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Ryan Times-Democrat
Newspaper items - late 1905 - early 1906
transcribed by Anita Emberlin


Ryan Times-Democrat
Newspaper Items
Late 1905- early 1906

Myrtle Anderson filed against Lee Anderson, warning notice published.

Nora Goleman filed against John H. Goleman (Golman?), warning notice published.

A.B. Stovall and Mr. Stoltz of the west side were in town Wednesday.

J. L. Henderson is building an addition to his residence.

The new residence being built by Mr. Whiteside will soon be completed.

Mrs. Stephens, Miss Clarice Grayson, and Stanley Grayson of Oscar were in town, buying Christmas goods.

D. J. Still of Collin County, Texas is building a residence on property recently purchased by him near Mr. Stevens’ residence. Mr. Still will moved his family here soon.

James Lewis of Terral was in town last Tuesday.

C. J. Epperson has the finest line of candies, nuts, apples, oranges, etc. of anyone in town.

Bone Grayson and Joe Bounds of the Oscar community were in town this week.

G. W. Brown and family of Claypool were in town Wednesday buying Christmas goods.

Bill Baker of Phil Dunford of Grady marketed cotton here this week.

Go to Dr. G. C. Wilton’s for fine cigars and tobacco.

Mrs. M. E. Montgomery who has been visiting friends here for the past 2 weeks left Wednesday for her home at Aledo, Texas.

W. N. and W. C. Hendricks of Grady were in town the first of the week.

Mrs. N. B. Grayson of near Oscar was trading in the city last week.

John Wright, one of Atlee’s businessmen, was in town this week.

Misses Madeline Sutton and Mazie Brown made this office a pleasant call Wednesday.

Jones Keith returned from Washington, D. C. last Monday.

Mrs. Dan Parker of the West side was here this week buying goods to make the children happy Christmas.

For Sale---Residence near College. See C. W. George.

Miss Stella and Demie Sparkman of the West side were in town Wednesday and made this office a pleasant call.

Hub Petifils and wife returned Wednesday evening from Mud Creek where they were hunting.

Dr. Lewis made a professional trip to Terral Thursday morning.

Jim Lewis of Oscar was in the city Wednesday.

Mr. Wolgamuth of near Redbrook was trading here Thursday.

Ed McGintie, R. J. Trusty, John Stroud, William Suttles (Settles?), Haywood Marsh and P. B. Ralls all went to Terral Wednesday night to attend the public meeting an supper of the I. O. O. F. Leo Friemel went down and furnished the music for the occasion.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman of West side Dec. 19th a fine baby girl.

Clay County Crude Oil for kindling, 10 cent per gallon at R. B. Trice’s.

Mrs. M H. Barrett, Rebecca and M. H., jr. left Monday to visit Mr. Barrett’s father near Whiteright, Texas for Christmas.

Marsella Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cham Jones, has been quite sick this week.

R. F. Benton has been on the sick list this week.

M. S. Sharp went to Fort Worth Monday.

J. C. McDowell, G. W. Brown, N. W. Ray, and C. W. Rowell and wife, all of the West side, were in town this week trading.

J. S. Vanderburg of Terral was in the city Wednesday.

H. Overby will be in his office from Dec. 20 until January 10.

Mrs. Dan Dubose left this morning for Springtwon, Texas where she will spend Christmas.

Seburn Reed, a prominent farmer in the Fleetwood neighborhood, was trading in our city Tuesday.

We have this day by mutual consent dissolved partnership, W. A. Walker retiring from the firm and W. F. Guest continuing the business at the old stand.

James H. McGee of Mertens, Texas was here last Monday transacting business with some of our businessmen and prospected for a location… Mr. McGee was highly pleased with this place…

I have for sale, a stalk field of about 3000 acres. Stockmen wanting stalk fields should see me. R. F. Brown

Miss Allie and Evy Williams of Blue Grove, Texas who have been going to school here, returned home Thursday to spend Christmas holidays.

Warren Wolfe is in the city this week.

Herman Welch, an attorney of Chickasha, was here several days the first of the week attending court.

Attorney Jameson of Montague, Texas was in the city attending to business.

Messrs. Riddle and Melton, attorneys, were here this week on legal business.

Dr. S. K. Montgomery and family spent Christmas in Henrietta, Texas.

Ross Grantham of Fort Worth, Texas spent the holidays with home folks in Ryan.

Miss Lela Wright visited friends in Waurika the past week.

Oscar Conway of Sugden was in the city Tuesday.

Gene Powell of Fort Worth is in the city this week.

Miss Mollie Sitton returned to Duncan this week.

Marley Grantham returned Monday from Kansas City.

Jim Graham came up from Bowie on legal business.

Carl Wilkerson of Ardmore was in the city Monday.

S. W. Hays, a prominent attorney of Chickasha, and his son, Kent, were down this week. Mr. Hays was attending court and Kent was visiting relatives.

H. Locker, Jno. Wilkerson, W. A. Admins (Adams?), and Messrs. Perkins & Sutton, all attorneys, attended court here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nail of Sugden were trading in our city Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McManely of Comanche were trading in Ryan Wednesday.

Tom Harper of Orr, I. T. is a new subscriber to the Times-Democrat.

W. J. Moore of Chargres (Chagris?), I. T. is a new subscriber.

James A. Maddox, traveling agent for the Dallas News, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday.

Coe Howell of Nocona, Texas was a Ryan visitor Sunday.

O. C. Conway, R. L. Gibson, J. M. Claypool, Dave Tucker, Bee Looper, and J. M. Goodwin of Sugden attended court here this week.

Mrs. Williams living near New Gann’s place, who had a prolonged spell of sickness, is said to be on the road to recovery.

Alvin A. Fry is now with O. B. Garrison & Co. in the grocery department.

Dr. Wilton had the misfortune Tuesday of losing his fine bay horse, recently purchased from Mr. Gaines. The horse died from blind staggers.

N. W. Wray of the West side was here yesterday to meet Mrs. Wray who had been visiting in Chickasha.

H. H. Moore of Dallas, Texas, special agent for the Farm and Ranch and Hollands Magazine, was a pleasant visitor to this office Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. Porter received a phone message Wednesday, saying their daughter Mrs. Lula Donley living near Hastings was serious sick. They left immediately for her bedside.

We learn that J. W. Thompson, one of Sugden’s merchants, left the country last week. His creditors have taken charge of the stock and will sell it out to satisfy their claims.

Perry Ralls and Will Allen were in Fort Worth this week buying groceries for their new store.

Jack Porter had moved with his family into the residence of Mrs. Montgomery, near the home of W. M. Keller.

George Still and wife of Collinsville, Texas are here visiting his parents, Mr. and G. D. Still.

Granvill Graham is here from his ranch west of Addington, repairing and fixing up his house here, preparatory to moving his family there Feb. 1st. Mr. Graham is a large owner of Ryan real estate…

T. A. Gilmore, Ringgold’s popular hotel man, was in our city Wednesday.

Mr. Long of Duncan was here attending court and mingling with the M.D.’s.

Emory Martin of the firm of Martin Bros. left Thursday for a business trip in Oklahoma.

Prof. Witt visited in Duncan Saturday, returning Monday morning.

John Grizzell of Orr was buying goods of our merchants yesterday.

Dr. A. R. Lewis was called professionally near Fleetwood.

Sid Creamer came over from the Cold Springs neighborhood Tuesday.

Mrs. and Miss Edwin of the Banner schoolhouse were here Wednesday.

Joe Evans of the Grady neighborhood was in Ryan Wednesday.

M. E. Sowell and Shake Harris of the Grady neighborhood were in town Saturday.

Criminal Docket
January 1906
Term of U. S. Court at Ryan, Indian Territory
Published in the Ryan Times-Democrat newpaper

Cases were held for the following people:

W. N. Williams on weapon, dismissed

William Lawliss, assault, pled guilty, fined

Ruff Stennitt, Olin Kennedy, Jim Scott, disturbing the peace, dismissed

Will Taylor, weapon, pled guilty, fined

W. R. Carter, Mary Carter, W. J. Carter, Lavina Carter, G. H. Wakefield, disturbing a religious worship, dismissed

Joe Loftin, Sabbath breaking, not guilty from trial

Bee Looper, Ed Godwin, Charles Parker, Sabbath breaking, pled guilty, fined

A.G. Collins, trespassing, dismissed

A.G. Collins and J. B. Dice, trespassing, dismissed for Collins, not guilty from trial for Dice

J. M. Godwin, trespassing, pled guilty, fined

A.F. Collins and Thad Pearson, trespassing, pled guilty, fined

George Paul, assault and battery, guilty from trial, fined and 1 day in jail

Andy Baker and Charles Nixon, gaming, pled guilty, fined

Wood Parks and Charles Parks, gaming, pled guilty, fined

Ed Hunt, trespassing, pled guilty, fined

George McNutt, weapon, guilty by trial

Jasper King and William Taylor, weapon, dismissed

Clint Munkins, weapon, dismissed

Eason Brown, criminal appeal, dismissed

John Campbell, 2 cases for dispensing alcohol, dismissed

Frank Carpenter, 2 cases for dispensing alcohol, dismissed

Jim Lot, assault to kill, demurrer to indictment, sustained



This page last updated Tuesday, February 04, 2025

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