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Waurika Guardian
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
Note - The Waurika Guardian was a newspaper formed to oppose the anti-alcohol editorial views of the Waurika News in 1904. Opinion: read the item about the shooting in the Palace Saloon between friends who had been drinking
(giving more support for public consumption of alcohol??).


The Waurika Guardian Vo. 1, No. 1
Thursday November 3, 1904
Waurika, Oklahoma

The Guardian in making its initial bow to the public and more particularly to the people of Waurika and Apache township believes that it is incumbent upon it to state, specifically the reasons for so doing and the policy it expects to pursue.

In the first place we shall devote our best efforts toward the bettering and upbuilding of the town of Waurika and the territory surrounding it. We believe that today had things been managed differently, had the advantages we possess been properly managed Waurika would at present be twice or three times it present size and the farmers through the township could find here a market second t none in the county but with conditions as they it is almost impossible to advance, but very easy to retrograde. It shall always be our policy to defend the right as we have been given the power to see it and never to degrade the columns of this paper in a fight for personal and selfish ends, but now and always we dedicate its columns to the light for the public.

In the second place knowing that we are in a democratic town and county we believe a democratic paper will be of more usefulness than one of the opposite political faith, but we do not propose to sling mud in the fare of our republican friends (and we have many of that faith) nor do we propose to be radical or one sided in the expression of our political view but to give our patrons and readers an honest and truthful view of things as we believe they exist.

These are principal reasons that have induced to step into the newspaper world. As to the final end of the Guardian we make no prediction, but so long as it published under its present management, it will be along the lines above and the onus may fall where they may.

Two men shot to death

Fatal shooting in the Palace Saloon one man dead and another dying

Quarrel in a saloon

Sid Williams and City Marshal Brady both of Sterling went to Lawton the best of friends and while in the Palace Saloon began shooting which proved fatal

Special to the Waurika Guardian,

At 10:30 Wednesday morning Sid Williams, a farmer living near Sterling, and Marshal Brady of the same place, engaged in a shooting scrape which resulted in Williams being instantly killed and Brady is lying at the point of death with no hopes for recovery.

It seems from all reports that the parties were in Lawton to attend a trial in which Williams was to be tried for a shooting scrape that he had some two years ago and Brady was along as a friend. They had been drinking the day before and again on the following morning, they were in the Palace saloon seemingly the best of friends, at which time Williams taking his gun from his pocket pointed it at Brady and said "Give me your gun." Brady responded "I will as soon as it is empty;" both begin firing, Williams being shot twice through the abdomen and Brady once just above the heart. Brady was the marshal of the town of Sterling and Williams had been a deputy sheriff in the early days.

Democratic Speaking

The Hon. Roy Hoffman of Chandler, Okla. And Hon. R. J. Ray of Lawton addressed the democrats of Waurika last Monday afternoon. Owing to the meeting being held in the afternoon none of the farmers were present but quite a number of town people came out to hear democracy discusses. Neither gentleman went to the issues of the campaign to any great extent, but presented some very forcible arguments why the people of this town and township should vote the democratic ticket and get single statehood. Single statehood means more for Waurika than any other town in the county.

W. C. Shimer

Cleanliness, taste, and appearances is nowhere more appreciated than in a grocery store.

The establishment conducted by Mr. W. C. Shimer is a model grocery and its many features of attraction have elected words of praise from all. .

Up-to-date Restaurant and Hotel

We are pleased to note in our column the success attending the popular and well equipped hotel and restaurant successfully conducted by Mr. Martin..

A. C. Egle

In almost every line of business Waurika can boast of some of the most progressive establishments and so it is with the tonsorial workmen.

No one not even the most fastidious can fail to be pleased with the work done here.

His establishment is splendidly fitted up with bath rooms and all modern conveniences and would do credit to places many times the population of Waurika.

Bank of Waurika

One of the strongest evidences of the prosperity of our city is the flourishing banking business transacted by the financial institution mentioned. The Bank of Waurika was established and commenced doing business in June 1902 and was re-organized and came under its present management about March 14, 1904..

The officers of the banks are: Messrs. R. L. Gibson, president, H. B. Johnson vice-president, E. B. Ellis, cashier.

Palace Hotel

It can be truly said that the above named house is conducted on a high plain.

The management here makes one feel that he is not an intruder, but a welcome guest. No hotel in this section enjoys a better reputation than the Palace..

Mr. H. L. Light the proprietor personally looks after the comfort of guests.

J. M. Belton

One of the live wideawake and popular business men of our city is Mr. J.M. Belton whose prosperous grocery store is the subject of this sketch..

Monday evening Officer Horn received word from the Hastings officer that one Tom James had given checks on a certain bank with no funds to his credit to protect them and to look our for the fellow. Mr. Horn met the train on the branch, picked up his man and that night turned him over to the Hastings officer.

Virgil Davis was in Lawton Monday on business.

Woodie Stuard spent Sunday in Duncan.

Arthur Walker formerly of the Temple Tribune was in town Monday.

Frank Smith, deputy U. S. marshal of Ryan, I. T., spend Saturday with his brother J. A. Smith.

Dr. G. R. McHenry, whose health has been poor of late left Sunday for Mineral Wells, Texas where he expects to stay for two or three weeks. His many friends hope that after a short rest, the Dr. will return and take up his practice. We can ill afford be without the Dr. especially at present time as there is considerable sickness both in town and the surrounding country.

There was preaching Sunday morning and evening at the school house. The Rev. Harris occupying the pulpit. We understand that he has been called to the pastorate of this church with the one at River View.

The Waurika high school has ordered a new International dictionary through the P. O. book store.

Two pages of fillers and nonlocal advertising.

Waurika Guardian D. M. Bridges editor Office north end of Main Street Subscription price $1.00 year Issued weekly.

Democratic ticket: For president: Alton B. Parker For vice-president: Henry G. Davis Delegate to Congress: Frank Mathews For Councilman 11th District: James A. Menefee For representative 22nd District: Scott Ferris For sheriff: C. C. Hammonds For probate judge: W. H. Hussey For county attorney: S. M. Cunningham For county treasurer: Riley Smith For county clerk: Ross M. Houston For register of deeds: Robert Gilliam For county superintendent: F. B. Nelson or J. B. Nelson For coroner: Dr. Malcolm For county weighter: A. Baker Cem. W. O. Weaver Cem. ? Hall Cem. J. W. Martin

Abner Smith

In our review of the businessmen and business interest of our city we cannot speak too highly of the excellent saloon of which the gentleman named above is the proprietor.Mr. Smith is a man full of enterprise and push and is doing his full share in the upbuilding of our flourishing city.

S. B. McColloch

Among the ..

New York Store

A recent and important acquisition to the business interests of Waurika is the well stocked and well conducted dry goods house of Mr. A. W. Hinchliffe..

Doc Forward

Another establishment of our city that is noted for the high standard of excellence to which it is maintained is the well equipped and ably conducted saloon of which the gentleman above named is the proprietor. the air of refinement noticeable. do so much for the advantage and welfare of a town as those engaged in the liquors business.. He enjoys a large patronage and is well deserving it.

Morris & Klotzer

In the advancement of a city its growth and development of commercial interest the people became aware that the lumber dealer plays a most important part in its upbuilding..Mr. R. H. Klotzer (or H. H. Klotzer?).


Miss Edith J. McGuire of Chanute, Kas., a sister of C. Lincoln McGuire, our postmaster, and Mr. Ben J. Blackwood, were married at her home Oct. 19, 19094. Her many friends at this place are glad to hear of the happy affair.

W. E. Connor and H. Kielzer were in Ryan Monday on business.

W. E. Cline is building a new residence on his farm north of town.

John Dishman after many weeks sick with fever is up again.

We are sorry to learn that Miss Estle Dishman is quite sick with the fever.

Lige Hamilton has been on the sick list.

William Miller and family of Texas, father of T. B. Miller, are in Waurika and expect to make this their future home. Mr. Miller brings with him good teams and wagons.


Nix & Nix Short Order is now open for business. Under new management. Open day and night. One door north of the Budweiser Bar.

W. E. Connor Livery, feed and sale stable.

Beautiful hats. Mrs. Susan Hancock has just returned from St. Joe and Kansas City where she purchased a plentiful stock of millinery supplies.

S. H. Hancock & Co. coffin makers, undertaker and embalmment headquarters.

Woodie Stuard, wholesale dealer in wine, liquors and cigars.

Clint Morgan City Dray and Transfer.

Lincoln McQuire, attorney at law.

Other businesses described owned by: O. C. Larson, W. E. Connor, R. Hyde, Woodie Stuard, Jesse J. Hunter, J. Cunningham, James Halliday, W. E. Connor.



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