Terral Weekly Times
transcribed by Anita
The Terral Weekly Times
February 3, 1910
Go to WINNINGHAM BROTHERS for hardware, stoves, ranges,
wagons, leather goods, barb wire, roofing, furniture,
farming tools
at the P. R. BEATY old stand.
ALEXANDER & CARTER for general blacksmithing,
Local and Personal
MRS. P. Y. CATHEY was in Ryan Tuesday.
MRS. JOHN STEPHENS who has been on the sick list is
A.M. CUNNINGHAM, chief commissary clerk for J. J. GREER
of Kansas City here with the railroad gangs, was in
Ninnekah Sunday.
THOMAS ADKINS, time keeper for the railroad gang here,
was in El Reno Sunday.
T. E. GIBSON, the efficient watch maker recently located
in Terral, was in Fort Worth Monday on business.
K. HUSER of Hastings was in Terral the latter part of
last week on business.
Go to B. H. SANDERS for cheap groceries, dry goods, hats,
shoes, etc.
W. L. MULL has been busy this week preparing some land
two miles west of town for planting watermelons. Mr. Mull
will put in 50 acres in watermelons this year.
A.R. BARBER was in Ryan on business.
GRANDPA GRANTHAM is reported very ill with lagrippe this
JUDGE BOND went to Ryan on business.
BUSTER STEWART has been quite sick this week.
J. B. BAILEY was in Waurika Sunday.
ALLEN LOVELL of the Waurika News was in Terral Monday.
W. R. DONNEGAN was in El Reno on business.
MISS PERAL CHILCOAT who has been on the sick list is much
J. H. PEALOR handles the John Deere implements.
COL. HOMER HINKLE of Ardmore was a pleasant caller at the
Times office Thursday.
S. P. HOVEY of Fort Worth who at one time was
vice-president and general manager of the Texas division
of the Rock Island was in Terral Tuesday. Mr. Hovey is
now in the cattle business.
MRS. SAM ASH is visiting in Fort Worth.
J. H. PEALOR and S. G. TROUT were in Chickasha Monday on
Go to B. H. SANDERS for cheap groceries.
MRS. J. P. SCOTT who was on the sick list is now better.
MRS. J. B. MCMAHON visited friends in Ringgold, Texas lat
CARL ADKINS is up again after a weeks illness.
J. E. NUN, formerly of this place but now traveling for
the Oklahoman, was here mingling with his friends and
JIM LEWIS, a prominent farmer and stockman of Oscar, was
transacting business here Wednesday.
MISS ADA MILLER of Waurika was a guest at the home of W.
A. ASH Thursday.
March 17, 1910
M. M. GRANTHAN, familiarly known as Grandpa Grantham,
died on Saturday, March 12 at the age of 85 years. Old
age and general debility was the cause of death.
The decline in health began about 6 months ago shortly
after Mr. Grantham came to visit his grandchildren.
Mr. Grantham was a member of the Methodist Church. He was
also a member of the Masonic lodge under who auspices the
funeral was conducted. He had been a member for 60 years.
Interment was in the Ryan Cemetery where the wife of the
deceased is buried.
Mr. Grantham leaves three sons, one at Ryan and two at
Milburn, Oklahoma and several grandchildren, many of whom
live in Ryan.
Short Items
MRS. MINNIE GRIGGS of Waurika is here this week visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. RAMSEY.
MRS. J. E. NUNN visited friends in Terral this week
returning to Brinkley, Arkansas where Mr. Nunn is now
located. Mr. Nunn was for several years in the newspaper
business in Terral, is now a traveling auditor for the
Choctaw division of the Rcok Island with headquarters in
This is a record breaker for fine weather in March.
Farming is progressing nicely, some are most through
planting corn.
SAME BRICE was down from Ryan Sunday.
MRS. T. W. COCHRAN went to Fort Worth to visit relatives
and will take in the stock show.
MRS. AL RODGERS and family visited in Terral Sunday.
DOC VANBIBBER and family accompanied by MISS MOLLIE
HARPER attended the Literary at Goodwin Saturday evening.
PROFESSOR MCREYNOLDS made his usual visit to Ryan Friday
and returned Sunday.
SHERIFF TREADWELL and some of his deputies were here
MRS. J. M. SMART and MISS VINA PEAL visited at Dr.
WALKERs Sunday.
Our Sunday School is fine and new members are coming in
each Sunday.
Fleetwood store and post office were burglarized Sunday
night. Particulars have not been learned as to the exact
amount taken but no doubt they got some of what they were
looking for and may in the future get something they are
not looking for.
WRAYs Chapel
The last two weeks seem like good old summer time, the
grass and daisies re showing up right smart and the peach
trees are blooming.
ROB RICH visited his parents in Wise County last week.
spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister-in-law
MISS EVA WALDRUM of Terral spent Saturday and Sunday with
her sister-in-law Mrs. WALDRUM.
We had preaching at the chapel Sunday evening at 3:00.
Next Sunday, they are going to organize a Sunday School,
it will benefit the community if they do.
Little NOBEL WRAY has been on the sick list this week.
MRS. CORNER and daughter, MRS. MELTON, went shopping
Friday in Terral.
MRS. CRUMP and MRS. LOVING spent Sunday with MRS. RICH
They are opening up the section east of the chapel, we
are in hopes they will get a free Delivery Route when
they do.
S. L. WRAY made a business trip to Ryan Thursday.
The young folks had quite a time at Mr. and Mrs.
HOODs Friday night, they danced until they could
not dance any more.
Land Deal this Week
FRANK EVANS and C. W. WILHITE of El Reno who were in
Terral this week prospecting have just about closed a
deal with W. R. DONNEGAN for 160 acres of river bottom
land. The land is comprised in three strips one portion
of it, the JOE HAWKINS 60 acres will sell for $40 per
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