held the position of clerk in a dry
goods store here. They will move to Comanche and go into
business there.
night watchman, and OTTIE BRAZILE of Healdton were united
in marriage Sunday afternoon. Mr. Brazile holds a
position in the Healdton oil fields and has taken his
bride there to make their home.
Local News Items
J. L.HARPER is assessing taxes at Oscar and Woodrow this
T. A. HARWELL reports oil prospects looking very fine in
the Robberson fields.
MRS. D. F. SPRANDING is spending a few days with her
daughter, MRS. CAPPS near Waurika.
REV. J. W. BULLIS of Stratford preached two very able
sermons at the Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. CORNISH of Wilson are visiting friends
and relatives in Ringling.
THOMAS TAYLOR of Marietta returned home from a visit with
DR. W. J. DOSSEY and family.
MRS. J. A LEAVER of Magnolia City visited relatives in
G. M. ROBERTS was recommended Sunday for admission to
district conference for license to preach.
DR. J. S. LAMAR, presiding elder of the Ardmore
conference, held quarterly conference and preached at the
M. E. Church Sunday.
R. E. RAGSDALE, one of Wirts most enterprising
merchants, paid the Eagle office a pleasant call
Mrs. JACK URE, who has been a Magnolia City visitor for a
few weeks, returned to Ringling.
R. B. TRICE of Ryan, candidate for sheriff, was shaking
hands with old friends and meeting the voters in this
vicinity last week.
JACK STIDHAM, candidate for county commissioner, made a
friendly call Saturday and subscribed to the Eagle.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. PRICE was called to the beside of a
baby relative, the little child of W. E. CECIL of Duncan
on Monday.
PERCY NEWTON and ARTHUR SAMPLES of Loco were business
callers in Ringling.
H. J. ALLEN, the leading druggist of Atlee, spent the
weekend with his family in Ringling.
J. C. ROBINSON, candidate for sheriff, and R. J. PARKER
of Waurika were among the Ringling visitors Tuesday.
W. E. RUTLEDGE of Atlee made us a call last Saturday and
subscribed to the Eagle.
MARY MCANULTY and HAZEL BRYAN won first and second
prizes, respectively, in the Jefferson County contest on
the best written discourse on themes assigned in high
school work. Miss McAnulty got $7.50 and Miss Bryan $5.00
C. C. GRIGGS was on the streets of Ringling Monday
exhibiting a pair of registered blood hounds. Hen houses,
fruit cellars, watermelon patches, etc. and petty thieves
will not be associates during the coming season.
Thursday, March 30, 1922
C. C. STROUD Loses Barn and Contents
Monday morning an hour or so before daybreak, C. C.
STROUDs barn was discovered on fire.
Stroud had recently sheared his fifty head of sheep and
all the wool was in the bar. Besides the wool, his feed,
automobile, farm implements, harness, fine bull and other
articles of property were lost.
Healdton Christian Church Dedication
REV. GEORGE G. HAMILTON, principal of the Cornish school,
assisted in the dedication of the new Christian Church at
Healdton last Sunday, which has just been completed.
MISS GUSSIE NEWCOMB, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. T.
NEWCOMB, farmers near Ringling, and ARTHUR BROWN of
Wilson were married Saturday night at the Holiness Church
in Ringling. Miss Newcomb is well known here and Mr.
Brown is to be congratulated on his selection of this
young lady as his life mate.
Dillard, formerly of Ringling, were married in Ringling
Sunday afternoon. Mr. Barnard is a mechanic and holds a
good position with the Texas Company at Dillard and will
take his beautiful bride there to live.
The Healdton Herald Changes Ownership
Last weeks issue of the Healdton Herald carried the
farewell message of GEORGE H. WYATT as editor and the
first greetings of FRED L. YATES who succeeds him. MR.
YATES goes from Wilson to Healdton and carries with him a
rich fund of newspaper experience and ability that should
serve a good purpose in Healdton.
Local News Items
MRS. J. C. COX is reported ill this week.
MRS. FRANK BLEVINS and children are visiting relatives at
MRS. JORDON RIGBY returned to her home in Shawnee after
visiting DR. and MRS. BURGESS.
MRS. JOHN FOTHEREE is reported ill.
T. T. GOLDSMITH, our veteran mail carrier on Route 3, was
in the Eagle office, planning the map for the proposed
extension of his route to Grady.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. GARDNER are giving a large portion of
their time and attention to poultry this season.
EDGAR ROY FOLSOM, Pentecostal evangelist, has returned
from a two months trip in Missouri where he
conducted several revival meetings.
JAMES S. HARWELL of Los Angeles, California, has been
with his brothers and sisters at Hatfield, Arkansas for a
few days, having been called here by the death of his
father, W. A. HARWELL.
Mr. and Mrs. ROY E. WALLACE motored to Iowa Park, Texas
Saturday where they visited CLYDE H. SLATON and family,
relatives of Mr. Wallace. MR. E. WALLACE returned with
them to Ringling and is spending a few days with his son.
Music Appreciation Club
MRS. FAGERQUIST assisted by her daughter, MRS. J. F.
SMALLEY, entertained the Musical Appreciation Club
Saturday afternoon, March 18 with most members present.
The club will meet in the home of MRS. J. M. ROBERTSON
Saturday, April 1 with MISS TEAGUE and MISS FERGUSON as
hostesses, MISS BLANCHE HARRIS will be leader of the
MRS. LOYCE RATTAN, plaintiff, is suing her husband FRED.
M. RATTAN for divorce.
This page last updated Tuesday, February 04, 2025
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