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The Ringling Eagle
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


Ringling Eagle
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma

Some Items

Thursday, November 10, 1927

R. L. LISLE Killed
R. L. (RED) LISLE was killed Tuesday at the Prairie Tank Farm, two miles east of Ringling, by falling with the structural buggy a distance of 45 feet. Mr. Lisle’s home is said to be in Jacksonville, Florida, but his family is now at Healdton. He is to be buried at Jacksonville, Florida.

MISS HELEN FORSYTH and STATON MCCRORY, Mrs. ERNEST GOODMAN and MRS. F. C. KEETON motored to Shawnee to visit friends and relatives.

MISS VIRGINIA CAMPBELL of Ryan spent Sunday with friends and relatives here.


MRS. J. W. JOHNSTON of Ryan visited friends here this weekend.

MRS. ERCHEL CREEL MCLAY of Janesville, Wisconsin and MRS. LELA CREEL GLEEN / GLENN of Bowie, Texas transacted business at Ringling.

W. C. HARRIS and IRBY WHITE motored to Norman Sunday to visit CARMON C. HARRIS and other students at the university.

Thursday, November 17, 1927

ARCHIE BLEVINS died at Oilton on Nov. 12, at the age of 43 years, 8 months, 20 days following a stroke of paralysis. The remains were shipped to Ringling for interment as his mother, one brother and son reside here. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Church on Sunday, attended by a large crowd of friends and acquaintances of the family. The body was laid to rest at the Oddfellows Cemetery. MRS. M. A. BLEVINS, his mother; FRANK and CLARENCE BLEVINS, brothers; and ARCHIE E. BLEVINS, his son were present at the funeral. His sister was unable to attend.

Here and There at the Ringling High School
Friday, Nov. 11, we assembled in the auditorium in honor of Armistice Day. All heads were bowed in a prayerful attitude. Suddenly while everything was still, loud clear taps were played just outside the door by VOLENY HAMM. Impressive talks were made by MR. POOL and MR. WEEKS. After the talks, we sang old camp songs. It was one of the most beautiful Chapels we have ever had.

MISS RUBY MCCRORY returned to school Monday after her illness.

The Glee Clubs’ Recital was enjoyed very much Tuesday evening. MISS ADLER is very successful in the music work. She will now bend all her efforts on the Gypsy Rover Operetta.

Chapel was in charge of the eighth grade Thursday. Their program was a scene in a Union Depot. MR. POOL is their sponsor, MISS JACKSON assisted with the program.

CLAUDE MCCRORY was at his old hunting ground last week. We are glad to see him and hope he comes again.


MISS ANNA RUTH MCKELBY, 18 years old of Healdton, and J. GARRISON, age 21 years of Idabel, appeared before Judge Wade with a marriage license and were pronounce husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. SPENCER of Healdton were witnesses to this union, as friends of Mrs. Garrison.

Warning notice not to trespass upon any lands owned or controlled by DELL SEAY in Jefferson County.

Marriages before Judge Hogan
MISS IDA MCLAIN of Asphaltum and TALMAGE GIFFORD of Davidson were untied in marriage Monday.

MISS OSA ELLIS and VIRGIL MERCER, both of Courtney, appeared before Judge Hogan Monday and were pronounced husband and wife.

The Music Appreciation Club met I the home of MRS. SHULL on Wednesday Nov. 9 with MRS. SHULL and MRS. HARPER as hostesses. The next meeting will be at the home of MRS. O. E. DAVIS, Nov. 30.

C. C. STROUD is now the owner of a beautiful Chevrolet touring car purchased from the MILLER Motor Co.

The Miller Motor Co. sold a Chevrolet Coupe to WID EAKIN of the Petersburg community and thereby placed one of it fine cars in the Red River country.

W. S. CASE of Healdton closed a deal recently with the Miller Motor Co for a handsome Buick sedan.

MRS. S. M. HUTCHINSON and Mr. and Mrs. BILL JUSTICE visited the family of MRS. C. M. CAGLE.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. SOUTH of Woodbine and MRS. ARTHUR DAVIS of Gainesville were called to the bedside of their father F. C. STEVENS last week.

W. R. HARRIS is now the owner of the Miller Motor Co. and H. R. MILLER is manager.

MRS. MAUD MATTHEWS was the guest of her niece MISS LOUISE RICKETS, an O. U. student, last weekend.

H. M. KIDWELL of Ochelata for several years in business in Ringling and owner of town and farm property was here shaking hands with his former neighbors.

A. C. MUSGRAVE, local representative of the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, began a six weeks vacation Wednesday, taking his family.

G. R DOWDY of Bullard, Texas has been visiting his son G. R. DOWDY jr and family for several days.

SARGEANT WILLIAM MCLISH arrived in Ringling Saturday from Kelley Field on furlough for a few weeks to visit friends and relatives.

Atlee Items
T. F ALLEN’s house burned Sunday night.


WALKER QUISENBERRY of Ryan was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. S . HOSKISON Sunday.


JIM WRIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. LUTHER ROSS ate dinner with MRS. ROSA WRIGHT.

We are go have a program on Wednesday night, Nov. 23. It will be for Thanksgiving. It is free and everybody come and bring someone with you.

REV. J. J. SHAW of Kennedale, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. D. GARRETT of Fort Worth visited H. A. SHAW and family over the weekend. The W. S. SHAW family of Ardmore joined them.

JOE WILLIAMS of Wilson went to Mineral Wells a few days for health betterment.

MRS. M. HERNDON of Pontotoc, Mississippi arrived in Ringling to visit his daughter MRS. D. F SPRADLING and was joined Sunday by MRS. E. W. CAPPS of Waurika and MRS. A. L. MEANS of Wilson with their families for Sunday dinner. Mr. Herndon spent in a few day at Claremore to visit his son J. E. HERDNON before coming to Ringling.

J. W. SHERLEY and family drove to Norman for the O. U. Thanksgiving game.

JIMME FLYNN and W. H. SPRADLING headed for Norman on Armistice Day and visited friends at the University.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. PEARSON and children, accompanied by MRS. MAUD MATTHEWS, visited relatives at Norman.

MRS. C. A . MCCALL and her son BERNIE of Tishomingo spent Sunday with J. P. WADE and family.

Mr. and Mrs. I. HILL of Gotebo visited with MRS. HUBER.

Ringling Grist Mill and Feed Crusher, C. M. WOOTEN

November 24, 1927

MRS. ELLEN STEVENSON, age 28 years, and T. D. GOLDEN, age 32, both of Wilson, were united in marriage Saturday, Nov. 19, 1927 before Judge Wade. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. PARKER accompanied them to Ringling to witness the marriage contract.

Local Boy Joins the Soldiers of the Sea
Washington, Nov. 21--Realizing an ambition to become a U. S. Marine, DORRIS HOBART BYRAM of Ringling, Oklahoma recently qualified as a member of Uncle Sam’s famous Corps by successfully passing the entrance examination at San Diego, California, according to the official report of enlistments received at Marine Corps headquarters. Dorris, who is a son of GEORGE A. BYRAM of Ringling, applied for enlistment at Denver several days ago and later was sent to San Diego for qualification as U. S. Marine.

FRANK BLEVINS is seriously ill with pneumonia.

MISS POSY METZGAR, age 18 years of Wirt, and GUY CARGILE, age 21 of Ringling, were united in marriage on Nov. 22, 1927. Judge Hogan officiated in this union.

W. L. BAYS of Wilson purchased a Chevrolet Couple from the Miller Motor Co.

Mr. and Mrs. A. MCCRORY, MRS. L. JACKSON, and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. CLOUGH were among the Ringling friends and relatives who attended the funeral of JACK MORRIS, who died Thursday near Chickasha as he was being taken to Oklahoma City for treatment for blood poison by his parents Mr. and Mrs. EARL MORRIS. He was returned to Waurika for interment.

MISS ESSIE LEWIS, who is teaching at Big Valley, visited home folks at Ringling.

The best all around girl and boy of the Junior Class are VERA WALLACE and BILL WALLACE.

MORRIS DULANEY came home from O. U. for the funeral of his cousin Jack Morris.

Mr. and Mrs. CLAUDE TURNER and children CLAUDE jr and PEGGY LOU spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND L. HALE at Walters.

Thursday, December 1, 1927

MISS BLANCHE DULANEY died in Chickasha early Sunday, Nov. 27, following an illness of only a few days. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. DULANEY, now deceased, and was born in Cornish and grew to womanhood in this community. For several years, she had lived in Chickasha and was in business with MISS LOIS LUSTER in the firm of DULANEY & LUSTER. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Chickasha Sunday afternoon, led by her pastor REV. ABERNATHY then the remains were brought to Ringling for funeral services at the Methodist Church by REV. LONGINO. A number of Chickasha friends accompanied the body to Ringling and others came from Ardmore to pay respect to her. All brothers and sisters were present except CLAUDE and CECIL DULANEY. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. R. O. DULANEY of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. OTHE MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. BYRON MCCHAREN and LUTHER and THURMAN DULANEY of Ardmore, MRS. W. A RACHEL of Atoka, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DULANEY of Ringling.

MRS. L. E. SHULL and MRS. E. G. GOODMAN entertained at their homes on Thanksgiving the following relatives: Mr. and Mrs. J. E HENSON, parents, of Shawnee, two brothers and their families DR. and MRS. R. E. HENSON of Shawnee and MR and MRS. C. W. HENSON of Healdton.

Sixth Grade Officers: NELL MOORE as pres., JAMES ALLEN as vice-pres., MARY FRANCES THOMAS as sec./treas., and FRIEDA MCMICHAL as reporter.



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