Waurika Telegraph
transcribed by Anita Emberlin
The Waurika Telegraph
Waurika, Oklahoma
IRA DORSEY and J. E. THOMAS, editors and proprietors
Some Items
Thursday, October 19, 1905
What They Say
Below is the opinion of some of the land buyers visiting
Names: ELIAS FOX of Missouri; MR. GALLOPLY of Dexter,
Missouri, MR. LITTLE of Wharton County, Texas, W. M.
DUNCAN of Wharton County, Texas, MR. THOMAS of Newkirk,
Oklahoma, D. TALKINGTON of Waxahachie, Texas.
BEN GRIFFIN was visiting our druggist, M. J. MCGRAW, and
drove to Sudgen Tuesday.
Texas News
W. T. BRANDON visited Hastings today.
Mr. and Mrs. KING visited Mr. and Mrs. ETON Sunday./
Mr. COPELAND marketed some seed in Addington this week.
M. CARUTHERS and family visited the TURNELL family
MIKE SMITH and son WILL were Hastings visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. BRANDON visited Mr. and Mrs. CASADY Sunday.
REV. BODINE failed to fill his appointment Sunday at the
Texas school house.
MRS. JOHN JAMES returned from a months visit with
her daughter in Texas.
Quite a number of Texas young folks went to Diamond
Sunday to attend the singing contest.
MISS INA SHANKLIN visited the ADAMS home Tuesday.
BOB SPARKS has been very sick this week.
J. W PEARCE spent the week hunting a span of lost mules.
W. B. PURCELL has been suffering from a severe cold.
MR. JOHNSON, living west of Waurika, came in Tuesday to
finish sowing his wheat crop.
MISS MABEL LONG of Duncan has been appointed to teach our
school this season.
CLINT MCBEE, MASON WOOLSEY and a few more of the boys
attended the circus at Bowie, Texas last week.
MRS. BOLES returned Sunday from Ada where her son had
typhoid. She reports the good news of his recovery.
UNCLE JIM MORRIS of Linwood has the afflictions of Job,
but hardly so much patience. Uncle Jim is excusable as
his carbuncles have from three to five heads.
JEWEL BEAVER and MISS GRACIE TALLY were married Sunday
morning and moved to the home of Mr. Beaver, south of
Linwood Monday morning. Mr. Beaver is an enterprising
young farmer and a gentleman in every respect. Miss
Gracie is a favorite among her acquaintances in this
community. We wish them a long and happy life.
Monte Carlo, fine whiskeys, red top rye, edgewood, WOODIE
STUARD, prop.
New Millinery, ladies hats, SUSAN B. HANCOCK on Main
Street, Waurika.
J.A SMITHS PLACE, The Budweiser Bar is a
gentlemans resort in Waurika.
STROTHER HOTEL in Lawton, M. V. LEWIS, prop.
HAMLYs Photo Railroad Car is in Waurika for ten
days only.
The Model Store, W. J. MORRIS, prop.
City Pharmacy, M.J. MCGRAW & Co., registered
JOE WOLF, Comanche Countys absolutely one-price
City Transfer, drayage to any part of the city, CLINT
MORGAN, prop.
J. A MARLEY & Co., town site promoters, law
collections at Hastings
Palace Hotel Barber Shop, A.C. EGLE, prop.
I. N. REED, Bilton Hotel Barber
Attention, call at the Merchants Café, ELMER TERRY,
Messages from Banner and Riverview
ROY MARTIN marketed corn last week.
BOB WITT is at Lawton on petit jury duty.
MRS. W. R LILES of Banner visited in Texas last week.
CONSTABLE STONE was too busy Sunday to attend Sunday
WILL GARDNERs family attended church at
Independence last Sunday.
MISS GRACE JEFFREY has been employed to teach at the
Rocky Knob school the coming term.
MRS. GEORGE JEFFREY visited her mother, MRS. GARDNER, at
Riverview this week.
MRS. M. E. REEDY, formerly of Banner, now of Texas, was
visiting friends on this side of the river.
REV. FREEMAN of Comanche preached at Banner Sunday. Rev.
Freeman is always appreciated, having made many friends
in that neighborhood last summer during the meeting.
The girls of Riverview are busy this week preparing their
boxes for the box supper Saturday night. Save up your
coins, boys, for they dont intend that you should
have them for nothing.
MRS. EMMA MARTIN returned home Sunday from an extended
visit to her daughter MRS. AUSTIN of near Walters. Mrs.
Martin is recovering from an attack of rheumatism.
$5.00 Reward for the apprehension and arrest of anyone
found tacking signs or advertising matter or otherwise
mutilating the poles in Waurika on the Chickasaw side. J.
M. BELLAMY, president of the Farmers and Merchants Mutual
Telephone Co.
J. E TANDY of Temple was in town Monday.
In and Out of Town
W. E. CONNER will sell you your winter coal.
DICK CUMMINS of Temple was here Monday.
C. W. CLIFT of Hastings was in town Saturday.
J. B. EMERICK of Lawton was in town Saturday.
A. W FREDERICK of Chickasha was in town Wednesday.
MRS. SAM HOLCOMB, living south of town, is reported ill.
RUFE LEFORS of Lawton was in town Monday and Tuesday.
JOHN PENNINGTON of Linwood spent Sunday with R. E.
MRS.SMITH, who has been very ill, is improving.
AL WENNER was out quail hunting. 30 shots, 3 quail.
J. D. PARSONS who is buying cotton at Addington was here.
Contractor TRAYNER is busy roofing the warehouse of the
HALIDAY Grocery.
W. F. KERR, of the Lawton News Republican was a Waurika
visitor Sunday.
E. E. EVANS of Temple spent Monday here on his way to
Fort Worth.
M.MILLER, a prosperous farmer living north of town, was
on our streets Tuesday.
UNCLE JIM MORRIS came in from Linwood and spent the day
with his two sons.
Mr. and Mrs. JOHN GILLESPIE of Enid was here Monday
looking after property interests.
MOSE ANDERSON was here Tuesday en route to Enid.
MRS. HAYS DILLARD returned Saturday form an extended trip
in Kentucky. Hays is glad.
T. L. THOMPSON will move his family from the farm as soon
as his building is complete.
BOWLY LLOYD is assisting T. T. THOMPSON in the remodeling
of his building on Broadway.
WOODIE STUARD / STEWART is having a new barn erected on
his residence lots and making other improvements.
B. S. ECKLES, living two miles south of town, reports no
damage to cotton from hail Monday night.
JAMES THOMPSON, living near Kansas City, is visiting the
families of J. D. HUFFMAN and T.T. THOMPSON here.
A. M. DUNCAN of Wharton County, Texas is here visiting
the family of R. E DISHMAN. He will buy a farm.
J. A PATTERSON of Wharton County, Texas has shipped his
household goods to this place and will farm Comanche
County land.
J. D. HUFFMAN left Sunday for Kansas and Missouri points.
He will return in about ten days with buyers for Comanche
County lands.
We had three calls for bookkeepers and stenographers last
month. Lawton Business College.
T. T. COLLOCK of Leesburg, Texas is visiting his daughter
J. S. CRAWFORD who is visiting his son near Addington was
here Wednesday looking after business interests.
W. J. STOWE is painting his house this week and
beautifying his yard, making one of the neatest homes in
DICK PARKER came in from his farm Wednesday and reports
considerable damage to cotton from hail Monday night.
JOHN WEIST has purchased through VAUGHN & FORMBY of
Addington, an Indian lease in what is known as the
The contest case in the U. S. land office B. J. PLUNKET
against the homestead entry of ROBERT CONLEY has been
decided in favor of Conley.
O. E LITTLE of Wharton County, Texas is here prospecting
for a farm. He is an old friends of MR. DISHMAN and is
much pleased with this country.
MISS ESTELLA MCGRAW who has been visiting friends and
relatives in Kansas City came in Saturday to remain with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. JAMES MCGRAW.
CHARLES YOUNG, night operator at the Rock Island depot,
was ill Monday and went to Bowie, Texas, his home. AGENT
BROOKS did double shift, working 48 hours without rest.
A. B CALLAWAY of Lawton pays the freight. Largest
furniture house I Lawton.
N. ROBINSON, who recently moved here from Lexington,
Oklahoma, has purchased the three corner lots now
occupied by the New York Store and will erect a brick
building in the near future.
DR. A. A. ROBERTSON, dentist of Duncan, will be at
Waurika, Nov. 1.
Farmers Column
Wanted to rent a farm 50 acres under cultivation. T. B.
MILLER, Route 2.
For sale 30 head of horses and mares, broke and unbroken.
See M. P. MIDDLETON at R. E. DISHMANs Livery Barn,
Fro sale 100 aces of school land 1 ˝ miles of Waurika.
Write J. P. PRICE of Waurika.
Wanted to buy 500 bushels of corn. Address W. M. MILLER,
R. R. 3, Waurika.
For sale, 40 tons of loose hay at $2 per ton. Write NOBLE
WARREN, Route 2, Waurika.
For sale, 100 3 year olds steers. W. E. CONNER.
Wanted a good farm hand, will pay good wages for a good
man. M. C. CLARK, Route 2, Waurika.
For sale, 40 bushels of soft wheat seed. J. T BARNES, R.
F. 1, Waurika.
For sale, nine yearling Hereford steers, 1 thoroughbred
Hereford bull, 25 cows and calves. J. T. BARNES.
For sale, five good, fresh milk cows, 25 head of young
stock, SID BULLARD, R. F. D. 2, Waurika.
Taken up--two cows about 7 or 8 years old. B. G. PACE,
four miles west and a quarter north of Waurika.
Thursday, October 26, 1905
Ladies Bazaar
The public is cordially invited to be present on Saturday
afternoon and evening on No. 11 in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. JOHNSTON on Main Street, Waurika. There will
be given a real treat of music, both instrumental and
vocal. Do not fail to lend your presence to make this
undertaking of the Ladies Aid Society of the First
Baptist Church as thorough success.
New Blacksmith Shop
S. T COTNER of Wilburton, I. T. has located in Waurika
and has opened a blacksmith shop next door to the Dishman
Livery barn. Mr. Cotner is a good mechanic and will be an
advantage to this community.
Texas News
Mr. RAY and family visited his parents Sunday.
W. REINERS made a business trip to Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. BRANDON visited at Addington.
MISS ETHEL STINER visited last Sunday with MISS RENOR
MRS. JIMMIE DAVIS took dinner with her sister MRS. ALVA
DAVIS Sunday.
HAYNES Sunday.
W. T. BRANDON made a business trip to Waurika Tuesday.
A. C. SAVAGE and family spent Sunday with the family of
his brother FRONT SAVAGE.
Our Sunday School is progressing nicely with JIMMIE DAVIS
as superintendent.
THOMPSON Brothers moved to Waurika from Sugden and are
now opening a first class harness and repair shop on Main
Street. They are a valuable acquisition to the town and
will do a large business.
Messages from Banner and Riverview
MR. FROST visited the WITT family Sunday.
MRS. THOMAS JEFFREY of Banner visited friends at Duncan.
MISS ZOE GOODLOE has bee employed to teach the Spring
Hill school the coming winter.
MISS BUMP, the Sugden milliner, visited with the family
M. W. LYONS of Riverview killed a fine beef Saturday and
sold most of it to neighbors.
MISS RODGERS, all of Ryan, visited the JEFFREY family
MR. TUPIN of near Riverview has erected another residence
on this farm to be occupied by his on CHARLEY TUPIN and
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. BRENNAN returned home Sunday after
spending a week with his parents near Walters on Cache
Mr. and Mrs. MOORE of Greer County are visiting her
brother BOB GILLESPIE of Banner this week. Mrs. Moore is
the former MISS OLA GILLESPIE, who has many friends who
welcome her return and gladly made the acquaintance of
her husband.
The Riverview box supper was a success goes without
saying. The proceeds was $64.80. MISS CALLA MITT / WITT
received the cake which brought $7. The money will be
used in ceiling and painting the school house and
purchasing song books or Sunday School and worship.
Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS JEFFREY of Banner celebrated their
30th wedding anniversary Thursday evening, October 10,
1905 by inviting a few friends to spend the evening. They
served a sumptuous repast with turkey, salads, sauces,
tarts, cakes, jams, etc. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. N. A
GOYER, Mr. and Mrs. MCMANAMY, Mr. and Mrs. MEADOWS, Mr.
and Mrs. GARDNER, Mr. and Mrs. BAGGETT, Mr. and Mrs.
Pecan Grove
ELDER STARR preached at the Lone School House last
MR. ERNEST lost three cotton pickers last week. They
thought they had enough to have a good time and went to
Our school board has employed Professor J. W. SLAUGHTER
of Sterling to teach our school this coming winter.
DR. J. L. DERR, physician and surgeon, offices at Berry
Hotel, Waurika.
D. M. BRIDGES, attorney-at-law, at Waurika
Madden Grove
We see EZRA FILLMAN is home for a short time again.
FRANK ACERMAN is laid up with blood poison in one hand.
MR. PAYNEs sale last Thursday was quite well
attended regardless of the norther.
Mr. SHALER is doing some carpenter work for E. H. MULLEN,
who is building an addition to his house.
ELDER POTER / POTTER, the Methodist preacher, was gladly
surprised by a $15 collection given him by his listeners
at the school house.
Look our for J. M. PHILLIPS. He is selling nice suits of
clothes and overcoats all over the country and will want
your order the first time he sees you.
Union Sunday School every Sunday. A. A BRENNERMAN,
Baptist Church. Preaching the second and fourth Sundays
of each month by REV. W. P. HARRIS.
Methodist Church. First Sunday of each month by REV.
Presbyterian Church. Third Sunday of each month by REV.
B. Y. P. U. Sunday at 6:30 p.m. D. I. DERR, president;
VERA TALLEY, secretary and treasurer
Modern Woodmen of America. M. J. MCGRAW, consul; C. E
TRAYER, clerk.
Royal Neighbors of America meets with MRS. JOHNSTON on
first and third Friday nights. MRS. J. N.JOHNSTON, oracle
and MRS. HAYS DILLARD, recorder.
B. M. BROOKS of Hastings, groceries, etc.
S. B. MCCULLOCH is the potato king of the Southwest. He
has on exhibition three mammoth sweet potatoes weighing
15, 17 and 19 pounds.
M. G JOHNSON was in town Thursday.
J. F. HOLTON of Temple, Texas was here Thursday.
WILLIAM M. ANDERSON was in town Thursday from his farm.
JOHN EILSE, known as Genial John, was here Thursday
looking after his business interests.
MISS VIOLA ROBERTS and MRS. AB SMITH made a pleasant trip
to Ryan this week.
M. D M. GILLESPIE of Temple, Texas arrived Friday
afternoon and will locate here.
L. D. WRIGHT of Ryan was here Thursday attending to
business with our cotton buyers.
were visitors here.
G. L. DOGGETT, a hustling young farmer residing west of
Waurika, was on our streets Thursday with cotton.
JAMES PHILLIPS, one of the Madden Grove Beau Brummels,
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. HAYS DILLARD this week.
N. ROBINSON is erecting a new business building on Main
street to be occupied by CLIFOTN & POWERS, the
Mr. and Mrs. AL WENNER of Chicago, Illinois left for
their home after visiting JAMES MCGRAW and the KELLEY
The Baptist Church will be comfortable after this, as the
house will be completed and a heater will be installed
before Sunday services are held.
DR. G. R. MCHENRY will move his family to Mineral Wells,
Texas permanently. The doctor is making the change on
account of his health, but he will retain business
interests here.
R. L. DILLINGHAM, a progressive young farmer, residing on
Route No. 3, was here Wednesday. He is thinking of
quitting the farm and resuming his former occupation as a
painter and decorator. He is an artist in the business
and has done work in this county which is of unquestioned
River View
ED MOODY and wife are visiting friends at Terral.
MRS. ROY MARTIN is visiting her parents this week.
C. C. STONE, ROY MARTIN and W. M. LYON were in Lawton
Monday on business.
There will be a box supper at River View school house
next Friday night.
Our mail carrier, JOE DILLARD, is giving good
satisfaction. Everybody is glad to see him coming up the
hill with that pleasant smile on his face.
Mr. FROSTs little girl is confined to bed with
W. R. HARRIS, whose home was near Santa Anna, Texas, died
at the home of M. V. PLESS in Waurika Wednesday evening,
October 26th at 9 p.m. of typhoid fever, having been only
confined to his bed eight days. He was here visiting his
sister, Mrs. PLESS. The deceased was born in Kentucky 24
years ago and moved with his parents to Bell County,
Texas in the year 1884 and has grown to manhood in his
adopted state. He is mourned by an aged father, two
brothers, two sisters, and a host of friends. The funeral
services were conducted by REV. BAIRD at the Pless house
this Friday and the body was laid to rest in the cemetery
southeast of Waurika.
IVA PLESS is sick with typhoid.
W. J. STOWE is confined to his home with slow fever.
T. F WEBB and wife of Crowley, Texas are visiting J. w.
DUNN and family this week.
See S. H. HANCOCK for fine coffins, caskets, shrouds, and
slippers. Office on Prudy Ave., Addington, J. J. BIXBEE,
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