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The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


The Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma

Some Items

Thursday, November 2, 1922

Last Friday morning, DAYTON GILLEY, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. GILLEY passed away, 14 days old.

HILL WALLING, H. B. LONGEST, O. L. BRANDON, and G. W. WILLIAMS motored from Orr to Ringling on business.

Mr. and Mrs. EARL RACHEL are moving to Healdton where he will be sale clerk for the W. F. MOORE Grocery.

O. W. SEAY of Oscar, candidate for county commissioner of his district, called and renewed his subscription to the Eagle.

Thursday, November 16, 1922

The sad news Monday was that AFTON HARWELL was missing since Sunday and his parents were fearful that something had happened to him. His body was found west of Ringling, shot accidentally by a friend while they using a small target rifle. His is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. HARWELL of Cornish, born at Hatfield, Arkansas Feb. 25, 1908. He was in the ninth grade at Ringling High School. Funeral services were held at the family home Tuesday afternoon and the remains laid to rest at the Oddfellows Cemetery.

MISS ROMA REED and CARL PRICE, both of Ringling, were married in Ardmore Wednesday of last week.

New City near Fox
It is now the opinion of everyone in touch with recent events that the Healdton branch of the Ringling Railway will be extended northwest to a point between Alma and Fox.

Thursday, December 14, 1922

Mother and Daughter Reunited after 23 Years
After 23 years of painful silence MRS. OLLIE COLSON received a letter from her mother a few days ago and telling she was living in Palmer, Texas. Mrs. Colson and her mother, MRS. WAFER, were separated 23 years and no word had passed between them since and neither had known of the location of the other. Two years ago, Mrs. Colson advertised for her mother, hoping to gain some information about here but no word came until this letter. There was not much time before Mrs. Colson was on the train for Palmer and she wrote to her husband after arriving there that she had surely found her mother and she still looked young and was just same as 23 years ago.

Man Seriously Injured
Auto speeding seems to have reached the limit. The last collision occurred between Ringling and Wilson Tuesday night when GABE LINDSAY ran a Buick into a heavily loaded lumber wagon. Lindsay was driving at very high speed and failed to see the wagon in time to avoid it. The wagon was upset but the driver was not seriously injured.

Masons Elect Officers
On Saturday night, Cornish Lodge A. F. & A. M. elected officers; O. C. CLOUGH, W. M.; JOHN PEDERSON, S. W.; R. F. MOORE, J. W.; A C. SWINNEY, Treasurer; JOE WILLIAMS, secretary.

Thursday, December 21, 1922

MISS MINNIE WOLFE, 16, and CLAUDE WHITE, 21, both of Courtney Flat community, were married Saturday in Ringling.

MISS BEULAH BURCH, 18, and DORRIS ROPER, 18, were married Friday. They are residents of Healdton and will make their home there.

ROY CHRISTIAN, formerly employed by the Magnolia Petroleum Co. in Ringling, was here en route to Addington where he will serve his company at their pump station.

R. C. BAXTER of Iowa Park, Texas arrived in Ringling for Christmas holiday.

F. M. MOORE, one of Healdton’s leading grocery men, was here on business.

M. L. DAVIS of Fort Worth, former resident here, motored to Ringling and is looking over business at the ranch east of here.

MRS. E. C. GARNER and little daughter MARTHA RUTH began their Christmas vacation by going to Fort Worth to visit with relatives.

Surprise Birthday Party
The friends of MRS. RUBY URE gave her a surprise birthday party at the home of her brother, BEN BUGG, on the event of her 21st birthday. Dancing, games, and refreshments were featured.

Thursday, December 28, 1922

J. S. MAGNESS quietly passed away Tuesday morning after a lingering illness. MR. MAGNESS was one of the pioneers in Indian Territory and has resided in this section of Jefferson County since statehood. He was one of the few Confederate veterans and was placed on the payrolls of the Oklahoma state Confederate pensioners only a few years ago. Mr. Magness leaves his widow, several children and grandchildren to mourn his death. The remains were laid to rest in the Cornish cemetery Wednesday afternoon.

Oil Worked Killed
GEROGE RAY, employee of the Sinclair Oil and Gas Co., was instantly killed Dec. 26 while engaged in pulling casing from a well on the ANSLEY LESE NEAR Wirt. F. FISH had charge of the arrangements and the body was laid to rest at the Marsden Cemetery Wednesday.

Our good friend, CHARLES LASURE, received a message Monday that his father S. G. LASURE had passed away at the family home in Anderson, Indiana on Dec. 20 and was buried Dec. 23. Charles Lasure had visited his father a few months ago and found him in very feeble health. Mr. Lasure was 84 years old. Two daughters and one son survive him.

JONES’ Turkey Drawing
JONES’ Market and Grocery held the drawing for free turkeys. MRS. JOHN GARIBALDI and MRS. C. L. WRIGHT were the proud winners.

REV. COWAN of Wellington, Texas held Baptist services at the home of WILLIAM DULANY where a large number of relatives had gathered for Christmas.

CARL SAUNDERS, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. SAUNDERS of Ringling, died Tuesday evening from injuries received in the falling and wrecking of K. C. DILLARD’s aeroplane early in the morning. Mr. Saunders had moved to Ardmore. He and Mr. Dillard were brothers-in-law and frequently drove autos or flew together. Mr. Saunders leaves a widow and one child, his parents, sisters, and one brother. The remains were buried at Ardmore cemetery Thursday.

Ringling marriages closed the week with the ceremony of MISS NEWLL BAGGETT, 18, and PAUL TIPPS, 28, both of Loco.

HAM & WORSHAM’s free drawing was called Saturday. E. A. MORRIS drew the first prize, a case of apples, and MARGARET HIDGON won the second prize of a box of candy. J. L. SMITH and LEE DILLIAN received the third prize and fourth prize.

MRS. J. F. STEVENS received word Tuesday that her sister, MRS. LOLA HARMON of Loco, was in serious condition from food poisoning.

Courtney Marriages
Among the Christmas marriages may be mentioned the union of MISS FANNIE MAY HOGUE, 18, and ELBERT ROBERSON, 22, both of Courtney, and the union of MISS EFFIE MAYS, 19 and R. E. STEWART, 29, also of Courtney.

Local News Items

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BAKER were Ringling visitors.

MISS ALMA CUMMINS, teacher of the Center Point School, came home for the holidays.

MRS. MATTIE GIBSON went to Wilson.

MRS. ELSIE PALMER went to Oklahoma City on business.

DEWEY FORE, who has employment in the Fox oil field, came home for Christmas.

F. S. GILLEY, the sign painter, was in Wilson on business.

EDDIE BILLINGSLEY of Madill is visiting friends in Ringling.

Mr. and Mrs. A. MATHEWS took Christmas dinner with her brother CLAUDE RICKETS in Healdton.

MRS. H. WILSON of Hobart is spending the holidays with her sisters, MRS. P. H. CARTER, MRS. J. P. DULANEY and MRS. R. J. CREEL.

Mrs. JOE BRYAN and children from Norman are visiting in Ringling.


STATON MCCRORY arrived home from the Baptist University.

W. J. NEWBY made a business trip to Waurika and Ardmore.

M. E. HARRIS and little son M. E jr. motored from Chickasha to spend the holidays at the Cornish Home.

Mr. and Mrs. THOAMS HIAWACEK (?) of Hammon arrived here to spend the holiday with their daughter MRS. C. W. WALLACE.

Mr. and Mrs. PAUL R. HEDLUND are visiting at Elk City.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. BAXTER are spending the holidays at Shamrock.

DR. and Mrs. PAUL HENDRIX are visiting in Sayre.

MISS AVY HINKLE of Oklahoma City is visiting her brother, C. W HINKLE, and his family.

HUGH ROFF, attending the Tulsa University, is here for the holidays.

Miss LOUZELLE ASHBY, teacher in the Loco public school, came home for the holidays.

MRS. M. G. MOORE and son ROBERT visited with friends in Ardmore.

MRS. J. W. JONES and children went to Ardmore to spend the week with friends and relatives.

MISS IRENE WARDLOW, secretary at the Ringling Motor Co., spent the holiday at the home of her uncle, A. W. HAMMONS.

S. H. WALLACE, who has been at Breckenridge, Texas, returned home to visit his family.

A. A. WHITE and W. P. HARWELL were in Robberson Saturday closing up some oil leases.

MRS. OVA WRIGHT, who is taking a business course at Fort Worth, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P HARWELL.

GEORGE ROBERTS, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. ROBERTS, and a student at Norman High school, visited home folks.

MRS. AUBRY ADDINGTON and children from Tulsa are visiting with her brother, W. J. NEWBY, and sister, MRS. GIBSON.

JOHN TAYLOR of Gunter, Texas and former resident of Asphaltum, is visiting his old friends.

L. JERNIGAN and CHARLES WRIGHT left for Smackover, Arkansas where their company, The Warren City Boiler Co., will build storage tanks for the heavy oil production in the newly developed Smackover oil fields.

J. T. CUMBIE of Fleetwood was here en route to the inauguration of GOVE. WALTON.

Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES HARRIS and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MCQUAID are visiting in Gainesville, Texas.

MISS BEULAH LOVELACE is visiting her sister, MRS. W. F. KERR, in Oklahoma City.

CLAUD FLOYD left for Bartlesville to visit friends and relatives.

MRS. ALICE SPRADLIGN and children visited her daughter MRS. EDWARD CAPPS near Waurika.



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