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The Waurika press
Vol. 1 Waurika, Okla., Wednesday, June 24, 1908 No. 9

transcribed by
Sheridan Brandon Drowatzky ).


Miss Myrtle James of Fort Worth, was in the city yesterday.

E. H. Ingram of Wichita was here on a prospecting trip Monday.

M. M. Shein of Dallas, was calling on business men at this place Monday.

Miss Teressa Howhee of Comanche spent Saturday in this city.

Mrs. P. H. Hess of Lawton was a Waurika visitor Saturday.

Miss Willis of Comanche, was a Saturday vistor to this city.

R. Y. Storme and R. L. Douglass of Comanche, were business visitors to this city.

C. R. Warfield of Hastings spent Sunday in this city.

W. M. Fewel, a prominent citizen of Tulsa, was here on a prospecting trip Monday.

Tyler T. Wales and J. A. Fain, well known business men of Lawton, were visitors to this city Monday.

C. R. Harfield and wife of Hastings, visited Waurika Saturday.

W. D. Pyeton of Wichita, KS., was a business vistor to this place Saturday.

Robert McAdam of San Antonio, was a business visitor to this city since our last issue.

J. A. Marley and Sam Cash of Hastings were greeting friends here this week.

Judge Walker, a prominent jurist of Montaigue, Texas, was here on business this week.

The Waurika Concert Band furnished the slendid music at the Terral picnic.

Mrs. Jessie Tucker has returned home after a visit to her parents at Waurika.

Lem Shipman of Eastman was a Waurika visitor Friday.

Comanche will hold a big street carnival beginning August 20th.

J. S. McGraw will soon open a modern and up-to-date electric theater in his building on Main street.

The Rev. W. G. Lang and wife of Chickasha, were here last week to visit J. S. Lang, the father of W. G. Lang.

Wade Atkinson has let a contract for the erection of a handsome residence on the east side of town.

The contract for the new building for Waurika was let yesterday and the work of construction will be commenced at once.

J. H. Ellison, a prosperous citizen of San Angelo, Tex., was here on a prospecting trip last week. He appeared pleased with the evidences of push and prosperity here.

Mrs. H. H. Shayler of this city, after a pleasant visit to her parents at Comanche, has returned home.

The ice cream and soft drinks on the grounds at the Terral picnic was manufactured by the Crown Bottling works and Ice Cream Manufactory of Waurika.

A. J. Rosenfield, the popular proprietor of the Waurika Mercantile Co., has gone to the markets to purchase goods for his firm.

D. L. Goodrich, the popular dentist, is able to be be at his office again after a severe attack of chills and fever.

F. C. Miller, Jno. P. Adams, Jno. Reed, Bill Stafford and W. D. Maples, all of Ryan, spent Sunday in Waurika. They were getting acquainted with the future county seat.

Messrs. J. A. Wray, B. J. Sumner and W. H. Cleft were among the prominent men from that place who visited Waurika the latter part of last week.

The Hon. Scott Ferris, the able and brilliant member of Congress from this district, paid Waurika a brief visit Saturday. At a later date he will come again, stay longer and hopes to become personally acquainted with the citizens of this place.

D. H. Cash left yesterday for Opie to attend a picnic.

S. C. Estes of Wichita Falls, Texas, is here on a prospecting tour. He says he is most favorably impressed with Waurika, thinks he will locate here to engage in the grocery business.

Business houses here are in great demand notwithstanding the number now being constructed.

The durable, concrete and steel bridge over Beaver creek on "C" avenue, leading to the Cummins addition, will soon be completed.

A big force of men are now at work putting up the electric light poles.

D. R. Jones,a leading real estate agent of Duncan, is here on a visit to his friend, A.L. Walker.

The Waurika base ball club easily defeated the Terral and Ryan teams at the Terral picnic last Friday and Saturday.

J. W. Samuelson, Hardy Watsori, and W. E. Housen, of Hasting, were here greeting friends Monday.

A. C. Savage and E. Housen of Hasting, were here greeting friends Monday.

The son of Peter Becker, who lives with his parents near the city, on Route 2, who has been quite ill and threatened with typhoid fever, is now slowly improving.

Miss Kelsie Roberson has returned from Oklahoma City, where for months she attended school.

H. C. Chambers returned Monday night from Comanche, where he had been for several days. He speaks highly of the Comanche ball team; says it is the strongest in this section. While there he witnessed two games between Comanche and Minco. Comanche won both games, the first by a score of 10 to 3 and the second by a score of 7 to 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben King, of Temple, are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Walker. Mr. King is the cashier of the First National bank of Temple.

The County Attorney of Comanche county passed through this city yesterday, en route to Ryan on business.

Watermelons are on sale in market.

J. D. Huffman, the real estate man, spent the week on his farm superintending the construction of a big barn.

J. W. Sylvester, of the real estate firm of Huffman & Sylvester, left yesterday for his old Missouri home. He will not return until fall.

Things are certainly coming this way--so is the county seat.


Large Party, Accompanied by the Band, Will Make a Tour of the County.

Yesterday morning a large party of citizens, accompanied by the Waurika Concert Band, twenty-two members strong, left this city to make a tour of the county and "boost" Waurika for the county seat. The party, with the band, will be out the entire week, and as far as possible will visit every town and hamlet in the county.

It required five wagons and several buggies to carry the party, which is well equipped with tents, cooking outfits, provisions, etc. The party will be present at a number of picnics to be held in different parts of the county. The band will furnish music and Attorneys Bridges and Dunham were among the speakers who accompanied the party to deliver addresses.

School Bonds Sold

The Waurika School Board this week sold the $20,000 school bonds recently voted by the people of Waurika, at par to a Mr. Edwards, a capitalist of Oklahoma City. These are twenty year bonds and bear interest at 6 per cent. The money will at once be expended in building two handsome school houses in this city.

The contract for the construction of the buildings was to have been left yesterday, but the matter was postponed until Saturday.

The School Board deserves commendation and the people are to be congratulated on the splendid sale of the bonds.

School Teachers Elected

At a recent meeting of the Waurika School Board the following teachers were elected for the ensuing year:

Superintendent C. S. Storm of Smithville, Mo; Miss Eddie Cunningham of Waurika, Mrs. F. M. Anderson of Waurika, Miss Grace Luther of Parkdale, Mo., Miss Mable Storm of Parkdale, Mo., Miss Annie B. Johnson of Waurika, Miss Lena Koons Lawton, Miss Grace Sampson of Haileville, Okla., Miss Aletha Davis, of Waurika.

The teachers have not as yet been assigned to the grades they will teach. The assignments will be made later.

The members of the School Board used great care and precaution in their selections and believe they have secured a splendid corps of teachers.

Cornerstone Laying.

The cornerstone of the First Presbyterian church at this place will be laid on July 4th with impressive Mosonic (sic) ceremonies and an elaborate program has been prepared for the occasion. The new edifice will be of brick and a very beautiful, though small, structure, and it will be a credit to the Presbyterian congregation of this city. The program will be as follows:


Prayer by Grand Chaplain Edwin Brown

Making deposits in the stone by the Grand Treasurer.

Proving the stone.

Laying the cornerstone.

Applying the elements of consecration.


Address of Grand Master.


Oration by Rev. Teomas J. Irwin

Benediction by Grand Chaplain Edwin Brown

Bob Townsen Injured.

Monday Bob Townsen of this city, suffered serious injuries by having a water closet, which is loading on a wagon, fall on him. While his injuries are not dangerous, they are very painful.

May 20, 1908

May 20, 1908

June 10, 1908

June 17, 1908

June 24, 1908

July 1, 1908


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