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Waurika News The Waurika News Local advertisements for Waurika and Lawton: Kelly Bros. Hardware Company in Waurika, Okla. Come and see our fine line of buggies, carriages, wagons, barbwire, binding twine, harvesting machinery, etc. We have one of the most complete hardware stores in Comanche County. Halliday & Walcott in Waurika, Oklahoma-will buy your eggs, chickens, and butter. We also carry a complete line of dry goods and groceries. When in town, make our store your stopping place. When in need of fire, tornado, or accidental life insurance, call or write E. B. Ellis, for rates at the bank of Waurika. The cleanest store. The most up-to-date store. The lowest price store. The New York Dry Goods Store. Waurika, Oklahoma. Hello Central. Give us everybody on the wires! We have a shock for the folks who claim to undersell everybody else. The theme of the hours, the fad of the day is: Swifts Winchester Hams, Swifts premium bacon, Veal loaf, smoked halibut, Vienna sausage, Roast beef, dried beef, breakfast foods, fresh cakes and candies. Don't fail to try Big C, and Leger flour. Corn chops, bran, fresh corn meals, graham flour. Doggets and Stouts famous butter on ice at SHIMER's, the grocerman. J. L. Morgan & Co., Real estate and farm loans. J. D. Huffman. Real estate, farm loans, and relinquishments. We sell land in any part of Oklahoma. Make a speciality of Comanche County farms. Our agent makes regular trips north, bringing in Homeseekers. If you want quick results, list your property with us. Make your final proof before D. E. Ackerman, U. S. Court Commissioner, Waurika, Oklahoma. Rates $1.00 per day. First class accommodations everything new and up-to-date. The Morgan Hotel, Wm. Morgan, Prop. Corner C and First St. 1 Blk W. of depot. Lawton, O. T. Groceries. I handle a complete line of dry goods and groceries. I pay CASH for everything I buy, therefore I can sell goods at a very low margin. Give me a trial. R. Z. Hyde, Waurika, Indian Territory The Julian Abstract Co. Have a complete record of all lots in Waurika and Addington, also to all farms in Comanche County. Write us for information concerning titles. Office over Citizen Bank, Lawton, Okla. Hubbards's special black silk sale Hubbards, Corn. 4th & D Lawton, O. T. Phone 305 The Deming Investment Co. We are loaning our own funds and doing a home business.. J. L. Morgan & Co. Have secured their agency at Waurika and will be pleased to have a share of your business. Go to The Up-To-Date Hotel and Restaurant, T. T. Thompson, Proprietor. For courteous treatment, first class service, good beds and good meals. Rates $1.25 per day. Opposite R. I. Deport. Waurika, Oklahoma. City Meat Market, Grant Wilkins, Prop.. Waurika, Oklahoma. Some article about area or local events. New Elevator The Elevator Company unloaded a carload of machinery, and a carload of lumber here the first of the week, and are going to rush the work on their building. Their manager informed us that they wanted to get all the men they can to work on the building and that they would be prepared to handle the grain as soon as it comes in. They are building a block south of the stockyards. This enterprise will be a good thing for the farmers in this locality. This is a strong company and had the reputation of good people to deal with. There is nothing slow about Waurika. Commercial Club The Waurika Commercial Club held a meeting Monday night. There was a small attendance. They instructed the Secretary to attend and represent this club at the territorial meeting of clubs to be held at El Reno this week. The matter of securing a school for the Indian Territory side of the town was laid on the table until the next meeting. All members are requested to pay their dues to the Treasurer W. E. Baker. The money is needed to pay expenses incurred in saving the bridge across Beaver (Creek). All members are requested to pay past dues and also to be present at the next meeting which will be held the third Monday night in June. Several matters of importance will come before the club for consideration. Meeting at 8:30 sharp. New Bridge J. N. Johnson, our enterprising lumberman, has been awarded the contract to furnish the lumber and piling for the new bridge on Beaver (Creek), just south of town. This bridge has been badly needed every since the opening of the town. The Fair Williams Bridge Company have the contract. It will be the best bridge that has been built in the country. The government failed to give us what we needed, so the county came to the rescue, and soon we will have a good bridge. Storm Notes The storm Friday evening blew Mose Anderson's house off the foundation and moved it about thirty feet. There was no one in the house at the time. Mr. Denman's house was blown off the foundation Friday evening during the storm. News reached here a few days ago of a cyclone that struck Walters last Friday evening. In the country near Walters, Mrs. Thomas Payne was killed and J. W. Gill, Miss Bessie Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Brown, the little one of the Brown's, Mrs. C. A. Mann and two children, H. C. Morgan were injured. The farmhouses of C. A. Mann, J. Newsbaum, A. Chance, Thomas Payne, J. M. Parrish, W. C. Cain were demolished. In the town of Walters, no damage is reported. The damage to the country property is estimated at $150,000. The town of Hulen was completely destroyed; several families were left destitute. News come from Paden, a new town in Creek Nation that Barney Fixico was killed outright by a hail stone and another man whose name is unknown had his arm broken. Hail stones fell that were afterwards picked and weighed one and one-half pounds. Editor News: I have watched with interest the noble fight being waged against saloons in Waurika. I have talked with my neighbors and find that all are equally interested. When this fight has been won, which it will surely be, you will find that many of us will be seen on your streets and in your business houses. We prefer to go to a town in Oklahoma and will come or send our wives or daughters as soon as you have dethroned the saloon evil, which has retarded your progress. We are waiting so anxiously for the names of those who signed the saloon petitions, so we will know who are friends to right. Please publish so we may know. Congratulating you upon your noble stand for the right and wishing your speedy success, am yours truly. Country Subscriber. Local Happenings Joe Haney went to Okla. City this week and purchased a first class threshing outfit. Miss Ida Ebhers started Thursday on a visit to Burlington, Iowa. Jim Robb of Kingfisher was in town on business, Wednesday night. Waurika now has but one saloon and the license for that one expires June 24th. Matt Moore's mother, Mrs. Coleman, is visiting with him this week. Misses Bertha Baker, Prudy Morgan, and Katie McHenry attended the dance at Ryan last week. The Bank of Waurika moved into their new brick this week. They have a fire proof and burglar proof vault and safe and are thoroughly insured. Marshal Darrough of the Northern District swooped upon Tallequah the other day and raided every drug store in the town and 110 gallons of whiskey, 40 gallons of alcohol, and 10 gallons of malt were poured into the streets. A meeting of commercial clubs of Oklahoma and Indian Territories was held in El Reno this week. The purpose of the meeting was the betterment of the commercial interests of the territories, soon to become a state. J. L. Morgan, secretary of the Waurika Commercial Club, was in attendance. G. A. Stuard has filed a petition, asking the commissioners to grant him a license to run a saloon at Waurika, Oklahoma; also A. B. Leach and Virgil Davis have filed similar petitions. . Local Personal The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kellogg will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Kellogg's health is greatly improved. They are located at Highrolls, New Mexico. There was no Sunday School or preaching Sunday on account of the rain. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at the schoolhouse. FOR RENT-My farm 5 miles north of Waurika and 2 ½ miles west of Addington, as soon as present crop is off-Applicants can address me at P. O. Box 416 Lawton, O. T. I intend to be down about threshing time and will close lease with satisfactory parties. Prefer to have tenant live on the land and keep in good repair. C. W. McDonald C. E. Traylor, A. Brenneman, Hay Dillard, J. W. Horn, Woodie Stuard, H. C. Cutler and J. L. Morgan were in Lawton on business Monday. J. N. Johnston, W. E. Conner and Virgil Davis went to Muskoga (Muskogee?) this week. B. H. Howell of Walters was in town Monday night. Rev. E. P. Sale of Ardmore was in town a few days this week. Miss Sadie Herald of Lawton is visiting the family of W. J. Stowe this week. Mr. Nelson H. McCoy, Deputy U. S. Clerk of Ardmore is here this week visiting his friend, Marion S. Mellette. Mr. Webber returned Wednesday night from Liberty, Mo. and reports unfavorable crops conditions for that country, except hay.
Friday, June 17, 1904 Local Happenings Charles Schirlitz went to Sugden yesterday on business. Miss Ethel McCulloch is the new hello girl at this place. Mrs. J. B. Cunningham's sister, Mrs. Mosely, is visiting her this week. Misses Katie McHenry, Bertha Baker, Prudy Morgan and Mrs. Baker were Ryan visitors a few days last week. Jake Hamon was in town Wednesday, shaking hands with the boys. R. W. Aterberry has been enjoying a visit from his sister who lives at Mangum, Okla. She returned home Monday. Robert E. Hall has moved to the farm which he recently purchased and is now a full fledged farmer. We think that he will make a typical farmer after a few years. Marion Mellette has sold his farm west of town to R. E. Hall of Cincinnati, Ohio. "Dad," as he is called by his many friends, was one of the lucky ones in the great land drawing three years ago. He is one of the southern gentlemen whose word and honor is unassailable and his many friends wish him success wherever he may roam. Mr. Walcott has returned from an extended visit to his old home in New York. While there he made a trip into the mountains and was also in Canada. He comes back much improved in health. While here, he had devoted himself so close to business that he was badly in need of a rest. Supplemental Assessment List It seems from some cause, by somebody to be thought necessary to make a supplement assessment list of this town and below is given the list: Jesse Adriansen, watch $5.00 India Stuard, diamond ring $10.00 Ollie Stewart, watch $15.00 T. N. Chandler, house $10.00 Grant Wilkins, watch $5.00 J. H. Penny, nothing D. Weist, watch $5.00 Anna Doty, household furnishing $10.00 Leona Goodman, household furnishing $10.00 Frankie Mason, watch $5.00 L. Gwooman, watch $5.00 (L. Goodman?) The purpose of most of this list is apparent to all familiar with the situation here. Doesn't it seem queer so many had that $5.00 watch to list. By the way Waurika and Frederick are the only ones in Comanche county that are closing out the saloon evil and the only towns in the county to have supplemental assessment lists sent in. Entertained One of the prettiest and most enjoyable entertainments of the season was given Wednesday by Mrs. Hays Dillard in honor of her sister, Miss Mary Richardson, of Louisville, Kentucky. The hours included is in the invitations were from 5 to 7 p.m. Mrs. Dillard was ably assisted to receiving by Mrs. Oscar Brenneman. To speak of what went to beautify, the entertainment one cannot refrain from mentioning the beautiful and elegant gowns worn by the guests. The game of panic was called at 5:30 which was full of pleasurable excitement and in spite of the "Flurries, corners and failures," the ladies proved themselves more than able to skillfully andle Wall Street stocks. So enjoyable and interesting was the game from that start that all were loathe to leave the minic stock exchange. Refreshments were served in two courses. Those invited were Mesdames: Mary Cocain, J. L. Morgan, E. B. Ellis, A. E. Landon, J. C. Halliday, J. W. Horn, H. S. Bruner, D. S. Huffman, C. E. Trayer, Oscar Brenneman, A. W. Hincliffe, M. J. McGraw, H. H. Cunningham, R. T. Mosley, and Mrs. Jackson. Obituary Roy Huffman was drowned in Beaver Creek on last Saturday night June 11, 1904. He in company with Ben Baxter and another neighbor boy came to won early in the evening and about 10 at night, Roy wanted to go home, and as the other boys were not ready, he started to cross the stream alone. After crossing the bridge he had gone through water for some distance and just before reaching Mr. Gant's gate, it seems that he had lost his way and stepped off the bank into deep water and,being a cripple and unable to swim, was entirely helpless. He was born in Miama County, Kansas January 12, 1879 and came to Waurika with his parents 2 years ago. He was liked by all who knew him and will be greatly missed. The funeral services was held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from the residence of his uncle D. S. Huffman, after which the remains were interred in the cemetery two miles southeast of town. An exceedingly large concourse of friends and neighbors attended the funeral. We desire through your columns to thank the friends and neighbors for the help and sympathy extended to us in our bereavement. J. D. and Florence Huffman. ************************************
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