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Union Valley School District

Union Valley School District.

The earliest type of school in the districts were on the subscription type. Each family was required to pay down so much for each child. This of course was used to pay the school master. Mr W. F. Reed has a receipt for payment issued by the teacher from one of these schools in 1901.

After statehood the community was divided into three districts, under the direction of L. L. Wade of Ryan, then County Superintendent.

These three districts were named after three citizens, one from each district. Wray's Chapel named after Sam Wray, who gave the land on which the building was erected: Goodwin after Uncle Bill goodwin, by whose house the building was placed, and Spears Chapel, named after David Spear, who gave the two acres on which to erect the building.

The Goodwin building was a two story affair and it was here that Odd Fellows Lodge was organized, later to be consolidated with Ryan.

These three districts proved very satisfactory and Wray's Chapel several years before consolidated offered high school work. In order to support a longer school and to have a more efficient high school these districts were united into one consolidated district, called Union Valley in 1929 (closed in 1956)

submitted by Sam Cottrell


This page last updated Wednesday, January 08, 2025

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