The Rural Co-Operator
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
The Rural Co-Operator
Ringling, Jefferson County, Oklahoma
March 14, 1923
New Paper
This is to announce the launching a new paper at
Healdton. It is to be a four page, six column sheet to be
known as the Healdton Hustler. D. P. ABBEY is the owner
and publisher. MISS VERNA ALLEN is the local editor and
business manager and the office of publication is located
in the northeast corner of Post Office News Stand in
Healdton. Call or phone the local office. Send all copy
of ads, news, etc. to D. P. ABBEY, P. O. Box 878,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, early in the week.
Poultry Exchange
ANDREW BRANCH, barred rocks
The Square Deal, white leghorns at East Main Street,
R. L. HOUSTON, 7 miles north, barred rocks
J. W. JONES of Ringling, Rhode Island reds
M. O. DYE, 6 miles northwest of Ringling, brown leghorns
CLIFF COLLIER, 6 miles north of Ringling, barred rocks
MRS. O. O. HOLLINGSWORTH, north of Ringling, white
MRS. ETHA STORY of Ringling, white Wyandottes
ROY WALKER, six breeds of chickens
MRS. J. A. LEAVER of Ringling, white leghorns
W. J. HORTON of Fleetwood, exclusively Johnson strain of
white leghorns
The Ringling Booster
Ringling, Jefferson County
D. P. ABBEY, owner and publisher
MRS. J. A LEVER, local editor
Local items
MISS LENA EWING and brother BRUCE of carver spent the
weekend here with relatives and friends.
HOYT HARWELL of Harwell spent the weekend here.
MRS. ETHA STORY and TINA BELLE HARWELL spent the weekend
in Ardmore.
Mr and Mrs. J. R. FRENSLEY of Duncan spent the weekend
here with Mr and Mrs. J. M. ROBBERSON.
JIM HENDERSON of the Mountain Home community was a
business visitor here.
J. L. CATES of the Oak Grove community was a business
EDGAR POE of the Loco community was a business visitor.
Mr and Mrs. WILSON PARKER of Cornish had a telegram
Saturday stating that their son, TOM PARKER of Carlsbad,
New Mexico was very ill with pneumonia, not expected to
survive. They left at once for that place.
T. B. LAYTHAN of Marlow passed through Ringling Saturday
on his way to Madill to visit relatives and friends
GEORGE BATEMAN and ZACK STIDHAM of Atlee were business
TOM GIBSON, just living north of town, was a business
ELLIS THOMPSON, who has been visiting his sister, MRS. H.
M. KIDWELL, left o the O. N. M. & P. train early this
morning to his home at Tuskahoma.
MRS. J. H. CROW of Healdton, who has been at the home of
daughter, MRS. W. H.HACKLER of Cornish where Melvil
Hackler has been suffering with pneumonia, left Friday
for her home. She reported that her grandsons
condition somewhat improved.
W. S. GILLEY and his daughter RUTH HUNTER made a business
trip to Ardmore.
Wanted--Several pens of full blood hens for Boys and
Girls Club work. They will return two for one in year. D.
Pig Club boars--Service--Poland China Boar, Glenwood
Liberator No. 493.963 at Ringling Pig Club headquarters.
Members $1.00. Others $3.00 or a pig at 8 weeks old.
ARCH CARPENTER, at one time in the meat market business
here, but now of Ardmore, was a business visitor in
Ringling Friday. He is a stockholder in the Ringling
Refinery here and the cal had been made for a
stockholders meeting was his main business.
JOE EVANS, who resides on the Jackson Ranch place in the
East Plainview community west of Cornish, was a shopping
and business visitor.
WALTER HODGES was a Ringling visitor Saturday. He stated
that he would soon be up with his work and would hen take
a day off and go fishing--he just wants to try a change
of meat.
MRS. J. G. STEADMAN of Healdton spent several days with
her sister, MRS. C. A. CULBERSON, just east of Ringling.
Mrs. Culberson has been bedfast for some weeks jut is
rapidly improving.
LEO STALLINGS of Asphaltum was a business visitor and
stated positively that a railroad would soon be
contracted through his town--we think he must aim to move
to Ringling or Cornish to get one.
LON LAMBETH was a Ringling visitor.
JOE BAUCOM from northwest of town was a business visitor
and attended the hog and poultry sale.
L. KEETON from northwest of town was a business and
shopping visitor.
G. W. NEWMAN of the North Center Point community was as
Ringling visitor.
TESS INGRAM of the Orr community was a friendly business
TOM GARDNER passed through Ringling.
OTT BUTLER of the Claypool community was a business
W. C. RICHARDSON and WILL WILLIAMSON were visitors from
Oak Grove community.
JOHN and FRANK RITTER of the Dixie community were
business visitors.
GILBERT BENTON of the Dixie community was a business and
shopping and Radio visitor Thursday and Friday.
W. A. NELSON of the Mountain Home community was a
business visitor.
F. C. HARRIS of the South Center Point community was
MRS. SIM STOTTS is reported sick with the flu.
JOHN WHITTLE was whittling away in Ringling
on business Friday.
CLIFF COLLIER of the Dixie community was a visitor,
watching the sale of poultry and hogs.
ERNEST FOREST of the Asphaltum community was here.
HARRIS of the South Center Point community were here
A. A. WHITE left the first of the week for the Smackover
country on business and will be probably gone ten days.
and other Ringling folks were shopping in Waurika Monday,
some were there to do jury duty, some as witnesses while
others just wanted to see and hear for themselves just
how things were going.
W. B. STAFFORD of the Grady community was a friendly
visitor and telling us how that Grady and Cornish is now
brought together by the Radio and saying it will not be
long till they, the two towns mentioned, will be
connected by rail.
WILL RACHEL of the North Center Point community was a
business visitor.
JEFF HAWKINS and C. E. LOCKWOOD of the South Center Point
community were Ringling visitors.
W. C. KING, one of the foremost farmers in the community
just west of Ringling, came in Saturday to be at the hog
and chicken sale.
GEORGE ALLEN of the Atlee community was a Ringling
shopping and business visitor.
Z. L. BOLES of Ardmore was a business visitor
This page last updated Tuesday, February 04, 2025
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